Tight Gas Reservoirs of the Xu2 Member in the Middle- South Transition Region, Sichuan Basin, China

Tight Gas Reservoirs of the Xu2 Member in the Middle- South Transition Region, Sichuan Basin, China

Pet.Sci.(2013)10:171-182 171 DOI 10.1007/s12182-013-0264-7 Geological characteristics and accumulation mechanisms of the “continuous” tight gas reservoirs of the Xu2 Member in the middle- south transition region, Sichuan Basin, China Zou Caineng1, 2, Gong Yanjie1, 2 , Tao Shizhen1 and Liu Shaobo1, 2 1 5HVHDUFK,QVWLWXWHRI3HWUROHXP([SORUDWLRQ 'HYHORSPHQW3HWUR&KLQD%HLMLQJ&KLQD 2 State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery, Beijing 100083, China © China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract: “Continuous” tight gas reservoirs are those reservoirs which develop in widespread tight sandstones with a continuous distribution of natural gas. In this paper, we summarize the geological IHDWXUHVRIWKHVRXUFHURFNVDQG³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKWJDVUHVHUYRLUVLQWKH;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQRIWKHPLGGOH VRXWKWUDQVLWLRQUHJLRQ6LFKXDQ%DVLQ7KHVRXUFHURFNVRIWKH;X0HPEHUDQGUHVHUYRLUURFNVRIWKH ;X0HPEHUDUHWKLFN ;X0HPEHUP;X0HPEHUP DQGDUHGLVWULEXWHGFRQWLQXRXVO\LQ WKLVVWXG\DUHD7KHUHVXOWVRIGULOOHGZHOOVVKRZWKDWWKHZLGHVSUHDGVDQGVWRQHUHVHUYRLUVRIWKH;X 0HPEHUDUHFKDUJHGZLWKQDWXUDOJDV7KHUHIRUHWKHQDWXUDOJDVUHVHUYRLUVRIWKH;X0HPEHULQWKH middle-south transition region are “continuous” tight gas reservoirs. The accumulation of “continuous” tight gas reservoirs is controlled by an adequate driving force of the pressure differences between source rocks and reservoirs, which is demonstrated by a “one-dimensional” physical simulation experiment. In this simulation, the natural gas of “continuous” tight gas reservoirs moves forward with no preferential SHWUROHXPPLJUDWLRQSDWKZD\V 3303 DQGWKHQDWXUDOJDVVDWXUDWLRQRI³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKWJDVUHVHUYRLUV is higher than that of conventional reservoirs. Key words:*HRORJLFDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDFFXPXODWLRQPHFKDQLVP³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKWJDVUHVHUYRLU;X 0HPEHUPLGGOHVRXWKWUDQVLWLRQUHJLRQ6LFKXDQ%DVLQ 1 Introduction reservoirs commonly consist of large volumes of sandstones SHUYDVLYHO\FKDUJHGZLWKJDV WKHVRXUFHVURFNVDUHFORVH “Continuous” tight gas reservoirs are those reservoirs to sandstones and most of these reservoirs are not directly which develop in widespread tight sandstones with a dependent on the buoyancy of gas in water for their existence. FRQWLQXRXVGLVWULEXWLRQRIQDWXUDOJDV *DXWLHUHWDO 7KHUHDUHULFKQDWXUDOJDVUHVRXUFHVLQWKH;X0HPEHU 6FKPRNHU 7KHJOREDOUHVRXUFHRI in the middle-south transition region, Sichuan Basin, China. “continuous” tight gas reservoirs is great, meaning that 6HYHUDOELJQDWXUDOJDV¿HOGVVXFKDV+HFKXDQ7RQJQDQDQG WKH\KDYHKXJHH[SORUDWLRQSRWHQWLDO *DXWLHUHWDO Anyue whose reserves are all over 0.1×1012 m3 have been 6FKPRNHU.OHWWDQG&KDUSHQWLHU found in recent years. The exploration results show that each .OHWWDQG6FKPRNHU&RRN&URYHOOL 7KH GULOOHGZHOOLQWKH;X0HPEHULQWKHVWXG\DUHDLVFDSDEOHRI American production of “continuous” tight gas reservoirs producing at least some gas, but the production characteristics 12 3 in 2007 reaches 0.5×10 m , accounting for 1/6 of the of the drilled wells can vary significantly ((0.001-200)×103 overall natural gas production (Pollastro, 2007). Therefore, m3G 0DQ\JHRORJLVWVKDYHFDUULHGRXWWKHLUVWXGLHVRIWKH it is important to enhance the research into exploration and ;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQLQWKLVDUHD =KDQJDQG=KDQJ=RX development of “continuous” tight gas reservoirs. These HWDO<DQJHWDO*XRHWDO'HQJ reservoirs are characterized by the following aspects: 1) In summary their results show: 1) the lower source rocks in the source rocks primarily contain type III kerogen and are WKH;X0HPEHUDUHFORVHWRWKHXSSHUVDQGVWRQHVLQWKH;X GLVWULEXWHGFRQWLQXRXVO\ WKHUHVHUYRLUURFNVDUHGLVWULEXWHG 0HPEHU WKHUHDUHODUJHYROXPHVRIVDQGVWRQHVSHUYDVLYHO\ FRQWLQXRXVO\DQGKDYHORZSRURVLW\DQGSHUPHDELOLW\ WKHVH charged with gas and which cannot be represented in terms of individual, countable pools delineated by down-dip water *Corresponding author. email: [email protected] contacts. All the characteristics are different from those of Received September 2, 2011 conventional natural gas pools. 172 Pet.Sci.(2013)10:171-182 There are still problems: Can the natural gas reservoirs IDXOWV /XRDQG7RQJ:DQJHWDO ,WFDQEH RIWKH;X0HPEHUEHFODVVLILHGDV³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKWJDV divided into six tectonic units (Fig. 1): foreland depression reservoirs? What are the geological characteristics of the area in the west (I), flat fold area in the middle (II), thrust QDWXUDOJDVUHVHUYRLUVLQWKH;X0HPEHU":KDWLVWKH fold area in the north (III), steep structure area in the east driving force for the accumulation of “continuous” tight gas (IV), uplift in the west and south (V), less steep fold area in UHVHUYRLUVEXR\DQF\RUSUHVVXUH" the south (VI). Our study area is the middle-south transition In this paper, we studied comprehensively the geological area with a total area of 17.5×103 km2ZKLFKLVÀDWO\IROGHG characteristics of the source rocks and sandstones of )LJ DQGFRQWDLQV6XLQLQJ0R[L/RQJQVL$Q\XH ³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKWJDVUHVHUYRLUVLQWKH;X0HPEHUDQGWKH +HFKXDQ7RQJQDQDQG+HEDRFKDQJQDWXUDOJDV¿HOGV,QWKH physical simulation of “continuous” tight gas reservoirs was geologic history, this area went through the following tectonic carried out in the Key Laboratory of Petroleum Accumulation evolution: Caledonian and ancient Indosinian uplift, late of CNPC to analyze the accumulation mechanism. Indosinian and Yanshan foreland slope, and the Himalayan WHFWRQLFXSOLIW *XRHWDO'HQJ 2 Geological setting 7KH8SSHU7ULDVVLF;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQZDVIRUPHGDIWHU The Sichuan Basin is the fourth largest basin in China, the early Indosinian movement (Fig. 2). It is primarily a set locating in the eastern part of Sichuan Province near of continental foreland basin system with coal. It can be Chongqing City. It is a very important petroliferous basin GLYLGHGLQWRVL[PHPEHUVIURPERWWRPWRWRS ;X;X;X /RQJHWDO=KDQJHWDO ,WLVERUGHUHGE\WKH ;X;XDQG;X 7KH;X;XDQG;XPHPEHUVDUH 0LFDQJ0RXQWDLQVDQG'DED0RXQWDLQVWRWKHQRUWKWKH SULPDULO\GDUNPXGVWRQHVDQGFRDOV7KH;X;XDQG;X 'DOLDQJ0RXQWDLQVWRWKHVRXWKWKH/RQJPHQ0RXQWDLQVDQG members are primarily sublitharenite, feldspathic litharenite 4LRQJODL0RXQWDLQVWRWKHZHVWDQGWKH4L\DR0RXQWDLQVWR DQGOLWKDUHQLWH =KDRHWDO=KDQJHWDO:DQJ the east, with a total area of about 180×103 km2. The Sichuan HWDO 7KH/RZHU-XUDVVLF=KHQ]KXFKRQJ)RUPDWLRQ Basin is a large sedimentary basin surrounded by folds and RYHUOLHVWKH;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQZLWKDSDUDOOHOXQFRQIRUPLW\ o o o 70 E 100 130 o 106 33'E N o 40N Beijing The Sichuan Basin Guangyuan Sichuan Ę o Chongqing 20 Mianyang 0 1000 km Zhongba A Laoguanmiao ė Dachuan Bajiaochang Dujiangyan Chengdu Nanchong Wanxian Chongxi Ė Suining Guang’an Longnüsi B Dianjiang Yaan Moxi Anyue ę TongnanHechuan Fuling Leshan Hebaochang Chongqing o 2935'N 100 km Ě Yibin ě Fault Tectonic units Xu2 boundaries gas reservoir Zhongba Laoguanmiao Bajiaochang Chongxi Guang’an A B 1000 2000 Xu5 Xu6 Xu4 50 km Xu3 3000 Xu2 Xu1 Gas reservoir 4000 (m) Fig. 1 Location map showing the sub-units of the Sichuan Basin. The area in the black frame is the middle-south transition region and WKHFURVVVHFWLRQ$%VKRZVWKHORFDWLRQRIWKH;X0HPEHULQWKH;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQ Pet.Sci.(2013)10:171-182 173 ZKLOHWKH;XMLDKH)RUPDWLRQRYHUOLHVWKH0LGGOH7ULDVVLF QDWXUDOJDV¿HOGVLQWKH;X0HPEHUKDYHEHHQGLVFRYHUHG Leikoupo Formation also with a parallel unconformity (Fig. 2). since 1950s (Fig. 2). Reserves of Hechuan, Tongnan and The Sichuan Basin is rich in natural gas resources. Several $Q\XHQDWXUDOJDV¿HOGVDUHDOORYHUî12 m3. Thickness FormationMember Lithology Source rocks Reservoir rocks Seal rocks System Series Formation m Quaternary Quaternary Lushan Tertiary Lower Mingshan Xu6 70-200 Guankou Upper Cretaceous Jiaguan Lower Jiading Penglaizhen First Suining Jurassic Second Shaximiao Third Lianggaoshan Ziliujing Xu5 100-150 First Xujiahe Leikoupo Triassic Second Jialingjiang Third Feixianguan Changxing Upper Longtan Permian Maokou Xujiahe Lower Qixia Liangshan Upper Huanglong Xu4 78-140 Carboniferous Lower Hezhou First Huixingshao Second Hanjiadian Silurian Xiaoheba Third Longmaxi Wufeng First Linxiang Baota Second Xu3 40-80 Ordovician Shizipu Dawan Third Honghuayuan Tongzi First Maotian Houba Pingjing Second Maoping Xu2 75-160 Cambrian Gaotai Longwangmiao Third Lianglangpu Shizhusi Dengying Upper Labagang Sinian Xu1 30-60 Lower Nantuo Pengtuo SandstoneSiltstone Silty mudstone mudstone Unconformity Fig. 2 Stratigraphic column in the Sichuan Basin 3 Distribution characteristics of AB (17 drilled wells across the Anyue, Tongnan and Hechuan “continuous” tight gas reservoirs natural gas fields) of natural gas saturation in “continuous” WLJKWJDVUHVHUYRLUVRIWKH;X0HPEHU7KHUHVXOWVVKRZWKDW We selected a two-dimensional seismic exploration area the natural gas saturation is above 35%, which indicates that (nearly 3,000 km2) which covers the Tongnan, Hechuan, WKHZLGHVSUHDGVDQGVWRQHVRIWKH;X0HPEHUDUHFKDUJHG north of Anyue, east of Hebaochang fields and contains 79 with natural gas (Fig. 4). drilled wells, compiled a natural gas saturation map using the logging data of drilled wells in this area, and corrected 4 Source rocks this map with the thickness of sandstone reservoir obtained by two-dimensional seismic data. The results show that the 4.1 Continuous distribution ZLGHVSUHDGVDQGVWRQHVRIWKH;X0HPEHUDUHFKDUJHGZLWK 7KHGDUNPXGVWRQHVDQGFRDOVRIWKH;X0HPEHU natural gas. The natural gas production is closed to the natural DQG;X0HPEHUDUHVRXUFHURFNVIRU³FRQWLQXRXV´WLJKW gas saturation in the drilled wells. The natural gas saturation JDVUHVHUYRLUVLQWKH;X0HPEHU7KHVRXUFHURFNVDUH of drilled wells in Hechuan and Tongnan areas is up to 70% distributed continuously in this study area. The thickness of (Fig. 3). WKHPXGVWRQHVLQWKH;X0HPEHULQFUHDVHVIURPVRXWKHDVW

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