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Pattullo was in the Ha~elto~ and District Liberal who has been a guest of Rev. and Terrace during the week.end and Association, has received word Mrs. Hewitt the past week, had met quite a large number of his , from Hen. A. M. Manson, mem- :. }( a very busy day Sunday. In the constituents. Fie arrived on Fri- ber for Omineea.dish,ict, that the morning he addressed the Sunday day night from Prince Rupert ferry across the Skeena river at iY. School in New Hazelton and and was met by Messrs. E. T. Hazelton would b e completed preached the sermon at the reg- Kenney, D. A. McKinnon and [-].' this winter and ready for use as ular service. In the afternoon FIalliwell. the officers Of the local soon as the icebreaks Up. For he held service at the Hazelton Liberal Association. and conver- '!i! several years there was an agita- Hospital and then addressed the sations ensued at the Terrace tion for a bridge over the Skeena FIazelton Sunday School. In the Hotel for a couple of hours. S' at this Voint, butlas>the expendb evening he preached theannivers- The minister was early, astir tare was :altogether out of pro. are service at the Hazelton Union On Saturday and visited a num. vortion :to the a'~odnt of traffic church. ;:::7: bet of his friends durin~r the i'!(:, in view nothing was accomplished The first anniversary of the morning, also examinin~r t he I until the wishes of the people new Union church in Hazelton premises of the court house on I were modified. A ferry will 'was most fittin~rly celebrated last his way. ' I handle the trafficfora number I Sunday, The service was well From lunch onwards he had I oi/ years and ,will,alsobe a ~reatJ attended and greatly enjoyed by scarcely• a quiet moment, num-I convenience to the settlers on the I the congregatmn. On the plat- bets of friends calling upon him/ ;?:! o fars'ide of the Skeena. I form with Rev. Mawhinney were and pressing on his attention }.2,1' Dr. H. C. Wrinch, the fiast mis- their various grievances or re- '~ - -l~ sionery of the Methodist church. commendations. THE GOOD RESOLUTION --London Opinion I OVERHEARDAROUND and Rev.J.R Hewitt. the minister Quite a number of people from for this district. Rev. Mawhin- Lakelse interwewed Mr. Pattuilo, terest m the Institute and of the. ~ ........... ..~...-.~ , NEW HAZELTON ney preached a very strong ser. their one little lamb being the proposals to extend its work, and i ! "='-r -- mon on Leadership. During the Ig " II question of the erection of a asked for assistance in tlhe matter i! USK ~.'. evening the boys and girls of the bridge over the river• To all of of providing land and buildinnes ! Skeena'sIndustrial Centre ! Hugh Harris spent a couple of Sunday School sang a couple of the/e the member expressed his days in town last week and re- required to develop the work t selections, and H. H. Little ren- own eagerness to have the work ouHineu• • turned to Nine-mile mountain on dered a vocal solo. commenced at the very earliest Mr. Pattuilo was vei;~ sympa A small party was entertained .Saturday.. ............. : .... There w~s. a large attendance moment--he hoped it would be the ic and vrotnised to make rep. at James Darby's on Friday, , The New Hazelton Trail Ran- at 'the s0eial evening given' by startedthls year--bU~ tl~b::esseri ~-esentations 0n the :s(iggestioas those present including-Mr, and :~gers had a skating party last Fri- the congreg~ion of tne Union tial difficult? was the financial to the administrative department Mrs. Bell, Mr. an.dMrs,'Stewart,. day night and met at the church church in conlqection with the prOblem. He thought Ottawa concerned. , Mr. and Mrs. Thompsoll, Mr, and ~where refreshments were served anniverarsy celebration• There would not stand upon technical Later the executive committee !Mrs, Wells, Messrs. Adams, Dur- i by l~ev. and Mrs. Hewitt." was a short program and a num- points and he would bring all the of the Liberal Association had a ham, Whitlow, Misses Whitlow, ! Rev. Father Allard was visit. ber of games after which" re- pressure to bear he could uDon long palaver with the member Kellegher, Wetherhead, Messrs. ll.ing in town the end of last week. freshments were served. The the government to have astart in the course of which various Willmani Reid. Wells, Bingham. i "~-The many friends of A. Roy people spent a very enjoyable made with• the bridge. complaints were laid and various Bethui-em, Field• ~McDoneli. will be glad to learn evening. The program included After dinner Mr. PattuIlo was recommendations made, to all of J. Lloyd, of Terrace, came id ~that all'thin week he has been a chorus by the Children, a solo bombarded by deputations. The 'which he lent a ready ear. with two teams~ of horses~; to be ~aking steady progress toward by Bennie Little, an address by first consisted of Messrs. Braun Many more friends called upon used in the Louis Edgar tie con: recoverv. He had a very severe Rev. Mawhinney, of Teikwa. who and Baker who presented a peti- him on Sunday prior to his /'e- tract and other enterprises. attack of pneumonia. took as his subject "The Value tion calling for stronger measures turn on the train to Rupert. l of an Ideal". A duet by Jimmie Sperry Cline in from Hazelton, I On Weclnesday Rev. J. R. Hew. to protec t timber and asking as- Cox and Nookie Wattle, followed on a police inspection. He d/d' £tt and Rev, Wm. Mawhinney sistance for the .installation ofl -. by a financial statement by the --that, find the town "still", but went up to Kispiox where they portable sawmills to salvage fire' treasurer of the congregat!on• • ~ found it very active, well uvhold. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. damaged timber. SMITHERS The congregation is in good finan. •1 ing its reputation as Skeena's Pomlinson, and that evening Mr. "Nothing doing." was t h e industrial center. cial condition and free of debt. Newsy Notes From the Railway dawhinney addressed a gather. characteristic answer of the m~m.; During the past' year some $600 " Town On Saturday night about twen. "lug of the nativi~s of Kisviox. bet, who added that while he were raised which was used for wanted to see the resources of ._ ty-five couples gathered at Beth, oainting and improving the build- the province conserved, he would Joseph N. Gregory appeared urem Hall and had a most cheer, Golf Coursefor Terrace ing, providing new seats, a new be no part£ to government corn- before Judge Robertson of Prince ful time of it. As usual, Terrace There is a good prospect that lighting system and a new organ. petition with private industry. George on Saturday, on a charge and HanaHwere we!lrepresented, :errace will have a golf course The Ladies' Aid provided $$80 i"So far .as roads are concern- of absconding with intent .to de- C, A. Bjornsted, among others. n the very near future, possibly for the seats and lights and John ed," he added, ',if you require fraud• •L. S. McGilI' for the is laid uo, with a malicious cog1. '' .his coming summer. George Newick collected the fund for the roads to logging camps which Crown; H. L. Robinson for the Mrs. C. Bunn returned to Usk .~ ttle has a mece of land at Little new organ. During the coming Will, afterwards be of real service defendant. The case for the on Sunday from Prince Rupert; " ~;onvon which is well suited for year it is proposed to fix up the forsettlement purposes, we will Crown having been heard, coun- il church grounds and erect a new golf course and he has plans h'ell) you,• - nut-• lr....... ¢ney Will nee eel for. the defence asked for dis fence around the property. • Beginnin~ Saturday, Feb. 1'/, ior converting that land into. a serve for settlers then you must. mmsai," as the ewdence" proved at McBride, R,G. Sutton. distriei liar ground for tourists as well build them Yourselves if v ou]n°thing'against the accused and agriculturist, Prince George,!and is local players• Those who are Fred Peterson returned to New wafit them" - I that a defence was not necessary. J. R. Terrx, Chief poultry in. n a position to know. state that Hazelton !ast Friday morning 'Phe-- .next' . de P utation was from JThe• ease• was. accordingly. , dis- stuctor for' the Deiit. of ARt'., r' good nine holeCourse can be after spending some months" at/ the G.W.V.A. and consisted: of Imissed. ~ ,' Iwili make a tour along the G.T. ii:~ aade on the grounds and that Wind Pass Mine near Chu Chua, I Messrs, R. Braun, W. Goodwin Hockey scores: At Vande,~, P' as far asTerrace holding pub. , ii ?ou!d bea b~ur attraction to tour- B.C. He .will remain here for and J. McIntwe. Their repre- hoof-Vanderhoof 8, Smithers 7; lic meetings. The date set for its and thdse manY' Prince Ru- ~ome little time.:' . Speakinur of settations were entirely of a Vanderhoof 3, Smithers 5.
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