/ mmm.- ■ ■ m VOL. iô VICTORIA B. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL, Jil896, No. 48 Hot Water Bottles. i Lard pr. * I. losing tir-)» mi fast. then. rallied by N.spier 11 ml Dunce®, they Fountain and Bulb Syringes. j again assumed the offensive und drove We have a full line of these goo»te. j hack the 6Warms of mdives under a of the beet manufacture, at moder­ TIPPER j -low but well directed fire. Then it ate price*. was the turn of the Mata lades to give Surprised John Cochrane, ground, and a squad of troopers.’ charg­ ing with a ringing cheer, tbn-w them in­ N. W. Cor. Yates & Douglas 8te. HAS BURST to confusion, and the British were ap­ ON TOP parently getting the upper hand by slowly forcing the enemy buck ward, People The Long Pending Conflict when suddenly the retreat was ordered, Reports on Mines the British begun to full beck, and final­ The Blustering Tyrant Will Take Bui u way 0 Has at Last ly returned towards Bttluwu.vH. which the Belns of the Leadership When customers see the prices we Occurred. We are In 0 position to give clients the 11 iii'H considerably . he To-Morrow. are selling Solid Gold Watches, following for the prices set opposite: worse for wear and tear. Iteport on the value of 11 prospect, Much heroism was dismlkyed by indi­ Rings, Brooches etc., at, they ex- Including map and abstract, of vidual British troopers and volunteer* title .. .... ....................................$50 00 The Britsh Forces Attack the Mat claim : oh, they must be plated, at Report on the value of u developed j in rescuing their wounded comrades. Chief Justice Meredith of J abeles and inflict Great Less such prices. Our answer is: remem­ mine. Including maps and abstract One tr inner is said to have charged tario is to Soin tho Ottaw of title............................................. .:. 100 00 l.'p-oi Them. fiioiie close up to the Ma tabule work*, Special report on the value of the Government ber we bought the stock for less stock of any Incorporated company to hove picked up a wounded strang-w. than 50c. on the dollar ; and we In Trail Creek................................... 25 00 ’dragged him up on his saddle and General Information free to client».,* treated with his - imrade. emptying bis | guarantee everything to be exactly FOR8ALK- Graphic Account of the Great magazine rifle at the enemy. A not hr Public Deception to Hon. Jot>t j h as represented. We have still a con­ Josles. 47 1-2, O. K-'s. St. Elmos. Iron Brittle —Heroism »»f the Brit­ Keeper stood over a fallen comrade uni Mask. Poormnn, Virginia. Gertrude. War with the stock or his rifle beat off *lv- Martin— A List of the Eagles, Alberul Consolidated, Mineral ish Troops. siderable stock of the above Goods, Greek. Alberul, Nanaimo. native* until both he and his friend Nominations. besides Silverware, Clocks, Novelties, 8PKC1AL- were rescued by a charge of their evtn- Plated and Silver Jewelry, which “JUMBO8," the only lot in the market. PHOENIX and POO It MAN. The loss of the enemy is sttid to ha-'0 must be closed out. Everything For all particulars. Information and Cape Town. April 24.—The telegraph­ boon very great. No cdfrect estimate maps, call upon. Ottawa. April 24,—Parliament was could die made, but the reports ..place the b guaranteed. II. CUTHBERT & CO.. ic communication with Buhiwayo was prorogued at 8 o’clock last evening. ..r Mata lx ’1 - killed at any wh -re Next Door to Our Regular Place of Stock Brokers. re-established for n time to-day. then between four hundri-fl and one thoqa- His Excellency read the following there was another break, belie vml, how­ ritd. The loss of the British is not ■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Business, 47 & 49 Government St. ever, /<> la- only n temporary* in terr ap- stated. However, it is lielieved to b- Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate^ more severe than the commanders at FOR HALE—A light buggy and hafnesa. Gentlemen of the House qf C«m- $25. 52 David street. u24'-2t Bulawayo are willing to admit. During the time the wire wati work­ The unofficial roimrt of the sortie plac­ I am glad to relieve you from further Challoner, Mitchell & Co. FOR SALE—A Holstein heifer; Just wived. es matters in a somewhat different light. J. Court, Gordon Head. aiSbiit ing «iispaUbes were received from sev­ attendance in i>arliument. I desire to It says there whs a gren-t deal of unnec­ express my regret that tin- mission WANTED—Sober, middle-aged man wants eral sources in the besieged ♦own. The essary delay in getting the troopers which m> government r< cently dis­ work uu ranch; can cook, milk and drive away from Ritluwnyo and that it was horses; low wages. Address "Ranch." n«*ws flashed south is somewhat • con­ patched to confer with the local auth- Time* office. a24-2t almost daylight when they started; con­ • .nties of Manitoba lias been unproduc­ flicting. but the main facts seem we;l sequently when they encountered ' he tive of any immediate result, and the THOSE wishing to Join a curai on to the Kant the latter part of established that tin- British hnve made Matnlxdes they found the latter fully question relating to school* in that prepared to receive them. Determined June, will please write Immediately for a sortie in force; eh countered large province still awaits settlement. terms and particulars to O. H. Cogswell, fighting on both sides at close range I thank you for tin- :ipropriati<hia Mount Tolmie, Victoria B. C. «24-3t numbers of Mata bides, inflicted mortal occurred, and the British, when almost jShich you have made towards providing OLD GOLD ANI> SILVER BOlTUHT for loss upon them, and suffered nome loss ; surround**!, retreated, fightipg stubborn for the better arming and equipment of cash at Davidson Bros., 50 Government in return. Thev were at on»» time in !>*» "’ith a loss of many killed and the militia fon-es of the country. street, u22-lm (tHBgiT of MnihifetUm. «ml filially re 'h«‘ ">$*. * The powers with which you have en- NKW WAI.L VAfrBH arriving dully T. , ' . I fit Ihiro, a defeat for the British, and. dowed the commissioner* appointcnl un­ The Prince of Wales W. Mellor, 76 and 78 Fort street. treated. T nder tie. .-reumetaiKW the wh„t WonM, „„(lpr the ,.ir, der tin- Behring Sea claim* convention BEST WHITE LEAD—$6 per îoolbâ J. st,ry of the battle must be divided intoj endMnre of much of the stock of will, I trust, facilitate» the investigations W. Mellor, Fort street. two chapters—the official report and *he J ammunition remaining at Bnlqwiyo. of that tribunal and hasten a just settle­ Standing on the bank of the Potomac River, at a point The sortie, in any eaao, has not done ment of tlu-se long-standing claims. SHINGLES FOR SALE—Munn. Holland & unofficial account. where the river was three miles wide remarked that Co., Broad street, opposite the Drlard. The official version of the sertie sa vs any good, and nearly resulted in the Gentlemen of the House of Commons: l! ' ' the British force, »htwtly after midnight, i have to thank you for the supple­ he had heard it related that George Washington had THE BEST HOUSEHOLD WELLINGTON On the other hand, the MntnbeU*. be­ mentary provision yon have" made for COAL at lowest market prices. Full wen» quietly ,-ailed to arm*, and with­ thrown a silver dollar across the river, but upon look­ weight guaranteed. Only while labor lieved to be flushed with victory, have carrying, on t V service of the current employed. Munir Holland & GoBroad out alarming the native part of the «1 riven back into Buhiwayo n stn-ii.r ing at the distance, he was inclined to doubt the truth street, opposite Drlard. Yard at foot of foret-, about half the garrison of that Johnson street town, a force of about 300 men. under Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate, C-iptaln* Napier and Duncan, with one place. Though they suffered evvendy. Gentlemen of the House of Com- of the story. Uncle Sam, who was in company with MIXED PAIXTS-$l.riO per gallon. J. W. Ar . ., , . 1 u * u, i 1 the loss in prestige and ammunition t«» the prince, said, by way of explanation of this remark­ Mellor. «*» ■>» ««d » Hotchkl.» , Rritj„h milch mot» quick_firing pun ^belongin'- to tlx- fluff* 1 C..Selous, the explorer, .irilh a. aqivul of Inasmuch ns in the opinion of my ad­ able throw : 'VWell you must remember a dollar went ehlp St. George, mustered outside the ; fifty troopers, vu last rejsirted on visers it* ts desirable that the judgment Patronize Home industry. of the peolple upon th<- question* which I further in those days than it does now.” History re- borbed wir.* defence. They were *erv wnj to now engage .public attention should he F peats itself. A dollar in our store goes further now Buy British Columbia Creamery Butter. Hi With » ration of rum. and saddled np j telexraph line at Fig «tee, uud obtained at tm early date, I have to an- forr. n. flash,t..fc at.. the................... encmie-«'.. lines.11___e ______Swonis_ Prate* the «1res ,, far m possible nounce my inh-ivtion to cause this par­ than ever before. Lines like these should be of interest : Tin finest hi the market. Try it and be from the Marauding hands of Mntabe- convinced. Each block marked M. & K. A and all clattering ’aurontremonta were* liament to he immediately dissolved.
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