Tne jbiurcAX'y BASKETBALL FRIDAY EDITION N nu lam pahto TONIGHT “A Live College Newspaper” VOL. 27. Issue 25. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 12, 1937. PRICE THREE CENTS HARRISON CHRISTIAN, CAST SELECTED FOR COMING EVENTS Basketball Team Opposes PROMINENT BARITONE, JOHN DRINKWATER’S Tuesday SINGS IN MURKLAND PLAY “BIRD IN HAND” 6:30 P.M.—Girl’s Menorah club meeting. Hawks in First Home Game 7:00 P.M.—Fraternity and Sorority meetings. Du Rie Probably Lost To Famous for Work in Opera Experienced Group Began 7 :00 P.M.—Varsity Basketball—St. An­ Lineups Tonight and Concert Both Here Rehearsals Last selm. W ILDCATS HAWKS Team for Duration and Abroad Week Wednesday Chodoski rf lg Spirida of Season 8:00 P.M.—Harrison Christian, baritone. Bishop If rg Butchka A concert by Harrison Christian, bari­ Nine selected actors who constitute the Rogean c c Burton The New Hampshire basketball quin­ tone, will be presented by the Lecturescast of John Drinkwater’s “Bird in Thursday Hanson rg If Cullen tet opens its home court schedule to­ and Concerts committee on Wednesday, Hand” began rehearsals under the direc­ 1:15 P.M.—Convocation—Dr. Rollo Witter Ig rf Connerton night as Leo Connerton and the St. An­ anuary 13, at eight o’clock in Murklandtion of Mr. W. C. Hennessey, Tuesday, Brown, speaker. Referee—Berg, U mpire—Flaherty. selm Hawks invade the Wildcat gymna­ auditorium. January 5, for the second production 4:00of P.M.—Student - Faculty tea. Time of game—7:30 P. M. sium. Mr. Christian is a native of Virginia. the school year, which will be staged 4:00 P.M.—Freshman Hockey v. Hebron. Wildcats Have Edge He studied abroad and made his first ap­early in March. With a great moral victory over pearances in Europe, where over oneThe members of the cast were chosen Springfield under their belts, the New hundred performances in opera firmlyfrom a large group of applicants afterDR. ROLLO W. BROWN GOVERNOR MURPHY Hampshire team enters the game as the established his reputation. Upon his re­the tryouts. The play, a comedy, is one favorites, although not by a large margin. turn to the United States, he appearedof Drinkwater’s most successful plays SPEAKS ON NOVELS FAVORS STUDY OF Coach Henry Swasey is starting the first in Carnegie hall followed by a recital and has had long runs in Europe and AT THURSDAY C0NV0. same team that faced the Gymnasts last at Town hall in New York. Both these New York. ADULT EDUCATION Saturday night. At forwards the coach and his many other appearances in con­ Charles Ross, president of the Mask has Eddie Chodoski, the high scorer of cert and opera have confirmed his suc­and Dagger society, heads the cast, play­Meet With Students In New Governor Suggest That the Springfield game, and Charlie Cotton. cess. Mr. Christian is recognized as one ing the part of John Greenleaf, a stern Murkland After University Take Up Center position finds Arnie Rogean, as of the most important artists of today. old innkeeper. Joan Greenleaf, his daugh­ Lecture usual, who is acting captain. His program for Wedneday night ister, will be played by Barbara Shields. State Problem At guards, Artie Hanson and Skip as follows: Veronica Doe will take the part of the Dr. Rollo Walter Brown of Cam­ Witter, who is replacing Johnny DuRie, innkeeper’s wife. Milton Selzer will take Governor Francis P. Murphy, in willhis be in. Part I the part of Gerald Arnwood, who is in bridge, Massachusetts, one of the fore­ inipressive inaugural address last week, Aria: “Sitra Ceppi’ from Berenice most exponents of a creative spirit in DuRie Rests Comfortably Handellove with Joan Greenleaf. Much of the wherein he presented a constructive and American art and a writer of note, will progressive program to the legislature,Coach Swasey announced today that he She Never Told Her Love Haydncomedy will be supplied by Richardlecture at the convocation next Thurs­ Flou Thou Regal Purple Stream Whyte in the role of Mr. Blanquet, a suggested that the University of Newhad talked with the Hood house auth­ comical sardine salesman. Leslie Good- day afternoon on the subject, “ShouldHampshire with Dartmouth College, theorities about John DuRie’s condition. Du­ Dr. Arnold Intelligent People Read Novels?” state Department of Education, and the Part II now plays the part of Cyril Beverley, a Rie was resting comfortably, but he will D’une Prison Reynaldo Hahn“smart alec”; Boleslaus Laskarzewski Following the speech opportunity willState Employment Service studyingbe the confirmed for four or five weeks and Lamenta Provencal E. Paladilhewill take the part of Ambrose Godolphin, be given for students interested in writ­possibilities of adult education in Newthe chances are that he will be lost for Scherzo O. Respighia pompous lawyer; and William Nortoning to talk to him in the lobby of Murk­ Hampshire. the season. Nebbie O. Respighiwill play the part of Sir Robert Arn­land hall and at four o’clock during the He said, “It seems to me that, . To date the Wildcats have won a sin­ wood, the father of Gerald, and a cour­ Student-Faculty tea in Ballard hall. Dr.there are real possibilities in adult edu­gle game, while dropping two. The win Part III Brown has spoken in Durham twice pre­ Aria: “Eri tu che Macchiavi from Unteous, polished, old gentleman. cation, both for the untried youth andwas over Northeastern university, the viously, once at the first meeting of thefor the older person who has been first game of the season. In the second Ballo in Maschera Verdi This is the Mask and Dagger society’s MacDowell club of which he is a founder. Part IV fourteenth year of University dramatics. crowded out. I would like to see a thor­ game, against a superior Boston univer­ Negro Spirituals: The play sets forth the conflict between He was graduated from the Universityough study made, under the supervisionsity quintet, the Wildcats were outplayed Steal Away the ever old and the ever new—that ofof Northern Ohio in 1903 and in the fol­ of our state Department of Education,as well as outscor’ed. Goin’ Shout the younger generation with the older. lowing year received an M. A. degreethe University of New Hampshire, Dart­ frOm Harvard. He has received honor­mouth College, and the State Employ­ Hawks Lose Three Swing Low Sweet Chariot Besides “Bird in Hand’, which ran on In the last game played the Wildcats Dere’ll Be No Distinction Dere ary degrees of Doctor of Letters from ment Service, with a view to seeing Broadway for more than two years, John both Laurence college and Wabash and whether a statewide program of training looked impressive as they were edged out Part V Drinkwater has written “Mary Stuart”, by an overrated Springfield group. Come to Me in My Dreams “Cromwell”, and “Abraham Lincoln.” is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He hasfor adults in practical subjects, designed Frank Bridge been a professor of English at Carlton to prepare them for. gainful employment,The St. Anselm team has undertaken a Old Mother Hubbard Herbert Hughes college for a number of years and in might not be undertaken with benefit.” hard schedule this winter. Among the Do Not Go My Love Three freshmen at Michigan State 1923 he lectured on English at Harvard. The new governor touched upon everyteams played were Springfield, Dart­ Richard Hageman Normal College subjected themselves to Dr. Brown is the author of a number possible point that would help to bringmouth and Villanova. All these games of books, including The Art of Writing more prosperity to New Hampshire. Heresulted in the Hawks returning on the Pipes of Gordons Men turbulent stomachs in a chemistry ex­ short end of a good score. William Hammond periment. One of them ate rock salt, the English, Hozv the French Boy Learns spoke to at length on unemployment and re­ This concert is the third in this series; Write, The Creative Spirit, and is also lief of industry, and then mentioned lib­ Perhaps the highest ranking player and the final presentation marks the appear­second swallowed a mixture of sand and a well known contributor to various mag­eral labor legislation, water resources, the one which the St. Anselm offense is ance of Ruth Breton, a violinist, on Feb­ salt, and the third digested a small azines. He is interested in all college conservation, the personnel merit system,built around is Leo Connerton. Conner- ruary 3. amount of potassium chloride. young people, especially in those whostate like highway costs, and his desire to help Basketball creative writing. He will be the guestagriculture. (Continued on page 4) of the English department at a luncheon Dr. Bauer Studies Part of on Thursday noon. EARLY REGISTRATION PHOTO CONTEST DATE I. Q.’s in Educational Scheme DURHAM NEWS STARTS THIS WEEK IS EXTENDED A WEEK years. In making his rounds he had to Two lectures of interest to the com­ “Dad” Henderson announced last week The Granite photography contest that What part do I.Q.’s play in education?face danger from white men as well as munity will be presented in an open meet­that the practice in past years of allow­was to close last Monday will be extended What happens to high I.Q.’s in college?redmen because there were several de­ing at 3 o’clock, January 15, at the Com­ing students to register early wilj beto January 18. This contest which is Which is the better college risk, a high termined and belligerent colonies of munity house, under the sponsorshipcontinued of this year.
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