Public Document Pack NORTH WEST (INNER) AREA COMMITTEE Meeting to be held at Hawksworth Wood Primary School, Cragside Walk, Leeds 5 on Thursday, 5th February, 2009 at 7.00 pm MEMBERSHIP Councillors M Hamilton - Headingley J Matthews - Headingley J Monaghan (Chair) - Headingley P Ewens - Hyde Park and Woodhouse K Hussain - Hyde Park and Woodhouse L Rhodes-Clayton - Hyde Park and Woodhouse B Atha - Kirkstall J Illingworth - Kirkstall L Yeadon - Kirkstall S Bentley - Weetwood J Chapman - Weetwood B Chastney - Weetwood Agenda compiled by: Stuart Robinson W N W Area Manager: Steve Crocker Governance Services Unit 247 4360 Tel: 395 0966 Civic Hall LEEDS LS1 1UR Produced on Recycled Paper A A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF COUNCIL FUNCTIONS AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS There are certain functions that are defined by regulations which can only be carried out at a meeting of the Full Council or under a Scheme of Delegation approved by the Full Council. Everything else is an Executive Function and, therefore, is carried out by the Council’s Executive Board or under a Scheme of Delegation agreed by the Executive Board. The Area Committee has some functions which are delegated from full Council and some Functions which are delegated from the Executive Board. Both functions are kept separately in order to make it clear where the authority has come from so that if there are decisions that the Area Committee decides not to make they know which body the decision should be referred back to. B A G E N D A Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 1 APPEALS AGAINST REFUSAL OF INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded) (*In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Chief Democratic Services Officer at least 24 hours before the meeting) 2 EXEMPT INFORMATION - POSSIBLE EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report. 2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information. 3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:- RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:- No exempt items or information have been identified on this agenda C Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 3 LATE ITEMS To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration (The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct 5 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 6 DEPUTATION REGARDING ROYAL PARK SCHOOL To receive a deputation regarding Royal Park School. (Please note that in accordance with paragraph 6.19 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the deputation must not exceed 5 minutes in duration) 7 OPEN FORUM In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. 8 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 1 - 14 To receive and approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 th December 2008. D Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 9 RELATIONSHIP AND REPORTING BETWEEN 15 - HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION 38 SERVICE, INCLUDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION TEAMS, AND AREA COMMITTEES (COUNCIL FUNCTION) To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining how Health and Environmental Action Services operates, with a particular focus on the Environmental Action Teams. 10 WELL-BEING REPORT (EXECUTIVE 39 - FUNCTION) 48 To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Well-being Budget. 11 LITTLE LONDON AND WOODHOUSE 49 - INTENSIVE NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT 52 (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION) To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining the 2009/10 budget for Intensive Neighbourhood Management in Little London and Woodhouse. 12 AREA MANAGER'S REPORT (EXECUTIVE 53 - FUNCTION) 62 To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods informing the meeting of progress on a number of projects and issues in Inner North Leeds not addressed elsewhere on the agenda. 13 LEEDS HOUSING STRATEGY (EXECUTIVE 63 - FUNCTION) 92 To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on a draft Leeds Housing Strategy. E Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 14 HOUSES IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION (HMOS) 93 - (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION) 128 To consider a report of the Director of City Development updating Members on the recent work carried out for Communities and Local Government in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation. 15 FORUM AND SUB GROUP UPDATE REPORT 129 - (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION) 158 To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing Members with full minutes from ward forums and sub groups that have taken place since the last meeting. 16 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 159 - 160 Thursday 2 nd April 2009 at 7.00pm (venue to be confirmed) MAP OF TODAY’S MEETING Hawksworth Wood Primary School, Cragside Walk, Leeds LS5 3QE F Agenda Item 8 NORTH WEST (INNER) AREA COMMITTEE THURSDAY, 18TH DECEMBER, 2008 PRESENT: Councillor J Monaghan in the Chair Councillors B Atha, S Bentley, J Chapman, B Chastney, P Ewens, M Hamilton, J Illingworth, J Matthews and L Yeadon OFFICERS: Steve Crocker, West North West Area Manager Jason Singh, Deputy Area Manager Sheila Fletcher, North West Area Management Zahid Butt, North West Area Management Jane Maxwell, Children’s Services Jade Corcoran, City Development Department Andrew Hall, City Development Department Nicholas Hunt, City Development Department Nicholas Borras, City Development Department Gwyn Owen, City Development Department Stuart Robinson, Chief Executive’s Department Tim Pheeby, Transport Initiatives/Leeds Cycling Action Group Philip Purkis, Leeds Cycling Action Group Inspector Ian Croft, West Yorkshire Police Inspector Fran Naughton, West Yorkshire Police MEMBERS OF Dr Richard Tyler, Leeds HMO Lobby THE PUBLIC: Barrie Payne, Leeds HMO Lobby John Dickinson, Weetwood Residents Association Rob Damiao, University of Leeds Students Union Scott Blakeway, Unipol Students Homes Amanda Jackson, University of Leeds Lisa Brannan, University of Leeds Bobby King, University of Leeds Cyndel Thomas, University of Leeds Sophie Hughes, Leeds Metropolitan University Sue Buckle, South Headingley Community Association/ Friends of Woodhouse Moor Rachel Reeves, Labour Parliamentary Candidate in Leeds West Janet Kemp, Supporting the Elderly Doug Kemp, West Park Residents Association Ken Torode, West Park Residents Association/ St Stephen’s Church and School Steve Harris, Kirkstall Festival Tony Green, North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association Josie Green, North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association Draft minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on Thursday, 5th February, 2009 Page 1 Martin Staniforth, North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association Clare Marlow, North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association Penny Bainbridge, Cardigan Centre Peter Owen, Spen Hill Residents Association Tony Croous, South Headingley Community Association David Hollingsworth, Hyde Park Unity Day Ken Waterworth, Kirkstall Valley Community Association Sheila Waterworth, Kirkstall Valley Community Association John Christie, Queenswood Drive Residents Association Andy Beck, LGAG Chris Taylor, Leeds 6 Resident Fiona Ratcliffe, Local Resident Kathleen Mason, Local Resident Wendy Carson, Local Resident 56 Chair's Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed everyone to the November meeting of the North West (Inner) Area Committee held at the West Park Centre, Spen Lane, Leeds 16. He informed Members that the meeting was inquorate due to no Members being present from the Hyde Park and Woodhouse ward. As a result the meeting commenced at 7.10 pm and not 7.00 pm as previously stated on the agenda front. He reminded the meeting that Sheila Fletcher, North West Area Management would be transferring to the South Area Management office on 12th January 2009. It was noted that Chris Dickinson, from renew, had been appointed to the position. He again thanked her for her support to the Area Committee since August 2008. In concluding, the Chair announced that it was Councillor L Yeadon’s birthday and Members conveyed their best wishes. 57 Declarations of Interest The following personal interests were declared:- x Councillor J Illingworth in his capacity as a Director and Company Secretary of Kirkstall Valley Park – A660 Otley Road Cycling Study (Agenda Item 11) (Minute 65 refers) and A660 Corridor Transport Issues (Agenda Item 12) (Minute 66 refers) 58 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor K Hussain and Councillor L Rhodes- Clayton. Draft minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on Thursday, 5th February, 2009 Page 2 (Councillor Ewens joined the meeting at 7.11 pm at the conclusion of the above item.
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