SOLA, 2011, Vol. 7, 129−132, doi:10.2151/sola.2011-033 129 Influence of the East Asian Winter Monsoon Variability on the Surface Cyclogenesis over the East China Sea in Late Winter Minako Shiota1, Ryuichi Kawamura2, Hiroaki Hatsushika3, and Satoshi Iizuka4 1Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan 2Section of Earth and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan 3Toyama Prefectural Environmental Science Research Center, Toyama, Japan 4National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan cyclogenesis over the East China Sea has not been addressed. By Abstract analogy with the results of Yoshiike and Kawamura (2009), it may be assumed that the spatial distribution of the surface cyclogenesis Using data from the Japanese long-term Re-Analysis project over the East China Sea also concentrates or disperses in associa- (JRA-25) and the Japan Meteorological Agency Climate Data tion with the East Asian winter monsoon variability. The purpose Assimilation System (JCDAS), we examined how the East Asian of this study is to examine the possible influence of the East Asian winter monsoon variability regulates the surface cyclogenesis in winter monsoon variability on the surface cyclogenesis in the the vicinity of the East China Sea and the Kuroshio Current in vicinity of the East China Sea and the Kuroshio Current region. late winter. On a monthly basis, the surface cyclone occurrence has a tendency to concentrate over the East China Sea at the strong phase of the East Asian winter monsoon activity, while it 2. Data used and analysis procedures disperses zonally along the Kuroshio Current to the south of Japan in the weak monsoon phase. The scatteredness of the surface To determine the occurrence of surface cyclones and track cyclogenesis are mainly attributed to the change in the lower- them around the East China Sea, the Japan Sea, and the Kuroshio tropospheric baroclinicity between the strong and weak monsoon Current, we used data at 6-hour intervals from the Japanese long- phases. It is also suggested that, when the monsoon is strong, the term Re-Analysis project (JRA-25) (Onogi et al. 2007) with a spa- enhanced baroclinic zone along the Kuroshio Current south of tial resolution of 1.25° longitude by 1.25° latitude for the period of Japan provides a favorable condition for the rapid development 1979−2004 as well as data from the Japan Meteorological Agency of the surface cyclones that originate over the East China Sea and (JMA) Climate Data Assimilation System (JCDAS) with the same migrate northeastward. resolution for the period of 2005−2008. The specific domain ana- lyzed in the present study encompassed 110°E−140°E and 20°N− 45°N. The initial appearance of an extratropical cyclone is defined 1. Introduction at any grid point with an SLP at least 0.5 hPa lower than the value at an adjacent grid point. Tracks are constructed by a nearest- In the Northern Hemisphere, the maximum frequency of neighbor search in the data field around a cyclone position. First, surface cyclogenesis is confined in the vicinity of the warm cur- the search is made for all candidate next-track positions from all rents of the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio Current, and the Kuroshio the centers found at time t+dt within a 9° latitude radius circle. Extension (e.g., Chen et al. 1992; Sinclair 1997), suggesting that Secondly, the search range extends up to a width, considering the these warm currents play an influential role in the extratropical cyclone speed estimated from the previous displacement. Finally, cyclone activity through air-sea interactions. Focusing on East we compare the tracking data with the JMA surface weather maps Asia in the boreal winter, the East Asian winter monsoon vari- and correct the data appropriately if any discrepancy is found. ability is also expected to affect the surface cyclogenesis over the We also used daily mean surface sensible and latent heat flux Kuroshio Current and the Kuroshio Extension through the change data with a spatial resolution of 1° longitude by 1° latitude from in baroclinicity. According to Yoshiike and Kawamura (2009), the the Japanese Ocean Flux data sets with Use of Remote sensing activity of explosively developing cyclones tends to concentrate Observations (J-OFURO) version 2 (Tomita et al. 2010) for the in the vicinity of those currents around Japan when the East Asian period 1988−2005, although the available period is shorter. Like- winter monsoon is strong, whereas it disperses over the broader wise, daily optimal interpolation SST (OISST) data (Reynolds areas when the monsoon is weak. These researchers also stressed et al. 2007) with a spatial grid resolution of 1° was used. that the reinforcement of the monsoon increases the heat and moisture supply from warm currents, thereby facilitating unstable conditions within the atmospheric boundary layer and intensify- 3. Results ing lower tropospheric baroclinicity. The origin of the explosive cyclones is traced upstream to the vicinity of the East China Sea 3.1 Surface cyclone activity associated with anomalous monsoon and the Kuroshio Current. It is also important to understand how circulation the surface cyclogenesis occurs over those regions because some Of all winter months, the number of extratropical cyclones of the extratropical cyclones that originate there become explosive that occur over the East China Sea is the largest in February (figure cyclones. For instance, Xie et al. (2002) pointed out that the steep- not shown). We do not think it is easy to clarify the differences ness of the SST front over the East China Sea contributes to the in the surface cyclogenesis between the strong and weak phases development of surface cyclones in the vicinity of Taiwan. Anoth- of the monsoon circulation if their numbers are small. Thus we er important factor for the cyclogenesis is the strength of the East focus specifically on the relationship between the East Asian Asian winter monsoon circulation. However, the manner in which winter monsoon variability and the surface cyclogenesis in the the winter monsoon variability exerts an influence on the surface vicinity of the East China Sea in February. As an appropriate measure of the East Asian winter monsoon intensity, we used a Corresponding author: Ryuichi Kawamura, University of Toyama, 3190 simple index defined as the difference in SLP between Irkutsk Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. in Russia and Nemuro in Japan (Irkutsk minus Nemuro). The ©2011, the Meteorological Society of Japan. validity of this index (Hanawa et al. 1989) has been assessed by 130 Shiota et al., Surface Cyclogenesis over the East China Sea Sakai and Kawamura (2009) and Yoshiike and Kawamura (2009). et al. (2002). It also turns out that the surface heat flux variability On the basis of the February mean monsoon circulation index, associated with the monsoon activity is larger over the eastern we extracted nine strong monsoon phases (1980, 1984, 1985, half of the East China Sea than over its western half, suggesting a 1988, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2005, and 2008) and nine weak monsoon significant role of the warm currents, that is, the Tsushima Current phases (1981, 1982, 1989, 1990, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004 and and the Kuroshio Current, in the heat flux variability. 2007). The half value of the standard deviation of the monsoon Figure 2 demonstrates the geographical distributions of index is considered as a threshold. cyclone tracks at the strong and weak phases of the East Asian Figure 1a shows the composite anomaly patterns in the winter monsoon activity. In addition, the location of the initial ap- monthly mean surface air temperature and wind vector in East pearance of a cyclone is exhibited. We find that the cyclone tracks Asia at the strong phase (9 months) and weak phase (9 months) of tend to be divided into two main routes when the monsoon is the East Asian winter monsoon activity. Anomalies are relative to strong. One is the route across the Korean Peninsula or the Japan 1979−2008 climatology. At the strong monsoon phase, anomalous Sea, and the other is the route along the Kuroshio Current includ- northerly winds prevail over the East China Sea, accompanied by ing the East China Sea. These two major routes of the cyclone cold temperature anomalies, whereas reversed features are evident tracks are already pointed out by Chen et al. (1991) and Adachi at the weak monsoon phase. Figures 1b and 1c reveal the compos- and Kimura (2007). In contrast, the cyclone tracks are compara- ite maps of the monthly mean surface turbulent heat (sensible and tively diverse over broader areas when the monsoon is weak. To latent heat) flux and its anomaly at the strong and weak monsoon specifically highlight the vicinity of the East China Sea and the phases. The sample number of the two phases is smaller than that Kuroshio Current, we next present, in Fig. 3, the longitudinal in Fig. 1a because the period of the J-OFURO2 data is shorter. distributions of the total number of cyclone occurrences within A common feature is that the ocean area in excess of 250 W m−2 20°N−35°N latitude zone at the strong monsoon and weak expands along the Kuroshio Current. Relatively low fluxes are monsoon phases. At the strong monsoon phase, it is evident that indicated in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea where the the surface cyclogenesis concentrates within the East China Sea, ocean depth is shallow, which is consistent with the results of Xie especially in the 122°E−128°E longitude zone, while, at the weak monsoon phase, no such concentration is found and, rather, the number of cyclones that occur over the Kuroshio Current region south of Japan tends to increase.
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