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362 NOTES AND NEV/S T.lsln 2. ANcrr Tl,alr ron Gevrussrru Monoclinic aibic:1.4878:l:1.M53 p :102"00+' Poqo:| :O.97 413:1. 4137:l p : 77"59tr', 7';p':l:O .70737 :0 .687 16:l fo' :0.99316, qo':1.M53 xo':0 '21725 Form 4 PQzPz:BCA c {001} 90"00' t2"00+' 77"59t', 90000' 0'00' 77"59+' D [010] 0 00 9000 000 9000 9000 a {100} 90 00 9000 000 9000 7759+ ooo m lrl0l 34 30 9000 000 3430 8314 5530 e [011] I 22i ss 36+ 77 s9+ 35 16+ s4 43+ 8406 s {101} -90 00 3801+ 12801+ 90 0o 5002 r28ot+ r llr2l -2r s0 37 50 10s53+ 55 12 43 28+ r02 59e Rnl.rnnxcns l. MuR-DocH, J., Nuevite, a new rare-earth mineral from California (Abstr): Geol. Soc- Am., Bull'. 57, lzl9 (1946). Purr.r.trs, W., Observations on the crystalline form, etc., of the ga1'lussite: Philosophieal Mogazine,l (N. S.), 263-266 (1827). Pnarr, J. H., On northupite; pirssonite, a new mineral; gaylussite and hanksite from Borax Lake, San Bernardino County, California: Aru, Jour. Sci., (4),2r 123-135 (1896)' ON THE MINERALOGY OF ANTARCTICA DuNc.qN SrnwAnt, Jr.., Corleton College,Northf'eld, Minnesota Since 1895ninety-six papers have been published relating to Antarctic mineralogy and petrography, Dr. Johannes Petersen (1895: 275-278) was the first to publish on Antarctic petrography. He described the basalt of Mount Christen Christensen(Christensen-Vulkan) of Robert' son Island, West Antarctica. The following is a list of the 167 mineral species'subspecies, and va- rieties, as well as those of questionable occurrence, that have been re- ported from Antarctica. A number of these have been determined only microscopically, and in the caseof gold its presencehas been determined only by chemical analysis. Acmite Andalusite Aphrosiderite Beryl Actinolite Andesine Apophyllite Biotite Adularia Andradite Arfvedsonite Bornite Aegirine-augite Anomite Arsenopyrite Bronzite Allanite Anorthite Atacamite Brookite Almandite Anorthoclase Augite Brucite Analbite? Anthophyllite Azurite Brushite? Analcite Antigorite Barkevikite Bytownite Anatase Apatite Basaltichornblende Calcite NOTES AND NEWS 363 Cancrinite Forsterite Mesolite Scapolite Cassiterite Galena Microcline Scolecite Ceylonite Glauconite Microperthite Sericite Chalcopyrite Glaucophane Mirabilite Serpentine Chlor-apatite Gold MizzoniLe Siderite Chloritoid Graphite Molybdenite Sillimanite Chondrodite Grossularite Muscovite Sodalite Christensenite Gypsum Natrolite Soda-orthoclase Chrome diopside Hedenbergite Nephelite Spessartite? Chromite Hematite Newberyite? Sphalerite Chrysolite Hercynite Nosean Sphene Chrysotile Heulandite Oligoclase Stercorite Clinochlore Hornblende Olivine Stibnite Clinoenstatite Hypersthene Orthoclase Stilbite Clinohumite? Iddingsite Paragonite? Talc Cordierite Ilmenite Pargasite Tetrahedrite Corundum Kaersutite? Penninite Thomsonite Cossyrite Kaolinite Plilogopite Titan.ferous aegir- Cristobalite? Katophorite? Picotite ine-augite Cummingtonite Kornerupine? Piedmontite Titaniferous augite Damourite Kyanite Pigeonite Titanomagnetite Delessite Labradorite Pinite Topaz Diallage Laumontite Pistacite Tourmaline Diopside Lawsonite Prehnite Tremolite Doiomite Lepidolite Prochlorite Tridymite Dumortierite Lepidomelane Pyrite Vermiculite? Edenite Leucite Pyrrhotite Vesuvianite Enstatite Leucoxene Qrtartz Woehlerite Enstatite-augite Limonite Riebeckite Wollastonite Fassaite? Magnetite Rutile Xenotime Fayalite Malachite Salite Zircon Ferrimolybdite Malacolite Sanidine Zoisite Fluorite Meionite Sapphire BrsttocnapHy Bercrsrnciu, Or.or (1915), PetrographischeBeschrcibung einiger Basalte von Patagonien, Westantarktiha und den Siid-sandwich-Inseln. BuJl. Geol. Inst. IJpsala,13,115-182. Benrrr, T. F. W., lxo Prn Hor.usrN (1939), Ro:ks f rom the Antarctandes and the South- ern Antilles. Being a description of rock samples collected by Olaf Holtedahl 1927- 1928, and a discussion of their mode of origin. Sci. Res. Norwegian Antarctic Ettped.., 1927-1928 et sqq.78. Norshe Videnskaps-Ahad.emiei Oslo, I-64. -- (1940), Notes on igneous and palingenic rocks from the Antarctic Archipelago, A contribution to the petrology of circum-Pacific rock types. Proc. Sittth Pacific Sci Con g., 1939,2, 747 -7 51. .q.xo Kvalnrru (1944), Christensenite, a solid solution of nepheline in tridymite. Sci. Res. Norwegian Antorctic Erped. 1927-1928 et sqq.22. Norske l/id.en- skaps-Aka.detni,i Oslo, 7-9. Bnrson, W. N. (1916), Report on the petrology of the dolerites collected by the British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-1909 British Antarctic Erped. 1907-9. Repk. Sci. Inaesti- gations.GeoI.,2, pt. 9, 153-160. 364 NOTES AND NEWS Bnnrnors, Lfopor,o (1935), Diorite quartzifdre de la Terre Ad6lie (Antarctique frangaise). Soc.G6ol. et Mindral. Brelagne,C.R. Stances.An. 1' 1, 5. BoouAN, Gcisrl (1916), Petrographische studien iiber einige antarktische gesteine. Wissen- sch.aJtlicheErgebnisse d.erSchuedischen Sti.d.polar-Exped,.1901-03. Geologieuntl Paliicn- lologie,3,pt. 15, l-100. Bnocu, O. L. (1927), Gesteine von dem Peter f-Insel, West-Antarktis . Atthanillinger utgitt ol Norsbe Vid,enskaps,Akail,emi i OsIo. MaL -Naturts. K1.,9, l-41' ----- (1946), Two contributions to Antarctic petrography. II. Rocks from Ingrid Christ- ensens Land, Antarctica. Sci. Res. Norwegian Antarctic Exped'. 1927-1928 et sqq.25. N orske V idenskap s-A kademi i Osl o, 27-32. BnowNr, W. R. (1923), The dolerites of King George Land and Adelie Land. Australasian Antarctic Erped'. 1911-14. Sci. Repts-,ser. A, 3, Geol. pt. 3,245-258. Butnr, C. R. (1926), Chemismus und provinziale Verhiiltnisse der jung-eruptiven Gesteine der pazifischen Ozeans und seiner Umrandung. Schaeizerische Mineral. Petroya|. Mitteil,., 6, 1, 115-199. CourN, F. (19i6), Aegirine-augite crystals from a microsanidinite out of the trachyte from Mount Cis, Ross Island. Bri.tish Antorctric Erped. 1907-9. Reph. Sci. Inaestigal'ions, Geol.2. Appendix pt.8, 149-l5L CorroN, L. A. (1916), Petrographical notes on some rocks retrieved from the cache at Depot Island, Antarctic. 16id. Appendix pt. 13,235-237. Coulson, A. L. (1925), Magnetite garnet rocks from the moraines, Cape Denison, Adelie Land. Australasion Antarctic Exped'. 1911-14. Sci. Repts. Ser. A, 3, Geol' pt.5, 281- Jtr.)- D.a.vrn,T. W. E., Sumrr, W. F., AND ScEolrELD, J. A. (1896), Notes on Antarctic rocks collected by Mi. C. E. Borchgrevink. four. and' Proc. Roy. Soc. New South WoJes 1895,29,46t492. FnNNrn, C. N. (1938), Olivine fourchites from Raymond Fosdick Mountains, Antarctica. Bttll. GeoL S oc. America, 49, 367-400. Gurre, Ancnm.q.r,o (1898), Notes on some specimens of rocks from Antarctic regions. With petrographical notes by J. J. H. Teall. Proc. Roy. Soc.Ed,inburgh,22,66-77. Gtl.sloNlunv, J.O.G. (l941a), Petrological notes on further rock specimenscollected lrom'in situ occurrences, Commonwealth Bay region. Australasian Antarctic Erped,. 1911-11. Sei. Repts., ser. A, 3, Geol. pt.6, 309-330. -- (1940b), Acid efiusive and hypabyssal rocks (from the moraines). Ibid.,4' Geol'.pt. 4,115-134. -- (1940c), Basic igneous rocks and metamorphic equivalents from Commonwealth Bay. Ibid.., pt. 5, 137-180. -- (194-0d),Certain epidotic rocks f rom the moraines, Commonwealth Bay. Ibid'. pt. 6, 183-196. -- (94JJ,), Metamorphosed limestones and other calcareous sediments from the moraines A further collection. Ibid.., pt.8,295-322. --- (1940fl, Some hybrid gneisses from the moraines, Cape Denison' Ibid,., pt. 9, 325-333. Gounoox, E. (1905), Les roches 6ruptives grenues de la Terre de Graham recueillies par I'exp6dition antarctique du Dr. Charcot. Comptes s4ances d'e l'Acail1mie iles Sciences,141, 1036-1038. -- (1906), Les roches microlithiques de la Terre de Graham recueillies par l'exp6dition antarctique du Dr. Charcot. Ibid., 143,178-180. - (1907), Sur un microgranite alcalin recueilli sur la Terre de Graham par I'exp6dition antarctique du Dr. Charcot. IUd.,144, 1224-1226. I{OTES AND NEWS 065: - (1908), G6ographie physique-Glaciologie-P6trographie des r6gions visit6es par I'Exp6dition Antarctique Frangaise command6e par le Dr. Charcot (1903-1905). Paris. --- (1910), Sur deux gisements de z6olites dans I'Antarctique. Comptes Rendus s4ancesd.e tr'Acad,4mie iles Sciences, l5l, 153-154. -- (l9l4a), Sur la constitution min6ralogique des Shetlands su Sud (ile D6ception). Ibid.,158,583-586. - (l9l4b), Sur la constitution min6ralogique des Shetlands du Sud. Ibid., l5B, 1905- 1907. -- (l9l4c), Sur la constitution min6ralogique de l'ile Jenny (Antarctiqte). Ibid.,159, 369-37r. --- (1917), Min6ralogie-G6ologie: Deuxidme Exp6dition Antarctique FranEaise (1908-1910)command6e par le Dr. JeanCharcot. Paris. Hor.rnranr,, (1929),On the geologyand physiographyof someAntarctic and sub= Antarctic islands.Sci. Res.Noruegian Antarctic ExpeC.1927-1928 and 1928-1929.3. N orske Vid.enshaps-Aho.d,emii Oslo, 7-17 2. JrNsew, H. I. (1916), Report on the petrology of the alkaline rocks of Mount Erebus Antarctica. British Antarcti,eErped.. 1907-9. Repts. Sci. Inoesti,gati.ons.Geol.2, pt.7, 93-128. Krnnuex, A. W. (1940), Schistsand gneissesfrom the moraines,Cape Denison, Adelie Land. Auslral.asianAntarctic Erped..1911-14. Sci. Repts.ser. A, 4, 7, 197- 292. KNowtrs, P. H. (1945),Geology of SouthernPalmer Land Peninsula, Antarctica.Proc. Amer. Philos.Soc.,89, 132-145. Macr,noo, W. A., eNo Wrrrrr, O. E. (1902),Supplementary noteson someAntarctic rocks and minerals.Popers anil Proc. RoyoJSoc. Tasmania 1900-1901,38-41. Mewsox, Doucras (1916), Petrology of rock collectionsfrorn the mainland of South Victoria Land. British AntorcticExped.. 1907-9. Repts. Sci.. Imestigotions. Geol,. 2, pt.

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