John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-12-1965 The aC rroll News- Vol. 48, No. 4 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 48, No. 4" (1965). The Carroll News. 263. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/263 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~t ~ ., 2:_ .. ~ , . '~ ~"~ , ' ' . .,. This Week -·~ · ·. ~ . ., ,, . •Quo Vadis Tuition Hib . • • . Page 2 • Big _k, .icfs a rt all too often a Seismology lob ....• , • . Page 3 1 temptation · to Ignore our boat Event• Committee • • . • • . Page 4 • Instincts and training. Why not ews :1 Pictorial Story . • • . • • . Page S N • ' ' · let common l t nlt and good Football S.Oior• •• , • • • • • Page 6 Representing ]oltn Carroll University judgment be your guide? Volume XLVIII, No. 4 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO Friday, Nov. 12, 1965 Headquarters H Co., I Oth Regt. ~o l1 u OinrroH ~uiher&itu Joyce l. loronxo Kathleen McDonnell Jan Ann Askew Regina Fana Escort: Joseph Dtlfonzo Escort: David Owen (lj(t\telnu4). (J)IJio Escort: Frank Kokellca Escort: John Gountner Teahouse of the August Moon Doors \\ill open tomorrow Bids, which went on sale Nov. board posters, blackboard notice. , night fo r the only formal 8. will give the cadet and his date classroom announcements, and C.\:.­ admission to the G~-m dance ftoor tensi\'e personal contacts have het'n dance of the fall semester as which will be decorated with urti· used to !lprcad the word on this the Reserve Officers Train­ ficial tree:;, 56 Japanese lanterns. year's extravaganza. 1 ing Corps presents 'Tenhouse and over 25,000 feet of Cl'epe paper. A most ingenious publicity de­ of the August Moon," the )fichacl J. :'llalloy, gene r a I ,·ise is a rickshaw currently park­ 16th Annual Military Ball. chairman oC the Scabbard & Blade t'!<l in the main lohb\· of thP ,\d commitl<'c, responsible for }llan­ ministration Bldg. · At 9 p.m., Clint Xobel und hi~ ning the )tilitary Ball, ha:; ge ~Lred Louis H. Reymann has been re­ Orchestra will entertain more than this ~·e ar's dance to the basic <-adet. sponsible for dt..>corations and much GOO guests, among whom, seyen Basic's attire will be the <.:l a~s A young ladies w11l Yie for .. Honor­ uniform with white shirt and black oi the program. ary Colonel." tie. All cadets, ad\•anced and basic, Under hie. sup<>rvision, artificial Following a Pez·shing Rifles' will be given a reserve table. trees, J a p a n e s e lantems, anrl display, annual cadet promotions The publicity committee, under thousands of feet of crepe paper will provide a fitting background will be announced. Thelic promo­ :Michael O'Malley, has for the past tions, however, are a prelude to month been makmg sure that every to this "biggest-and-best-e,·er" the high point of the t>vening­ cadet at Carroll knows about the :'lfilitary Ball. SLx Chinese waiters Te r~sa Ann Ge ller the crowning of the Honorary Ball. will be in attendance to serve light Nancy Rys Escort' David Burdelak Colonel. Dorm announcements, bulletin (Continued on Page 8) Escort: Frank Jodzio CAlC official decries Plain Dealer 'sensationalism~ By J~\CK GROCHOT affair. None was arrested. money was also "seized.'' P.n.," Aubry spulten.·d. Nt..-. L<lltor Bristled Aubry: "That money was used to pur­ He went on to s:w that the "real (Picture on t>age 8) "The ]>:u"ty was chaperoned by chase pizza, soft drinks, and po­ reason for commis;ion oflidals en­ A Carroll senior today six off-duty :;beriff's detectives. tato chips," Aubry said. "A bot­ tering the Hideaway was that they lashed out at the CleYeland l'm sure iC t11ere was any Jaw· tle of pop cost $2,000 in play had been looking for ~m oppor­ breaking on our part, they would money," Aubry added. tunity to investigate the ]>lal'e for Plniu Dealer, accusing the ha\'e stopped it." about Lwo years.'' newspaper of "sensational­ "The Plain Dealer ag-ain implies State 13w holds that gambling that we were raided," said Aubry. An investigation of the estab· i!'lm and misconstrueing the dc,;ces are not permitted on the "This is nowhere near the t ruth. lishmenL's books is now being con­ facts'' in reporting an inci­ premises or a liquor permit holder. "That newspaper (PD) is slant­ ducted by state liquor commission dent which in\'olved his posi­ The PD reported that "several ing the news purely for the sake agents. Dr. )lilclred l\Iatou:;ek of cases or 3.2 pc1·cent beer and one of being sensational," he charged. Garlield Heights is holder of the tion as social chairman of liquo1· permit for the Hideaway opened bottle of whisky were "A proof of their sensational­ the Cle,·eland A rca Intercol­ found." Lounge. legiate Council (CAIC) . ism," udded Aub1·y, "is the fact Aubry tlo~d that "the three that they (PD) said our posters Dr. )fatousek told agents the Harold Aubry, 1 senior business t•ases of beer were purc.hased for ad,·ertising the affair promised a mnjol·ity or the lounge's income major, told the <.:arroll ::-:cws the the '15 volunteer workers. The 'Sex Party' !or those who went. came from parties. PD "mis-intcrpretl'd the facts an.! opened bottle of whisky was found "This ili totally erroneou:;," he But agents learned only three bl~w out or proportion" an in\·esti· in the private kitchen of the man­ stated. "We used t he initials parti<'s were li-;ted in the reserva­ gntion and qut>~tioning h> an Ohio ager of the Hideaway. No worker tion book for the past two years. Liquor Control Commission ofli<'ial S.E-'\. to st..-md for 'sensational entered his kitchen." enjoyment. and x-citernent. There 1f the commission iincls the club rollowing Sntur.lay's GA TC ":'lion~ was no 'sex-party.'" guilty or v iolntin~r the ban on l..'ado Night." Aubry further explah1ed that the gambling equipment, it could sus­ ThP PU :'ltonday mol'ning l'cport­ "gnlnbHng dc\'ices were similar to Ralph K Kreiger, area liquor en­ pNtd or revoke the liquo1· pennit. Ptl th:1t state liquor agents con· those used in church socials." They forcement chief and im·estigatinJr Aubry concluded hi!; l'l'iticism of fiscntcd a tnJ<'Kioad of gambling were rented irom a West Side firm, ofliccr, reported that there w:ls no the PD br citing ":moth('r inac­ equipnll'nt in a ..rnitl" nt the Hide· Gallagher Entt'rprises. SU<"h party. curncy. awny Lounge in Gartleld Heights, Slot machines were also confis· The PD also stated that the let· "The paper said one of the pur­ sit,.. of the :'lfontc Carlo affair. cated !rom the building. One ma­ ters b.y.o.b. -meaning bring your poses of the :\lontc Cnrlo Night "\\'e were not raided," insisted chine contained a substantial num· own bottle-appeared on the was to interest students o{ West­ ,\ ubry. "The commission oftlcial," her of nicklcs, accot-ding to the PD. poster. ~rn Reserve University and Case he continued, "appronchr.d me after "The machines were found in the The Carroll News leamcd t hul Jnstilute of Technology in joininf: <'\ eryone left nnd nskcd me severn! uttic of tho llideaway." refuted neither the words "Sex Party" nor the Intercollegiate Council . qut'!ltions. 'J'hnt was the e:o..'tent of Aubry, ''ami none or us knew any­ letters b.y.o.b. appeared on the Well, it wasn't ... It was the it, ns far as we were concerned.'' thing nbout them." advertisements. CAlC semester soda] eYGnt," }',e Nenrlr 500 students attended the The PD st:1tcd $4 million in play " ~fore sensationalism from the concluded. Page 2 THE CARROLL NEWS Friday, Nov. 12, 1965 Guest of' the Editor THE VOICE CRYING Distortion feeds Communism IN THE DESERT By :\UCHAEL TRADlA Communist propaganda thrives on sen­ be united in support of the President. Dis­ By J USTIN .l1cCARTBY ~ationalism, distortion, and lies. Our news satisfacton should be made felt at the polls, media seem to play into Soviet hands. for by voting him out at the next election, a Cleveland's Plain Dealer is working very hard to be a "crusading" newspaper, and obviously needs an issue. they give front page coverage to a noisy, process not possible under Communism. Such an issue was the scandal­ insignificant, anti-American minority. Pro­ Freedom of speech is all well and good, ous ''Monte Carlo Night," sponsored ticle such as the Plain Dealer's and United State~ opinion, whch represents the pro,·ided it is not used to subvert our na­ by the Cleveland InteJ·-Collegiate see only isolated words and phrases-"Money Carlo, gamb­ of is tion. How can anyone who defends Marxian Council. 'fhc Plain Dealer sp~u-c<l vast majorit) Americans, obseurel}• ling, sex party, beer." And most mentioned on the back page. Communism be a good Christian or a Joyal none ot its journalistic zeal in re· porting the t~rime. readers don't bother to read past Lust ~ec:k. a mcrt> !our ~terecn t of the American citizen? ;114)nday morning, Nov. 8, di­ lhe fh·st paragraphs: the first sec­ PO JCU cam pu t~ e"pr es~(· cl d i!Nttisfaet ion In observing bow the pseutlo-intellectuaJ rect!~ under a picture of Russia's tion in the only mentioned with the cu r r<•nt United States Viet Nam anti-Am ericans lose sight of r eality while nPw atomic missile, next to the that 500 students atrended the Viet :\am article, conlmanding "~Ionte Carlo Night," and listed policy.
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