Complete Local News Top Advertising Results Astride All The Activities Our F«mlly Of Over 9,000 Readers of The Town With Your Home Town Paper Is A Valuable Market For All Our Advertisers f XXXV-NO. 52 tkrtmCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAYt, APRIL 5, 1957 PRICI BQHT enrra first Aid laiining Women Get Jobs fund Drive As Part-Time Guards I |)i.wliii{! (continues v C.li;iiniian for This ,s Campaign At School Crossings .-I-).-I- . During the first •A! v,,!il the Carterct First ,',|h ull Initiate lte drive Mm Koed Resigns; Served Will Begin fork M, j. j. Dowling, who g cluiirman of the an- ., for the last twenty Long on Assistance Board Hulnick ,:ii,.(i to have the coin . ;mitecl early for the CARTERET — Miss DnR- resents such leadlns firms as the ,, of the people. The mar Kncd, 123 Emerson Street. Travelers, Continental, New Report to Conndl , i people and Indus- liius .submitted to tflf "Mayor and Hampshire Fire and I). S. Fi- • ,, i own will be notl- Ontmdl last night ncr resigna- delity and Guaranty. She ls CARTF.RET—Part time women ,;,.; of the fund drive. tion us member of the Local past president of Insurance .school guards wlll direct school n( the cards will be- Assistance Board on which (he Women of New Jersey, a mem- traffic at hazardous school cross- ; i ;ml should be com- has been serving tor the past ber of the Middlesex County ings effective Monday. mie 1st. There will be i;t yeur.s. She server as secre- Agents Association, a member I This was announced last night ,!:iie set as the mem- tary of the board during that the Middlesex County Agents \ by Police Commissioner John Hut- :i,ii be able to collect period. She was appointed to Association, a member of the ;nlck at the meeting of the Bor- visit to the home. the office by the for'mer Mayor Buslnes and Professional Wo- ough Council last night. men's Club, of Elizabeth, and •:,r past year the First Joseph W. Mlttuch. Pressure of It ls the first time In the history past officers of the club. Miss i has answered over other business was given as the of the bortfigh that women school (l Koed ateo is a member of the ..,.„..::cd calls. These have reason. guards have joined the ranks to board of trustees of the Carteret '„' ,;],••! mi calls, accidents. An Insurance agent for the provide protection for school chil- Adult Education. •;;.ii accidents and trans- past 25 years, Miss Koed rep- dren. iiic .'•quad la on twenty- Those named ior the jobs were: h,v,ir cull and have never DAILY TRAFFIC MESS: Here's a picture of the traffic Jam which Carteret motorists encounter ctolly when men report for work at Mrs. Anna Suroka. Mrs. Mary •,, iinsuer a call. During the the new Kopper plant under construction or when the homeward rush begins. Officials arc neinfs urged In provide new travel link Activities Listed Paul Kosten Head Kaminskl, Mrs. Dorothy Mlsak, :-,,• Fust Aid alarm sounds that would run parallel the CnrteM-I'oit Heading road. Mrs. Kathryn Taylor and Mrs. ;:•,<• members of a call. Mary Johnson. 11 p. M. to 7 A. M, the By Calvary Church Of Labor Council Provision for the engagement of ,:- HIT notified by tele- Leaders Chosen Red Cross Drive Extended;Hour of Sharing the- women were made In the 1957 ' :;><vA\ the police dc- CARTER£T — At the Calvary CARTERET — Paul Kosten, budget. Most of the nearby muni- • in case of extreme j Baptist Church this Sunday, Pas- president of LocaV 837, Carteret cipalities now employ part time ;.. ilie alarm U sounded For Youth Confab Half of Goal is Achieved At tor Joseph Matus wlll bring the Smelter and Refinery Workers school guards. There are twenty , mM to alert all mem- sermon at the 11 A.M. morning Union, was elected president of of them In Elizabeth. CARTERET — With a total their quotas, He said he Is CARTERET -t- This Sunday at worship service. The ordinance of the Carteret Labor Council at the Other Business , CARTBRET - Robert Szigeti. of 50 per cent of 1U goal re- awaiting a report from indus- , :.- v donated ls used for the Lord's Supper wlll be observed annual meeting held this week. Council suspended for three Mary Toth, and Beverly Schmidt ported this week, the Perth try. the 8:30 and 11 AM. services the : ' iml replacements. This at this service. The evening Happy The Carteret Ubor Council takes days business the licenses of Star will represent Carteret at Boy's Amboy-Carteret Chapter of the He urged the volunteer work- ::. ::;iy support** aclvlty Hour Sertlce at 6:30 will be held in all the heavy Industries ur the I Landing Post, 2314, Veterans of State, Girl's State, and Citizen- American Red Cross, extended ers to finish the job within the • •:.!• present time ihjre are with the assistant Pastor Homer Foreign Wai's, Upper Pershlng ship Ihsltute respectively, Princi- its yearly fund drive a week. allotted time and bring the Pre*yterian Church.- Members Carteret area. .-,) - io - date ambulances and friends of the church are Trlcules bringing the devotional Avenue and City Line Bar and pal H. E. Horn announced this Deputy Police Chief Charles campaign to a successful con- Joe Welusz of Local 13,0.CJV.W. i i ii service to the town. asked to keep faith with those in message entltlel Peacemakers. The Grill, 3 Roosevelt Avenue. The week. Makwinskl, general chairman, clusion. Workers Union, was named vice iUo other small equip- need overseas by giving through Junior Choir, the Youth Choir State Alcoholic Beverage Depart- Boy's State and Girl's State" sal dthat a concentrated week- The Red Cross, Mr. Makwln- president for the coming year. :cii may be Arrowed for their faith: Relief needs through- and the Senior Choir will sing at ment charged that they sold al- are the annual citizenship pro- long residential drive with ekl needs the money badly in Other officers were as follows: •!.-• when an emergency out the world have changed little the morning service. coholic beverages after hours. jects of the American Legion and house - to - house coverage In an effort to carry on Its services Emll Peters, Local 13, Recording for the better during the past year. Council President Sullivan said 1 Other activities this Sunday wlll Secretary; John Soanowskl, Local iiihi has been president the American Legion Auxiliary. areas not yet visited, by soli- and activities for another year. the lenient punishment was lue In many areas needs are more des- be as follows: Sunday School at 521, Financial secretary, John Minad since 1U orianlza- I Citizenship Institute Is sponsored citors should Increase total con- "We don't want to fall be- to the fact that both are first of- perate than ever. 11 A.M.; Calvary Teens monthly Sosnowskl, Local 521, Metal and i:; wars aso. The other of- by the Woman's Club. tributions. hind this year," Mr. Makwinskl fenders. At both services the minister meeting 5 PM.; Ladles Aid Thermite Workers Union, Publici- vf vice president, J, J. Selected for service, character, , Mr. Makwiiukl said that told the workers at a report will pleach the sermon "Revive monthly meeting at 5:30 PM. ty and political Action chairman, Building Inspector Edward -. secretary, Michael Pa- and scholarship the three stu- some of the districts went over meeting held Monday night. Thy Church," At the early service The class f&r baptismal candidates Stephen Trosko, Local 837, Car- Zanat reported that he issued last irca.surer, Joseph Comba; denti are members of the junior the J Choir win sing "My wUl, meet in the ]|o*eij auditorium teret Smelter Workers, Trustees, month building permits for work Clu at Carteret Hlffh School and August Ft Life, iOlve'to Thee" arid of the church at 3:30 F.M. to- Adam Szymborski, Local 434, In- to cost WJ.8S0. LoilU Ika: 1st have participated In many affairs. To Tighten Laws Church Prepared a trio, Susan Cinege, Helen Maca- night. The Deaconesses' will meet ternational Chemical Workers Julius Lltus, 4 Grant Avenue. :.,:,; Alex Nudge; 2nd Ueu- Mr, Szlsetl played center with llk, and Barbara Gavor will-sing at the home of Mrs. Emma szalaje Union, Al Suto, Local 13, Andrew appjied for the position of patrol- |;u: (MOIBC Hlla. other mem- the football varsity, is treasurer "God So Loved the World." At at 7:30 P.M. The Sunday School Shymanski, Local 13, Theodore man. : the squad art; Joseph of the class, president of the On Obscene Books For Installation the second service the Senior Council will' hold its regular Epychln, Local 13. Holy Family PTA, through its ::. Joseph Trosko, Stephen Spanish club, and a member of president, Mrs. John Wolski. sent Choir will sing "In Remem- monthly meeting on Tuesday, •••'.iky. Stephen Kunak. Ron- the math, record, and Future CARTERET - Everything is . , Florence Perry The Council, in outlining its a letter to Police Commissioner CARTERET — In addition to \ brance; and Mlss April 9. Teachers are urged to alms and goals, said that the new- nli y. Ralph White and Teachers of America climbs. He in readiness for the Installation John Hutnick thanking him for the local ordinance approved a wlll sing "Jesus Only." The attend to make final Easter plans ly elected officers of the Carteret I:. Kn:.cl serves as chairman of the bulle- providing police protection for the couple of weeks ago by the Bor- j of Rev. Dr. Andrew Harsanyi, as Church school will meet at 9:30.
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