23 December 1996 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 109(4):725-730. 1996 Cinetorhynchus manningi, a new shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Rhynchocinetidae) from the western Atlantic Junji Okuno Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, 955-2 Aoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260, Japan Abstract.—A new rhynchocinetid shrimp, Cinetorhynchus manningi, is de- scribed and illustrated based on two ovigerous female specimens from the western Atlantic Ocean. The new species is readily distinguished from the other seven congeners by the absence of arthrobranchs on the second and third per- eiopods, and constitutes the second rhynchocinetid from the Atlantic ocean. Shrimps of the family Rhynchocinetidae ural History, Smithsonian Institution, differ from other caridean shrimps by hav- Washington, D.C. ing a typically movable rostrum, fine trans- verse striae on the surfaces of the carapace Cinetorhynchus manningi, new species and abdominal somites, first two pairs of Figs. 1, 2 pereiopods robust, fingers bearing long lat- Rhynchocinetes rigens.—Manning, 1961:1 eral and terminal spines, and second pereio- (in part) (not Rhynchocinetes rigens Gor- pod with carpus entire, not subdivided. Hol- don, 1936). thuis (1995) divided the genus Rhynchoci- Material.—Caribbean Sea: USNM netes s.l. into two subgenera, Rhynchoci- 277772, holotype, ovigerous female, 8.5 netes H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 and Cineto- mm CL, Virgin Islands, Eagle Shoal, 10.5 rhynchus Holthuis, 1995. Okuno (in press) m, 1 Feb 1961; USNM 277773, paratype, elevated these subgenera to generic rank, ovigerous female, 8.0 mm CL, Florida, off and included in Cinetorhynchus six species Elliot Key, Bache Shoals, 4.5 m, 4 May from the Indo-Pacific and one from the At- 1960, coll. C. R. Robins. lantic Ocean. Description.—A rather robust rhyncho- During this study, I examined several cinetid shrimp of subcylindrical body form specimens previously identified as C. rigens (Fig. 1). (Gordon, 1936) captured from various lo- Carapace with many fine transverse stri- calities in the Atlantic Ocean. In these ma- ae. Three acute teeth on dorsal carina be- terials, two ovigerous female specimens of hind rostral articulation, anterior tooth larg- an undescribed species were found. The est. Antennal spine sharply pointed, consid- new species differs from the other seven erably exceeding anterior margin of cara- congeners by the absence of arthrobranchs pace. Anterolateral angle of carapace on the second and third pereiopods. I pro- rounded, without pterygostomian spine. vide herein the description and illustrations Rostrum (Fig. 2A) well developed, indis- for this second Atlantic rhynchocinetid tinctly articulated with carapace, distinctly shrimp. overreaching apex of scaphocerite; length Method of measuring follows Okuno (in 1.7 times as long as carapace; lateral carina press). The postorbital carapace length is distinct, reaching end of proximal third of abbreviated as CL. The abbreviation rostrum, continuous with upper orbital mar- USNM indicates National Museum of Nat- gin; dorsal margin with 2 large proximal 726 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 1. Cinetorhynchus manningi, new species. Ovigerous female, holotype (USNM 277772, 8.5 mm CL), lateral view. Scale equals 5 mm. teeth, 2 small teeth subterminally; ventral dominal somite, rather convex dorsally; spi- margin with 10 teeth, proximal 4 teeth nation of dorsal surface in holotype abnor- strong, separated by distinct interval from mal, with 2 small spines on right side and proximal tooth of distal series, distal 6 teeth a single small spine at left side, paratype considerably smaller than proximal four has normal spination, armed with 3 pairs of teeth, decreasing in size distally. small spines; posterior margin prominent, Abdominal somites with fine transverse bearing 3 pairs of spinules at each side, in- striae; pleura of first 3 somites rounded; termediate spinules longest. fourth somite with small, distinct or indis- Eye with pigmented, rounded cornea, tinct protrusion posteroventrally; fifth so- eyestalk much slenderer than cornea. mite with acute protrusion posteroventrally; Antennular peduncle (Fig. 2C) reaching posterolateral margin of fourth and fifth so- end of proximal third of rostrum; thickened mites each with acutely pointed tooth di- part of the upper flagellum reaching to rected posteriorly; sixth somite rather about rostral apex; proximal segment with compressed, 0.6 times as long as carapace, distal margin acutely pointed, inner margin 2.1 times as long as its width, with acutely ventrally with acute spine, surface concave; pointed posteroventral spine directed stylocerite well developed, reaching distal obliquely backwards, with acute anal spine margin of distal segment; statocyst longi- between uropodal basicerites. tudinally oval. Telson (Fig. 2B) 0.6-0.7 times as long as Scaphocerite (Fig. 2D) well developed, carapace, 1.1-1.2 times as long as sixth ab- reaching midlength of rostrum, 0.8 times as VOLUME 109, NUMBER 4 727 Fig. 2. Cinetorhynchus manningi, new species. A-H, ovigerous female, holotype (USNM 277772, 8.5 mm CL); I, ovigerous female, paratype (USNM 277773, 8.0 mm CL). A, anterior part of carapace with rostrum; B, telson and right uropod; C, antennular peduncle; D, scaphocerite; E, first pereiopod; F, second pereiopod; G, third pereiopod; H, dactylus of third pereiopod; I, gill complement of pereiopods. Scales equal 5mm (A), 2 mm (B-G, I), and 0.5 mm (H). 728 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Table 1.—Cinetorhynchus manningi, new species. small; distal endite expanded distally, Branchial formula. broader than proximal endite, with distal Maxillipeds Pereiopods margin with dense setae; proximal endite I II III I II III IV V rounded, with dense setae distally; exopod well developed, caridean lobe slender, fla- Pleurobranchs 11111 gellum with numerous setae distally; epipod Arthrobranchs — — 2 1 large, rounded. Second maxilliped with Podobranchs 1 Epipods 1 1 1 1111 — oval epipod having well developed podo- Exopods 1 1 1 branch; distal margin of dactylus almost straight, with long dense setae; propodus with distal margin rounded, inner margin long as carapace, 3.3-3.4 times as long as feebly expanded. Third maxilliped reaching its maximum width; external distal spine distal third of scaphocerite; antepenultimate acute, reaching level of distal margin of la- segment with acute spine distolaterally; mella; basicerite covered with fine trans- penultimate segment 0.3 times as long as verse striae, with acute spine directed an- carapace, with sparse setae on outer sur- teriorly and terminal rounded lobe just face; ultimate segment 0.5 times as long as above spine; carpocerite reaching end of carapace, 1.5-1.6 times as long as penulti- proximal third of scaphocerite. mate segment, with 6-8 dark horny claws Branchial formula as shown in Table 1. at apex, covered uniformly with dense setae Mouthparts typical of genus. Mandible except distal fourth. with three-segmented palp, distal segment First pereiopod (Fig. 2E) stout, reaching rounded distally, with short dense setae, in- end of proximal third of scaphocerite; chela termediate segment longest of all, distal slightly compressed, 0.4 times as long as margin with long sparse setae; incisor pro- carapace, 1.6-1.7 times as long as carpus, cess stout, with sharp distal teeth; molar palm with short dense setae on proximal process subcylindrical, broad, with feeble ventral margin, both fingers slightly curved distal setae and numerous corneous slits. mesially, with dark claws terminally; carpus First maxilla with feebly bifid slender palp, 0.2 times as long as carapace, distal margin with denticulate long setae distally; distal truncate, with dense cluster of rather long lacinia broad, lateral margin convex, with setae. sparse setae, distal margin straight, with 2 Second pereiopod (Fig. 2F) slenderer rows of small, stout spinules; proximal la- than first pereiopod, falling short of mid- cinia broader than distal lacinia, feebly length of scaphocerite; chela 0.3 times as square distally. Second maxilla with distinct long as carapace, both fingers slightly palp, proximally broad, distally slender; curved inside, with dark horny claws ter- coxal endite broad, distal margin truncate, minally; carpus long, 0.4-0.5 times as long with numerous long setae distally; distal en- as carapace, 1.5-1.6 times as long as chela. dite bilobed, upper lobe feebly square dis- Third to fifth pereiopods rather slender, tally, broader than lower lobe, with dense similar; dactyli (Fig. 2H) with three horny setae distally, lower lobe with rather claws posterior to terminal largest claw, de- straight distal margin, with dense setae; sca- creasing in size proximally; propodi with phognathite well developed, anterior lobe slightly dense setae on upper margin, with with feebly square distal end, posterior lobe sparse spinules at distal % of lower margin, very slender, inner margin convex, elongat- terminal spinule largest of all; ischia with 2 ed posteriorly, reaching anterior part of articulated spines on outer surface and low- third pleurobranch. First maxilliped with er margin. Third pereiopod (Fig. 2G) reach- elongate, 3-segmented palp, intermediate ing level of distal end of scaphocerite; me- segment longest of all, distal segment very rus 0.6-0.7 times as long as carapace, 2.0 VOLUME 109, NUMBER 4 729 times as long as carpus, with 4-5 articulat- distinguished from the other Atlantic spe- ed spines on outer surface, proximal spines cies, C. rigens
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