Boundary Mines Sent Phoenix is the Centre Out 500,000 Tans of and Leading Mining Ore in 1902. ^ V Camp of Boundary. AND BOUNDARY MINING JOURNAL, Devoted to the Interests of the J-Joutidary Mining District. ••'-'•ip Vol.. IV. PHOENIX, BRITISH COLUMBIA SATURDAY, AUGUST' 20. 1903. No, 42. t.'.SS- OUTLINE OP PROGRAMME. Death ol a Phoenician. C. P.R.AND $1.75 PER TON Henry J. McQuaid, well known in GRANBY SMELTER Labor Day Celebration Arrangements Nearly l'hoenix, died of epilepsy at the hos­ GREAT NORTHERN Completed.^ AS NET PROFIT pital in F'ernie, last week Tuesday. M onday evening 1 _tlibr 1 >ay celebra­ Mr. McQuaid was at one time in the NOW CLOSED -•'I tion committee held another meeting, general merchandise business here for and proceeded to the .arrangement of a year or two as the Law-McQuaid Hi High Officials Meet Here in the programme for that, occasion. The Being Made at Oro Denoro Co., Ltd., his partners being W. S. Preparing to Operate Six Fur­ Macy and Wm. Law. When he left Phoenix. following.'is an outline of the • pro­ Mine. naces Soon. l'hoenix he went to 1'incher Creek, gramme decided upon: Alberta, and later took up his resi­ September 7th-ljlr_l Day. dence in F'ernie, where he was em­ ALL LOOKED OVER TUB BIG NINES 9:30 a. in.—Industrial! Parade, to form OFFICIALS VISIT THE PROPERTY ployed in a large concern. McQuaid LOCOMOTIVES ARE NOT YET HERE ut Miners' Union ha<l and march to was a young man of about 30 years, •Im Fresh C. IV R. station to meet excursion unmarried. His relatives at Charlotte- •' Hm Louis W. Hill Hid NolhlD. to Sty About trains, followed by j.tbor Day ora Forging Rapidly lo Ihe Front—C_mp.---.or town, IV li. I., were advised of his Management Will Put In Railway For Slar Ihe New Line to Tblt Camp-I. • Chip tion by prominent siieakerji.aker,. Iu be Shipped Tomorrow—Electric Ll.hi- ••' 4 _.-V._?i death, and they asked that his remains baullni When New Coke Eaten Are In ol t.e Old Block. 11 a. in. ?Log Rollinig contest, neair Injf Plant. lie sent on there, which was done; ; Dominion avenue 'FirsIK t prize, $25; Commltalon, .'••J .-:^ second prize, $10. , •• mmy; '•f&se,- !AND I-itst Saturday an unusual event in I.U-.CIlEOJ{. DAMAGE NOT y^tut,:- 1:30 [). 111.—Horse Ratting, Dominion This week several officials of the Thursday evening, according to the *.,•.' •"•;.* railway matters occurred in l'hoenix, ii'^M '•• avenue, free for all, tf mite, best Oro Denoro mine, Summit camp, made programme mapped out, the four fur­ when the high officials of two trans­ SO GREAT :};X '•{'•&• '•• two in three heats. First prize, $35; a visit of inspection to that property, naces of the Granby smelter were allow- Vegetables continental railways met here, namely, second prize, $15. | ;,.•:>.!;!,',' and to say that they are immensely those of the C. IVI.. and of, the Great Saddle Race, owners uf>, )^ mile, sad­ edrto go cold. When the smelter is" pleased wilh it and with the develop­ Northern, The meeting was not pre­ dles to weigh not lesi than 30 lbs. put in blast again, about the middle of ment done since work was resumed, One Huge Electric Compressor arranged In any way, but was merely a F'irst prize, $20; secind, $io. September if not Sooner, there will be- v.'f iiavj'S-';'' Don't wait for better prices, as prices is putting it mildly. The party con­ coincidence. The party of CY IV R. Pony Race, under 14 hands, }( mile. Running Again. six furnaces in blast, using up Phoenix are bedrock now. Fruit season is now sisted of J. S. C. Fraser, manager of •'Uwm, officials included I). McNichol, vice- „ First prize, $15; second, $5. ore at the rate of more than 2,000 tons: -i-.\ '•iv'i^'-xM' practically over. Squaw Race, *4 mile. First prize, $r 5; the Bank of. Montreal, Rossland, and president and general manager; ... 11. of ore daily, In the meantime work second, $5. Five .er cent entry president of the Denoro Mines, Ltd.; Peaches, Vegetable Me Henry, chief engineer; J. \V. Leon­ CYLINDERS VERY RARELY EXPLODE at the mines will continue uninterrupt­ fee, and five per cen? from winners F. S. Parrish, manager of the LeRoi Plums, Marrows, ard, assistant general manager of the edly in preparation for the increased! in horse races—all o hers free. mine, and who has been acting as con­ ,i;.{ '|||| Pears, Hubbard and western lines; F. F. Uusteed, engineer 3100 p. in. — Rock trilling, double tonnage soon to be sent out. sulting engineer for the Oro Denoro; Can .elopes, Summer Squash Pacific division; G. L. Ross, superin­ hand contest, Old Ironsides avenue, HaK a Dozen Cases Only on Record — Diffi­ Last January an order was placed near Second street. „ All down holes, R. H. Anderson, of Rossland; A. Citron, Yellow and tendent Kootenay-J.o.indary branches; cult to Find Ihe Exact Cause — Getting with the Boundary agent of the Jenckes: Transparent two teams to enter] or no second Prescott, of Vancouver, a shareholder, New Pans. Watermelons, R. Marpolc, manager of Pacific division; Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que., for Grapes, Apples, money; time, 15 nlinutes; change and Smith Cuitis, a director, to whose \V. F. '.'ye, assistant chief engineer, two 8x14 locomotives, to be used for Pumpkins, And Crab Apples, every "minute; J& 'steel and 8-lb efforts the work of resumption at the fill and who had charge of the construc­ han.mers; entry lee,! $2 per team. hauling the hot slag away from the ; property is largely due. From an investigation made by tion of the Boundary branch; and a First prize,.$100. blastfurnaces at the Granby smelter. IN AliUNDANCE- Single Hand Contest—all down holes; Master. Mechanic Fraser, of the Gran­ number of others, all of whom travel­ After a thorough examination of the A 7.x 12 locomotive was ordered about two teams to enter; time, 10 min­ by mines, a brother of the man who Call and get prices on ed in the private car Metapedia. This mine, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Prescott the same time for the Sunset smelter, utes; 4-lb hammers; entry fee, $i. was slightly hurt last week, the explo­ FRUIT JARS and SUGAR. party was making a visit of inspection F'irst'prize,' $30. visited the Granby mines in this camp, and another of the same kind for the 41 sion of the two high pressure cyliuders to the company's best customer in the 4:30 p. m.—100-yard Dash, Knob Hill as the. former gentleman had never same purpose for the Mother Lode in the new compressors was not as . \k Boundary — the Granby mines and avenue. First prize, $15; second been in the Boundary before. They smelter at Greenwood. serious in the way of material damage smelter, after looking over the lines prize, $5. also visited the Greenwood smelter.' The two locomotives for the Gran by- Fat Man's Race, 100 yards. First prize, as at first anticipatea. One Price.to all, and that the generally in this section. Mr. Prescott left for his coast home smelter are due to arrive now, it being; $10; second, $5. t{0 LOWE ST , Thursday thoroughly enthused at Some,new parts for the mammoth It was Mr. McNichol s first visit to o;oo p. m.—Ball in Miners' Union the desjre of the management to put hall, under auspices of Phoenix the possibilities of the Boundary coun­ machines will have to come from the this camp, and he was surprised, after them in commission when the two n_.w Trades and Labor Council. try in a mining way, and especially, makers in the east, the two compres­ GROCERY DEPARTMENT OF THE being taken through the Old Ironsides furnaces are placed in blast. This:. September 8th—Second Day. with the future of the Oro Denoro. sors being duplicates, admit of the will all be done at the time of the tert. Sit and Knob Hill mines, at the vast parts being interchangeable. Thus it 9:30 a. in.—Rose Reel Races-—Hub It was,learned by the Pioneer scribe bodies of ore yet in sight after some day shut down, which, in consequence was possible this week to get one of ~'~>i-'f'-'i ...BIG STORE... and Hub, Dominion avenue. First that the ore. that has been shipped to of the delayed arrival of the locomo­ 830,000 tons had been extracted, as prize, $85; second, $40. Carts to thy 30 drill machines in order for use the Sunset smelter, at Boundary Falls, tives, has been put off till now. well as with the cheapness with which carry 200 feet of hose tuid.rui. r.50 In the••ri.eantimer'both-the- old Knob •{mm frorii' the Oro "Denoro,' lias"" yielded a : the ore is broken down and loaded on yards. Hill and Old Ironsides compressors ••'$*&£:• 10:00 a. m.•— Standing High Jump, profit of about $1.-7 . per ton, after all Latest Mining Stock Quotations, m%?=~§M\ the railway cars. were pressed into service temporarily, corner Dominion avenue and Ban­ expenses had been paid, including The party of Great Northern offici­ each having a capacity of ten drills. ASKHD J_T> ner street. Prize, $5. mining, freight and, treatment and als came up from Grand Forks by American Boy , 5 , •»?* rp Running High Jump. Prize, $5. drilling by hand. So far the mine has The explosion of air compressor cyl­ Hen llur SJ- 4}_ special teams, accompanied by Jay P.
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