Average Daily Circulation For the Month of September, 1841 The Weather Foreeaat of C. S. Weather Burenu 6,880 Fair and eonttnaed oool tonight; Sunday fair and alightly colder; Member of the Andll ilanrljPBt^r lEuTuUm rali m otlerale to frewh northw est and Bareau of Circulation* u-eot wind*. Manchentpr——A City of Village Charm VOi.. LXL, NO. 22 (Claftalfled Advertising On Page 13) MANCHESTER. CONN.. S.ATl RnAY. OCTOHER 2'>. 1011 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS .Action on Blhnrlix .Strike Front Arranges to Vote ' Nazis Claim Capt ure On W iping Out Ban Of Kharkov; Crimea On Ship Deliveries Attacks Are Beaten Seen initicc Kraiiy to .Ap­ PoAxerfiil Onsliuij'hlb To Business Ri'lfjoroH .Also ('laimed prove l,e^iHlation (riv­ l.aiinrlie(l .'\j'aiii<4t Pen- Britain Will Orriipipfl; Rprlih Dig* ing VetiHelh Right to After .War intxiila and .Apitroarhes patrhr* Brgin Speak* Sail on .Anv Orean». To Rfistov Re|>iilbe(i h> Give Russia • lip of Zero Hour for \Va.‘ihinKtoii. Oct. 2.").— (/P) Dislocation ^' ill Dtrarf i Red Army's (Atiinler- A id Pledged Alokrow; Roml>erg Di» —A majority of the Senate That FoUou'ihg First Allackti; (serm aii* in reel Mjrhl Attack* Foreign Relations Committee fVorld IVar; Anit^nran ^ Sm all \ illaj;e<i Close was re|)orted ready today to Eden Says Many (,eo- -Agaiiiril Alilitary and Entry Seen Ineritahle. Tf» Mozhaisk Noxx. approve legislation granting granhiral If^irnlties Eroiioniir Gen ter*. American merchant ship.q the In EnIfiUing Td\^ If ill right to sail—and if need New- Orlean*. Oct 25 vT- A Bulletin! R filin , Oct. 2r).— (/P)— Ger­ (liolm-alion of induatry after the ' ^ FVilic. riyjh to the .scene as "trikers converge on an aido bearing n-.n-.'lrikers he.s ted for the Ben- All lip (h'pncttntp. arises, shoot—on any oceans Kuibyshev. Russia. Oct. 2.'). many announced today the cu rrent w ar dw arfing th at fqllow-- dix! -N J plant of Air Associiil'-s. Ino , w hich hold. - 000 ooo in impoi lant lii-fens.- orders for aviation In-the world. The committee, parLs —'"T'l—Russian military dis­ capiure of Kharkov, the roTicliiding four day* of hf.vring ing the first World War was pre- ' ^ p u - k ted by the CM) United Autonn'oile W..rker. "f AmpriCH. K., I.-.II .. lO'enl of the dispute w-,-is agreed to late vesterdav patches declared today that -Manche.ster England. Ort|L2.5 heart of the Donets basin in­ on the House-approved ship arm­ clictod today by' V\illiam H(xJ.«iun. ' despite the loss of riOO.OOO "F Foreign .Secretary Anthony ing bill late yeatenlay. arranged pre«ident of The A n ien ran Public dustrial area, and Belgorod, Eden declared confidently today to vote tod.ay on a broadening \\>lfan* Aaaorlation. men in the first three weeks 47 miles to the north of,^ * amendment 'fcliich would w-ipe out "B u t never again," .said Hodaon. , of the battle for the .Soviet that Britain w-ould overcome many railway that leads to M oscow, the present neutrality act provi- who also ia New York city com- capital powerful German geographical difficulties in fulfill­ A .special war bulletin from si6n w-hich bars United S ta te s i ......miJMioner—....... of welfare,«r,iair. "willv.nj miathia Hill lex Leaves Lew is’ R e p ly Aw a ited ing the imnien.sely formidable I forces have launched a new m erchant .shipa from entering bel-Ipermit 10,000.000 men to task' of giving promised aid to .Adolf Flitler'.s, headquarters ligererit ports or combat area... imam the atreeta. \Vc have our attack along the whole Mos­ Ru.ssia said Kharkov had been in G erm an PVedIct 1.3 to 10 Vote , "'IrOGa trained dead on those ardii- No Doubt 2ii«l O n C a n ce llin g S tr ik e cow front. Dispatches to "The government indeed has bu-t hand." since yesterday. T he reg u ­ After a careful poll of the com-, days to come, and w hen,_Jhey , I’ravda said the new fierman one purpose which is yours and lar high (onimand (.'ommuniqu* mittee. .Seriate Insiders predii ted ' "’e bo leady. _I _____prm____ ^__________ ^oiKrlit_______ ______V _____^ Staiin's too- how best to acrom- repeated ihi.s statement and add­ that the vote to expand Ihe House: lo-stead of large acale relief " offensives were started yes- ed bill would be 13 to 10 This tally. HoiLaon said, the Federal .N o I 111 I l i r t l i a l P l l l f l i c a terday after intense artillery (f onllnued On Page Ten I "On the .same day German however, recorded. Senator ^lK »yernm enl probtfliiy Will spenrl ■ •' t r k preparation. In the first hours trooj'R al.so occupied Belgorod, .a Hiiiitiiit; Fiv George ID , Ga. I, th^ ranking ma- '‘"‘I*'''"'' peacetime ar- Kt 111 I ||oil of (.Olirsr of .Ar of the attack the Germans communications renter 47 m iles Jonty member, and \While i P. j lavlahly as it L* do-I ()n .SlatrillOllI Math' lion Aflt-r Rfx..u.>v ..It AF* * 4 northeast of Kharkov, " Me ,%n favor of lifting the rre- e - ! “/^‘ "’ents toilay fll«ll AIHF KoosrNfll M lSSlIl«F 'VriHV lost full.x two battalions of The.se developmenta on the British Pound strutions on ship mbyeinents sooeeSuper llighivaysn i.w ..... .\ninng------------------------- Projects Iiv (.ovi riior at Kt*. R, m |i , , s I Matle Piihlir. i infantry .md as many as 70 southern fr'inl came as Berlin Those who took the poll epneeded The building of super highwavs dispatihes began speaking of th* tanks smashed by heavy RutG' that neither had made any fom- eriss-t niaalng the continent, the union 4>f Slult* ..Solons zero hour for .Moscow-. IJx T h r .-V.ssocialed I’ res.* Pursuit xSlii| )S sian defense fire, the dispatch At Rhineland* m ltm ent 350 .Mile* South of Moeeow (Conllniied On Page Ten) Hartfonl, (’nnn . Oct 2.5 4’ I’l'e.xitient Roo.'ievelt toda.v said. Chairman Uonnally i D-Tex i of ] I Belgorod is approximately 350 the Foreign Relations group and I Gov Rob«*rt A Hurley l»*ft n u awaitP,l .John L. U-xvi.s’ reply Re,,„rt Rereived One Pi- Doeks. V essels miles south of Mostxiw by air and Democratic Leader Barkley were doubt today in thr opinion of «omre to a vN hfte Honsp retiupst tor i ■> Kuihy.shev, Ru.s.sia, Ucl. 25. j 150 miles south of Orel, which reported yeiterday to have agreed (Vmnocticut legi.<4|atnrB, that hf» ex-- (-ntu-fllation of a midnijfhniidniifht * ‘••'•leiinles lo Safe- —uP)— I’owerful German on- I w-aa captured earlier by the Ger- that adniiniatration forces should Pepper Wants . mans in a plncer movement *f support a freedom -of - the - seas pectji to be rO'HcrtPd for a .s’cctmd slaught.s launched yesterday I Raid* Uarried (hil De- .-(trike call atTectiiiK .')!!,000 ly; AH of Planes -Are the central front offensive. Axla amendment. But one reliable in­ Irrm worker.s in "captive" coal again.st the Crimea and at the' . trrxjps may be striking north fn formant said that the decision than 700 muinbcra of th$* spilp PerHibtenre of Ln* Full Bloeknde K110X4 11 l4i Be Down. approaches to Kostox oh the I an effort to reinforce this right might possibly be reversed after 1937, 1939. and 1941 .^csaioni* of mino.-* owned Ly .steel (oni- I voralilp ^ eat h e r ; the two had talked with other the General Assembly, hero for a Don, gateway to tlie Cauca- I flank of the German drive agamat panie.-^ in I’enn.sv Ivania. West ■Sar r.-imcntn. Uslif . Oct. 2.> ' Vi ‘ the capital. I White House lieutenants on Cspi. N oav roiinion. baaotJ their boliof on a N’li-ginia. Kentucky and .Ala- , .«us,- haxe lieen beaten back Nazitt Alake Altark. tol Hill Of Japs gubernatonal .malrment whi(h Fi-.s Army piirsiul planes, miss­ , The communique sajd German t>ama president of the tiv Red Arm.x counter-attacks i bombers directed night ‘ attacka Will Force Commlltee \ ole gained alifture by the rircum- (’lO United Mine \Vork**rs. gftvc ing overnight in fog and »tormy ' Ku.ssian warfront dispatches I Ijondon. 0(t 25 The Ger- Rlancea under which it wa.9 made. [ against military-. and economic Senator Pepper (D-Flsi. who no immediate indication of his weather, were hunUd in widely .sairl today. In Uic bloody battle i man Rhineland docks in the .Nazt- cen ters of Moacriw-.,* Propo.seil as Answi-r lo Governtfir Hurley. .«itnnding at Joined with Senators Lee (D- LOur.se o f action alter th e presi spared parts of rallfornia snd fo r .Moscow the G erm ans, rep ort­ orcupied French port of 8re/*f and The war bulletin, heralded with I Oklai snu Greet. (D-Rli in offer­ Expansion F*Iaiis in the speaker.*! deak of the Houae. a dent » requr.st wan made public, Nevada today. edly outnumbering defense forces, Axis shipping off the Norw-egian the fanfare reserved for tpecMl ing an amendment permitting traditional .spot uaed by ('onneetj- last night cut chief executive? to addre.<(a the The Army recrued a report that were said to have [>oured into announcement^ said the new priie ships to enter belligerent ports, F ar East; \l’onl(l Cut Xlav Affect Itefm.se Output coast were targets of R.
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