QCD, Strings and Black holes The large N limit of Field Theories and Gravity Juan Maldacena Field Theory = Gravity theory Gauge Theories Quantum Gravity QCD String theory Plan QCD, Strings, the large N limit Supersymmetric QCD N large Gravitational theory in 10 dimensions Calculations Correlation functions Quark-antiquark potential Black holes Strings and Strong Interactions Before 60s Æ proton, neutron Æ elementary During 60s Æ many new strongly interacting particles Many had higher spins s = 2, 3, 4 …. All these particles Æ different oscillation modes of a string. This model explained “Regge trajectories” Rotating String model 2 From E. Klempt hep-ex/0101031 m~ TJmax + const Strong Interactions from Quantum ChromoDynamics 3 colors (charges) Experiments at higher energies revealed quarks and gluons They interact exchanging gluons Electrodynamics Chromodynamics (QCD) photon g g g g gluon electron Gauge group 3 x 3 matrices Gluons carry U(1) SU(3) color charge, so they interact among themselves Coupling constant decreases at high energy Gross, Politzer, Wilczek g 0 at high energies QCD is easier to study at high energies Hard to study at low energies Indeed, at low energies we expect to see confinement V = T L q q Flux tubes of color field = glue At low energies we have something that looks like a string Can we have an effective theory in terms of strings ? Large N limit t’ Hooft ‘74 Take N colors instead of 3, SU(N) Large N and strings Gluon: color and anti-color Open strings Æ mesons Closed strings Æ glueballs Looks like a string theory, but… 1. Simplest action = Area Not consistent in D=4 ( D=26 ? ) generate Polyakov At least one more dimension (thickness) 2. Strings theories always contain a state with m=0, spin =2: a Graviton. Scherk-Schwarz For this reason strings are commonly used to study Yoneya quantum gravity We combine these two problems into a solution. We will look for a 5 dimensional theory that contains gravity. We have to find an appropriate 5 dimensional curved spacetime. Most supersymmetric QCD Supersymmetry Ramond Bosons Fermions Wess, Zumino Gluon Gluino Many supersymmetries B1 F1 B2 F2 Maximum 4 supersymmetries, N = 4 Super Yang Mills Aμ Vector boson spin = 1 Ψα 4 fermions (gluinos) spin = 1/2 Φ I 6 scalars spin = 0 SO(6) symmetry All NxN matrices Susy might be present in the real world but spontaneously broken at low energies. We study this case because it is simpler. Similar in spirit to QCD Difference: most SUSY QCD is scale invariant Classical electromagnetism is scale invariant V = 1/r QCD is scale invariant classically but not quantum mechanically, g(E) Most susy QCD is scale invariant even quantum mechanically Symmetry group Lorentz + translations + scale transformations + other The string should move in a space of the form 2 2 2 2 2 ds = R w (z) ( dx 3+1 + dz ) redshift factor = warp factor ~ gravitational potential Demanding that the metric is symmetric under scale transformations x Æ λ x , we find that w(z) = 1/z 2 2 2 2 ds = R (dx 3+1 + dz ) z2 R4 AdS Boundary 5 z z = 0 z = infinity This metric is called anti-de-sitter space. It has constant negative curvature, with a radius of curvature given by R. w(z) Gravitational potential z Anti de Sitter space Solution of Einstein’s equations with negative cosmological constant. De Sitter Æ solution with positive cosmological constant, accelerated expanding ()universe Boundary is S 3 x time Spatial cross section of AdS = hyperbolic space Spatial section of AdS = Hyperbolic space R = radius of curvature Time Light rays Massive particles Energies of particles in AdS are quantized, particles feel as if they were in a gravitational potential well, they cannot escape to infinity. Qualitatively AdS is like a box of size R. 3 Boundary is S x Time The Field theory is defined on the boundary of AdS. Building up the Dictionary Graviton stress tensor Τμν Τ Gubser, Klebanov, μν Polyakov - ittenW Τμν <>Τ (x) Τ (y) Τ (z) = Probability amplitude that gravitons μν μν μν Field theory go between given points on the boundary Other operators Other fields (particles) propagating in AdS. Mass of the particle scaling dimension of the operator Δ =2 + 4mR ( + 2 ) Most supersymmetric QCD We expected to have string theory on AdS. 5 Supersymmetry D=10 superstring theory on AdS5 x (something) SO(6) symmetry S5 5 5 Type IIB superstrings on AdS x S (J. Schwarz) 5-form field strength F = generalized magnetic fieldÆ quantized FN= ∫S 5 Similar solution in 4 dimensional gravity + electromagnetism: AdS22 x S , with a flux of magnetic field on S 2 : Start with a charged, extremal black hole Æ near horizon geometry Veneziano String Theory Scherk Schwarz Green Free strings ….. 1 String Tension = T = 2 , ls = string length ls Relativistic, so T = (mass)/(unit length) Excitations along a stretched string travel at the speed of light Closed strings Can oscillate Normal modes Quantized energy levels Mass of the object = total energy ls M=0 states include a graviton (a spin 2 particle) First massive state has M 2 ~ T String Interactions Splitting and joining g String theory Feynman diagram Simplest case: Flat 10 dimensions and supersymmetric Precise rules, finite results, constrained mathematical structure At low energies, energies smaller than the mass of the first massive string state l Gravity theory s R Radius of curvature >> string length Æ gravity is a good approximation ( Incorporates gauge interactions Æ Unification ) Particle theory = gravity theory Most supersymmetry QCD String theory on (J.M.) theory 5 = AdS5 x S 5 N colors N = magnetic flux through S 4/1 Radius of curvature 2 R5= R = g N l S AdS5 ()YM s Duality: g2 N is small Æ perturbation theory is easy – gravity is bad g2 N is large Æ gravity is good – perturbation theory is hard Strings made with gluons become fundamental strings. Where Do the Extra Dimensions Come From? 3+1 Æ AdS5 Æ radial dimension Strings live here Interior Gluons live here z Boundary What about the S5 ? • Related to the 6 scalars •S5 Æ other manifolds = Most susy QCD Æ less susy QCD. • Large number of examples Klebanov, Witten, Gauntlett, Martelli, Sparks, Hannany, Franco, Benvenutti, Tachikawa, Yau ….. Quark anti quark potential string q V = potential = proper length of the string in AdS Boundary g2 N V≈ − q L g2 N Weak coupling result: V≈ − L Confining Theories Add masses to scalars and fermions Æ pure Yang Mills at low energies Æ confining theory. There are many concrete examples. At strong coupling Æ gravity solution is a good description. w(z) Gravitational potential boundary or warp factor z0 z w(z0) > 0 String at z0 has finite tension from the point of view of the boundary theory. Graviton in the interior Æ massive spin=2 particle in the boundary theory = glueball. Baryons Æ D-branes Checking the conjecture • Energies of string states in AdS = Dimensions of operators in gauge theory • Direct computation in the gauge theory • Planar diagrams Æ “spin” chains • Connections to “integrable” systems that also appear in condensed matter. • Works nicely in a special, large charge, limit • Not yet done in general, active research area… Berenstein, J.M, Nastase, Minahan, Zarembo, Staudacher, Beisert,…. What can we learn about gravity from the field theory ? • Useful for understanding quantum aspects of black holes Black holes Gravitational collapse leads to black holes Classically nothing can escape once it crosses the event horizon Quantum mechanics implies that black holes emit thermal radiation. (Hawking) 1 1 T≈ ≈ −8 ⎛ M sun ⎞ r G M TK≈10 ⎜ ⎟ s N ⎝ M ⎠ Black holes evaporate 3 ⎛ M ⎞ τ= τ ⎜ ⎟ Evaporation time universe ⎜ 12 ⎟ ⎝10 Kg ⎠ Temperature is related to entropy Area of the horizon dM = T dS S = 2 (Hawking-Bekenstein) 4 LPlanck What is the statistical interpretation of this entropy? Black holes in AdS Thermal configurations in AdS. Entropy: SGRAVITY = Area of the horizon = SFIELD THEORY = Log[ Number of states] Evolution: Unitary (these calculations are easier in the AdS3 case) Confining Theories and Black Holes Low temperatures High temperatures Horizon boundary z=z z=0 z=z0 , w(z0) > 0 z=0 0 Deconfinement= Confinement black hole (black brane) w(z) Gravitational potential w(z) Gravitational potential z z Black holes in the Laboratory QCD Æ 5d string theory z=0 z=z0 , High energy collisionÆ produces a black hole = droplet of deconfined phase ~ quark gluon plasma . Black holeÆ Very low shear viscosityÆ similar to what is observed at RHIC: “ the most perfect fluid” z=0 z=z0 Kovtun, Son, Starinets, Policastro Very rough model, we do not yet know the precise string theory Holography t’ Hooft Quantum theories of gravity should be holographic. Susskind All physics in a region Æ described in terms of a number of q-bits which is smaller that the area (not volume) of the region (in Planck units) . Non local mapping The gauge theory gravity duality Æ concrete realization Æ gives a non-perturbative definition of quantum gravity in AdS. Emergent space time Spacetime: like the fermi surface, only defined in the classical limit Lin, Lunin, J.M. Conclusions - Gravity and particle physics are “unified” Usual: Quantum gravity Æ particle physics. New: Particle physics Æ quantum gravity. Most elementary particles Æ quantum gravity Æ particles physics of the real world - Black holes and confinement are related - Emergent space-time - Tool to do computations in gauge theories. - Tool to do computations in gravity. Future Field theory: ÆTheories closer to the theory of strong interactions ÆSolve large N QCD Gravity: ÆQuantum gravity in other spacetimes Æ Understand cosmological singularities .
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