PAGE TWENTY-TWO MONDAY, MAY 1, 19TO -Agencies Make Ending The Weather Zoning Decisions. Cloudy, humid, chance of. Manchester dore, Odjir Swamp Rd., Cov^ Preceptor Gamma caiapter. showers becoming more wide­ entiy; Fatlwr James Francls^' Gase Mt. Debris A bout T o w n Beta Slgpna Phi,' will have its spread with occasional thtmder-' Hospital Notes PUcoN 70 Main St.; Mrs. Karen annual Founder’s Day dinner to­ ^ ■ Page 5 • ■ . storms through Wednesday. To­ Removed by Pair night 60 — tomorrow 70. VISmNO HOlTto- Currier, Marlboroueli; T-hn The Five Point Club of Tem­ morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Manchester— CUy^of Village Charm Intermediate Care Semi- Butterworth 38 Creetwood Rd.; Manchester Country Club. FUNERAL HOME Last Friday's disturbance at ple Chapter, OES, wiU meet private, noon - 3 p.m„ and 4 t*wrent Qenard Jr., Baltic; Case MMpitaln In Highland Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at the YOL. XCI, NO. 181 p.m. • 8 p.nu; private rooms,* Poirier, Loveland HSl Rd., MysUc Review, NABA, will (SIXTEEN PAGES) Park, although resulting in ar­ homa of Mrs. ManhaU Hodge, MANCHESTER, CONN., TtJESDAY, MAY 2, 1972 (ClaasUled AdverUsiiig on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS 18 a.m. - p.m., and 4 p.m. • Dorothy M. Lucas, 94 meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Odd 1 8 rests of five 18-year-olds, also 121 Falknor Dr. Membelrt ars p.m. Walker St. Fellows Hall. gave local youths a chance to reminded to bring projects to 142 Eaat Center Street Pediatrics: Parents allowed Also, 'Mrs. Karen OBrlberf show their good side. work on for the fair. Hostesses Girl Scout Troop 842 will meet any time except peon—3 p.m.; “ *** ***• Torry Rd., IWland; After police broke up a "beer are Mrs. John Trotter, Mrs. Manchwter, Conn. 06040 others, 3 p.m. • 8 p.m. Mia. Paula JSaushny and son. party" at the privately owned Edward Smith and M n . Nori tcmorrcw at 3 p.m. at Ounmu- nity Baptist Church. Self Service: 19 a.m. • 3 p-m .; WUUnfton; Mrs. Kathryn Case Mountain, the owners re­ Taft. ■ (208) 646-5810 1 4 p.m. a P-m. a ^ son, 850 Keeney ported a huge amount of gar­ Buckley School Ubraiy work- Intensive Care and Coronary bage and broken glaas Uttered Clark M. Whitcomb, assistant the area. secretary of the trust depart­ alu^ will meet tomorrow at 9:80 Carol- Immediate family only, ?!J!*’**SJL** a.m. at the school Uhrary. J. Edgar Hoovfer, FBI Chief, Dies at 77 Mn.. “ TO. BUsaheth Bernier ^ time, limited ITto tt..five win-TTL ^ Qiventry; But two young men, Peter Al- ment of the ConnecUcut Bank bee of 31 Duncan Rd. and Dean and Trust Co., will he guest Mrs. Arlene Fon(enile and Oaipenter o f 371 ^^Mrlng 6 t., no­ speaker at the Clvitan Club to­ Maternity: Fathers, 1 1 a-m. - daughter, WUllmanUc. ticed the Utter euid cleaned the morrow at 12:15 p.m. at l i ­ ' * DraCKAROBD YESTBR- area without being asked. ne’s Steak House. RANGE AND i ■ . ■ i 1 ill pw.; ^ r s , 3 p-m. - 4 p.m„ ^ a y : Donald Parkinson, S3 They said they enjoyed the FUEL OIL . * ' * ’*■“ * Wedgowood Dr.; Mia. Lena Ag- area, and didn’t want to aee it The Omar Shrine C8ub Spring GASOLINE Age I ^ t s : It In maternity, 55 CMeman Rd.; Mrs. An- closed due to vandalism. Ceremonial Committee will meet Primary Legend in Law 13 In Ollier areas, no Umlt In gela KeMh, 33 HoUieter St.; Albee and Oupenter aren’t at 8 p.m. tomorrow-at the Wash­ seU-servtce. Mrs. Joyce ZakrewaU, Weth- the only volunteers vbo have ington Social Club. BANTLY OIL AU emergeney patients and ersfleld; Mia. VUglnla Agostl- cleaned up Case Mountain after COMPANY, INC. W ILUAM J. LENNON, Director outpatientB are requested to nse neUl, 388 Lake St.; Laura J. 'Uttering. Eariier last week, un­ Manchester Lodge . o(. Ma­ Vote Big Home at Death the new emergency room en- Oomeau, 84 Mark -Dr., South identified youths launched a sons wU^. have a special meet­ 331 Main Street ROY M, THOMPSON, Associate Director ' ‘ trance off Armory St. Access Windsor; Paii^cia Roeella, 180 canoe in the pond to clear float­ ing tomorrow at 7 :S0 p.m. at ^ WASHINGTON (A P )-^. Edgar Hoover, embodiment to the entrance Is via existliig W. Center SL; Roger P. Red- ing debris. the Masonic Temple. The Mcu- Tel. 649-4595 R. BRUCE WATKINS, Associate Director, Corporation President of the FBI and focus of law enforcement achievement The peu*k’s owners aeld Case ter Mason degree will be driveways. held, 40 Meadow Rd., Olaston- Rockville 875-3274 and controversy for a half century is dead. --------- bury; Mrs, Sherry Harrington, Mountain w)ll remain open to presented. Robert W, Ferguson, Watkins Directors welcome any questions on funierals, customs, procedures, In Ohio The 77-year-old director ot Patients Today: SSI 175 Homestead St.; Mrs. Alice the public. master, will preside. After the etc. Come in, phone or write for a dependable answer. No obligation, the Federal Bureau of Investi­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ADMITTED SATURDAY: Ahderson, 8 E. Franklin Park, degree work, refreshmehts will naturany. gation died of natural causes in Moderate to heavy voting In Miirvln S. Baker, 34 Goelee Dr.; Rockville. be served In the banquet room. his home Monday night, the Ohio and a light turnout in In­ David Bedard, Blast Hartford^* Also, Mrs'. Margaret B. Mc- 356 Green Rd.; Mn. Diane Re­ Pertiaps this question has been on your mind: Justice Department announced. diana were reported today as Mrs. Cieneva Berube, Bast Cue, 88 Hyde St.; Ellen G. Po- pot! and daughter, 10 Bank St.; Queen of Peace Mothen Cir­ WANTED President Nixon, upon hear­ Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey bat- Hartford; Theodore Boures, quette, 39t Main St.; JU]| M. Mrs. Rcnna Wheaton and son, cle wUl meet tomorrow at 8 Q. I am receivii^ a widow’s Social Security Benefit... Would a remarriage ing of Hoover’s death, called ‘ Clean, Late Model t l ^ Sen. George S. McGovern Warehouse Point; Charles Cot- Oolangelo, 177 Irving St.; An- 164 Cooper St.; Mrs. Sandra p.m. at the home of M n. Duane him a "truly remarkable man make me ineligible for these benefits? In Ohio and Gov. Geoige C. 333 BidweU St.; Emanuel drew MiUer, North Coventry; McDermott and daughter, 15 Sweet, 105 Demlng St. Mrs. who served the country for 48 USED CARS W al^e In Indiana in a bid to Hlrth, 24 Garth Rd.; Frederick Andrew Loftredo, East Hart- HiUtop Ave., Vernon. Martin - Harvill Is co-hostess. years under eight presidents A. More facts must be known before a yes or no answer can be given. The vault to the front In the Demo­ Hope, 97 Florence St.; Mary ^‘Fd; Karen Cleveland, 14 Al- Sister Julia Ryan will be guest Top Priees Paid with unparalleled devotion to Social Security office will gladly brief you in this matter. It can be handled cratic preMdentlal race. Aim IncandeUa, 513 Main s t ; P*“ e St.; Mrs, Edith Fishman, Church Ketieff speaker. duty and dedication.” Nixtm For All Makes! by phone and we suggest you call them. In Ohio, dlfflcultteu arose at Mrs. Janice Kalusska, 101 Wick- Btoomflrid; Thaddeuo Latww- GENEVA <AP) — Material ’ spoke emotionally of his many Cleveland area pidllng ham Hd., Glastonbury; Mrs. 1®7 Oak St.; ICrs. Gladirs relief suppUes valued at nearly The executive board of the "profound sense of personal CARTER CHEVROLET places. Voters at many pre­ Thelma LIbbey, 7 ';^ )letree V. Smoluk, ISO W. Center St.; $13.4 million were shipped to 73 Ladies of St. James will m eit loss." cincts aeld they were given Im­ Lane, South Windsor; James **rs. Bette Batson, countries In 1971 through pro­ tonight at 7:30 at the home of C O ., IN C . Hoover was a virtual legend Arnttbcfn. proper InatrucUons fbr fUUng grams of the Lutheran World M n. A. Alfred Collins, 28 Mun- 1229 Main St. In the United States, an “ un­ McKeoUgh, 17 Armory St.; Mrs. Also, Mrs. Patricia Holmee cut the long DemocraiUc ballot. Hasel Osgood, Ehifleld; Mrs. daughter, 98 W. Center S t; Federation, it was announced touchable" who died In officO ro St. Mrs. John J. GoldM is Phone 646-6464 On Cleveland’s Ekwt Side, here. Read Herald Advertinemeiits despite efforts by critics In re­ Winifred Sullivan, 28 ICarble M™- Sandra O'DonneU and son, co-hoatesB. early morning voters aeld they cent years to have him retired. St. ------------------------------------------------- arrived to find poUlng piacee He had shaped the FBI Into a BHiTHB SATURDAY: A son locked or voting machines still massive, powerful federal agen­ to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davey, sitting outside the polls. cy during his career. Across 289 Oak St.; a son to Mr, and Voting machines were report­ t Pennsylvania Avenue from the Mrs. Lawrence Lane, 70 Oxford ed Jammed in a downtown St office where Hoover worked, a J. Edgar Hoover Cleveland poUing ]4ace. They ^ "I a d m i t t e d y e s t e r d a y : were locked at a West Side poll­ massive powerful federal build­ ing to house the FBI is under government. Even former Atty. Mra. Helen Beig, 68 Thrall Rd., ing location, end there were construction. Gen. Ramsey Clark, who Vernon; George W. Bium, East report# of voting machine fail­ Even before Hoover’s death, feuded with Hoover while Hoo- Hartford Joaeph G. Dubiel, 492 ures In suburton EucUd. there had been continuing spec- ver’s nominal boss, said "I am HiUstown Rd.; Jacob A.
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