JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on indianexpress.com DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2020, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 18 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 PATNA &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM SC backs UGC decision to holdexams, CHANGE IN LAW DISCUSSED saysstates can seek deadline extension PMOexplores (UGC) forextension of the terminalsemesterexamination ANANTHAKRISHNANG September 30 deadline. JEE-NEET:6OPP by 30.09.2020 in exercise of commonvoter NEWDELHI,AUGUST28 Maharashtraand Delhihad powerunderDisasterManage- earlier decidedtocancel the ex- STATESSEEKREVIEW ment Act, 2005 shall prevail over THE SUPREME CourtFriday ruled ams and promote studentson OPPOSITION-RULED deadline" fixedbythe UGC“in Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla holds ameeting aheadofthe that universitiesand other insti- the basis of otherparameters. West Bengal, Jharkhand, respect to the concernedState”. Parliamentsession, in NewDelhi on Friday. ANI tutions of higher education will AbenchofJustices Ashok Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, The courtwas clear that the listforLS,state have to conduct the final-yearex- Bhushan,RSubhashReddyandM Punjab and Maharashtra “decisionofthe State/State ams and “cannot” promote stu- RShah“refused”toquashtheJuly have movedthe DisasterManagement Authority dentsonthe basisofinternalas- 6UGCguidelinesaskinguniversi- SupremeCourt seekinga to promote the studentsinthe SpeakerasksHouse sessment or othercriteria. ties/institutions to hold the final- reviewofits order final year/terminal semesteron andlocalpolls However, thecourtallowed year examsbySeptember 30. allowing the Centreto the basis of previous perform- states and Union Territories, But taking intoaccount the conduct NEET and JEE ance and internal assessment” is panels nottodiscuss whichmay have postponedthe Covid situation, the court said exams amid the Covid “beyond the jurisdiction of CabinetSecy told to consult states, exams in viewofthe Covid out- “the decisiontaken by the State outbreak. DisasterManagement Act, break,toapproachthe Disaster Management Authori- REPORT, PAGE 6 2005” and “has to give wayto” getbackinamonth on next step pending cases but University GrantsCommission ty/State nottohold final year/ CONTINUEDONPAGE2 D RITIKACHOPRA E Thecase record is otherwise Show on Muslim Rhea case: Officials say WhatsApp trail NEWDELHI,AUGUST28 forjoint PLAIN E ● polls ‘infiltration’ in IN Amove that ties inwith the EX Moilysays outdated idea; 2G to coal, led to two drugs suppliers, arrestssoon idea of simultaneous elections in civil service: SC thecountry,the Prime Minister's THE IDEA of simultane- House panels have helddiscussions Office (PMO), earlier this month, ous elections has been declines stay, HC held ameeting to discussthe around forawhile,and tension of Parliament itself and MOHAMEDTHAVER possibilityofpreparing acom- theBJP is all foritsaying LIZMATHEW&MANOJCG the fundamental rule — stops broadcast MUMBAI,AUGUST28 mon voters’ listfor elections to it will save public money NEWDELHI,AUGUST28 Parliament is supreme —stands all local bodies, stateassemblies and put to an endfre- true forthe committees as well. ANANDMOHANJ& THE NARCOTICS Control Bureau and Lok Sabha. quent elections which AHEAD OF the monsoon session “In fact,committeesare more ANANTHAKRISHNANG (NCB) that is probing Rhea The meeting on August13, disruptgovernance in of Parliament, Lok Sabha Speaker liberal than Parliament,” M NEWDELHI,AUGUST28 Chakraborty and three of her ac- chaired by PK Mishra, Principal poll-boundstates. Last Om Birla has written to chairper- Veerappa Moily, who headed a quaintances under severalsec- SecretarytoPM, discussedtwo year,the government an- sons of parliamentarycommit- number of panelsearlier,told DELHI HIGH CourtonFridayre- tions of the Narcotic Drugsand options.First, aconstitutional nouncedthat acommit- tees,urgingthat the panels TheIndianExpress.KVThomas, strained private television chan- Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) amendment to Articles 243K teeon‘One Nation One should nottake“thosesubjects former chairman of thePublic nel Sudarshan News from Act, is settoarresttwo suppliers and 243ZA thatwould makeit Election’ would be con- forexamination where the issue Accounts Committee (PAC), said broadcasting ashowthatstu- of 'bud', the driedflowerofthe mandatorytohaveasingle elec- stituted to work on the is pending in the courts”. the Speakernever interfered in dentsofJamiaMilliaIslamia uni- marijuana plant that sells for toralroll forall elections in the idea and submit areport The August25letterhas led the functioning of standing com- versity said sought to inciteha- nearly Rs 5,000per gram, asen- country. Second, to persuade the to thePrime Minister. to adebateamongMPs and ex- mittees in the past. tred againstthem. ior official has told The Indian stategovernmentstotweak perts who saytherehavebeena “The issue of sub judiceisan Also on Friday, theSupreme Express. their respective laws and adopt number of instances in the past outdated idea. Thereare anum- Court, afterhearingadifferent Sources saidthe twosuppli- Rhea Chakraborty arrivesfor questioning by aCBI team, in theElectionCommission's(EC) municipalitiesinthe states. in whichmatters subject to judi- berofissues in the courts.How petitioner on thesame issue, de- ers have been detained, with Mumbai on Friday. PTI ABETMENT,PAGE10 voters listfor municipal and pan- These give the powerofsuper- cial reviewcame up fordiscus- can parliamentary panelsavoid clinedtostopthe airing of the contraband, and arelikelytobe chayat polls. intendence, direction and con- sions in parliamentarypanels, discussing them? The legislature show, saying itwas important to arrested Saturday,asthe NCBin- Sources said Cabinet trol of preparation of electoral and thisnew directivewillset an onlyhas powergivingcapacity be circumspect about imposing vestigates the "demand" and An officialsaid, "Thesuppli- statement, "Rhea has nevercon- SecretaryRajiv Gauba, rolls and the conduct of these unusual precedent. and Parliament is supreme. apre-broadcast injunction. "supply"ofdrugslinked to the ers will be placedunder arrest sumeddrugs in her lifetime. Legislative SecretaryGNarayana electionstothe StateElection Veterans who have headed Committees areaforumfor dis- The show, whichhad claimed case in whichChakraborty has on the charge of possessing nar- She’s ready forablood test any Raju, Panchayati RajSecretary Commission (SEC). key panelspoint outthat parlia- cussions, and it worksona to bean “exposé” on the “infiltra- been booked. cotics. We willbequestioning time." Therehas been no discov- Sunil Kumar and three represen- On the other hand, Article mentarycommitteesare an ex- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 tion of Muslims” in the civil serv- Chakraborty is also facing them to find out who all they eryofany contraband from tativesofthe EC, including 324(1)ofthe Constitutionem- ices, wasnot broadcastatits casesfiledbythe CBIand suppliedthe contraband to and Chakraborty's possession. Secretary-General Umesh Sinha, powers the EC to supervise, di- scheduledtime of 8pmonFriday. EnforcementDirectorate(ED)in what wasRhea's role in this." The official said bud, usually attended the discussion. rect, and control the preparation UAPA court in Suresh Chavhanke, the connection with the death of fel- Chakraborty'slawyerSatish sourcedfromCalifornia, wasa Articles 243K and 243ZA deal and revision of electoral rolls for BUSINESSASUSUAL owner and editor-in-chief of lowactor SushantSingh Rajput. Maneshindehad earlier said in a CONTINUEDONPAGE2 with elections to panchayats and CONTINUEDONPAGE2 J&K grants bail Sudarshan News,said in astate- BY UNNY ment:“To respect the Delhi High Court's stay order,we'vestopped WORLD to pharmacist: the telecastoftoday's 'Bindas Bol' programme. The subject of ‘bid to falsely today's 'Bindas Bol' wasbasedon “Bureaucracy Jihad”. Chavhanke implicate him’ claimedthis wasthe “first time in the history of television news that ashowhas been stopped ARUNSHARMA before itstelecast”. JAPAN PM SHINZO JAMMU,AUGUST28 Alittle over an hour before ABE RESIGNS,CITES the showtime, however, POOR HEALTH ASPECIAL UAPA judgeherehas Chavhankehad postedon PAGES 15, 13 asked theJammu &Kashmir CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Prisons Department to release on bail apharmacistemployed with the government, held for the pastmorethan eight months, sayingtherewas no ev- idence of his involvementinany offence under the stringent law and thathewas only "perform- ing his professional duty" if he wasintending to delivermedi- cines even to aterrorist. Zahoor Ahmed, aresident of Marwah, wasarrestedin Kishtwar district on January6. The ThirdAdditional Sessions Judge, Jammu, Sunit Gupta, notedthat all the policeseized from his possession wassome medicines, and that "he cannot be saidtohavebeen involvedin anyofthe offences under the UAPA". Calling the charges"a successful attempt to falselyim- plicate" him, the courtsaid Ahmedshould be released "forthwith" from Jammu Central Jailoninterim bail subject to
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