li~ :iroctor, ~adoral Eureau of Investi~a~ion J\m.e 4, 1945 ~O~ c. clark, .'-3sistant Att;orney '031::.61"8.1, ~,..c: SC;:: lr Cr~nal ~lvision ~ Idrl')d ~:llznbeth ('111ars, 146-1-51-1708 - -~re9.son. r-,: iTOUld e.pFear ~hat further information ::.i~h~ now be obtained rela1:ive to the re'-'ortad broadcutinc activities by "':::us sUb.1ec-t for -ena -'e~an -overn.--ncnt. (·oI:lf.lete (~nde!lce s:-.culd 'Ja developed relatiVEl to any acta by the subject ~1" c. troflsonable .:nture lL'lcl n!lrticular attention ~r..ould also be -i ~t3n 'co fe.cts ~~dica~in::-: tho t"cotention or 103s ot' {:3r ;,'=Wrican ci ';iZaI:shio. It i::; requested tha1: you !l.scertain. if' poesib1e, :::"0 r~~ure of ~~e subject's broaacasts nr.d 1n this re~~rd it is sur.=escod that inquirJ should a~ain be ;~e of the Federal ~'o1Dlmmicationa Gomniasion to ascertain 'llheth9r tm:y at' her broad­ casts have beon =:oni tored by H. Il; ia noted that your :'!Ie::-.orr.mdtun of Jscember 23, 1943, indicato. that the ?ederal ~o~unicctiona C:on::ciuion received no broadcasts by this subject prior to '3eptomber 27. 1943. An oi'fort should be made to locate the subject and inter­ view her relative to her ac~ivitie8 of a treasonable nature. It does not appear advisable, AoweTer, that 3he be taken into custody ~t --:nis time. It is desired that i!li'orna.~ion ~ela.ti~ "to t!lls subjeot je developed 113 soon aa possible. cc: Recorda Mr. Elliff Mr. Ely Miss Healy Office Memorandum · UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO The Files DATE: March 25, 1946 /" FROM Donald Anderson TLC:DA:AK /~ 146-7-51-1708 SUBJECT: Treason Cases. :u.~ 28-239-1 - 'fJU'- .",.". ." 1 4..--'--"'" On the afternoon of March 21, 1946, Mr. Nathan' Elliff and the writer unsuccessf~endeavored t~ contact Colonel Timot~ McInerney relative to a message received from the War Department dated 16 March 1946 from Mr. Clyde Gooch. This message, a copy of which is hereto attached, pertains to our obtaining fifteen German technicians for witnesses in treason cases. At 9:50 A.M. on Friday, March 22, 19.46, Colone1llcInerney was con- .,/ tacted relative to the above mentioned matter and he advised llr. EJ.li.ff and the writer that he had just returned from Europe and had discussed this matter with the Department attorneys now in Europe investigating the treason cases. ije stated that the fifteen German radio technicians were working in the Berlin radio station under t he control and supervision of the Rus sians who have possession of the radio station although it is located in the British zone of occupation. He stated that he would arrange to contact the Russian Ambassador in Washington and endeavor to secure his consent and cooperation in bringing these technicians to Washington as witnesses. He also stated that in his opinion we should not have the treason subjects in Europe examined by Arrrq psychiatrists for several reasons, one being that it is very difficUlt due to the demobilization program to have such an examination made. I Colonel McInerney advised that he would reply to the above mentioned message and the original was left with him after a copy of it had been made. , , --effice Memorandum · UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO The Files DA.TE: June 10, 1946 FROM Donald Ander son TLC:DA:DTJ ~~~ 146-7-51-1708 f~ SUBJECT: Mildred Elizabeth Gillars Treason $.() Yr. Clyde Gooch's letter addressed to the Attorney General dated March 21, 1946, contains the following information pertaining to the above-entitled subject. We have now interviewed over 30 persons who ..ere employed as technicians or broadcasters for the Berlin Shortwave Radio during the war and we have been able to verify the extent of the activi. ties of the subjects in which we are interested. You will recall that at the time Federal Bureau of Investigation agents left the European '!heater investigation was pending against a number of American ci tizens in GerI!lany, particula.rly broadcasters, against whan very little information had been developed. We believe that we now have sufficient facts upon which to base a determination as to whether further investigation is warranted. I am, therefore, swmnarizing below the various cases and our recommendation as to each. Gillars is presently in the custody of the CIC in Berlin' and a statement of her activities is being 'obtained frem her. Ten technicians presently employed at the Rundfunk RaUB recall having seen Gillars make transcriptions and remember that . one or more persons in the same group were present during these times. Theya-e not able to recall any specific dates except that they are certain they were after our entry into the war. July 1:), 1:/46 Samuel·.:. .,ly 7reason ;.;ases in :·.,urope !Jr. Theron .i.. AUdIa, ~.r. JdmS2! li. :!clnsrney, :.tr. :lathan ::..llif.r, !Jr. ClyJe :.:ooch, 1£r. .i)onal.d Anderson .and. thIS wr1. tar cc:-.farred 'Ai. th the .~. t torney '.~~ne.ral tIns aft.!!moon relativo to too po3sibla prosecution for .....rsason of i:".obert j. :;ellt, JoufJ.as ':":i1aruUer, Herbert John Hur;'jl1<"Ul, Jonald ~tterlea 'Jay .:md :.iildrsd !;lizabeth .iill:i.rn, '-'Clerican citizen::; "ho troadcast pro!)&ganda from Berlin durJ..!:g t..."lS mIr • .n ·,tas decided that the cases a~Ilst ;.i.ll of theee persons would r-,s pre~rod bu't t.hat 5t.epS would be t.aken only in the cases of t-ast ;.,nd <..~1apdIer for t.heir roturn to the Gnit~a:~to.tO:3 lor :rial as :o;oon .J.S possiblJ. it i~~ also :':3cij~d that a requ68t.tO"t.ll::l W ::.aae t.:l the mill tary autilori tie!:! for a psych.La tri~ '3.xa:aination of Dest and. ";handler t:~fort] their return to Ule lini teo .;;tatas. Jatormi.nations as to the prosecution of th9 other thre9 ~..10j9Cts nere postponed t:.; a later data. c C : I", ,~cord5 "':hron. !.fr. -.17 -) ...... " I ),~.-.C) , II ./ !, .• ' :.iirsc tor, ~';'scieral. JUl"Oau ot Invea tiga tion Augus t 2 J 1946 Theron L. Caudle J A.tsaistan t A ttorl'lSy \..1enera.l Cri m1 MJ Livision ~dnJd :n 1zabeta Gille~ 7reason J: t is requs s t3d t.'lat you make d:lplica tas of t."lo ~ords li3tad on the attached sheet. '1'hesa recordinbS are to be used in comec tien wi t.. "l the praparation of the trial ot the abo'ge-named subject. It is de~ired that not only the recol'da but alBa the envelopes and the idea t.i.t1ca tion sheets be returned to us. co Records ehrono Olsen • n.ron ~. ,.;awlla. Aaiat.a.nt. Atot;ol"D8T GoJJlllraJ.., ,,:11= nal t:1TisloA Jl)ben finl7 UNt, .rue :Jo. ~a..!4B -v J.:im Jb1"ban ~, 7ila [.:0. ~~a-19lS t.,..-t-l Ii' ~~~ Chandler. ;tu. Jio. 14~a-2S2 ,~ £l1aabe~ G~, File :10. 1~7-sl-l708 v ·~..AS02 -pz ,... H'lI ;-1.:& __ In co~am~ "ci~ 4\ to14;;hc:do COllVUr3:'!1t.icn oot.~n :.!.r. ,J.at'ord'--" or ~ .~atl And ~. :~: ~~ ~ ~;ns1na.l. :,lY181oa, ti.\e l"!!ICorca llatod tAl.cw c.l"O being J."'"rward~ to you tvr u.a purpose of. haY1!1~ C1~llcut.t.D1I ~. ~ rnco)~!!.~ aN to 0. ~ in cu:meot1.on 'II1tn ~'la i~re~&r.1t.1011 r.;t to,. t.rl~ .;;t t."1e &lC~ subjeGUI. It. 1:1 c.aizoPd t.~t. not. ..,;n.\7 th,e l"eCtJl"da ~u~ alao ~ .-mvelci-*!.I .i%Xl t..1e idellt.1.!lcation u!llMt.a iX'l nturl.laQ ta ua. :!.t4 U!,lg ,3apt. 8, ~~ J.1J.E • .rro~ - KSS48 - iiaoord )';0. 1 ~ord tJo. Z ~ozod so. 5 J1ICol'd No. 4. Z.J~ r. ,\.. :3oooQ.Q& - ruoa - ~cnod No. 1 s.col'd lie. 2 ~ol'd !.Jo. 3 .98Cord no. " !1ecOrQ :;0. 5 nacc1'C1 ~. e leaord rio. 7 !JIcozod !lo. S ;MOrd ;;to. 9 , !dont.1.!1o a tJ.cn JbllJet, .ud 2. ettnlope.) 5. Cbandler ,~tobe1" n, 1942 ,aul. [#YeN - 1($76 - ~Qrd 110. ~ &.ad. 3 .:.cord I~. Z 4Bi " ateol"d 110. ~ (~ ldenl.i.t1cat.i.oEl a.'leeto, IN' an onvolope) -~3h -ralk. - ~14 - _ani:lO. 1 " :»cord llo. 2 RoQorci t!O. a iSla ord 1:0. " l*oJ'd ;iO. S ~ON fro. G ~ord ,10. 7 o:at t:w 1" id4tlltd.r1.~ a t!.ot\ ~.!lM to nor ,., a1'\tlo~ ) -" '.. ~ R8corda ,! Chrono. Olaen... ,- '-- ---.------ - 146-7-51-1708 October 10, 1946 2lr. ,~'l1jam ,i. Gortrl.tt Gi ty ili1 tor l'ho Hewlt-fierold Comeaut, 01'li.o '[our latter of' ~:.epttaber 23, 1946, addressed to J. iion.rd ~:cGrat.h, Solicitor General., reque8t.ing informa­ tion concerning the ab<mt-rlamad subject, haa been referred to ~e for reply'. In view of t.he fact that the caee against !lisa G1lla.rs is still UDder inwstigation and ae no decision has .ret been made relative to her pro.c~tion, it is not. possible for me to ;?ive you all of the inlormation tor which you aak8d. I can advise you, Itowe'f'8r, thai; so far as is known by tiU.e C8par'tment, :.!iSIS G111ars is presently in the custody of our military authorities in Germany. In the event 1 t is determined t.o proceed againat her tor violation of tlle Treason statute, .:he will be returned to the United state. fer pJ!'088Ca.t.1.on.
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