St. Josaphat’s Roman Catholic Church 34-32 210th Street Bayside, New York 11361 Rectory: (718) 229-1663 Fax: (718) 229-8018 email: [email protected] Parish Website: stjosaphat-queens.org Rev. Andrzej Klocek, Pastor Rev. James J. Meszaros, In Residence Deacon Robert Lonergan MASS SCHEDULE : Religious Education: Saturdays from 9:00-10:30AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM, Saturday: 8:00 AM &7:00PM, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults- RCIA- For in- Sundays: 8:30 AM (Polish Mass),10:00 AM & 12:00 formation about the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Noon. Eucharist or Confirmation, please call the Rectory. Holy Days: 7:30 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Parish Registration: All families are welcome to the Par- Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM– ish and should register in the Rectory. Please call to 3:30PM. Evenings by appointment. Saturday by Ap- make an appointment with the Pastor. pointment, Sunday Closed. Devotions: SACRAMENTS : Every Wednesday: Confessions: Monday to Friday before 8AM Mass Sat- Novena to St. Jude & Rosary Devotions 7:30 PM urday 4:00 PM. All other times by appointment. Every Friday: Baptisms: Baptisms will take place the 3rd Sunday of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy before 8:00 AM Mass month at 1:30 PM. An instructional class is required for First Tuesday of Every Month: (October-June) all parents & Godparents and will be held the 2nd St. Padre Pio Prayer Group Wednesday of the month, at 8PM in the Church. Par- 7:00 PM Holy Hour, Exposition, Recitation of the Ro- ents should call the rectory to arrange the celebration. sary, Benediction, Confessions, Marriages: Reserve and register date & time as soon as 8:00 PM Holy Mass possible, at least six months in advance of the wedding. First Friday of every Month: Pre-Cana and other instructional sessions are required Exposition & Litany to the Sacred Heart after 8:00 for all couples. AM Mass Ministry to the Sick: Sick calls and Communion calls on First Saturday of every Month: the First Friday of the month. Please call the Rectory. Exposition & First Saturday Devotions after 8:00AM Mass. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the LORD is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. — Psalm 19:8 September 27th, 2015 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for those in our parish who are ill, especially for: Gail Seper, Fr. Joseph Carroll, Anthony Cristino, Martin Heavey, Thomas Starace & Joseph Egitto. Please call the rectory to add a loved one to the prayer list. The names will remain on the list for 4 weeks and are repeated as requested. Weekly Parish Stewardship Sunday, September 27th Attendance 9/20/15 338 8:30+ Parishioners Weekly Collection 9/20/15 $2743 10:00 + Walter Swenck Catholic Education $867 By: Family The second collection today is for the Air- 12:00+Alma & Daniel Bertorelli conditioning Fund. By: Linda & John Izzard Monday, September 21st Altar Candles...Sept.27th-Oct.3rd 8:00 +Lazaro Erazo Oseguera In Memory of Andrew Rogers By: Reciniello Family By: Joy Bagatta Tuesday, September 22nd Sanctuary Lamp...September 8:00 +Helen T. Albaneze In memory of Regina Machalski (Anniversary) By: Joan & Gary Flynn By: Family St. Anthony Candle...Sept. 27th-Oct 4th Wednesday, September 23rd Health & God’s Blessings for 8:00+Jean Machalski Marcella Facciponte (Anniversary) By: Aunt Frances By: Fr. James Purgatorial Society Thursday, September 24th 8:00+Jean Machalski Susan Reilly Sullivan By: Gary & Tracy Flynn Mike Marino Anna Szczerboi Friday, September 25th Jan Klocek 8:00+Franjo Jukic (Birthday) Our parish goal for the 2015 Annual Catholic By: Wife & Family Appeal is $23,540. This goal is based on the most current financials of our parish that were submit- Saturday, September 26th ted to the Diocese. Knowing the goodness of our 8:00 +Albaneze Family parishioners, when they see the need, they will re- By: Family spond. Again this year, the Bishop has agreed to gift back all monies collected over goal to the par- 7:00 + Frank Cienski, sister-Julia Cienski, ish. So far 80 parishioners have donated Dzadek Frank Cienzynski, $19,589. Please make every effort to help Saint Babcia Julia Cienzynski Josaphat’s reach our goal again this year. By: JoAnne, Barbara, Frank & John Cienski & Family September Calendar Sunday, September 27th September 29th– Women’s Club Meeting 8:30+ Purgatorial Society September 30th– St. Jude Novena 10:00 + Arthur Kammer October Calendar (Birthday) October 1-Leisure Club By: Wife & Daughters October4th-Blessing of the Animals 12:00*Parishioners October 4th– Flea Market October 6th– St. Padre Pio October 7th– St. Jude Novena September 27th, 2015 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Community News & Events Parish Community News & Events Dear Parishioners, Blessing of Animals will take place On the occasion of the first anniversary of the presence in our parish of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer Sunday, October 4th after the 12:00 noon group, permit me to share with you some information con- Mass. cerning the history and the Church recognition of this All those who would like to have their animals movement. blessed are asked to meet in front of the St. Francis In the Catholic Church, we trace the beginning of the Char- Statue on 210th Street outside of the Church. ismatic Renewal in our times back to the prayer of Pope Leo XIII on the January 1st, 1900. On that day Pope Leo XIII ushered in a new century by invoking solemnly the This October the Parish Right to Life Commit- Holy Spirit over all of Christendom. It is really interesting that briefly after the prayer of the Vicar of Christ was pro- tee is organizing a month of Remembrance and claimed, many places of worship representing "all of Chris- Healing for Cancer. We will once again present tendom" experienced the charismatic phenomena. A couple Our Blessed Mother with floral bouquets in honor of hours after Pope's prayer, January 1st. 1900, a young of those who have survived, are enduring or have woman, student from Topeca, Kansas, Agnes Oznam, be- lost their battle with cancer. There are marked en- gan to speak in tongues after invocation of the Holy Spirit. velopes available around the Church to make your From there the movement grew and gradually spread to donation of at least $5.00. Your donations, in the the Protestant and Orthodox traditions. This movement today has approximately 700 million participants. name of your loved ones, will help fund the work of Invocation to the Holy Spirit from the prayer of Pope Leo “Helpers of God’s Precious Infants,” who assist ex- XIII may be connected with the inspiration taken from an pectant mothers to choose the gift of life. Italian woman, Elena Guerra. She died in 1914 and was later beatified in 1959 with a title of "Apostle of the Holy Flea Market– Sunday, Oct.4th- 9AM-4 PM Spirit". Around the turn of the century she wrote many let- Please come out and support this fundraising event ters to the Holy Father urging him to establish an institu- tional devotion to the Holy Spirit. As a result of this inspi- for our parish. ration, Pope Leo called the faithful in his apostolic letter- Provida Matris Charitate and in his encyclical Divinum St. Padre Pio Holy Hour and Mass Illud Munus, and on other occasions to experience the fruits Tuesday, October 6th,2015 of the Paraclete (He is the substantial, eternal, and first Love, and there is nothing more lovable than love). More Program: 7:00 PM Holy Hour recently, Catholic Charismatic prayer groups appeared Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Recitation of around 1967 as a fruit of student's retreat at Duquesne Uni- the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction, & versity and Notre Dame University. It is interesting that Confessions. 8:00PM Holy Mass. Duquesne was founded in 1878 by the members of the Con- gregation of the Holy Spirit. Today, Catholic Charismatic St. Josaphat’s Women’s Club will host their Renewal has approximately 160 million participants. More information about this movement, can be found on annual Rummage Sale on Saturday, October the website of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal 10th from 9am-4 pm and Sunday, October 11th, Services. It is an organization recognized by the Pontifical from 9am-3pm. Donations of clean usable items Council for the Laity on September 14th, 1993 as a Private will be accepted beginning Monday, October 5. Association of the Faithful with a juridical personality. This Please leave all donations outside the side door of institution located in Rome, in Vatican territory, and coor- the Hall. We ask that you invite your relatives, dinates the activities of Catholic Charismatic Renewal friends and neighbors to this sale. Pass the word groups worldwide. It has a Doctrinal Commission (led by around and help be a part in this fundraising event Professor Mary Healy from Detroit) which works close with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In our for our Parish. diocese, Monsignor Joseph Malagreca, pastor of Holy Cross Church, Brooklyn, is our bishop representative to SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IN PENNSYLVANIA coordinate and supervise Charismatic groups in the par- November 28-29-2015 ishes in our diocese. Miracle of Christmas Sight & Sound We wish all the member of this group: may God by the Shrine of our Lady of Czestochowa grace of the Holy Spirit make your faith fruitful, may you experience in fullness the generosity our Lord. If it is Departs from God's will, may your presence at St. Josaphat's parish ST.
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