f. I- ....... ^ Th#-W«sth6r Fei«eiiit.Al V* ^ Weather Bareaa for th* drive here, ofllclal* running the campaign are anxious to h a ^ fAeariag, colder tonight. Law; eontributloiis top last year's, when 11,515 28-28.. Friday generally * fair bert Conlon was tnyft^ by Mra. imiHltlae for 1955. tome flS.tiOi) y^M collect^"'^ tty WeenSer *f Asrilt rather wtady, eoM, High 85^88. Virginia-Keeney, PJC-O/^preeident Osmes were played during the Hiay more. fUndS'Xro needed Bevisa *f CIreiriaitlen of -Sunset Circle, to jOln''^that social hour which followed because of the natlon-^wide’ free Manchetter— A City of ViUage Charm Bisht at 7:49 at the Mn. group. Mrs. Ethel Aapinwi^. buslnesa meeting, and ahtl-p<dio InoOUlplion* .of chlldr** Dtmald Vlhcmt, .346- HoIUiter St. P.N.O., -presented * past noble sirad^hest cakes mHibiTea were which wUt-tM given Again this year. Miss Barbara 'Andejri^n 12^500 (^1n Cards (Cia*aiflcd AAmtlalag sa Fag* 16) FIVE R«J)M Leon Wind will epeek bn The weekly Bible hour at Bnian- grand’s jewer to Mrs. Cbnlon and iMfvMMty the fMUriilng committeef Last year, when fre*^ injections of VOL. LXXIV, NO. (EIGIiTEEI^ PAGES) MANCHESTEIL CONN AY, JANUXRY «>1955 •Hi* Belief* of the Modern He­ uel LuUieran Church will be re­ Ipstalled Noblifc ^(htuid Noble brand Misa Anderson .pre- Mrs. Jol^>Wliixler,. Mrs; Erich M a l l ; C aiittp aig ll^ Hiepe' vacem# ware glven/for th* •\--------- brew.” HoeteaMS will be Mra. Vin­ sumed tomorrow at 8 p. m., in the Mnted to her a bcatiful gift of BrandL'tfq Hks, John Yaniier. time, polio funds ran lit, and cent. Mrs. Martin Keiderllnc, Mrs. reception 'room of the parish In Colorful Ceremony mine from tha officers and guards Includra AimuapSBall the .'National Foundation 'or In­ H s r ^ Hubbard and ' Mrs. Paul building. oK.t&e Jodge. ■ ' ' fantil* Paraiyalfmsd to conduct a WUIhlde. Miss Barbara Anderson, Sea- Mrs. Stretn'er, district dapdty Atty. Jerome Walah.'head of the special aumm^ drive. man Circle, was inatfUM *iNNoble president, tn ^ a r g e of tha in- polio fund drive in Manchester, to­ flallailon. was atttreif in a floor ^ The M anchestbr Duplicate Grand of Sunset RebelUli Lodge day isaued k reminder to Manches­ ronow raimatoN Brldm Club announces that the length gown' of forest green, Mrs. ter residents to Insert their contri­ Jobless Claims No, 39 Monday e v rn ^ in Odd NeUie Sdhmidt, her deputy mar- PHOMI • pAy wMwy duplicate tournaments w'ill Is/ Deductible butions in the coin cards that have TflMME resume tomorrow evening at the Fellows Hall' at a ^ lorfu l cere­ thal, in a floor length-aqua gown, been mailed them and to return the \ and the m ^berS.of her ctaff in rntm tam m VFW Hall. All games sUrt Increase Here mony iir charge of Mra, Mabel Taxpayers whose property wse cards as aodn as poaaible. .promptly at 8:05 p. m. and all con- Stretsner, district/ deputy presi­ white floor lengte gowns. Mem­ The coin cards—about 12,500 of POItA dent, Mrs. Nellie^ScKmidt, dMuty bers of her rtaff included; mate wholly or partially deatroyed by * tract bridge players are welcome Claim* for unemployment bene^ hurricanes or other storms during them—were seht _ to practically LOAN Wm. P.Quish ■X to participate. Mar^al, and l ^ f installing staff. Mattesen,'warden; Lettle Turarti- 1954 are entitled to deduct loasea avery family in Manchestar on Fri­ ■v. A fits in the Manchester area rose to Her asso<^te' officers, who mann, chaplain; 'Julia Adam, re­ day as one phase of a month-long <1S IB <IM cording and financial secretary; on their Federal incopie i*k re-, 'p h o n e MIKIm * 3-5140 'j The SO-SO Club of St. Mary’s 422 from 388 in the week ending were also imtalled at this time, turns for 1954, James J. Graham, campaign to collect funds to com­ are as follows: Mrs. Anne Elfrieda Schmidt, toeascrer; bat polio, EpUcmal Church will hold its Jan. 1, the State t«bor Dept, re­ MSrioiifr 8 . Camp,' 'naide guardian; District director of Internal Rave­ .niOTthly meeting Prlday at 7 p. m. BaUJan. 29 -1 - ■ ported today. Manph Wallbridga, outeida guard­ nna at Hartford stated today. Besides tha coin cards, lettsrs 20 ■ ■ . ■ in the pariah house, at. which time Initial claims, which indicate ian, and Hasel Nothnick, mualctan. - Director Graham reminded these a spaghetti supper will be served. SoHdting for the edvShee special new spells of unemployment, also All membera. of tha installing srtaff tsxpsyers that unless these deduc­ fundi have gone out to various *,s: MS lam ».n tions are taken on the return for W.M rose, going from 4l*tb S8. No rea- wers from Stafford. rasidsnees, buslneesea and corpora- JS 51? M.W Miss Lynn^Belle Dart, daughter The -1995 officers .at Sunset lOM, the taxpayer will lose the tlona and clubt. The drive here will Hkm tUAjki •! a Khmtm. of Mr. and. Mrs. George Dart-jbL-son was cKed !n th* report for the Rebeksh Lodge pre.snted a most beneht i>f them. be climaxed by, the Polio Bail, Tbty •!• •• Hwfi ewRiMr F*y*w. BoUUi Street, Coventry, a atudent increase in ctainfs here, but a gen­ attractive - eppearance in their Th* deduction applies to storm which will ba run by the Junior TMPMONr* wsni • w VISIT Liner es 10 Rie^perats/ Inau ‘Gala at Howard Seminary, West Bridge- eral atateuid* increSfe Vaa attrib­ beautiful whi^ gowns, many of losses sustained on nonbustnees Chaimber of .Commerce on Jan. 29. water, Mass., will receive very high uted to seasonsl shut-downs for thsm wearing corsages of pink property such as a rasldenca, as inventory taking. Walsh also 'said today that coin nUFRRfh niuiEce8„M t honors on the Citisenship Honor carnations, pGik and green being well as-on business property. cards to be distributed to school Rrdl which will be pres^ted at a . Hi* state's Increase in claims the color of the order. In ihs case of nonbusiness prop­ children aro now being readied, MANCHiSTER .dinner given to the girls following b'fdUjlht' the number to 37,524 c Storni Following the installation,' Mrs.' erty, the amount of the loss la not and will soon be in the bands of 4as MAM tlMIT In Atlan their return from winter vacation. from 29,927. During. the cor­ Maty Smith, P.N.G., accompanied the coat of replacement or restora- school otSciala.' 0»«e W«S. M. M* responding period a year ago, by Mies Pauline Beebe, rendered a' tlcn, but.ia the difference between iHSlhmMnt »>J* •• • • Cta»W claims rose to 30.541 from-19,062. Although no goal Ijaa been set t M raiMiiOt ml ekewey New York, Jan. -The^wasV dus lo-arriv* In HamlHon. Chapman Court No- 10. Order solo, “May the Good Lord jBless the v*lue of...the property Immedi­ wfa Bermuda, today. Her master Is of Amaranth, will follow a busi­ Initial claims in thd- state this 1^ Keep You." Mrs. Emma L. ately before the . storm and Its liner Queen of Bern^a, bat­ week jumped from 4.IM to 10,421. Commod.jre Letli* F. Barnyard, Washington, JanV 6 (/P)-* ness meeting. Friday ' at 7:45 I^tUeton, aenior past president of value immedUtaly! afterward not tling high winds Amd heavy and she curled a crew of 414 men. ^ By MARVTN L. ARROWSMITH All ai*a offices bitt one. showed sharp, with a semi-publio installs- thib ftebekah Assembly, wUdipd the to exceed' the cost or. other jiaais / yoer seas, today. rescuM the entire and 28 officers, including five Leaders of the new Demo­ Washington, Jan. 6 (/P)—President Eisehhower aippealed' tloa of-the 1055 officers in th* increases 1 ^ week, with Bridge­ new offleera vkty succesaful ’’iat the property destroyed. Such radio Officer*. ~ ' cratic majorities in Congress today for bi-partAan harmony and told the new E4th (Tongress Masonic Temple 8:80. Follow­ port continuing to lead at 5,253. crew of IQ /men from a losses must , be reduced by. the firpeit wolth repolt - J ... , . - ii Earlier the 10-inaii crew of th* said in effect toMy “yes, but" both parties are "on trial” in the free world’s struggle.to win ing the ceremony, refreshments Other lesidefa were" Hartford, Refreshment 'were served in amount k ituhiranca or other com- founderingX fishing vessel flaking craft started to abandon will be served in the banquet hall 4,196; Haven, 5,8^6; Water- the banquet hall, which w*a taste­ in response /to President enduring peace and prevent an atomic “holocaust.” fX M , penaatlonVecelved on account of NEW BANKING HOURS emrvke to holp you north of j^rmuda. ship, but their one lifeboat broke by Retiring Royal Matron Mrs. bury, New B r it^ , 3,071; fully decorated with , huge baskets the damag^ Lossas on accoui^t of First woid of the rescue cam* up and was swamped. The Coast Eisenhower’s call for ciiippera- In a State of the Union Message noting the .shift in control Martha Gilwech and her commit­ and Meriden, 2.407> pink roses and gresns by Mrs. destruction Sf nonbualnesa prop­ from a/radlo message picked up Guard said there was no indica­ tion and bipartisanship.' of Congresa from Republicans to Democrats, the President tee. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Leg­ only office not reporting Virginia Lawis, chairman, aaaiatad erty are deducrible mly If the tax­ In order to better serve our customers, after tion whether any of the crew had gett.
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