station show when, 4Unk that BTSr, *• tha earth passed through Washington, D. C. the wgPwitPAT. ocTostft. issr A-7 Pravda Sees Satellite orbit of the Oiacobini-Zinner Come! Poser microscopes. paint although they comet in 1046 1052, denied and the Japanese toy makers last earth was bombarded with vast their toys were dangerous to week agreed to use , Cracking Space Secret 1 amounts of debris, the London lead-free children. | Times said. At other times, MOSCOW. Oct. 9 MP).— live cona—will fall Into the at- Peril to• however, Satellite.#•*-¦ there was no debris, said today the man- mosphere up. may I Pravda and be burned LONDON. Oct, 0 oP)._The , *o there be none tonight. tWM B< made moon now circling the With the account waa a None of this debris actually L mrto stans 00 » globe Soviet earth satellite may J is the first step toward photograph of the aatelllte. be 1 hlte the earth * suiface. The five fabulous days to “¦ "winning cosmic space." shown on a small support. It smashed out of existence to- . tiny particles, about the site of | The Communist Party news- looked like a silvery globs with night by debris from a grains of sand or smaller, hum long comet, up paper said in a account of four trailing antennae. a leading British ; from friction in the tarth’a the satellite’s construction and Pravda repeated astronomer atmosphere. These are the that the today. launching, that it has been diameter of the aatelllte la 1 ¦aid meteors, the so-called shooting transmitting reports on tem- foot 11 inches and its weight The danger to the earth’* 1 stars. EUROPE \ peratures and other outer space pounds. first man-made moon lies in (stellite, whirling I IHA« fC*"*?* iJ 7SJ** 184 It waa described The around '•«“ the path of comet The great a. STATES, * . u conditions by coded radio mes- this way: the Oiaeo- above the denser atmosphere, a. UNITED world’s fastest mu sages which presumably only The outer shell is polished btnl-Zlnner. The earth crosses has no eueh protection as the ¦hip, arrives at Havre morning sth day, South- Soviet its path p.m. (0 p observers can decipher. spe- about 10 m . , ampton aame aluminum covered with a EOT) earth. afternoon. SATELLITE'S TIMETABLE—-Based on data an- Pravda gave no indication cial protective tonight. material. Nitro- For extra hours of leisure at wee—the popvtar nounced by Radio Moscow last night, this map indi- that the information from the gen gas la sealed Inside. Debris scattered by the comet satellite will be given on 1U journey through apace AMERICA. b /i days to Cobh, to Havre, cates where the Soviet satellite will be today and other 4 Antennae Carried Tokyo Toys to Got 7 to Southampton,l 6>4 tomorrow—AP Wirephoto Map. nations participating in the could hit the aatelllte. Prof. 8 to Bremerhaven. International Oeophyslcal Two antennae are about 7 A. C. LOvell aaid. This Year. feet debris Chemical The nations previously had 9 inches long and two are could deflect the aatelllte. dam- Tests agreed to share such data. about 9 feet 5 Inches. The four age It or wreck it entirely, he TOKYO, Oct. 9 (>P).—Made- The satellite story, which together apparently carry the added. In-Japan metal toys will have pages, transmissions of two separate He urged all covered two did not men- observers of the to pass a chemical examination Soviet tion that the baby radios operating on different artificial moon to watch it Trying moon might SAIIINOS to Build MOM wavelength*. from now on before they NIW YOSK losing British closely this evening. radio can be be altitude. Its •a. Unit*® -Oct. 18,31*; scientists have reported that Pravda aaid the successful signals might tell something of exported, the Ministry of In- States Nov. 19*;.Dee. 6*: Jan. 16*: launching Feb. 4*,and regularly thereafter, *aiao it is. was a result of the the effect# of such a cosmic ternational Trade and Indus- arrivea Rrnmer haven stit lay Manned Space Station "high constructive perfection" collision. aa. Signals Due to End try announced today. America— Oct. 11; Nov. 2; Dec. 12; Jan. 3, 23; Feb. 13; LONDON, Oct. 0 (JP). —The Soviet Union is working toward achieved by Soviet science. The Prof. Lowelle is Mar. 6, and regularly said head of the The ruling charge thereafter. creation of a manned space station for launching space ships, Pravda radio transmis- moon was sent up by "power- Jodrell Radio Astronomy followed a a Bovtet sions from the Bank scientist told the Russian people last night. satellite are like- ful rocket engines." the news- Btation, the world's im- from the To? Outdance Council lOWIt Yury ly to end soon because most OM-SIASON SATIJ All NOW IN I*MCT Prof. A. Pobedonostsev described this as the ultimate its bat- paper said, but tt gave no de- portant center of its kind. in New York that some Japa- •im—“the accomplishment tery power will be gone. But the riMT CIAM CABIN of which is not far off" in a tails of the actual launching. telescope exploration toys CLAW TOIKUT CLAW newspaper said optical Radio nese were coated with po- sa. United up |225 •Moscow Radio broadcast to home service listeners. and ra- of the sky tentially States 1355 up $177 up “Apparently dar observations will at Jodrell Bank has poisonous high-lead- sa. the first satellite will be followed by others." be con-: produced the theory America S3OO up $205 up $l7O up —— paint. Prof. Pobedonostsev “larg- j tinued “for a long time.” Typhoon Japan that debris content said, —11 Leaves may be left in patches along er in siae and carrying knowl-, all The new regulation goes into CONSUir OUS AUTHORIZED TSAVII AGfNTS O* more ¦ may be nearing the end of its The story said lack of TOKYO. Oct. 9 OP).—Ty-i the comet a orbit. This work , complex equipment and in- edge of outer space phoon effect tomorrow, the ministry run. Radio Moscow said signals makes it Hester, its center winds has not been publicised, end struments to study the prob- impossible to predict to said. The first batch to be may stop due to exhaustion of when the down >0 miles an hour, was Prof. Lovell said the Russians examined< UNITED STATES LINES lems. be the batteries, but satellite and its two fellow reported 400 miles northeast may not will shipped Oc- observations of realise the threat to 1 tober 15. 91* 15th St. N.W.. Washington 5, “The next stage will appar- will go travelers—part of the rocket Tokyo tonight moving, their D. C. Tel. NAtianal 9-2854 ently be on "with the aid of and aluminum moon. Exempt the ruling 1# Light Bt., Baltimore 3 Tel. SAratoga the launching of satel- optical which took it up and a protec- at 50 miles an hour. from will 'j 7-526# Instruments and radio northeast 1 The records of the Jodrell be! toy telescopes, and lites carrying animals for the locating stations." It reported cameras purpose of studying their be- check the up a on orbit has been RALEIGH HARIRPASHIR. WASHINGTON amp rutvv ruacr havior in the orbit. completed. • “And finally, stage the last "Valuable information has would probably be a manned been it satellite. Prom assembled.” said. a manned satel- Moscow did not announce lite it will be much easier and these findings, but some figures * lo 9; simpler to dispatch ’ 12 9*30 to 9 rockets to were disclosed by Dr. Msrtin "from from | other planets, since a space Ryle of the Mullard radio lab- ship to a attached satellite will oratory at Cambridge. England. / already have a speed of about He said measurements show 8 kilometers <5 miles > per sec- the earth satellite, which the ond and will require only an Russians said they had fired to additional 3 or 4 kilometers to an altitude of 560 miles, seemed overcome the gravitation field to be only 250 miles high in one with stocks at their and fly to the moon, to Mars. part peak, now’s of its orbit and the about 400 Venus or Ather planets." miles high in another While a suspicion formed Visual sightings of the abroad that the Russian moon satellite were reported last night in Italy. Australia and to Red China. Twenty passen- time select your Fall from gers clothing Thieves Get sl9, on a Sardinian bus made the Italian claim. They aaid Victim Saves $5 they saw it as a bright red A streetcar operator, robbed , light for 90 seconds. Radio of sl9 90 in dimes, nickels and Peiping said Nanking observers tokens last night, managed ! saw the little moon with both to glasses hold onto the other half of his 1 and naked eyes. change carrier containing $5 Thousands of Australians re- & in quarters, he told police ported seeing it and scientists Our 1 HART The the Australian Common- SCHAFFNER tugging at MARX contest took Collection place after three youths reached wealth' Observatory. Canberra., through a rear window and took1 photographs. pulled the trolley pole away ' from an overhead power line With the Fall just police said. r inhow jTT season beginning, and our stocks at The three, all neatly dressed, ( TO MAKE A their peak, got on the car at Georgia ave- j you couldn't pick a better time to select nue and W street N.W. and pulled the trolley pole down at your clothing for the coming months of cold weather. Barry place N W —three blocks (Atm* away.
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