KEY Backafallen Swimming NORREBORG en Toilet g Tys Mossvä ka v Campfire and picnic Västra sv fyren v a n MOSSEN r e Playground rg g en e ä Moss äg L sv HUSVIK Tun 36 3 7Lyck tev Sports grounds vägen a By DefibrillatorHusvik Change of bicycle e Gö v v 21 Fyrvägen Mari Bike route v 2 Fram näs e 4 275 Trettonv Travel direction lun S Lilla orreborgsv TUNA BY Stjärn N t St gå. d jär 32 s Assarvägen ora v Bus 37 ng ä Change of bicycle gen å. K rs väg31 Preordered bus service y llte 2 35 r Kyrkvägen 4 kba 39 o 0 c W L 26k 28 Bus stop e a 5 27 n 15 Hakenstigen 20 n d s33 vägen Change of 18 13 204 bicycle vägen KYRK- Ky rkb 22 Östanliden BACKEN a 8 Cavlinga- Hakens cke M ö fyr n 24 llares 17 Jöns v n v 14 ar 14 Landsvägen v 5 29 s e 6 Öresund nd ar B ä Jönsl ac l öl kafal ol Kärleksstige M Bike rental H 87 66 Mildahns väg 9 len gen 25 BÄCKVIKEN 23 n e Vingesti 33 11 kvik 19 18 34 Bäc Ferry quay 10 16 H 12 ollän da rv ä g e n THE ISLAND OF VEN Nämndemansvägen 1 19 The 30–40 metre high ”Backafallen” areas around the llen fa island offer wonderful views and interesting nature ka Bac 300 m experiences. The whole island is a nature reserve or a nature conservation area which means there are special rules and regulations to be followed. 0 Södra fyren Circumference: 11,7 km Photo: Olga Bergvall, Landskrona stad Photo: MOOB Photo: Anders Ebefeldt / studio-e.se Karta: www.infab.nu 22 THE TYCHO BRAHE MUSEUM 3 SPIRIT OF HVEN BACKAFALLSBYN SHORT FACTS ABOUT VEN In 1576, King Fredrik II bestowed the island of Ven DISTILLERY The island is located 4,5 km off the Swedish coast on Tycho Brahe and Brahe built Uraniborg castle One of the world’s smallest, family-owned, pot still and 8,5 km off the Danish coast. Ven belongs surrounded by a magnificent Renaissance garden. distilleries, where everything from mashing to fer- to Landskrona City Council. It rises as a plateau The castle is no longer there, but part of the garden menting, distilling, ageing in oak casks and bottling 39 metres above sea level and is 11,7 km in circum- has been reconstructed. The Tycho Brahe Museum happens under one roof. The distillery offers both ference. Approximately 370 people live on the island. is housed in the former All Saints Church. Its guided tours and whisky tastings. A nature reserve covers large parts of the island, exhibitions tell of Tycho Brahe’s life and scientific camping is therefore only allowed at the campsite. discoveries through archaeological finds, videos 20 ST. IBB’S MEDIEVAL CHURCH Picking plants and making up fire is also prohibited. and models. It is impossible to know for certain when the church was built, but the oldest part (the tall building facing One of the highlights of the museum is the ruins the sea) was built in either the late 12th century or Fun for the kids! of Tycho Brahe’s underground observatory. At this the early 13th century. St. Ibb’s church also used to In the mood for swimming? You will find child- historic site, there is an eight-minute sound and light have a tower at the eastern end, but it was demo- friendly beaches at both Kyrkbacken and show depicting Tycho leading a night of observations. lished in 1726. Amongst the contents of the church Norreborg marinas. are Tycho Brahe’s pew and an altarpiece painted 19 Try medieval games in the historical playground at HVENS HEMBYGDSGÅRD, by Tycho Brahe’s court painter Tobias Gemperlin. NÄMNDEMANSGÅRDEN the Tycho Brahe Museum. The local history museum run by Ven’s local OUR MARINAS Energy to burn? Play football or basketball on folklore society dates back to the late 18th century We have eight charming marinas, five in Lands- the sports ground located across the street from and is a historic building. The museum has exhi- krona and three on the island of Ven. They all offer the Tycho Brahe Museum. bitions showing the brickworking era, seafaring, good service and are closely located to gourmet Take a break at the playground in Tunaby. agriculture and ancient relics. The entire museum restaurants, places of interests and breathtaking Challenge each other to a game of football, presents a historic view of peasant society. nature experiences. volleyball, croquet, bowls or miniture golf. Photo: Viktor Silfverhjelm Hultqvist / Studio Silfverqvist Backafallen NORREBORG en Ty g ska Mossvä v v s Västra fyren av r n MOSSEN g e en er g g L ä M ä v HUSVIK o Tun s ss L y tev Husvik v a c ö ä By k G g v e v e v Marie Fyrvägen n Framn äsv orgs 275 Tretto nv l S StjäLilla orreb un TUNA BY tj S rng N är tora å. d 2 s Assarvägen 4 ng v 2 ä å. gen K rs väg y llte r Kyrkvägen L kba o c a k W e n n d Hakenstigen s v ä n e gen g 204 vä Ky KYRKBACKEN rkb Östanliden a Cavlinga- Hakens cke M ö fyr n s llares Jön v v ar 145 Landsvägen v es nd ar B ä l a l c kafal ol Kärleksstigen Möl BÄCKVIKEN H 87 66 Mildahns väg len gen Photo: Anders Ebefeldt / studio-e.se n e Vingesti 33 kvik 1 9 Bäc Ho llä n d arv ä g e n Nämndemansvägen llen fa a ck Ba Södra fyren Short island tour Long island tour Travel direction The route takes about The route takes about Photo: Viktor Silfverhjelm Hultqvist 50 minutes by bicycle 90 minutes by bicycle / Studio Silfverqvist WHERE TO STAY Venbussen, Skånetrafiken 8 Turistgården - House of Hven, bowls, 39 Gun Sundberg Bengtsson, silver smith +46 (0)706-08 20 77 croquet +46 (0)706-32 35 67 CAMPING & COTTAGES venbussen.se, skanetrafiken.se +46 (0)418-721 26, houseofven.com 4 Konstnärsgården Marielund, Celéste 1 Allt om Ven AB, Gamlegård stugor SHOPS 22 Tycho Brahe museum +46 (0)418-720 37, marielund-hven.se +46 (0)418-722 62, alltomven.se +46 (0)418-47 31 09, tychobrahe.com 25 Hamnkiosken, Hvens ice cream 35 Malin Ljung, butik & ateljé, 2 Camp Ven – Vens camping & stugby +46 (0)707-52 31 28, hvensglassfabrik.se 10 Äventyrsarken, horse riding, team building gold & silver smith +46 (0)418-725 50, campven.com +46 (0)705-82 48 66, aventyrsarken.se +46 (0)418-722 77, malinljung.com 18 HvenAlpacka, shop MARINAS +46 (0)706-86 68 92, DINING 34 Ninna Mandin Silver hvenalpacka.weebly.com +46 (0)702-18 66 07, ninnamandin.se Bäckvikens gästhamn 23 Agnes Tapas +46 (0)418-725 55, (0)708-57 25 55 13 Hvendurum, bakery +46 (0)418-724 60 5 Silverblänk & Guldkorn Sophie design +46 (0)418-724 48 +46 (0)761-962 360 Kyrkbackens gästhamn 28 Bread on Wine +46 (0)418-724 00, kyrkbacken.se 26 Kiosken i Kyrkbacken +46(0)418-101 20, breadonwine.com 7 Tunaboden & Hvens vävstuga +46 (0)418-720 82 +46 (0)730-64 15 98 Norreborgs gästhamn 24 Café Tycho Brahe +46 (0)722-09 30 40 (12:00-13:00), 15 Möllebackens Livs, grocery shop +46 (0)761-62 45 20, cafetychobrahe.se 36 Vens Kulturhus norreborgshamn.se +46 (0)418-720 55 venskulturhus.se 27 Fiskboden HOTEL 16 Paviljong 1916, summer shop +46 (0)418-722 20 +46 (0)73-801 36 70, paviljong1916.net 3 Opening hours on Ven Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn 1 Gamlegårds lada (pre-booking) +46 (0)418-44 99 99, hven.com Visit kalender.upplevven.se to find out 17 Vens Rapsolja & Skafferi +46 (0)418-722 62, alltomven.se +46 (0)730-86 08 69, vensrapsolja.se the opening times of Ven’s attractions, accommodation, restaurants and cafés, etc. ROOM RENTAL 26 Kiosken i Kyrkbacken WHAT TO DO +46 (0)418-720 82 37 Holken +46 (0)706-85 40 90, holkenven.se +46 (0)418-47 30 00, ven.se 1 Allt om Ven AB, football golf, pentathlon 14 Mitt på Hven +46 (0)418-722 62, alltomven.se +46 (0)734-32 34, mittpahven.se @upplevlandskronaven 4 Konstnärsgården Marielund Nurse +46 (0)418-720 60 +46 (0)418-720 37, marielund-hven.se 2 Camp Ven, mini golf, volleyball 29 Pumpans café & restaurang Emergency 112 +46 (0)418-725 50 +46 (0)723-62 18 70, pumpans.com 6 Nova Harmonia Healthcare advice 1177 +46 (0)705-42 81 10, novaharmonia.se 18 HvenAlpacka, trekking & shop 21 S:t Ibbs Golfklubb (pre-booking) +46 (0)418-723 63, stibb.se 7 Tunastugan +46 (0)706-86 68 92, Timetable Ventrafiken +46 (0)730-64 15 98, tunastugan.se hvenalpacka.weebly.com 3 Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn a) Exc. Saturdays, Sundays and +46 (0)418-44 99 99, hven.com Public Holidays. 8 Turistgården – House of Ven 6 Nova Harmonia, display garden, b) Exc. Christmas Eve, c) Exc. New Year’s Eve +46 (0)418-721 26, houseofven.com yoga, sound meditation 2 Strandkrogen, CampVen d) Exc. New Year’s Day +46 (0)705-42 81 10, novaharmonia.se +46 (0)418-725 50, campven.com YOUTH HOSTEL Extra departures during peak season. The crossing takes about 30 minutes. 19 Nämndemansgården, homestead 31 Tuna krog & Hvens Bryggeri Book your ticket at ventrafiken.se or 9 Vens vandrarhem museum +46 (0)418-720 19, tunakrog.se +46 (0)418-473 473 +46 (0)418-725 55, vensvandrarhem.se +46 (0)418-725 07, hembygd.se/ven 8 Turistgården – House of Ven Landskrona – Ven Ven – Landskrona TRAVEL ACROSS VEN 20 S:t Ibbs old church +46(0)418-721 26, houseofven.com 06.05 a,b,c 05.30 a,b,c +46 (0)418-574 00, 1 Allt om Ven AB, tractor trailer svenskakyrkan.se/landskrona ARTS & CRAFTS 08.20 06.50 d +46 (0)418-722 62, alltomven.se 10.00 09.10 21 14 10 S:t Ibbs Golfklubb Mitt på Hven 11.30 10.40 Ivan Wagon trail, wagon trail +46 (0)418-723 63, stibb.se +46 (0)734-32 34, mittpahven.se +46 (0)705-82 48 66, aventyrsarken.se 14.15 12.40 3 Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn, 32 Anis galleri 16.00 b 15.00 11 Vens Cykeluthyrning, bike rental +46 (0)730-47 67 31, anisgalleri.se whiskey distillery 17.35 b 16.45 b +46 (0)418-722 50, venscykeluthyrning.se +46 (0)418-44 99 99, hven.com 33 Cassiopeia Trädgårdsgalleri 20.15 c 18.15 b 12 Ven Taxi, travel & luggage transport +46 (0)418-721 14, cassiopeia.se 12 Ven Taxi, sighseeing taxi 21.30 c 20.55 c service +46 (0)725- 72 60 13, ventaxi.weebly.com +46 (0)725- 72 60 13, ventaxi.weebly.com 34 Creativum Hven Copenhagen – Ven – Helsingør +46 (0)702-18 66 07, creativum.se +45 31 31 91 03, visithven.dk/billetter.
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