Inter-faith INSIDE action: what would Jesus do? E4,5 THE SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No: 6181 www.churchnewspaper.com PRICE £1.35 1,70j US$2.20 CHURCH OF ENGLAND THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN 1828 NEWSPAPER Thousands flock to Hyde Park in call for hunger action By Joe Ware ty to reach our full potential, is the preserve of some and not others THOUSANDS OF people is a place that has failed to put descended on London’s Hyde people at the heart of politics and Park on Saturday to call on the business.” leaders of the G8 to take action on He added: “Our world and our global hunger. global family were not made so The Enough Food For Every- that some could feast while others one IF campaign, a coalition of hungered. Everyone has a right more than 200 organisations to his or her daily bread.” including the Church of England, A video message by the Arch- Christian Aid and Tearfund bishop of Canterbury, Justin among others, estimated that Welby, was also relayed. He said: around 45,000 people had attend- “The G8 is the centre of financial ed the rally and heard speeches resource and power, in all kinds of from a range of famous faces ways. including Bill Gates, Danny Boyle “My prayer would be that in this and Rowan Williams. country, and across the world, The G8 meets on Monday June that we are deeply committed to 17 in Enniskillen, Northern Ire- enabling people to be self-sustain- land, and campaigners are calling ing, so that global hunger can be on them to tackle tax dodging in ended in our lifetimes.” developing countries, stop poor After the service, congregants farmers being forced off their took part in a Walk of Witness to Christian Aid/Tabitha Ross land and ensure greater trans- Hyde Park where they joined parency in corporate and govern- thousands of others to hear rally- ment decision making. ing speeches from the likes of The day began with an ecu- David Harewood, star of hit US menical church service in drama Homeland, TV presenter Campaigners angry over gay marriage move Methodist Central Hall, which Mylene Klass and anti-poverty saw 3,500 worshippers packed campaigners from around the THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT bishops in the Supporters within the Church of England of same- into the Great Hall and overflow world. House of Lords have accepted that same-sex mar- sex marriage accused the bishops of being on the venue leaving latecomers trying The former Archbishop of Can- riage is now inevitable has angered campaigners. back foot, in the words of the Dean of Durham, ‘at to listen in from the street out- terbury and Chair of Christian In a statement the Bishop of Leicester, the Rt Rev first resisting social change that is wanted by the side. Aid, Rowan Williams, led the Tim Stevens, who is Convenor of the Bishops in the majority and then coming round to it slowly and In his sermon the Archbishop crowd in a minute’s silence. After- House of Lords said it was now the task of the bish- grudgingly’. According to Ekklesia, the Church of of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, wards he said: “We’ve got the ops to see how the proposed legislation could be put England’s stance on marriage and sexuality is ‘still spoke against the injustice of resources in our world to tackle in better shape rather than work for its rejection. unclear’. global inequality. the problem of hunger. We’ve got Christian Concern singled out for criticism the In the House of Lords debate on same sex mar- “That millions go hungry every the technology of food produc- Archbishop of Canterbury’s commendation of the riage nine bishops voted for Lord Dear’s amendment day is a responsibility we all must tion, we’ve got the financial Bishop of Salisbury’s letter to Lord Ali and his state- to deny the bill a second reading. In addition to the share. These are our brothers and resources, so the question is why ment in the debate that ‘it is clearly essential that sta- Archbishop of Canterbury, they were the Bishops of sisters and their suffering is also aren’t we doing it?” ble and faithful same-sex relationships should, Bristol, Birmingham, Chester, Coventry, Exeter, ours,” he said. This Saturday, 15 June, thou- where those who want it, be recognised and support- Hereford, London and Winchester. The Bishops of “There is little justice in a world sands more supporters are ed with as much dignity and the same legal effect as Derby, Guildford, Leicester, Norwich and St where the few are allowed to expected to meet in Belfast fol- marriage’. On its website Christian Concern also Edmundsbury and Ipswich abstained. hoard spoils earned on the backs lowed by a church service on Sun- urged its supporters to write to the Bishops urging of the many. A world where day in Enniskillen led by the them to continue their opposition to the bill. Parliamentary report, page 4 human flourishing, the opportuni- Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. LETTERS 8 • ALAN STORKEY 9 • COMMENT 9 • CLERGY MOVES 12 • ANGLICAN LIFE 13 •S• UNDAY 15 • PAUL RICHARDSON 16 2 www.churchnewspaper.com Sunday June 16, 2013 News Inside... The original Church newspaper Legal aid changes attacked GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS ernment,” the submission or a number of other matters on restricting access to legal aid states. involving important human have been criticised by a The Government has previ- rights issues in prison. The sub- Church of England submission ously committed itself to giving mission says this falls short of to the Ministry of Justice con- victims of human trafficking natural justice. sultation ‘Transforming Legal access to free legal advice and The Government is proposing Aid’. representation when they are that prisoners with learning dif- As part of its attempt to unable to pay for it themselves. ficulties or mental health prob- reduce the deficit, the Govern- New proposals mean that there lems who wish to make a formal ment is proposing a 12-month would be no free legal aid until complaint but are unable to residence test for legal aid. the claimant had been legally write it down could make their According to the Church of resident in the UK for 12 complaint orally to a member of England this will mean that vic- months, except where there is staff or seek help from another tims of human trafficking and an exceptional case determina- prisoner. News . .1-7 domestic abuse, asylum seekers tion. The submission argues that Your Church . .2 and prisoners with learning dif- Those granted official status vulnerable prisoners could be UK News . .1-4 ficulties or mental health issues as asylum seekers would also influenced or intimidated by World News . .6,7 could all be denied legal aid pro- be refused legal aid until 12 others in these circumstances visions. months after their status was and points out that Prison Serv- Comment “Our concern is that good granted. The C of E submission ice Instructions say prisoners Letters . .8 legal advice and advocacy claims this contravenes Article making complaints should not Leader . .9 should be readily available to 16 of the Refugee Convention, be seen by a member of staff Alan Storkey . .9 all who need it, especially which says that they should be involved. those whose vulnerability treated the same as nationals as “Given that these are the cur- England on Sunday places an obligation on society far as courts and legal assis- rent arrangements in prisons,” Manchester bishop . .E1 to ensure that they are not tance are concerned. the submission states, “it is rea- write down their complaints Andrew Carey . .E2 defenceless against unjust Under the proposals prison- sonable to expect that those should have access to legal aid Whispering Gallery . .E2 treatment by any person, ers will have no access to legal who, especially through disabili- to make a complaint, including Nigel Nelson . .E3 organisation or agent of gov- advice on solitary confinement, ty, are not able to formulate or complaints about treatment.” Nigel Scotland . .E4, 5 Arts & Media . .E6 Books . .E7 Campaign urges parishes to cherish their graveyards Janey Lee Grace . .E8 Crossword . .E8 JUNE 8 marked the start of a responsible for more than and sometimes only small part of this dedicated week.” week for cherishing grave- 10,000 graveyards, many of changes in their care can make Among the activities recom- The Record yards. The observance is spon- them providing a home for a big difference to wildlife. mended are beginning a list of Faith and Film . .10 sored by ‘Shrinking the birds, butterflies, bees, flowers, “A week spent cherishing plants and animals to be seen in Classifieds . .11 Footprint’ (the Church of Eng- lichen and ferns. At a time when graveyards is an excellent a graveyard, perhaps with pho- Clergy Moves . .12 land’s national environmental research shows 60 per cent of opportunity for everyone to tographic records. This will be Anglican Life . .13 campaign) and the conservation the UK species are in decline take stock of these special useful for future conservation Connections4Life . .14 charity ‘Caring for God’s Acre’. graveyards taken together pro- places,” claimed David Shreeve. and also help spread word in Spiritual Director . .15 Events to mark the event vide what David Shreeve, the C Andrea Gilpin of ‘Charing for the community. Sunday Service . .15 included a World War 1 grave of E’s national environmental God’s Acre’ said: “Churchyards ‘Caring for God’s Acre’ is a Bob Mayo . .15 tour, a family day ‘Going wild in adviser, called a ‘huge national are wonderful places, often membership charity, which Paul Richardson .
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