GREASY PRINTS A PUBLICATION OF THE ORLAIIDO AREA CHAPTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------~---- VOLUME 3 NUMBER 3 JANUARY 1986 "2600 "ILES LATER' by Lou Ell iott On Septeaber 2nd, w had a phone call frOi uncle Bill in Oriskany Falls, New York. We discussed the ~ather, each others health, and then he .anted to talk to Jeff. When Jeff got off the phone he said, "your uncle has found a clean, good running'64 Studebaker'. I could see the wheels turning, "how can I get UP there and get it", in father's eye. Then he said, 'doyou suppose you could get a few days off, if I go after it'? I said Sure!!! Jeff called Bill back and told hi. w'd be there Friday. This .as Tuesday night so, got the Suitcase packed .ith hot and cold wather clothes (.hich by the .ay, it .as as hot t here as it .as here) • Came hOlrle frOi school Wednesday, PUt a few odds and ends in the suitcase I couldn't pack the night before, and w .ere on the road headed north at .5:15 ~. Stopped this side of Jacksonville and ate. The next stop was Hardeeville, S.C. at 10:30 PM. Next IOrning at 7:01 An w wre pounding the road again. Got to Chambersburg PA, 8:30 ~ Thursday night. Friday w drove into Bill's yard at 2:00 PM. We had arrived! There sitting in the yard was this Golden sand, 4 door Studebaker Commander. After spending 21 years in a hop kiln for its garage, it .as shinning fro. the rain and looked like a lillion, except for a few places of rust from the salt. Got out and started for the car, inside was even better, everything original - seat belts, radio. Seats had been covered since the day it .as bought (by the .ay, w bought it frOll the original OIIITler). Seats, headliner, dash, floor aats all like new. Jeff started it and it ran like a clock, he .as happy as a kid with a new toy. Went inside and talked, then Jeff and Bill wnt to Utica to get the license and papers ready so we could start back to Florida in the~. I rode down .ith them as far as Clinton to stay with IY 101. While I was there I saw a couple of friends of ours, Helen and Ronnie LLoyd (Ruth's God Parents) they .anted us to come to their 50th wedding anniversary party they .ere having at the legion Hall. Told them we'd love to but we were heading back home in the IOrning. The boys got back and they talked a few .inutes and then up the road to the Falls. ()ut to a fish fry in Sangerfield that night. To bed about 11:00 ~ expecting to arise early to change oil, grease the car, and change tires around (7 came .ith it). Jeff .as UP and at it shortly after daybreak I think. He took it for a ride, came back and said it runs like a top, but the llliter ~p leaks. He then got on the phone and called ulpteen parts places, no luck. Then he thought of Dick Ford, another friend .ho has Studebakers. Dick said "I've got 2 or 3, COIM! on uP' so allJay tt,e boys IlJent again. (continued on page 3) STUDaAKER DRIVERS Q.UJ INC. ORLANDO AREA CHAPTER 8320 YILLAGE GREEN ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32818. PRESIDENT ____ VICE PRESIDENT __ SECRETARY___ LARRY GOOD FRAN< NmR06IO JOANt£ 600D 517 SAN SAP-ASTIAN PRADO 1125 NODDING PINES WAY 517 SAN SA!ISTIAN LONGWOOD, flORIDA 3271~ CASSELlIERRY FL. 327.7 LONGWOOD, FL 32714 (305) 788-6225 (305) 699-8446 (305) 788-6225 TREASURER ____ ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR _ tIEJ'lBERSHIP DIRECTOR RI CHARD GREEN LUCILLE GREEN CINDI SHELTON 605 N LAKE II..YO • 98 60S N LAKE ILV» • 98 8320 VILLAGE GREEN RD AI..TA.'1Ot\TE SPGS FL 32711 Al..TN1ONTE SP6S FL. 32701 ORlM'DO, Fl. 32818 (305) 339-2122 (305) 339-2122 (305) 295-0199 fEDITOR _____ TEMPORARY EDITOR _ HISTORIAN ___ RUTH WILCOXSON FRAN< WROGIO IECKY ELLIOTT P. O. lOX 13911 1025 NODDING PINES WAY 11 WACASSA TRAIL ORLANDO, Fl 32859-3911 CASSELBERRY Fl. 32707 SORRENTO, FL 32n6 (305) 847-2899 (305) 699-&4-\6 (904) 383-eB41 The Orlando ArIa Chapter holds IJOnthly Hetings on the Hcond Saturday of tach IIDnttl at the offices of SaTiford notors Inc. AKC Jeep dealership 3418 S. Orlando Drive (17-92), 1/2 aile north of Lake Mary Blvd in Sanford Florida. ",Itings start at 7:'. p.a. and are open to all ..abers and guests. &reasy Prints is I publication of the Orlinda Area Chapter of the Studeliaker Drivers Club. rtelrlbership is open to Inyone interested in Studtblker Ind related vehicles and their history. Yearly elIes are Sll.1111 for a fllily IItllbel"ship Ind 11"1 clIe every October 1st. Dues are pro rated for new Nllbers. (see aPFlication form'. All Embers of a falllily living together· Ire considered to be Chapter lelbers. Husband and wife tach have a vote in Chapter elections, but only one New51etter is sent per family IIIellibership. Ads for business sponsors run for a full year and the sponsor ~ill recievea copy of "Greasy Prints" each month for. the run of the ad. Prices for business sponsol" ads are $15.015 for a business tard size ad, $22.50 for a ~ual"ter page. At.lf page ad costs $35.00 and a full page ad is S50.00 (per year prices). Send your check payable tD Orlando Area Cbapter - SDC, along with your ad copy to the Editor. Ads for cars wanted and for sale are free to ll!etribers and lUst include the city and area code if a phone nUII·ber is givln. Ads for Iny Studebaker are also free regardless of aelbership. The deadline for any ..terial for 6reasy Prints is the 2eth of tilt IIDIIth. Jf you have any interesting infD1"5ation concerning your tar, please pass it on to the Editor for pUblication, fD1" III of us to enjoy. "aterill tan be typed or hand written as long as it is received by the 20th. -(Send III infDrution to the Temporary Editor till further notitl). SANFORD MOTOR CO. All of us in the Orlando Area Chapter ;3418 S. Orlando Dr. (17-92) SANFORD, flORIDA 32771 would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Mr. Donald Bales for r I AMC/Jeep oRENAULT his kindness in allowing us the use Concord' Spirit. t.ld,·. Alliance < leCar • II', • fueso of his dealership facilities for our DONALD J. BALES Bus. Phone (305) 322-4382 monthly meetings. Owner Bus. Phone 321.JEEP (continued froa page 1) J did a load of ~sh and then went over the hill to Waterville ~here IY sister Ruth .arks and stayed there about an hour. Came back and went to the village store for some N.Y. cheese to bring home. lfeanlilhile lay aunt iii.; getting lunch and IIIe both lllere wondering hOlll the boys lllere laking out and ..hen they'd be back. Phone Rang and it AS sofie acre friends Joe and I'Iargaret Kidd. They knew we III£!re there cause Jeff called Joe about a ~ter pulp. They came down frOi Bouckville and lllere there about twenty ainutes ~hen Bill and Jeff ca~ home. With ~ter pulp on, tires changed, oil changed and greased, Jeff looks at Ie and asked shall IIIe start back nOlll or ~it until acrning? I had to drive the truck and it ~s after 2:80 RK then, I said "in the IOrning"! Things slowed down a bit and the lunch ay aunt had been fussing over and keeping ~r. ~s eaten, and IIIe had lOre tile to talk ..ith Joe and I'Iargaret. Late that afternoon, Jeff And I lllent to Ne!iI Hartford to see if IIIe muld get SOle apples to bring hOllle. On the ~!I _e reaembered the anniversary party and decided to attend on the way back, in Franklin Springs, our hometOllln. We arrived around 6:1M' RK and there lllere about 100 people IIIe hadn't seen in 22 years, there ~s hardly a stranger in the house. After a roast beef dinner, and all you ~nted to drink, dance ..ith live IUsic, and talk we got back to the Falls around 11:80 RK. We were both happy the old Stude lade us stay over until the next day so IIIe didn't liss the party. Sunday the 18th IIIe got on the road at 6:58 N1. Father led the ~y, his speedometer didn't ..ark so if I IlliS way behind he knN he IlliS going too fast. I kept it between 55 and 61 on the open road, I also had a radar detector in the truck because it .auldn't ..ark in his lighter. We lade it to Roanoke Va that night, after going through a thunderstorm in PA and torn up route "Sl, IIIe lllere ready for some sleep. "Stude running like a top and strong as an acre of garlic" as father PUts it! On the road again at 7:80 N1 Jeff had figured up his mileage, the first 20m liles he got 25 _pg. Trucks lllere starting to roll again and fathers foot got heavier. They all had radios so IIIe stepped UP the speed a bit and the ,ileage went down to 20 ,pg. 60t back to Hardeeville, sallie IOtel, that evening. Tuesday IOrning, on the home stretch! We hit Jacksonville about 10:80 AM.
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