-^..!- .',. .V'.'. '.')aJf N^I^K,Asvr.>?tii£ f Jf E^'^lg^jjK j^gS»¥«W'Wne«aTW-BWl* •mnK^npn«niK?a«)% •»** "^^"^^RT^T * asA Jprw ap f *«>^ii«/«4 A V;-" *s 1 .in i Ti, RGCM To Mfeot na Statue ••iff WRS Fjrsf On f^£M J© Evwy Other Year •' Marian Year Pmm^' WMfclact*! —(NC)-The Na­ Reported In Sicilian Aid Pusan Fire Victim tional Council of Catholic Men Hen Is »M teat of the prayer composed t^ftfeit^^l-Wr announced that It will hold its By MONSIOMOaV We, SULLIVAN. MCitatlasi eurtstg the. Marian Year. He Ma^se- a aarttfJ . Seoul, Korea -^(NC) — n*ftKSSfy jfWffMMft open convention* every other Rome - (NC) -The Vatican's traditional attitude of haiaigesies of Ave years every time U^peay^ give food and clothing to tjh# PUMI£ Hire victims was War year, instead of annually as in reserve in regard to alleged miraculous happenings has not vouUy with a contrite heart Readers snsy |elt§|tafc*»iaj»r Rehef Services of the National Catholic Welfari^ifterjpnc^ the pait. At the game time, it and keep it la their prayerbooks. ^dgh McLoone. War r^i ^^^4^^ •aid that NCCM Executive Com­ been in any way altered by reports concerning the "Weeping Service representative in Korea, mittee voted at Its November Madonna" of Syracuse la Sicily. Enraptured by the splendor of yoalr neavenJjr bm*- offered supplies to a hastily- chaplains were-on hand at the THIS HAPPENED in the case meeting to accept the Invitation According to the reports, a ter­ ty, and impelled by the anxieties or the world, we east formed disaster committee at Its time and removed the Blessed of the alleged visions at Herolds- of Archbishop Richard J. dish­ racotta bust statue of the Virgin ourselves into-your arms, 0 Immaculate MotHtr of Jew" first meeting the morning after Sacrament and (he. .altar equip' bach, Germany, on July 25,1951. ing to hold its next convention In the home of a humble couple, the fire. ment before the flames reached In that case, the Holy Office de­ and our Mother, Mary, confident of finding in your most in Boston in 1955. Angelo and Antonlna Glusto, was Ruins were still burning as the the building. creed that ail veneration con­ loving heart appeasement of our ardent desires,, and a observed on August 29 to have Catholic organization moved to "Only a last-minute change of begun shedding tears which, on nected with the visions must safe harbor from the tempests which beset uf on ovary help thousands of Koreans al­ wind about midnight saved the analysis, were found to be of the stop, and that any priest associ­ aide. ^ ready impoverished by three same composition and density as ating himself with such activity "Though degraded by our faults and overwhelmed years of war. < Maryknoll Sisters' house and human tears. The alleged phen­ automatically fell under suspen­ "Fortunately we had already clink," Mr. McLoone said. "The sion from the exercise of his by infinite misery, we admire and praise the peerless ! a omenon continued until Septem­ set up nine feeding stations in fire was coming very close to At 'Tw a**.l,tt •rtrlisk' ' #' ber 1. Subsequently hundreds of priestly functions. richness of sublime gifts with which God has nlled you, IENZIGCR M0THCKS, lecvf?# Pusan, distributing milk and them." miraculous cures were claimed as There have been many reports above every other mere creature, from the first moment rice," Mr. McLoone said when Immense crowds were attracted from Sicily and elsewhere about of your Conception until the day on which, after your interviewed by telephone. "They 9t 1$ * I", to the town. g cures in the case of the madon­ Assumption into heaven, He crowned you Queen of the are t godsend now for families The "Weeping Madonna" con­ na of Syracuse. Many were sus­ Universe. * who have lost everything in the K h. tinues to attract thousands of pil­ ceptible of other explanations; flre^' the God Love You Medal -* it grims. However, the space given others were exaggerated; one "O crystal Fountain of faith, bathe our minds with to the story in the Italian press was known to have been Inten­ the eternal truths! 0 fragrant Lily of all holiness, capti­ AN ESTIMATED 100,000 per­ In Starling Silver has greatly diminished, and the tionally false. But there have vate our hearts with your heavenly perfuaw! O Con- sons were rendered homeless by. (for M •Hiring Vatican City newspaper, Osser- been some reports which appear the Are, which began early in of $5.00) .,•5 queress of evil and death, inspire in us a deep horror the evening and raged until vatore Romano, his yet to print remarkable in that they concern of sin which makes the soul detestable to God and a a word about It alleged cures of infants of not morning. A high proportion of In Gold-Filled more than three years of age. slave to hell! these had gone to Pusan as war (For •• EVEN REPORTS of appar­ One three-year-old girl had lost refugees and were living in straw •Hiring ently real miracles have not dis­ "O well-beloved of God. hear the ardent cry which shacks or packed into tenement at $10) f the use of the lower right leg turbed the traditional reserved and foot as a result of a polio rises up from every heart in this year dedicated to you. rooms. Some had fled from com­ attitude with which Vatican cir­ attack and the affliction had not Bend tenderly over our aching wounds, Convert the munist-ruled North Korea. cles regard such startling re­ responded to treatments. Brought wicked, dry the tears of the afflicted and oppressed, A Maryknoll Sisters mobile FOR 3 ports. Both in what may be call­ clinic, a dispensary on wheels to Syracuse In pilgrimage, the comfort the poor and humble, quench hatreds, sweeten VOU, ed semi-official Vatican quarters child was able to walk without harshness, safeguard the flower of purity in youth, pro­ provided by War Relief Services and In ordinary, everyday eccles­ SHOPPERS artificial help after prayers at tect the holy Church, make all men feel the attraction of t Nr.VV.C, was driven to Pier 2. YOUt iastical circles, the attitude tends the scene by those who brought where large numbers of home­ Come to to skepticism, if anything. Christian goodness. In your name, resounding harmoni­ FRIENDS, her. ously in heaven, may they recognize that they are less assembled the day after the Such widely publicized alleged Internal hemorrhages caused Are. Six Maryknoll Sisters, head­ brothers, ana that the nations are members of one fam­ OR •3f LORENZO'S phenomena as the weeping statue by a serious tumor in a boy of ed by Sister Merty Hiruchbcck. In Syracuse are never, o! course. two had not responded to treat­ ily upon which may there shine forth the sun of a uni­ M.D., of Milwaukee, worked in YOUt RESTAURANT Ignored by the Church. However, ment. As a last resort surgery versal and sincere peace. ithe mobile clinic, attending the LOVED they are matters in which the 33-Chestnut St. was recommended by specialists. injured ONES I Vatican neither speaks nor acts ' "Receive. 0 Most Sweet Mother, our humble suppli­ Just Oil East A**. Brought before the madonna In THE FIBE, which began in a until they have first been investi­ prayer, he reportedly was com­ cations, and above all obtain for us that, one day, happy Designed by a world renowned jeweler, this unusually beauti-' Complete gated by diocesan authorities. refugee shack, swept downhill, pletely cured. with you we may repeat before your throne that hymn ful image of Our Lady bears the seal of the Socisty for trie In the present case. Archbishop driven by a 30-mlle-an-hour Whatever the outcome of In­ which today w sung on earth around your altars: Vou Propagation of the Faith on the reverse side. It it a badge of LUNCHEONS fOu ore Balanzani of Syracuse, ac­ wind, and swept from street to1 vestigations of individual cases' are all beautiful, O Mary! You are the glory, you are the honor typifying your love of the Faith. In limited supply, and Ala Cart* companied by the mayor of the of "cures" or In regard to the! joy, you are the honor of our people! Amen" street to devour large and. small •i city, examined the home of the available for a gift. statue itself, nobody In ecclesias buildings. Glustog and the room in which Ileal Rome appears very excited wurrc TO "Base Chapel," a large brick DINNERS the reputedly weeping statue was; about ^ whole ^gulr, and even .kept. The Archbishop then or: | (he papers hgve iost much or auditorium used by the U. S. THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION 5 Court* $1.95 1 dered his diocesan curia to make , thelr interest, U. S. Envoy Caffery SavedArm y as • downtown chapel for OF THE FAITH 7 Count from $2.10 an ordinary, Informative invest!- j the past three years was burned. 50 Chestnut St. Rochester 4, New York Twtstv [ntrni re Ckasu Frets Ration. Subsequently, Archbishop Life Of Ex-King Farouk Father (LL Col.) Stephen Stolz Verj let. MI|T. J»fc» S. KuimO. Dlmu Dtnctfr Balanzani came to Rome, talked Mass Offered New Orleans — (NC) — If XMAS 'ARTIES to various people at the Vatican, Ayroal said. Jefferson Caffery. United States F 00 U and was received in audience by "He is a good man. a pray­ lANQurrs In British Harbor Ambassador to Egypt, had not His Holiness Pope PfjiM Kit, ing sua, aad a peacemaker," Lomtoa—(NO—-Mass was of-' accompanied King Farouk la Cattrlag to Nothing, of course, was pub­ fered for the first time In the the priest aaM of Mr.
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