RESEARCH SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION observed between mass/charge ratios of 5700 and 6300. These species preferentially contained two, but up to four, molecules of cAMP (fig. S1). When analysis was done at higher concentrations of cAMP Local protein kinase A action (5 mM), the predominant species exhibited cyclic nucleotide occupancy of 4 mol per RII dimer (fig. proceeds through intact holoenzymes S1 and table S3). Notably, the C subunit remained attached under these conditions (fig. S1). Thus, F. Donelson Smith,1 Jessica L. Esseltine,1* Patrick J. Nygren,1 David Veesler,2 we can conclude that a substantial proportion Dominic P. Byrne,3 Matthias Vonderach,3 Ilya Strashnov,4 Claire E. Eyers,3 of the PKA C subunit remained associated with 297–427 Patrick A. Eyers,3 Lorene K. Langeberg,1 John D. Scott1† the AKAP79 -RII dimer when cAMP-binding sites were occupied. Hormones can transmit signals through adenosine 3ʹ,5ʹ-monophosphate (cAMP) to For a more stringent in situ test, we monitored precise intracellular locations. The fidelity of these responses relies on the activation of the integrity of cellular AKAP-PKA complexes in localized protein kinase A (PKA) holoenzymes. Association of PKA regulatory type II (RII) response to ligand activation. AKAP79 or AKAP18g subunits with A-kinase–anchoring proteins (AKAPs) confers location, and catalytic (C) complexes were immunoprecipitated from cell subunits phosphorylate substrates. Single-particle electron microscopy demonstrated that lysates prepared after stimulation of cells with AKAP79 constrains RII-C subassemblies within 150 to 250 angstroms of its targets. the b-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (Iso, 1 mM). Native mass spectrometry established that these macromolecular assemblies Immunoblot analysis detected equivalent amounts incorporated stoichiometric amounts of cAMP. Chemical-biology– and live cell–imaging of C subunit in samples from cells stimulated with techniques revealed that catalytically active PKA holoenzymes remained intact within the isoproterenol or vehicle control (Fig. 2, A and B, Downloaded from cytoplasm. These findings indicate that the parameters of anchored PKA holoenzyme top, lane 2). Local cAMP flux is controlled through action are much more restricted than originally anticipated. a balance of second-messenger production by adenylyl cyclases and degradation by phospho- diesterases (PDEs) (10). Cells were stimulated with lassical in vitro biochemistry and elegant with the AKAP (Fig. 1F) or in proximity to the isoproterenol in the presence of the general PDE structural studies have led to a commonly peripheral lobes of the extended PKA holoenzyme inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), the held view that the active protein kinase A (Fig. 1G). selective PDE3 inhibitor milrinone, or the PDE4- http://science.sciencemag.org/ C (PKA) catalytic (C) subunit dissociates from An implication of our structural model is that, specific inhibitor rolipram (11, 12). The composition the regulatory subunit dimer in the pres- although local cAMP production stimulates ki- of AKAP79-PKA complexes was assessed by im- ence of excess adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate nase activity, AKAP79:2RII:2C assemblies can munoblot. Intact complexes were detected in con- (cAMP) (1–3). Yet the utility of this rudimentary remain intact. Native mass spectrometry (MS) trol and Iso-treated samples (Fig. 2C, lanes 1 and mechanism inside cells remains unclear (4). Single- allows the measurement of molecular mass and 2). Inclusion of rolipram promoted full dissocia- particle negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) is used to determine the stoichiometry of intact tion of the C subunit (Fig. 2C, lane 3). Likewise, analysis of A-kinase–anchoring protein 79 with protein complexes in the gas phase (7–9). In the application of IBMX induced release of the C sub- PKA (AKAP79:PKA) holoenzyme complexes of presence of cAMP, which copurifies with RII, we unit from AKAP complexes (Fig. 2C, lane 5). In AKAP79, the regulatory II (RII) subunit, and the observed higher-order complexes, including the contrast, inclusion of milrinone had little effect, C subunit (AKAP79:2RII:2C) detected a range of intact 2RII:2C PKA holoenzyme and the pen- indicating that PDE3 is nonfunctional in these conformationally distinct species (Fig. 1, A to D, tameric AKAP79:2RII:2C assembly (Fig. 1H, fig. S1, AKAP79-PKA microdomains (Fig. 2C, lane 4). Ki- on June 25, 2017 and fig. S1). A set of ~14,000 particles was sub- and tables S1 and S2). From these experiments, nase activation was monitored by immunoblot jected to reference-free two-dimensional (2D) clas- we infer a minimal disruption of the AKAP-PKA detection of phospho-PKA substrates (Fig. 2C, sification using RELION (5). Poorly aligned classes architecture even in the presence of cAMP. bottom panel). Similar findings were obtained were discarded over multiple iterations to reveal To address the relative stability of the pentame- upon analysis of AKAP18g complexes and when an ensemble of three-lobed assemblies in which ric AKAP79:2RII:2C assembly in the presence of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) or epinephrine was used the peripheral densities are observed at different elevated cAMP, we performed pull-down experi- as an agonist (fig. S2). Treatment with rolipram distances from each other. These range from 150 Å ments with a fragment of the anchoring protein alonedidnotactivatePKAorreleaseCsubunits in the compact configuration to 250 Å in the ex- AKAP79297–427. Retention of anchored C subunits (Fig.2C,lane6).Thus,nativeproductionofcAMP tended conformation (Fig. 1E). The tandem pe- in the presence of increasing concentrations of in response to physiological effectors of GPCR ripheral lobes represent the C subunit in complex cAMP was assessed by quantification of Coomassie signaling appears not to promote C subunit release with the cAMP-binding domains of RII (6), whereas blue–stained protein (Fig. 1I and inset). At physi- from anchored PKA holoenzymes. the central density represents the AKAP-RII di- ological concentrations of cAMP (1 to 2 mM) most Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) was mer interface (Fig. 1E). Thus, AKAP79 constrains of the C subunit (~70 to 80%) remained associated used to investigate PKA holoenzyme composition each subassembly of regulatory and C subunits with the AKAP79297–427-RII complex (Fig. 1I and in real time (13). Initially, we used RII conjugated to within 250 Å of substrates. We surmise that inset). Substantial release of the C subunit was to cyan fluorescent protein (RII-CFP) and the C the restricted movement of the anchored C sub- only evident at supraphysiological levels of cAMP subunit conjugated to yellow fluorescent pro- unit in this configuration augments phosphoryl- (Fig. 1I; 10 to 90 mM), and no change in binding tein (C-YFP) as intermolecular FRET probes to ation of local substrates that are either interacting of RII to AKAP79297–427 was observed. In control monitor the integrity of the PKA holoenzyme af- experiments, 5′-AMP (100 mM), a degradation ter agonist stimulation of cells (Fig. 2D). Isopro- product of cAMP, did not alter anchored holo- terenol promoted minimal change in the CFP/ 1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of enzyme composition (Fig. 1I). Thus, physiological YFP FRET ratio over time courses of 400 s (Fig. Pharmacology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, amounts of cAMP promote minimal release of 2, E and H, black), consistent with negligible USA. 2Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 3Department of Biochemistry, the C subunit from the anchored holoenzyme dissociation of the PKA holoenzyme. In contrast, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, in vitro. preincubation of cells with rolipram before stim- Liverpool L69 7ZB, UK. 4School of Chemistry, The University Additional studies used high-resolution native ulation with b-adrenergic agonist triggered a of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. MS to evaluate cAMP occupancy in PKA holo- pronounced and time-dependent reduction in *Present address: Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario N6A 5C1, Canada. enzyme complexes. At basal cAMP concentrations, the FRET ratio (Fig. 2, F and H, red). Thus, dis- †Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] multiple charge states of 2RII:C subcomplexes were sociation of the PKA holoenzyme only occurred Smith et al., Science 356, 1288–1293 (2017) 23 June 2017 1of6 RESEARCH | REPORT if cAMP accumulated to supraphysiological con- lize cAMP signaling promote very little dissocia- binding protein domain–tagged RII dimers (RII- centrations. Pretreatment of cells with the PDE3 tion of native PKA holoenzymes inside cells. FKBP) in the context of the AKAP18 complex. In inhibitor milrinone had little effect on the FRET To test whether covalent coupling of RII to the this system, the small molecule rapamycin bridges response(Fig.2,GandH,gray).ComparableFRET C subunit would alter PKA action inside cells, we the tagged proteins to maintain a stable complex recordings were obtained when PGE1 was used generated a construct that encodes RIIa and Ca (Fig.3D).ImmunoblotanalysesofAKAP18im- as the agonist (fig. S2). in one polypeptide, creating a nondissociable PKA mune complexes from cells expressing RII-FKBP The ICUE3 FRET biosensor detects agonist- fusion enzyme designated “R2C2” (Fig. 3A). To and C-FRB revealed that both proteins were asso- responsive accumulation of cAMP (Fig. 2I) (14). exploit this tool in a simplified genetic background, ciated after
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