HAPPY VALENT NE' NEWS --. Ovide Mercredi visits Dal, p.S. ARTS --. Gwen Noah's last show, p. 8. SPORTS --. Two wrestlers off to CIAUs, p.12. - • . I Vol. 128, No. 18 . .- D '"i SIE UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX, N.S. Thursday, February 15, 1996 Watts trial Local talent hopes to save wolves underway BY ANDREW SIMPSON tion raised at the CCW in its 21 public and private sectors are cause eludes Never Cry Wolf years of operation. to be optimistic that the wolves may Except for Fentress and Ryan, BY PATTI WALLER With sweeping cuts to university The CCW was informed by be saved from relocation. all were previously uninvolved research. students and professors Dalhousie that as of April 1, "There have been so many peo­ with the wolves and are volun­ The six men accused of the sav­ know it doesn't hurt to be study­ 19 9 6, the administration would ple interested in this .. and the in­ teering their time for free. age beating of Darren Watts went ing something furry and beautiful. cease to provide funding for the terest keeps picking up ... we hope "With the people we have on trial Feb. 5. nearly a year and When Dalhousie Psychology centre. The centre has, in the past, to keep building on the enthusi­ working for us now, we would be five months after the incident took Students aQ.d Professors (DAPS) received $25.000 per year from asm," said Fentress. broke in no time if we had to pay_ place. spread the word that funding for Dalhousie. The loss of that fund­ The CCW now has an unofficial them ... their devotion is amazing," Watts was assaulted outside a the Canadian Centre for Wolf Re­ ing. coupled with a Federal Infra­ board of governors. Members in­ said Fentress. fraternity house on Robie Street search (CCW) had been cut, the structure Grant that expires in clude Dr.Fentress; Jenny Ryan, the The volunteers are working on during a party in September, public response was enormous. March, leaves the wolves facing wolf caretaker; Eric Hicks, a busi­ a tight schedule. Not only does the 1994. The centre in Shubenacadie is an uncertain future. ness manager; John Allen, lawyer; federal grant expire in March, but Up until this past Tuesday, the home to a pack of thirteen wolves Dr. John Fentress, CCW's Aca­ Vance Rockwell, a local musician; the CCW business team must sub- single biggest problem for the that live in an enclosed eight acre demic Director, said the many of­ and, Farley Mowat, a well-known prosecution was that the wit­ area. They are the third genera- fers of assistance from both the Canadian author whose work in- .. cont'd on page 4: "WOLVES" nesses called to testify were un­ able to identify the perpetrators responsible for the assault on Watts. riangle Day Michael Arsenault, witness for the prosecution and Phi Kappa Pi brother, testified that he was "one hundred percent" certain when ~ MOST people, he identified Damon Cole as the February 14 ts known One man's struggle ... one responsible for assaulting fra­ simply as St Valentine's ternity member Rob Gillis. BY ANTHONY ROBERTS that I was too fat, was taking up too much space, Herman MacQuaid and Stacey Day. However, since 1979, and that I wanted to fade into nothingness, to Skinner are charged with assault­ it has also been " ... an How should I try and think about how a die and in a way not take responsibility for it. ing another fraternity member, heterosexist. homophobic, white supremacist. mi­ I never took my clothes off and no one, not John Charman. annual Canadtan gay holiday sogynist, and imperialist culture that has affected even my parents, knew that I had a problem. I The prosecution's case to be known as Pink Trian­ me as I have tried to resolve a feminist queer con­ maintained the facade that I was in complete con­ strengthened when one of the trol. that I was simply to busy to eat. This cul­ gle Day" to celebrate sciousness within such a dogmatic world vision? men accused of the beatings I've been in the field of academia for over ten ture also made me alienate my body, to think of agreed to testify. " ... the existence, the years as a student and so an academic paper it as only a cavity. not as part of my identity. Eighteen-year-old Daniel Clay­ strength and the beauty comes easily to me. But then I thought that per­ Experience of this culture has taught me all ton testified against the other in­ haps I should take a different approach - talk of this. dividuals charged in exchange for of gay love." about it from an experiential point of view and Now, what do I do to try and resolve my same­ immunity from prosecution. Non-heterosexuals were leave my theory, to a certain degree at least, at gender eroticism with my hate of my own body? "The case is a lot more prom­ bay. My body is male and I have been taught to hate identified by the Nazis in the ising now," said present Phi Kappa So what of my experience? it, how then can I possibly love another the same, · Pi President Andy Doyle. Second World War with a Well, one thing that this culture has taught another male body? Do these competing dis­ Doyle said that while morale coloured triangle - pink for me is to hate myself, and in many ways. As a courses result in a rift, not only in my under­ at the frat remains stable, it is child, I was distant and emotionless. My nickname standing, but in my identity? Or is the notion of "very stressful because it's very men and black for women. was Mr. Spack, none the less; a name I kept with a cohesive subject position also something that I difficult to go down [to the court­ The triangles have since a certain pride and a name which provided me must dispel? house] because it's a very charged the distance from others I felt I needed to survive. At this point, it is difficult for me as my theory atmosphere ... there is just a lot of been reclaimed by the gay Shouts of "faggot" or "queer" couldn't affect a doesn't save me this time. My feminist education tension around." community as symbols of completely rational creature - that would have has given me the tools to understand how I have The Phi Kappa Pi house was been an emotional response. come to have this attitude about myself and how pride and remembrance of subject to much media attention Another thing it taught me was to hate my I have been socialized as a male to alienate my during the days following the in­ those who have struggled, body, which culminated in three years of ano­ body within the mind/body dichotomy. My per­ cident. and continue to struggle, 1n rexia. I sewed mv own clothes because no manu­ sonal project, however, is to come to some reso­ "The press were beating down facturer made them large enough. I wanted no lution with these issues. I'm not sure how to do our door trying to get interviews," the face of discrimtnation one to see my body, even though at close to six this, but I persist. said Doyle. "The original story and persecution. feet, my waist was 2 6-2 7 inches. I never weighed This culture has taught me many things and construed by the media was that myself. I didn't want to know. All I knew was most of them I think I would like to forget. we had gone out and beaten up some guy ... and our statement of 'no comment' at the time (be­ .. and what you can do to combat homophobia cause of Watt's perilous physical condition) was taken to mean we T What is homophobia 7 forms of prejudice and discrimina­ T Address homophobic resource person to order were guilty of something." It is the fear of lesbians, gay tion, heterosexism awards behaviour around you: • request staff development Fraternity members were an­ .nales, and bisexuals and the privilege to members of the • establish guidelines at your training on homophobia gered at the time because they felt hatred, intolerance, disgust and group which is seen as possess­ workplace for harassment and' · • show your support for gay, that once the media learned that prejudice that this fear brings. ing more power (heterosexuals). teasing that treat homophobic lesbian and bisexual colleagues Mr. Watts was victimized as a re­ Homophobia refers to negative interactions as seriously as racial sult of coming to the defence of a personal prejudice and discrimi­ T Educate yourself: or sexual offenses T Recognize your own young woman, publicity for the natory behaviour. • attend workshops on homophobia • make it known that homophobic homophobia: case waned. • read books and other materials innuendoes, jokes and teasing are • stop using homophobic "Darren is basically one of the T What is heterosexism7 (make sure they are current and offensive and unacceptable to you slurs (fag, queer, dyke, etc.) best people I've. ever met," said It is the promotion by institu­ up to date) • identify how homophobia Doyle. "He's very involved in the tions of the inherent superior­ • see films featuring lesbian, T Take simple but effective steps: affects the way you live (your community ... and probably one of ity of heterosexuality, and the gay and bisexual persons and • add books and magazines about dress, mannerisms, or behaviour) the most exemplary young men assumption that everyone is experiences homosexuality to your workplace's • confront the expectations on this campus ..
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