Names found in Parker Library printed books catalogued on the University of Cambridge online union catalogue. Names may be present in books for a variety of reasons. Inscriptions suggest it was the custom for Fellows of the College to present books to the Library on relinquishing their fellowships. In these cases, the books were unlikely ever to have been in the personal library of the donor, who may have given money for their purchase rather than the books themselves. The presence of more famous names may record presentations by authors of one of their works, either to the library itself or to a previous owner. A number of these names represent former owners of the books, which later made their way by bequest, donation or purchase to the library at Corpus Christi. Finally, there are a small number of names of binders, second- hand booksellers and authors of letters found inside books. Forms of name are taken where possible from the Library of Congress Name Authority File, supplemented by Venn’s Alumni Cantabrigienses (Cambridge, 1922-54), the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and other reference sources. The identification of some of the names with known historical figures should be regarded as conjectural at present. Donors of significant collections to the Library appear in bold in this list. Former owners and donors A. P. Adam, William Patrick, 1823-1881. Adams, Cecilia, fl. 1781. Adams, Thomas William, fl. 1785. Alcobaça (Monastery) Aldhouse, Francis, fl. 1740. Alexander, Mrs., fl. 1819. All Saints Church (Mattishall, England) All Souls College (University of Oxford) Allen, Lake, fl. 1819 Ancajani, Francesco. (B.) Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. Andrews, Roger, d. 1635. Antheaume, François Marie, fl. 1790. Arconatus, Hieronymus, 1553-1599. Ardy, Ann, 18th cent? Arnold, John, 17th cent? Ashby, John, b. 1670 or 71. Askew, Anthony, 1722-1774. Aspinall, J., 18th cent? Asquith, H. H. (Herbert Henry), 1852-1928, Atherold, William, d. 1547. Atkinsby, Thomas, 16th cent. Atkinson, H., 19th cent.(B.) Atkinson, Philip, 17th or 18th cent. Aubery, Edward, fl. 1808. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843. Aylmer, Francis, 1700-1758. (C.C.C.C.) Azario, Paulo de, 15th/16th cent? B. B. B. C. B. G. Babington, Dr., fl. 1886. Bagley, A., fl. 1725. Bailey, James S., fl. 1859. Baines, Samuel, fl. 1799. Bains, John, 18th cent. Bains, Sarah, fl. 1784. Bains, William, b. 1755 or 56. Baker, C., fl. 1747. Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740. Bakeless, John Edwin, 1894- Baker, Samuel, fl. 1660 (C.C.C.C.) (P.) Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740. Baldocius, Oliverius, of Savona, fl. 1568. Baldwin, William, d. 1663. (C.C.C.C.) Bale, John, 18th cent. Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, Earl of, 1848-1930. Balliol College (University of Oxford) (B.) Barber, Gabriel, fl. 1668-1678. (C.C.C.C.) Barker, Edward, d. 1759. (C.C.C.C.) Barkham, John, 1572?-1642. Barlow, Matthew, b. 1620 or 21. Barnard, Francis Pierrepont, 1854-1931 (B.) Barne (B.) Barnes, F., fl. 1781. Barnes, H. Rushton.(B.) Barnes, J., 18th cent. Barnes, William, 19th cent. (B.) Barrow, C., 19th cent? Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677. Barrow, W., Dr., 18th cent. Barry, Nathaniel, 17th cent. Barry, Robert, of Bury Hill.(B.) Barworth, Stephen, d. ca. 1511. Baskerville, George Knyfton, b. 1867 (C.C.C.C.) Bateman, Christopher, fl. 1698-1730. Batman, Stephen, d. 1684. Baxter, William, fl. 1734. Bays, Edwin. Beauchamp. Beavan, John.(C.C.C.C.) Becdelièvre-Hamal, Antoine Gabriel, comte de, 1800-1863. Bell, Christopher, 19th cent. (B.:Ex libris Abbots-Haugh) Bedingfield, Philip, fl. 1667. Bee, Cornelius. Beecroft, Christopher, fl. 1591-1629. Beesly, Henry, fl. 1751. Belcher, Joan, 17th or 18th cent. Bell, B., 19th cent. Bell, James, fl. 1843. Bellamy, James.(B. Benediktinerstift Lambach. Bentley, Mary, fl. 1781-1810. Berault, Peter. Beresford Hope, A.J.B. (Alexander James Beresford), 1820-1887. Bergendalinus, Janus. Berkel, Gerardus ?, fl. 1700. Berkeley, W., 17th/18th cent? Berney, Richard, fl. 1654-1671 (C.C.C.C.) (P.) Berriman, John, 1691-1768 Berton, William, fl. 1488. Bertus, Theodorus, fl. 1568. Bessent, John, fl. 1811. Bettus, Aug., 16th cent? Bever, Thomas, 1725-1791. Beverley, R. M. [(Robert Mackenzie), 1797 or 8-1868?] (B.) Bibliotheca Montis Oliveti de Neapoli. Bicknell, Charles Dion. Bilney, Thomas, ca. 1495-1531. Bird, John, d. 1745. (C.C.C.C.) Bitfed, Johannes, fl. 1530. Blok, P. J. (Petrus Johannes), 1855-1929. Blomefield, Francis, 1705-1752. Bongars, Jacques, 1554-1612. Booth, E., Revd. Booth, John, d. 1643. (C.C.C.C.) Boothouse, Richard, d. 1741. Borage, Timothy, fl. 1685. Bosworth, Joseph, 1789-1876 Boughton, Thomas, 17th cent? Boutflower, Charles, 1846-1936.(C.C.C.C.) Boutflower, Henry Crewe, 1796-1863. Boutflower, John, 1736-1818. Boutflower, Samuel Peach, 1815-1882. Boutier, Jean, 17th cent. Bowden, C. E. (B.) Bowsey, Thomas, fl. 1546. Bowyer, William, 1699-1777. Boxall, John, d. 1571. Boyce, J. R., fl. 1857. Boyce, M. J., fl. 1857. Boys, Richard, 18th cent. Boys, Robert, fl. 1631-1664. (C.C.C.C.) Boyse, Edward, d. 1668. (C.C.C.C.) Bracco, William Duff, Baron, 1697-1767 see: Fife, William Duff, Earl, 1697-1767. Bradford, Samuel,1652-1731. (C.C.C.C.) Bradley, John, fl. 1663. Brasenose College (University of Oxford)(B.) Brass, E. M. Brass, Henry, d. 1904.(C.C.C.C.) Bredulanus, Raphael. Brett, Thomas, 1667-1744. (C.C.C.C.) Brewer, E., 18th cent? Brewer, James, 18th cent? Bridgeman, Orlando, Sir, 1678 or 79-1737 or 38.(B.) Briggs, Henry 1686 or 87-1748.(C.C.C.C.) Briggs, William,1642-1704. (C.C.C.C.) British Museum. Brockelsby, Thomas, of North Willingham. Bromley, William, 1664-1732. Bromwich, J. I’Anson. Brooke, Margaret Sarah, fl. 1842. Brooke, Nevile John. (C.C.C.C.) Brooke, Peter, fl. 1830. Brooke, Richard Sinclair, 1802-1882. Brookes, Francis A. Brown, Christopher Musgrave, 1852-1913.(C.C.C.C.) Brown, Francis, b. 1688 or 89. Brownlow, Brownlow Cust, Baron, 1744-1807 (C.C.C.C.) Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534. Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. Bufkin, Radulph, fl. 1597. (C.C.C.C.) (P.) Bulgarini, Belisario, 1538 or 9-ca. 1621. Bull, Michael, 1674 or 5-1763.(C.C.C.C.) Burdett, Ethelbert, 17th cent? Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598 Bull, Michael, 1674 or 5-1763. Bullemur, Timothy, b. 1693 or 2. Bulwer, George, fl. 1585-1593 (C.C.C.C.) Bunnell, Peter, fl. 1873. Burges, W., fl. 1859. Burkinshaw, John Hugh.(C.C.C.C.) Burnie, R. W., fl. 1878. Burns, John, 1858-1943. Burroughes, Thomas, 1798 or 99-1883.(C.C.C.C.) Burton, John, fl. 1712. Burton, R., 18th cent. Burton, Richard, 16th cent. Bury, J. P. T. (John Patrick Tuer), 1908-[1987](C.C.C.C.) Butler, Charles, 1821-1910. Butler, Emily, 19th cent. Butler, Evan. (B.) Butler, Geoffrey G. (Geoffrey Gilbert), Sir, 1887-1929. (C.C.C.C.) (B.) Butler, Leonard. Butler, Ralph, b. 1883. (C.C.C.C.) (B.) Butler, Spencer Perceval, 1828-1915. Butts, Henry, d. 1632. Butts, Robert, 18th cent? (B.) Buxton family. Buxton, Richard, fl. 1508. Bye, Thomas, 16th cent. Byng, Robert, 17th cent. C. W. R. (B.) Caldwell, Robert Townley.(B.)(C.C.C.C.) Calistus, frater. Cambridge University Library (B.) Cangiser, Theophilus. Carey, P., 19th cent? (B.) Carier, Benjamin, 1566-1614. (C.C.C.C.) Carrighan, A., fl. 1817 Carte, Thomas, 1686-1754 (B.) Carter, Fr., 18th/19th cent? Carter, G. C., Rev. Carter, G. S. (George Stuart)(C.C.C.C.) Castell, Edmund, 1606-1685. Caulfield, Richard, 1823-1887. Cave, Daniel, 19th cent? (B.) Cecil, William, fl. 1689 [Cecil family seal] Chalmers, Alexander, 1759-1834. Châlons-sur-Marne (France) Charlesworth, John, 1782-1864. Charlton, Herbert John Underhill, 1855-1937 (C.C.C.C.) Charlton, Samuel, 1819-1882. Charlton, Thomas, fl. 1740. Charost, Charles, 17th cent? Charrington, John, 1856-1939.(B.) Chastel de Boinville, Aubrey, b. 1868.(C.C.C.C.) Cheap, Mrs. Cheney, C. R. (Christopher Robert), 1906-[1987] Chichester, Edward, 1690?-1730. Childe, William Lacon. Christ Church (University of Oxford) (B.) Christie, George Richards, 1857 or 58-1942. Christie, Robert Gilner.(C.C.C.C.) Christian, Edward, d. 1823. Church, S. T., fl. 1872. Clarabut, Ernest Blaxland, b. 1859 (C.C.C.C.) Clarke, A., 18th cent. Clarke, Charles, d. 1750. (C.C.C.C.) Clasen, Daniel, 1623-1678. Clerk, James Carrington. Clerke, T., 18th cent. [of St. John’s College] Clifford, Henry, 1538 or 39-1616.(B.) (C.C.C.C.) Cobus, 16th cent. Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, Sir, 1867-1962. Colborne, W., 19th cent.(B.) Cole, Thomas, 16th cent. Cole, William, 1714-1782. (B.) Colfer, Francis, d. 1671? (C.C.C.C.) Collège de la Marche (Paris, France) College of Stoke by Clare. Collegium Sancti Mauritii. Colvile, Charles Robert, 1815-1886.(B.) Comes, Magister, fl. 1532. Comin, John, 16th cent. Concusant, Thomas, 16th cent. Connell, J. F., d. ca. 1879? Convento di S. Francesco di Bergamo (Bergamo, Italy) Convento di S. Lucia de Esche. Conway, Edward, Viscount, 17th cent. Conyers. (B.) Coobe, Thomas, 16th cent? Cooper, Mr., merchant of Deptford? Cooper, Joseph, 17th cent. Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1654. Copcot, John, d. 1590. (C.C.C.C.) Copinger, Walter Arthur, 1847-1910. Copping, William, 1638 or 9-1666 (C.C.C.C.) Corie, William, fl. 1684. Cork and Orrery, Earl of.(B.) Corrie, George Elwes, 1793-1885. Cosyn, Thomas, d. 1515. (C.C.C.C.) Couve de Murville, M. N. L. (Maurice N. L.), 1929- Couvent de Chalon-sur-Saône. Cowell, Edward B. (Edward Byles), 1826-1903 (C.C.C.C.) Cowper, John, 1737-1770 (C.C.C.C.) (B.) Cox, James, d. 1712? Cranbrook, John David Gathorne-Hardy, Earl of, 1900-1978 Cranmer, Richard, 19th cent? (B.) Crawford, Alexander Crawford Lindsay, Earl of, 1812-1880 (B.) Croke, Charles, d.
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