RTO-TR-045 AC/323(AVT-024)TP/30 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION RTO-TR-045 RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION BP 25, 7 RUE ANCELLE, F-92201 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE CEDEX, FRANCE RTO TECHNICAL REPORT 45 Design Loads for Future Aircraft (Les charges de calcul pour de futurs a´eronefs) Work performed by the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) TG 024. Published February 2002 Distribution and Availability on Back Cover This page has been deliberately left blank Page intentionnellement blanche RTO-TR-045 AC/323(AVT-024)TP/30 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION BP 25, 7 RUE ANCELLE, F-92201 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE CEDEX, FRANCE RTO TECHNICAL REPORT 45 Design Loads for Future Aircraft (Les charges de calcul pour de futurs a´eronefs) Work performed by the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) TG 024. The Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) of NATO RTO is the single focus in NATO for Defence Research and Technology activities. Its mission is to conduct and promote cooperative research and information exchange. The objective is to support the development and effective use of national defence research and technology and to meet the military needs of the Alliance, to maintain a technological lead, and to provide advice to NATO and national decision makers. The RTO performs its mission with the support of an extensive network of national experts. It also ensures effective coordination with other NATO bodies involved in R&T activities. RTO reports both to the Military Committee of NATO and to the Conference of National Armament Directors. It comprises a Research and Technology Board (RTB) as the highest level of national representation and the Research and Technology Agency (RTA), a dedicated staff with its headquarters in Neuilly, near Paris, France. In order to facilitate contacts with the military users and other NATO activities, a small part of the RTA staff is located in NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The Brussels staff also coordinates RTO’s cooperation with nations in Middle and Eastern Europe, to which RTO attaches particular importance especially as working together in the field of research is one of the more promising areas of initial cooperation. The total spectrum of R&T activities is covered by the following 7 bodies: • AVT Applied Vehicle Technology Panel • HFM Human Factors and Medicine Panel • IST Information Systems Technology Panel • NMSG NATO Modelling and Simulation Group • SAS Studies, Analysis and Simulation Panel • SCI Systems Concepts and Integration Panel • SET Sensors and Electronics Technology Panel These bodies are made up of national representatives as well as generally recognised ‘world class’ scientists. They also provide a communication link to military users and other NATO bodies. RTO’s scientific and technological work is carried out by Technical Teams, created for specific activities and with a specific duration. Such Technical Teams can organise workshops, symposia, field trials, lecture series and training courses. An important function of these Technical Teams is to ensure the continuity of the expert networks. RTO builds upon earlier cooperation in defence research and technology as set-up under the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) and the Defence Research Group (DRG). AGARD and the DRG share common roots in that they were both established at the initiative of Dr Theodore von K´arm´an, a leading aerospace scientist, who early on recognised the importance of scientific support for the Allied Armed Forces. RTO is capitalising on these common roots in order to provide the Alliance and the NATO nations with a strong scientific and technological basis that will guarantee a solid base for the future. The content of this publication has been reproduced directly from material supplied by RTO or the authors. Published February 2002 Copyright RTO/NATO 2002 All Rights Reserved ISBN 92-837-1077-0 Printed by St. Joseph Ottawa/Hull (A St. Joseph Corporation Company) 45 Sacr´e-Cœur Blvd., Hull (Qu´ebec), Canada J8X 1C6 ii Design Loads for Future Aircraft (RTO TR-045 / AVT-024) Executive Summary The selection of design loads and requirements is defining the structural weight of airplanes and their safety. Therefore the definition of requirements should be performed very critically by the customer and structural weight should be assessed based on sensitivity analysis of the total aircraft which includes flight manoeuvre simulation, flight control system, aerodynamics and elastic effects introduced by finite elements. To produce these analyses is the job of the aircraft companies. After selection of most load critical flight manoeuvres (pull up manoeuvres, initiation of roll manoeuvres etc.) the calculation of airloads and inertia loads must include the flight control system and its failure cases because it affects the motion of the control surfaces and therefore the aircraft. With the advent of carbon fibre composite structures discrete loads are the predominant limiting design conditions but it should be emphasised that most structures are of a hybrid nature with metal frame which are still susceptible to fatigue loads. For airplanes designed to civil requirements such as transport airplanes, tankers etc. the definition of continuous turbulence and inclusion of FCS failure cases and nonlinearities such as control surface angles is extremely important. There was a long way from load assumptions used by the Wright Brothers who designed their Flyer to a 5g limit to the load limiting capabilities of the care free handling flight control system of the Eurofighter. Also the US-Airforce Mil-Specifications which were used to design NATO airplanes such as Tornado, F16 and F18 in the 1970’s are obsolete today and the MIL-A-87221 (USAF) is only a frame without the essential quantitative material. All these issues are addressed in this manual including comparisons of regulations and descriptions of new specifications. Complete procedures how to establish design loads are presented which should help for the design of new airplanes. The importance of dynamic phenomena which produce design loads for various aircraft parts such as intakes, leading edges etc. is also highlighted. Loads monitoring systems are necessary to prove calculated loads and monitor fatigue loads to establish the remaining structural life. There is a description of a modern system. For transport type aircraft gust load cases are the most critical for strength design and they are also the main fatigue loading source for the major part of the structure. Methods for discrete and continuous gust loading cases are presented together with nonlinear example calculations. In the appendix there is a description of failure cases and their effect on loads for transport aircraft and a specification of a landing gear which could be used as an example how to specify the whole structure as a system. The military use of this manual is to establish procedures to build the lightest structure for the military requirements. Agreement on requirements and design loads within the NATO countries could standardise pilot training, aircraft usage, increase aircraft life and reduce maintenance. Since the search of the best usage of the aircraft for its military purpose will continue to integrate structure and avionics such as fire and flight control systems as an example there will be a continuous need for future work. iii Les charges de calcul pour de futurs a´eronefs (RTO TR-045 / AVT-024) Synth`ese Le choix des charges th´eoriques et des sp´ecifications d´etermine la masse structurale des a´eronefs et leur s´ecurit´e. C’est pourquoi la d´efinition des sp´ecifications doit etreˆ r´ealis´ee de fa¸con tr`es rigoureuse par le client, la masse structurale etant,´ dans ce cas, evalu´´ ee a` partir d’une etude´ de sensibilit´e de l’a´eronef dans son ensemble, couvrant une simulation d’´evolution en vol, un syst`eme de commandes de vol, des consid´erations a´erodynamiques et d’´eventuels effets elastiques´ introduits par des el´´ ements finis. Il incombe aux avionneurs d’effectuer ces etudes.´ Apr`es avoir d´efini les evolutions´ en vol les plus critiques en termes de charges (ressource, tonneau, etc.), le calcul des charges a´erodynamiques et des charges d’inertie doit egalement´ inclure le syst`eme de commande de vol et ses d´efaillances potentielles car il a une incidence sur le mouvement des gouvernes et par cons´equent sur l’a´eronef. Avec l’av`enement des structures composites en fibre de carbone, les charges discr`etes sont devenues les principales conditions restrictives pour la conception, mais il est a` noter que la plupart des structures sont hybrides avec une cellule m´etallique et restent vuln´erables aux charges de fatigue. En ce qui concerne les a´eronefs con¸cus selon des sp´ecifications civiles, tels que les avions de transport, les avions ravitailleurs, etc., la d´efinition de la turbulence continue et l’inclusion des cas de pannes du syst`eme de commandes de vol (FCS) et des non-lin´earit´es, tels que les angles de gouverne, sont extrˆemement importantes. Un long chemin s´epare les hypoth`eses de charge retenues par les fr`eres Wright, qui ont con¸cu leur “Flyer” pour un facteur de charge limite de 5g, et les caract´eristiques de limite de charge du syst`eme de commandes de vol a` pilotage s´ecuris´e de l’Eurofighter. De mˆeme, les sp´ecifications MIL de l’US-Airforce, utilis´ees dans les ann´ees 70 pour la conception des avions de combat de l’OTAN, tels que le Tornado, le F16 et le F18, sont aujourd’hui obsol`etes et la sp´ecification MIL-A-87221 (USAF) ne repr´esente qu’un cadre, d´enu´e du mat´eriau quantitatif essentiel. L’ensemble de ces questions est abord´e dans le pr´esent manuel avec la comparaison des r`eglements et des descriptions de nouvelles sp´ecifications.
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