Music and Life Science buildings AMBASSADOR COLLEGE Pasadena California The O . K. EARL Corporation Architecture • Engineering • Construction AN ANNUAL PICTORIAL RECORD OF AMBA !!!Q~QY w PASADENA CAMPUS 12 CJ Administration 14 W ..J Faculty 16 ..J o Students 26 o Pasadena Story 46 BRICKEr WOOD CAMPUS 88 II: o Administration 90 Q Faculty 92 Students 98 I/) '" Bricket Wood Story 112 I/) 81G SANOY CAMPUS 132 III '" Administration 134 ~ Faculty 136 ...'" Students 140 o Big Sandy Story 160 Q II: o o W II: ..J II:'" o.... o II. ..J ~ '"Z Z Z'" '" l~envoy Introduction true values upon which to build full ally are deeply learned by those to the "Ambassador Way" of edu­ and meaningful lives. whose hard efforts have gone into cation will be found through the • Each Ambassador is required to the building of Ambassador Col· pages of this 1967 ENVOY. We will work on campus in addition to car- lege. Each student feels a literal take you on a photographic journey rying a full academic load. Campus part of this institution, and of the into the way of life lived by those employment builds an appreciation way of life and values taught here. working and learning at our three for what honest hard labor really These lessons learned by campus campuses. Here you will find a means and teaches satisfaction in employment will go far in prepar· graphic story of vital people actively a job well done. Affection and loy· ing each student for a successful seeking to recapture and establish life . • Class studies at Ambassador are not a static receipt of catalogued information - rather, each student is stimulated and challenged to ago relationship between both is part of full round of social activities rang­ gressively search out truth by his the true values of education found ing from spontaneous get·togethers own efforts under the guidance and at Ambassador. to the most formal proms provide direction of his instructors. These • Ambassador Recreation is also a means to learn the social graces dedicated faculty members inspire synonymous with education. The ac· and to develop competence in deal­ students to fully develop a fund of quisition of culture and the devel· ing with others in preparing-shar· knowledge in every field by their opment of a rounded personality is ing - serving together . own example of sincerity, warmth stimulated through the many extra- • No opportunity is overlooked in and enthusiasm. The active, per- curricular opportunities provided. A educating and preparing Ambassa­ sonal interest of faculty members dors to successfully live full and for students and a close personal abundant lives. Loma D. Armstrong 1891·1967 • We were more Ihan sobered last 10 form, guide and eslablish a Work spring by Ihe dealh of God's failh· which we musl carryon - wilh ful servanl Mrs. Lorna D. Armslrong. God's conlinuing help. • She was like a molher 10 all of us • We shall carryon. We shall miss students. Her door was always open Mrs. Armslrong greatiy. Bul her to us in her sincere interest to get lasl words expressed her desire 10 know us and 10 help us in our Ihal God's Work would be done. growth loward becoming God's servo She lold Ihe Evangelisls galhered anls. We salule her as a glowing al her bedside, "You men go on example of dedication, service and and get your work done - "m going selflessness before God - for her to be all right." loyally, and dedicalion in her servo • In her dealh Mrs. Armstrong ice of love 10 His Work and 10 her has given to us new energy, new husband. zeal, new dedication, new courage. • This was Iheir golden anniver· We will carryon as she asked Ihal we sary year - fifty years logelher - should. Our prayers are wilh Mr. bound by Ihe Crealor God 10 serve Herberl W. Armslrong - for his Him and His people, 10 raise up minislry and calling. And as our His Church in this age, to raise up living Iribule 10 our First Lady and Ihree Ambassador Colleges 10 molher, we sludenls will carryon groom yel more servanls in Ihe in our lime 10 build, 10 planl, 10 greal Work Ihey were called 10 do. harvesl and to go forward in ever· For forly years God used Mrs. growing slrength from God 10 finish Armslrong in helping her husband Ihe Work! LOMA D. ARMSTRONG from portrait in office of Herbert W. Armstrong, painted 1961 , In England by S, Morse-Brown, leading portrait artist 01 Britain President and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong Nineteen sixty-seven marked the fiftieth year of marriage for Chan· cellor and Mrs. Armstrong. Forty of these years were devoted to others in the service of God's work. In nineteen forty-seven, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong worked together in founding Ambassador Col/ege. Their living example of love and dedicated service has been an in­ spiration to all who have set foot on our campus. Though Mr. Arm· strong must now continue without his beloved wife, he does so on the firm foundation they laid together with God. GARNER TED ARMSTRONG, Ph.D. Professor of Theology and Sociology. Speaker on The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast; Executive Editor, The PLAIN TRU TH and The GOOD NEWS; Board of Trustees Vice-Chairman; Ordained Minister of Religion. RODERICK C. MEREDITH, Th.D.: Professor 01 Speech, Associate Professor of Theology. Guidance Counselor of Men. Senior ALBERT J. PDRTUNE, M .A. Editor, The PLAIN TRUTH Associate Professor of and The GOOD NEWS. Theology, Instructor in Board of Trustees, Second Speech; Business Manager Vice-Chairman of of The PLAIN TRUTH and Ambassador College: The GOOD NEWS; Board of Ordained Minister of Trustees; Ordained Minister Religion. of Religion. Board of Trustees C. PAUL MEREDITH. D.V.M. BASIL WOLVERTON Secretary-Treasurer, Board Artist ... Author of The of Trustees ... Di rector of BIBLE STORY. the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. o • Pasadena _the doors awing _ to AmbalOador College PM8dena. The two-and-on&­ hIIIf_Fowter_on__ became 'Campus" for the lour _ and eight tacuIty _ who comprIoed the college Ihat 11l1li allumn. From __801 01 beglMIngo, _ through .... yeatS.... to --___ forty ...... of ...~ --11y~ l1li_ member aludenl body 1"') Q~ }o) . " (\ \.Y·J...·'·'.,.I·UJ·'"J· .\:..\:J.:.Y.... X· '0 ( ~,: ( -f,) BUILDING LEGEND AMBASSADOR HALL - CLASSROOM BLDG. 2" FINE ARTS BUILDING 21 SCIENCE HALL TERRACE VILLA- STUDENT RESIDENCE MAYFAIR - STUDENT RESIDENCE LIBRARY FUTURE ELICTRIC SERVICE BUI LDING CHANCEllOR'S RESIDENCE FACULTY RESIDENCE STUDENT RESIDENCE 10 MANOR DEL MAR - STUDENT RESIDENCE 11 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACILITY 12 HANDBALL COURT BUILDING 13 DINING fACILITY & STUDENT UNION 14 AUDITORIUM 15 FUTURE ADMINISTRATION PARKING STUDENTS 550 ! 3 185 STAFF 429 f 2 215 TOTAL 400 (XISTING BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING - EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS - fiRE HYDRANT •-- 541 ". MAS T E R P l A N AMBASSADOR COLLEGE PASADENA CALIFORN I A ECK80, DEAN , AUSTIN & WllltAMS lANOSCAP[ARCHI1ECIS SIT! ptANN[RS LOSANG[t(S SAN fRANCISCO DANIEL "'ANN JOHN$ON '" MENDEN HALL ..n __.oo-OlI- ..... _.lll" ...... __.... I1M) ,LA .. ",'",(; ....CHlTlCTUU . (t«;'",lU'",(;.fYJTUIS Administration HERMAN L. HOEH, Th.D., Ph.D.: Professor of Education and History, Associate Professor of Theology. Managing Editor, English JACK R. ELLIOnt M.A.. and German PLAIN TRUTH ; M.S.: Professor of Senior Editor of The GOOD Mathematics, Instructor in NEWS; Dean of Instruction; Psychology: Director of Ordained Minister of Guidance and Testing ; Dean Retigion. of Students. KENNETH C. HERRMANN, LUCY H. MARTIN, B.A., M.A.: Registrar, Instructor in M.M.: Professor of Music; Science. Director of the Music Department; Instructor in Library Science. Dean of STANLEY R. RADER, B.S., Women, Faculty Advisor for L.L.B.: Instructor in Business Women's Club. Administration. Auditor and Financial Advisor. 14 DIBAR K. APARTIAN, M.A. Professor of French, Instructor in Typing and Etymology. Editor of La HOWARD A. CLARK, BA PURE VERITE; speaker on FRANK BROWN. B.A. Instructor in Speech, Le MONDE A VEN IR; French Instructor in French, Pictorial Journalism, and Club Sponsor; ordained Associate Instructor Theology. Faculty Advisor Minister of Religion. of Theology. for The ENVOY. RICHARD R. BURKY, BA PAUL H. ALEXANDER, A.B. CHARLES B. BOGART, JR., Associate Instructor. Instructor in Physical M.A. Associate Professor of Education. Education and Mathemalics; Director of Student Teaching. Mathematics Supervisor, Imperial Schools. Faculty DAVID JON HilL, M.A. Assistant Professor in Theology and Journalism, Instructor in Speech. Associate Editor of The PLAIN TRUTH, Managing MICHAEL P. GERMANO, M.S. Editor of The GOOD NEWS ; Associate Professor of Di rector 01 Printing, Faculty Education; Assistant Advisor for the PORTFOLIO ; ROBERT L. GRAY, B.A. Principal of Imperial Ordained Minister of Religion. Associate Instructor. Schools, Pasadena. JANET EICKHOFF. M.A. GENE H. HOGBERG, B.A. ALBERT M. CRANSTON Instructor in Home Instructor in International Chai rman of Voice Economics. Relations and Geography. Department: Member of the Director Ambassador College National Association of News Bureau Teachers of Singing; Southern Californ ia representative of Eugene Feuchtinger and the Perfect Voice Institute. LEON ETIINGER, B.S. Professor Emeritus of Music, Consultant to Vocal and STIG R. ERLANDER, Ph.D. Choral Departments: Fellow, Professor of Chemistry and National Assn. of Teachers Nutrition. of Singing. DUANE COOPER, BA FRANK P. INGLIMA Instructor in Spanish. Instructor in Italian. Studied at University of Florence. Assistant Manager of the Radio Studio. Faculty PAUL W. KROLL, B.A. Instructor in Journalism, Editorial Assistant 01 The PLAIN TRUTH and The JAMES L. LACOUR. M.A. GOOD NEWS. Professor of English. BERNICE LANGE, B.A. Instructor in Home Economics. FLOYD O. LOCHNER, MA Professor of Education. DOROTHY B. LACOUR. MA Director of Physical Instructor in Education. Education. Principal of Graduate Degree Technician HUGH M.
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