www.cnr.it/neutronielucedisincrotrone NOTIZIARIO Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone Rivista del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Cover photo: Contour plot and projection of the SUMMARY time-average muon polarisation in silver (I) oxide, Ag2O as a function of applied magnetic field and temperature. From this, detailed EDITORIAL .................................................................................................................................................... 2 information about the muon state electronic structure in this material, C.J. Carlile can be deduced, informing by analogy on the states adopted by hydrogen. Twenty-Years Italian/Anglo Science Collaboration to Continue............................................................................................................................ 3 C. Andreani and R.S. Eccleston 0.2 0.1 SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS The Research Scene of Femtosecond 3000 X-ray Diffraction.............................................................................................................. 4 2000 160 1000 120 P. Bergese and L.E. Depero 80 40 Magnetic Nanostructures studied by polarised Il NOTIZIARIO is published by neutron reflectometry: recent results and future CNR, and printed in collaboration prospects for polarised reflectometry at ISIS........................... 13 with the Facoltà di Scienze M.F.N. R.M. Dalgliesh and S. Langridge andNOTIZIARIO the Dipartimento di Fisica of the UniversitàNeutroni e Luce didegli Sincrotrone Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. The infrared Beamline SISSI at Elettra ........................................... 23 Vol. 9, N. 2 July 2004 Autorizzazione del Tribunale di S. Lupi, A. Nucara, L. Quaroni and P. Calvani Roma n. 124/96 del 22-03-96 DIRECTOR: Complex dynamics in polymer electrolytes ............................. 32 C. Andreani A. Triolo, O. Russina, M. Lanza and H. Grimm EDITORIAL BOARD: M. Apice, P. Bosi SCIENTIFIC BOARD: µ ................................................................................................................................. 38 L. Avaldi, F. Aliotta, &N &SR NEWS F. Carsughi, G. Paolucci SECRETARY: MEETING AND REPORTS .............................................................................................................. 48 D. Catena CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE: M. Capellas Espuny, CALL FOR PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................. 49 G. Cicognani, R.S. Eccleston, D. Herlach, P. King, P. Mikula, A. Schreyer, R. Willumeit CALENDAR ................................................................................................................................................ 50 DESIGN AND PRINT BY: om grafica via Fabrizio Luscino 73 FACILITIES ................................................................................................................................................. 52 00174 Roma Finito di stampare nel mese di Luglio 2004 GENERAL INFORMATION AND REQUESTS FOR PREVIOUS ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED TO: Desy Catena Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Presidenza Facoltà di Scienze M.F.N. via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 00133 Roma Tel: +39 6 72594100 Fax: +39 6 2023507 E-mail: [email protected] Vol. 9 n. 2 July 2004 EDITORIAL ver the last two years the world of neutron scatter- tron scattering in Europe? Firstly, the realization that the ESS ing (or at least the European part of it) has been ad- will not be funded “tomorrow” means we have had to focus justing itself to a new scenario. Up until 2002 it was in on our current sources and make the best of the consider- O “business as usual” with Europe’s neutron sources able resources which we already have. There are some in Eu- upgrading their facilities incrementally as and when funds rope who feel we should invest in the SNS as a preparation were available and the user community was expanding, for ESS. I am not of this opinion. Instead the scarce capital re- slowly but surely, and moving into wider scientific areas. sources which we do have would be better invested in Euro- The European Spallation Source was still a realistically at- pean facilities, in a manner similar to the American policy tainable dream. The new scenario began to dawn, paradoxi- when the Brookhaven reactor shut down. Whilst specialist cally, at the Bonn ESS meeting in the light-filled halls of the neutron scientists in Europe might wish to gain experience new German parliament building, now relieved of its origi- on high-power spallation sources there is little risk that the nal purpose thanks to a different change of scenario. At this user community as a whole will migrate west (or east). meeting in June 2002 the ESS laid down a challenge to the Therefore we have to invest in our own sources to maintain funding bodies of Europe and relaunched itself. The meet- the health of our considerable user community. ing was a huge success for neutron scattering, enjoyed by all In order to address this question, the ILL, for its part, is re- in a festival atmosphere, but not, at least in the short term, examining its investment and infrastructure renewal pro- for the ESS. It was time for funding bodies to say what they gramme – the Millennium Programme – so as to position hadn’t wanted to say before. To paraphrase “We do want ourselves better in this new scenario. There are areas where the ESS, but not now. Instead we should be investing in the the ILL is pre-eminent and it is these areas upon which we world-class sources which we have already and let’s see must concentrate. Examples which spring to mind are: how the American and the Japanese get along with their big where intense beams of cold neutrons are needed as in the projects before we take the plunge”. case of high resolution spectroscopy; where large focusing But where was the money to come from to invest in Eu- monochromators and large position sensitive detectors can rope’s current world-leading sources ? Just when science in be used on instruments such as powder diffractometers; Europe appeared to be in the doldrums a strange thing hap- where broad wavelength band beams can be used such as pened, at least it appeared strange to normal mortals. In Lis- for small angle scattering, neutron spin echo, and single bon at the EU Heads of Governments meeting a pledge was crystal diffractometers employing image plates; where beam made to turn Europe into “the most dynamic knowledge- reliability and predictability is valued and where beam sta- based economy in the world by 2010”. And then an even bility is essential for liquid diffraction for example or for ki- stranger thing happened – a pledge at the next meeting in netic experiments; where raw intensity is needed including Barcelona to increase the proportion of European GDP almost all applications involving nuclear physics, or for to- spent on research and development from the 1.8% current mographic imaging. Equally well the employment of polar- average to 3.0% by 2008-2012. A lot of credit for these initia- ized neutron techniques – polarized helium-3, polarizing su- tives must go to Monsieur Philippe Busquin, who has been permirrors, polarizing monochromators (Heuslers), spheri- an excellent European Commissioner for Research, who had cal polarimetry (Cryopad), all developed or perfected at ILL earlier launched the grand idea of a European Research – is better suited, experience tells us, to continuous beams. Area, and who was quoted as saying last month “No agri- There are clear signs that our funders – owners and scientif- culture, but science, education and innovation, are needed ic partner nations alike - have recognized this message and to achieve the Lisbon goal”. What can be happening in Eu- are responding. The prospects for further scientific partners rope? Someone speaking the unspeakable – “not agricul- in the Institute also look good. The full Europeanisation of ture”! The ERA spawned the idea of a European Research the ILL is a necessary step in my view. In these ways, for a Council – initially dismissed by many but now being talked relatively small outlay, the 1.5 B capital investment which about as having a budget of 10 B over seven years and the ILL represents can be enhanced and optimized in order awarding grants to European researchers on the grounds of to help maintain scientific leadership in this field for Europe excellence only. No juste retour! Neutron scatterers are good for the next 15 years at least. The other powerful neutron fa- at applying for grants so this appears to be a positive move. cilities in Europe will of course also play their part. At that The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures time an operational ESS, complementary to ILL, would be created itself just over 2 years ago and its first task was to ex- needed. In the meantime we are pleased to announce that amine the case for neutrons in general and the ESS in particu- the ESS Initiative will relocate to the ILL in order that they lar. But ESFRI has no direct collective authority for funding, maintain a watching brief, enhance the scientific case and being composed of sets of delegations from the 15 original launch a bid for funds at an appropriate moment. EU countries and now expanded to 25 plus Switzerland. We are of course happy to have such an obvious Italian Nevertheless its pronouncements carry weight, differing ac- presence at the ILL and indeed at our partner Institutes ES- cording to whether they are positive or negative. A positive RF and EMBL. We were honoured by the visit of
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