.. eS:v:aÄ:ð¶:rS:t: n:am:av:el:H .. shiva-ashtottarashata-namavali The 108 Names of Lord Shiva 1 ! eS:v:ay: n:m:H . Obeisances to the Auspicious One Om Shivaya Namaha 2 Obeisances to the Great God Shiva Om! Maheshvarayam:hðÃ:ray: n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the God who exists for 3 Om! ShambhaveS:öB:v:ð n:m:H Namaha . our happiness alone Obeisances to Shiva, who guards the 4 Om! Pinakineep:n:aekn: Namahað n:m:H . path of dharma Obeisances to the God who wears the 5 ! S:eS:S:ðK:ray: n:m:H . Om Shashishekharaya Namaha crescent moon in his hair Obeisances to the God who is pleasing 6 ! v:am:dðv:ay: n:m:H . and auspicious in every way Om Vamadevaya Namaha 7 Obeisances to the God of spotless form Om! Virupakshayaev:−p:ax:ay: Namahan:m:H . Obeisances to the Lord with thickly 8 Om! Kapardinekp:edün:ð n:m:HNamaha . matted hair Obeisances to the God splendid as the 9 Om! Nilalohitayan:il:l::ðeht:ay: Namaha n:m:H . red sun at daybreak Obeisances to the source of all 10 Om! ShankarayaS:ökray: n:m:H Namaha . prosperity Obeisances to the God who carries a 11 Om! ShulapanayeS:Ül:p:aN:y:ð n:m:HNamaha . spear Obeisances to the God who carries a 12 ! K:XÏv:aöeg:n:ð n:m:H . knurled club Om Khatvangine Namaha Obeisances to Shiva, who is dear to Lord 13 Om! Vishnuvallabhayaev:\N:Øv:ll:B:ay: Namahan:m:H . Vishnu Obeisances to the Lord whose form 14 Om! ShipivishtayaeS:ep:ev:Äay: Namaha n:m:H . emits great rays of light 15 Obeisances to Ambika's Lord Om! AmbikanathayaAöeb:kan:aT:ay: Namaha n:m:H . Obeisances to he whose throat is shining 16 Om! ShrikantayaÂ:ikNYay: Namahan:m:H . blue Obeisances to the Lord who loves His 17 Om! BhaktavatsalayaB:Vt:v:ts:l:ay: Namahan:m:H . devotees like new born calves Obeisances to the God who is existence 18 Om! BhavayaB:v:ay: n:m:H Namaha . itself 19 Obeisances to Shiva who is all Om! SarvayaS:v:aüy: n:m:HNamaha . Obeisances to Shiva who is the Lord of 20 Om! Trilokeshayae*:l::ðkñS:ay: Namaha n:m:H . all the three worlds Obeisances to the primal soul whose 21 Om! ShitakanthayaeS:et:kNYay: Namaha n:m:H . throat is deep blue Obeisances to the god who is dear to 22 Om! ShivapriyayaeS:v:a e)y:ay: Namaha n:m:H . Shakti Obeisances to Shiva whose presence is 23 Om! Ugrayaug:Òay: Namahan:m:H . awesome and overwhelming Obeisances to the God whose begging 24 Om! Kapalinekp:ael:n: Namahað n:m:H . bowl is a human skull Obeisances to Shiva who conquers all 25 Om! KamarayeKam:ary:ð Namahan:m:H . passions Obeisances to the Lord who killed the 26 Om! AndhakasuraAnD:kas:Ørs: Sudanayaàdn:ay: n:m:H Namaha . asura Andhaka Obeisances to the God who holds the 27 Om! Gangadharayag:ög:aD:ray: n:m:H Namaha . Ganges River in his hair Obeisances to the Lord whose sport is 28 Om! Lalatakshayal:l:aXax:ay: Namaha n:m:H . creation Obeisances to Shiva who is the death of 29 Om! Kalakalayakal:kal:ay: Namaha n:m:H . death Obeisances to the God who is the 30 Om! Kripanidhayekáp:aen:D:y:ð n:m:HNamaha . treasure of compassion Obeisances to Shiva whose strength is 31 Om! BhimayaB:im:ay: Namahan:m:H . awesome Obeisances to the God who wields an 32 Om! Parashup:rS:Øhst:ay: Hastaya n:m:H Namaha . axe in his hands Obeisances to the Lord who looks after 33 Om! Mrigapanayaem:àg:p:aN:y:ð n:m:H Namaha . the soul in the wilderness Obeisances to Shiva who bears a mass 34 Om! Jatadharayaj:XaD:ray: Namahan:m:H . of matted hair Obeisances to the God who abides on 35 Om! Kailasavasinekól:aS:v:aes:n: Namahað n:m:H . Mount Kailas Obeisances to the Lord who is wrapped 36 Om! Kavachinekv:ec:n:ð n:m:HNamaha . in armor Obeisances to Shiva who causes all 37 Om! KathorayakY:ðray: Namahan:m:H . growth Obeisances to the Lord who destroyed 38 Om! Tripurantakayae*:p:Ørant:kay: Namaha n:m:H . the three demonic cities Obeisances to the God whose emblem is 39 Om! Vrishankayav:à\:aökay: n:m:H Namaha . a bull (Nandi) 40 Obeisances to Shiva who rides a bull Om! Vrishabharudhayav:à\:B:a−Zay: n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the Lord covered with 41 Om! BhasmoddhulitaB:sm::ð¹Þel:t: ev:g: VigrahayaÒhay: n:m:H Namaha . holy ash Obeisances to the God exceedingly fond 42 Om! Samapriyayas:am:e)y:ay: Namahan:m:H . of hymns from the Sama Veda Obeisances to Shiva who creates 43 Om! Svaramayayasv:rm:y:ay: n:m:HNamaha . through sound Obeisances to the Lord who is worshiped 44 Om! Trayimurtaye*:y:im:Üt:üy:ð n:m:H Namaha . in three forms 45 Obeisances to the undisputed Lord Om! AnishvarayaAn:iÃ:ray: Namahan:m:H . Obeisances to the God who knows all 46 Om! Sarvagyayas:v:üway: n:m:H Namaha . things 47 Obeisances to the Supreme Self Om! Paramatmanep:rm:atm:n:ð n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the light of the eyes of 48 Om! Somasuragnis::ðm:s:Üy:aüegn:l:: Lochanayaðc:n:ay: Namahan:m:H . Soma, Surya and Agni Obeisances to Shiva who receives 49 Om! Havishehev:\:ð n:m:H Namaha . oblations of ghee Obeisances to the architect of all 50 Om! Yagyamayayay:wm:y:ay: n:m:H Namaha . sacrificial rites Obeisances to the Moon-glow of the 51 Om! Somayas::ðm:ay: Namahan:m:H . mystic's vision Obeisances to the God of the five 52 Om! Panchavaktrayap:öc:v:V*:ay: n:m:H Namaha . activities Obeisances to the eternally auspicious 53 Om! Sadashivayas:daeS:v:ay: Namahan:m:H . benevolent Shiva Obeisances to the all-pervading ruler of 54 Om! Vishveshvarayaev:Ã:ðÃ:ray: n:m:H Namaha . the cosmos Obeisances to Shiva the foremost of 55 Om! Virabhadrayav:irB:dÓay: n:m:H Namaha . heroes 56 Obeisances to the God of the Ganas Om! Gananathayag:N:n:aT:ay: n:m:HNamaha . 57 Obeisances to the Creator Om! Prajapataye)j:ap:t:y:ð Namahan:m:H . Obeisances to the God who emanates 58 Om! HiranyaretaseehrNy:rðt:s: ð Namahan:m:H . golden souls 59 Obeisances to the unconquerable being Om! DurdharshayadÙD:ü\:aüy: n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the monarch of the holy 60 Om! Girishayaeg:riS:ay: Namaha n:m:H . mountain Kailas 61 Obeisances to the Lord of the Himalayas Om! Girishayaeg:erS:ay: Namaha n:m:H . Obeisances to Shiva who can inspire no 62 Om! AnaghayaAn:G:ay: Namahan:m:H . fear Obeisances to the Lord adorned with 63 Om! BujangabhushanayaB:Øj:ög:B:Ü\:N:ay: n:m:H Namaha . golden snakes 64 Obeisances to the foremost of rishis Om! BhargayaB:g:aüy: n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the God whose weapon is 65 Om! Giridhanvaneeg:erD:nv:n:ð Namahan:m:H . a mountain Obeisances to the Lord who is fond of 66 Om! Giripriyayaeg:ere)y:ay: Namaha n:m:H . mountains Obeisances to the God who wears 67 Om! Krittivasasekáe¶:v:as:s: Namahað n:m:H . clothes of hide Obeisances to the Lord who is 68 Om! Puraratayep:Ørarat:y: ð Namahan:m:H . thoroughly at home in the wilderness 69 Obeisances to the Lord of prosperity Om! BhagavateB:g:v:t:ð n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to the God who is served by 70 Om! Pramathadhipaya)m:T:aeD:p:ay: n:m:H Namaha . goblins 71 Obeisances to the conqueror of death Om! Mritunjayayam:àty:Øöj:y:ay: Namahan:m:H . 72 Obeisances to the subtlest of the subtle Om! Sukshmatanaves:Üxm:t:n:v:ð n:m:H Namaha . Obeisances to Shiva who fills the whole 73 Om! Jagadvyapinej:g:¾Ðy:aep:n: ð Namahan:m:H . world 74 Obeisances to the guru of all the worlds Om! Jagadguravej:g:dÏg:Ø,v:ð n:m:HNamaha . Obeisances to the God whose hair is the 75 Om! Vyomakeshayavy::ðm:kñS:ay: n:m:H Namaha . spreading sky above 76 Obeisances to the origin of Mahasena Om! Mahasenajanakayam:has:ðn:j:n:kay: Namahan:m:H . Obeisances to Shiva, the guardian of 77 Om! Charuvikramayac:a,ev:#m:ay: Namahan:m:H . wandering pilgrims Obeisances to the Lord who is fit to be 78 Om! Rudraya,dÓay: n:m:H Namaha . praised Obeisances to the source of living 79 ! B:Üt:p:t:y:ð n:m:H . creatures, including the Bhutas, or Om Bhutapataye Namaha ghostly creatures Obeisances to the firm and immovable 80 Om! SthanavesT:aN:v:ð n:m:HNamaha . deity Obeisances to the Lord who waits for the 81 Om! AhirbudhnyayaAhy:ðb:Ø¿y:ay: Namahan:m:H . sleeping kundalini Obeisances to Shiva whose robes is the 82 Om! Digambarayaedg:öb:ray: n:m:H Namaha . cosmos Obeisances to the Lord who has eight 83 Om! AshtamurtayeAÄm:Üt:üy:ð n:m:H Namaha . forms Obeisances to the God who is the one 84 Om! AnekatmaneAn:ðkatm:n: ð Namahan:m:H . soul Obeisances to the Lord of boundless 85 Om! Satvikayas:aetv:kay: Namaha n:m:H . energy Obeisances to him who is free of all 86 Om! ShuddhaS:عev:g: Òhay:Vigrahaya n:m:H Namaha .
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