• University Of 'Meet Author' South Florida Baynard Kendrick Campus Edition Wednesday. May 8 SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR-No~ 76 TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1963 PRICE FIVE CENTS Straight ~ine Shortest Path • • • From Dorms Proposed A Budget Nears To University Center 85 Thousa·nd Dtllar-Markc LombCrdia Says lt1s /Realistic, Necessary/ By WING PREODOR Lee Lombardia, student association president, presented a proposed SA budget of $84,825 to the student legislature Thursday. When asked if he thought the budget would make it through channels uncut, Lombardia said, "To be perfectly frank, no, I don't think we will get it." But •he went on to explain, "This is a realistic budget. It has ENCEPHALITfS STUDY - already been cut from our original estimate. It is, perhaps unfortunately, not Woolfenden, Student padded; and the only way to cut it further is to cut particular projects." Take Bird Census NO PROFITS From UC Through Mall To Class~s -IUSF .Photo) CONGRATULATES FATHER AND DAUGHTER . President JohnS. Allen congratulates Judy Hark· ness for meeting requirements for graduation while her father, Dr. Donald Harkness, associate professor at USF, looks on. Miss Harkness was among those graduates being honored at a coffee recently. She is currently teaching at Miles Elementary School. MORE USF More USF Students , NEWS ON PAGE 6 Meet Requirements To Classes In Chemistry UC Plans Building Meet Author To Life Sciences Building ~ - (USF Photos) / ' THE TAMP A TL'\IES 1\londay, .1\lay 6, 1963 Deaths in the Tampaay Area, Elsewhere S.African 1\IRS. EDITH C. FRAYNE dren. Mrs. Cromartie was a had lived in Tampa for the laot Utica, N.Y.; Robert, Tampa; sev-1 Mrs. Edith Cla•·a Frayne, 74. ~mem?er of the Florida Ave. \ four years. Sbe was a me_m?er en grandchildren and several of 712 E. Louisiana. died Friday Bapt1st Church. the Golden Age of the Broad St. Chnstian great-grandchildren. Mr. Brant­ afternoon in a local hospital. A Club of Tampa. and original! Church. Survivors include her ley was a member of the First I native of England, she had been 1 member o~ the Sunny-Land husband, Jack Washburn; a son, Seventh Day Adventist Church I Police a resident of Tampa for the DemonstJ·at10n Club. Roger, Tampa; her parents Mr. of Tampa and was a retired last 18 ye'ars. She is survived by I and Mrs. Clarence Harmon. elder of the Seventh Day Ad- a son, T. J. Frayne. Tampa: two l\IRS. ELENA MENENDEZ Englewood. and a b•·other, Earl venti t Church in South Caro~ p wer p daughters. Mrs. Pal.ricia Bryant, Mrs. ~lena Menendez. 74, ~[ 1 Harmon of Englewood. lina. O U 3324 1 Tampa and Mrs. William Sim- G•cy St.. dted Sun~y ~ , r 1 STEPHEN F . HOLLIS mons or Bloomington, Ind. and a Tampa ho~pital. A_ nattv~ o~ 1 ;\lRS. El\U_LY V . BEN~INGER Stephen Francis Hollis, 76, of J 0 HANNES BUR G. South !10 grandchildren. ~lavana, Cuba, she ha~ restde_d l\lrs. Emily V. B~nnmger. 96, 1527 w. Clinton, died Friday Africa, May 6 (.IP}-- Legislation 1m -~·ampa for. _55 ycals . She .ts of 4203 San Juan .. d•ed Saturday afternoon in a local hospital. A adopted last week gives South 1 1.\-JRS. l\lAE L. FUSSELL su1' 1;cd by SLX daughters. 1vh s. mom mg. A n~t1ve of As~lcy. native of Pil.tsburgh, he had Africa the most drastic security M•·s. J\1ae L .. Fussell. 39, of ·s of .• :vlrs. ~~~;~f2c~ ~~~~e.nd~,~1 or~f~ ~a Bennmg~r h~d hvcd oeen a resident of Tampa for law in its peacetime history and 101 ~ E. Fern, d1ed at a Tampa Garcia, :\1:rs. Ro~ario Martin:z. 111 Tampa. 27 yeats. he wa~ tht> last seven years. He is sur­ grants great authority to Min- hos1ptal Saturday. Mrs. Fussell :.vr. D . R' d M El t~c Wld 0 '' of Rev. James Ben, vived by two brothers, Joe, and istet· of J ustice Balthazar Jo- was a lifetime resident of Tam- G~~~ia ~} aTa~opaa~nd M~~s Hi~~: nmger and a memb_er of WS~S George of Columbus Ohio. hannes Vorster. pa. She is survived by her hus-~c f Cl , l . · of Grace Methodtst Churc 1. ' • The Rand Daily Mail, which band, Benjamin F. Fussell of F ~ev; ~l ef'' a Tone son: Survivors are a son, Robert. and 0cr d fought the legislation, says Vor- Tampa; her mother, Mrs. _Leila thl~;c sist~~~~ ~~·s . And:e·~ );~~ two grandchildren, all of Tampa. N.y. Man atory ster now has more power over,Llosa. of Tampa; two Sisters. cobio Mrs. Dolores Lopez and N . B. (SID) F ISHER h 1 the ordinary citizen than either Mrs. Blanch Philamalee of Tam- Mrs. ' America Ferrer. all of Deaf Penq fy Pt:esident Kennedy or prime pa_ a~d Mrs. He.len Koentg _or Tampa; one brother, Miguel De N. B. fSidl Fisher, 84. of 104 1\Innster Macmillan. 1\hann and one .'rothcr, Salva-,La Puente of Tampa; 14 grand- E. Adalee St., died Sunqay On Way Out dorc F. Llosa of Tampa. · children and !2 great-grandchil- ~oi·ning._ Mr. Fisher was life- VORSTER , 48, is a former d•·en , Llme restdent of ALBANY, N.Y., May 6 !UPD Attomey. During World War II l\1RS. GRACE D. CROMARTIE . Tampa and was -Mandatory capital pumsn- he was interned for more than Mrs. Grace D. Cromartie, 81 ~ MRS. ADA E. GARTTt\UER with the Tampa a year for pro-Nazi views. He is of 102 W: _r.iorth Bay, died Sun- Mrs. Ada E. Garttmier, 82. of Box Co., now ment in New Yo~,;k, the only ANNOUNCING CHRYSLER'S SNAP-IN RESIDEKTIAL COOLING often mentioned as a possible day morning at a local hospital. 823 61st St. Way N., St. Petcrs.lknow_n as the En- state in the union with such successor to Prime l\Iinister Mrs. Cromartie was a No'W! All the wonders of cool, comfor table, complete air conditioning for native of urg. and formerly of 5601 \Lerpnse Box Co., legislation, is nearly dead. Contoct Hendnk Verwoerd, Who is 62. Brewton, Ala., and for the last 'enlral Ave .. Tampa, died Fri- for .56 Y. ears. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller'., your entire home with Chrysler's new snap-in cooling! The complications .f.. a r e gone ••• the costly installation is gone •• • the cost gone! What's The Dealer He controls the 27,350-strong po- 3~ years lived in Tampa. Sur- day night in St. Petersburg. S~rv • vors mcl u ~e office announced yesterday he high is Nearest You lice force. v1vors are three daughters, Mrs. Mrs. Garttmier lived in Tampa hls . Widow, . Mrs: left? cool comfort All the of whole-house air conditioning, •• at a1price you The new law, which some Evelyn Woo_d, Tamua. Mrs. Al- 38 years beforp moving to St. Lomse M. ~Jshe_r, has signed a bill providing that can afford • • • as easy a..s calling your nearest Chrysler Airtemp dealer. members of par liament say lee Scramhn. St. Petersburg, Petersburg two years ago. Sur- ~ d;ughtei, ~rs. the penalty for first degtce makes South Africa a police and Mrs. Lenela Glass, Tallasse, vivors arc a nephew and two 0 h !1 f F.T enz: murder and kidnapping, effec- CAN BE ADDED TO YOUR PRESENT state, gives the minister of jus- Ala.; two sons, John and Arthur, nieces. bot 0 . a~pa, tive July 1, shall be life im- tice authority to detain anyone both of Tampa; 10 grandch!l- a grand~h!ld, t~vo FORCED WARM AIR FURNACEI Model 1254-01 suspected of having infClrmation 1 dren and two great-grandch1l- MRS. RUTH WASHBUR N great-grand-cluJ- Fisher h prisonment " unless the jury ~n most cases your :forced warm air about offenses threatening se- Mrs. Ruth E. Washburn. 38, of dren; a brother, F .. L. Fls er, recommends the death penalty." furnace and ducts are ideal for the a d· 34,000 BTU Unit curity. There need be no <'harge I • . 110 Prince St., died Saturday Tampa. and o~e Sister, Mrs. Currently the death penalty is dition of air conditioning. You already and no triaL funera Notices morning in a Tampa hospitaL N_cttJe Freer, Bnstol, Conn. Mr. d t . f th ... ,· - Added to Your · · · · F1sher was a member of the ma.n a OIY or e .-vo cume~. have most of the equipment you need to Th!s IS a dsum mli~ry of what BRANTLEY. ASA CLYDE- Mr. Asa A nattve of Jackson, Mtch., she Highland Avenue Methodist The bill also provides for a give your family the cool, clean, health· th 1 e new an ear er 1aws 1et Clyde Brantley, age 86. o£ 2009 E. Ch h t t d · · ful surroundingsof Climate byChrysler I ExistinCJ Warm Vorster do entirely on his own Osborne, passed a"(aY Sunday after· f I • urc · wo-s age proce ure m · capital . noon. Funeral servtces will be held I I t t . 1 . '1 t authonty: Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock unera Notices FRANCIS MARTIN O'NEIL pums. lmen na s, Simi ar o NOW PRICED LOWER THAN EVER t Air System Only 1. Hold for interrogation •for ~~~~iSh~~~~ ..~{ ~~~0;';· wlth B~~~~~ lllEN.t;NDEZ. MRS. ELENA _ Funeral Francis Martin O'Neil, 56, of procedures. in C'lifornia an1 New manufacturing methods have up to 90 d ays persons suspected A. D. Barch, pastor or the First servtce> ror Mrs. Elena . Menendez, 3,307 Pearl Ave. died Sunday Pennsylvania.
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