.* m .Bermuda. JuHecordei IPH ' 2""i>"- Bi.Weekly PURVIS LTD. fished PRICE: 6d. YVednes^Lrayao 1/- Saturdays j^ VOLUME XXXV HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1959 No. 72, Dr. Furman Fordham to Special Transportation For Open House at Scotland Yard Takes Over Conduct Choral Work U.S. Bases Tomorrow Special transportation ar- rangements have been made In Bermuda Murder Probe For Local Pageant for visitors to the American Armed Forces Day Opeu House celebrations at the U. S. Naval QR. FURMAN FORDHAM, a highly esteemed music director Station and Kindley PEARCE MURDER CASE IN SPITE of the two Scotland Yard "murder squad" detec- from New York, agreed in less than an hour last night to Air Force Base tomorrow be- tives working hard to solve the savage murders of Mrs. Ger- tween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. conduct the choral work for the "all Bermudian Pageant,"' "My trude Robinson and Mrs. Dorothy Pearce that have baffled the On this day, Bermudians Heart Stays Here," which is being presented Urged local Police Force, Bermudians are still most alarmed over the at Fort St. Cathe- and visitors to the island arc Public to Watch For rine this summer as one of the. islands 350th Anniversary cele- invited to visit the II. S. bases words of the Senior Coroner, the Wor. S. S. Toddings, "Th. bration highlights. Mb-L _ _ __ again." ,. « . ." . ___. for a first-hand look at a wide Blood Bruised murderer will strike The pageant, written by- variety of military Stained Man ___________ aircraft Mrs. Constance Baiiioifdge, M and equipment which will be will have as its theme the on display. founding of Bermuda by Sir The pubic has been alerted her home at "Bali Ha'i," War- George Somers The Kiudley AFB ferry to be on the lookout for a man wick, where she lived alone, on ____F!)dH _____■____ and will in. __________ boat will bruised -___---^W\t .WW elude a cast of hundreds. run between St. with or badly dam- Friday night. It is possible '&mS-\ George's aged knuckles, to one said, may _________^^*~!E_f__^ _________________ Dr. Fordham who is and the base "be- and come official that she al- tween p.m., with any information ready known in the Colony r^^^H ______ 10 a.m. and 4.15 forward have been dead for some 48 > leaving St. George's on they may have about anyone hours for organizing, training and gg-\w, iAt____\ -H\W the directing hour and half hour and leav- they have seen during the past Supt. Baker, who has had a Music Workshop ■ W■ . ~^Zm &a ing Kindley quarter Week bloodstained cloth- BQBW three years ago is pres- WW at fB and with considerable experience in __p^ quarter past the hour. The ing. The Scotland Yard de- murder investigations, gave _______■ SI 10z ently in the island on vacation. ' base shuttle bus will carry tectives who have taken over the impression this morning $lLxxxWl&m-xxxxxx-iX He was approached by many ________ infff■. liwF'MHP^ '-'■'%M-W mmW' visitors from the ferry dock to investigation of the brutal that it is possible to of his former pupils to do ___________P the if unmask jMxI Wz*$x\W *"*'■ something really outstanding the Open House area. slaying last week of Mrs. the murderer who has terri- The Transportation Dorothy Pearce, as well as fied Warwick residents these ,- with them so it might be pre- Public — ____■ -__. JfSjfc* J^x-f^^B M^M^H that of Mrs. Gertrude Robin- past two months he is the ___■ * 'jaMt sented in connection with the T__l Board has arranged an ad- *V*-1max* iffl*iBi 350th anniversary celebration ditional bus schedule to enable son nine weeks earlier, issued man to do it. A bulky im- dressed, ■ '^m-x-x*-t i■ activities. He be- the public to travel to Kindley this appeal today. peccably balding ilEli IIB hesitated Superintendent man, ■ cause he did not want to during the day. At 10 a.m., Detective he seems at once a per- arrived non- break his vacation, but he 11 a.m., 12 noon and 1p.m., William Baker, who sc.ii who will brook no at 2 a.m. yes- sense, yet s:_ friendly one * "It" a good response buses will leave from the Post from London ■ _j___^8 ________r !______! Jidded. is by shown, 1 will remain here Office, Reid Street; across terday accompanied De- wouldn't mind sitting down from the Buckaroo Restaurant tective Sgt. John CCohnell making a nice clean confession until the end of the mouth Prospect Police Ml and conduct some type of and the Cenotaph in Hamilton was busy at to him. v;ork with the group." £nd run to Kindley, covering Headquarters this morning He and Sgt. O Connell have 4 — ..: __i _i _? the South Shore, North Shore getting his teeth into the been sent all over Britain by A meeting was planned for He ap- J/ist night at Acadia Hall, and and Middle Roads. two baffling cases. Scotland Yard on various JjnjRDERl-jDWOMAl^^bove^sS^^ pealed to the public to come all of which Ids two hundred and twenty- These carry their murder cases DR. buses will any scrap of in- Pearce, whose mutilated body was found in her home J)J five former pupils were noti- FURMAN FORDHAM passengers directly to the forward with — they have cracked . They are dis- they may have yer'y proud 100 per last Friday night, fied. The response was so play area at Kindley and re„ formation — of the cent Police -no matter how little as it record, and they are methodi- great Dr, Fordham agreed Dr. Pordham who holds ft main in ft special parking lot in almost immediately direct will then ro- may be of some assistance cally setting out with the aid Public opinion and theories any such crime are invaiuabln music card from tho Now York there. The buses cracking the eases. Bermuda Chief J, aro running high on the seem- U thp uroup, Board of Education and who turn to Hamilton as they aro ot Sujjt. A. in murder investigationsj, fiarlUr, tha filled, aro The Scotland Yard experts j.ndjfo and the detectives in ingly unmotivated ihurders he found it necessary ha will (rr&tif), together Is supervisor of music for tUfl T'htixM Hfim'h\\ busas tf_|. been Any with t»et county Weitchcster, ths regular p^rtiiMilflrly want information i.is department to keep that haw termed "sex mi such information \9 VWi Fofdliaiu with of New ill Addition to I'oarce's move* crimes," Hpot.ft.id Yard foriPjii<! Mftjuv Marsh who is in t-harg* York has conducted A 9,000 I'lVi schedubv iibout Mft. reoord intact. Local AUthoritatlva tho tu.'iits during her Inst fateful When h* is not tracking opinion is that both crimes are laboratory, (if publicity for tho island's vtiko chorus representing the Visitor* travelling to Kind* (lend connected, anhivoriary Nations organization week. She was found In down killers and efin get »» definitely Both „ Supt, Baker believei HIM UUOtb celebra- United ley with private tran&porta break from other criminal women lived alone, one was a tions, to seek aid in their pro- which Is broadcast annually over the Causeway will- enter like these must be kept Alive work, Hupt, Baker likes to in- Widow, the other divorced. consciousness ject. Major Marsh promised around the world. For tho at Gate 1, and those from St, were quiet living in the public them all the publicity possible, past five years he has been dulge in a passion he has for Both and and that the press must be George's and St. David's are Public Lecture flora and fauna. Although all ardent church workers. it this group would do the programme director for 600 asked to enter Gate 2. Kind- kept informed of what is going choral work for the 'great boys Village, he had time to do so far is The body of Mrs. KObinsor on, or public interest dimin- at The Children's ley Air Policemen will be on himself with the aged71, anda widow wasfounc outdoor pagsant' and if Dr. a community for unadjusted hand to direct traffic to the On Christian Science familiarize ishes. He said, "Most crimes facts of the Pearce-Robinson on March 7, near her homi throughlocal Fordham would return to boys, at Dobbs Ferry-on-the- Open House area, via Corregi- Cobb's Hill Road are solved knowl- conduct it." Hudson, New York. He has The practical power of cases, eagerly looking for- at "Leeside" edge, and through the news- dor Avenue, which be one- moment Warwick. Her death was at- It has been understood that also done vast amounts of re- prayer, based on spiritual ward to the he can papers we have found a sure way only, in the direction of enjoying tributed to the work of a sea g, few local people have al- search in connection with a hangar. understanding of God, will be start Bermuda's way of getting to the public the main Visitors spots. maniac. Mrs. Pearce's body ready been consulted to direct series of educational articles leaving the Open House area, the topic of a free public lec- beauty in a way we could never hope to was found in the bedroom oi the choral work for the he has had published. ture on Christian Science on to emulate." He also stated (Continued on Page giycn Sat- her home, "Bali Ha'i," the although preliminary pageant, but the response has Dr.
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