vt Uni\' 'Y AI Ib,... ~ U .... ,,~ lad"-'I.~I~.llr: paOCniiD FOODI, ... ,,~ 11Ir.. , .~ 14, •••• clOUCli au, 81. 8! ."d ~ ••• b I ••d f.r .. " .~ .• _.•.•. lur.. Ibro .. ;b FoIIrll&'T, " r.l y.ar: u".m",,", foar railo .. 1 ....., ,ood tOWA: CkMIb WUh LJ,b& ,il •• II ,ll D... OIL ".,l.J 4 a•• a •• "1'0.1, Show.... r.ml Calder. ( 0)0' thU lltb St. N.w .n'oll G.P 0.1'0"" no ... THE DAiLy 'IowAN ....... !lHOER. "'P'ou 01 ...1'. 1 •• a 2. ,.001 lnhn.lI. ly. Iowa ~rty's Morning Newspaper ----,-. = NUMBER 7 t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1944 VOLUME XLV IEDS APPLY PINCERS IN BALKANS Reds 'Seize ' 60~Mile Bridgehead; ,Yanks 'Storm Mountain Passes ibes as One Importance Only 9 Miles Wallace Says FDR Will Be- . Aim 1o Trap N OT 0 I (AP) clson I'nded It tur­ 'Betler Posi-War Job !l8 WP.B chI! irrnaJ1 From Bellort Provider' 200 000 Nazis takr I! ncw post ,By D. HAROLD OLIVER ------------------------------------------ , I PI · ,' ~ idrnt RooRe­ ror delivcry in Carnegie music hall "Forced to abandon his role as While the presidential candi­ ta,k major impol'­ in PittsbUrgh, emphasized a point commander-in-chief, the lourih or .. Challenge Germans dates were getting their wind yes­ Russians Cross ~o lln c~1rd wilh foreign Along Chin of Peakl teri:lay (or another week oC politi · hE dwelt on earlier in the week in term candidate made no reference Into Yugoslavia l! 1'rlation,. cal outpo4l'ing. Vic!:-P res ide n t eastern Pennsylvania. to his tamed 'Dr. win-the-war' ri y., iX-YI'IIl' old J. A. 'To Rhineland W~ll~e Iliain played on the theme " J don't say Roosevelt will givc slogan, By his reference to th~ In Heavy Drive Knill. r.'<'P lI tly 1'c1ea, ed by the that President Roosevelt wIll be you full employment," said Wal­ New Deal after publicly pronounc­ JlfiVY to hl'I'mne Hcting chairman, RUPREME HEADQUAR. the better post-war job provider. lace, "but he will come a lot closer ing it dead a few months aglr­ LONDON, Sunday (AP)­ took ovt'r fiR Nelson 's Sllcces. OI' TERS, AEF (AP)- 'rhe United The Repuplican ,natlonIII com­ to it than the other candidate. He Washington political observers say The Red army, crossing into wit.h lhc plrd/!c he would "tl'Y States Seventh army, fighting miJtee meanwhile assert.ed in its will not depend, like the other Roosevelt lost stature, that he has Yugoslavia in a drive aimed at Weekly clipsheet "on the home candidate, on giving the green been forced into his rightful role to kcrp things running on tho through snow sweeping out of trapping 200,000 Germans ill rails you laid down." the Vosges mountoins, wheeled front", sent to more than 6,000 Jight to Wall street. Tbe common as an ambitious man SEeking to re­ fol ks will not vote (or the man the lower Balkans, has seized u up pa'J8cs y<,s­ weekly new spa per s and GOP tain himself in office," In hi s leller accepting the res­ to two footh ill cOlmly chairmen, tttat the presi­ who puts Wall street £irst and the Meanwhile Representative Clare GO· mHo bridgcbead on the west ignation-a message w a l' m I y t.erday nnd were only nine miles dent In his Sept. 23 speech to the people second." Booth Luce (R., Conn.) made the bank of the Danllbe opposite praising Nelson's part in arming northwest oC thc goteway city of teamst(J's' llnion was "forced to In its clipsheH, the Republican news conference comment that Romania, and captured It Rrore BelIort to challenge 1he G ~ r­ the country-Mr. Roosevelt did Ilbandon his role as commander­ notional committee asserted with "the American j:ieople should have of viUages, Moseow annolll1ecd RUSSIAN TROOPS, fI&'htlnr their wa, Inside Csechoslovakla and In\o mans alon~ the chin of pcaks in-chief." reference (0 MI'. Roosevelt's Sept. been led into the war-not lied not reveal the post he has in mind officially last night. southeastern Hunrary, orlanille what. ma, be a &,rand _Ie move to blocking the southern route to Wallace, in a speech prepared 23 speech: into it." for the retiring production chief. cut off ounlary and axis troops stationed there. At the ..me time, A late German broadcast, ac· the Rhineland. centing the peril to all the Nazi Poat-War Groundwork allied forces Invadinr Albania from Italy have been joIned by the two main Greek &,uerrllla forces (white arrow), whleh are now ander To the north, the U. S. First holdings grabbed there in the The president indicated, how­ the command of Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, head of allied fore .. army opened an attack on a Correspondents See Bomb-Laden Fortress llIacL~trom of 1941, said the ever, that he plans to use Nelson's 60-mile front, carved out ]jm~ted In the Mediterranean theater of war, Nine.· Palau, unfoldlna Soviet operations there ability in economic ne,gotiations gains, and smashed through eight Makes Ghost Flight and on the rich Hungarian plains like his missions to China and fortifications of the Siegfried line capt~red Document leading to Budapest, had been , R u s s i a. The results achieved ntar its western fortress of Prum. built Into a dangerous daeger Yanks, British Report At a Glance- Wipe Out DlvllloD Islands Now , there, said Mr. Roosevelt, "make Nazi Officerl Ordered Crewless Plane Goes "pointed at the hearts of Europe." me feel strongly that your experi­ Between these sectors the Uni­ 600 Deteatllm Rampant I , To Save 'Themselves Miles With Load; ence, insight and skill will be ur­ Gains in Po Valley ·T · d ted States Third army wiped out I With defeatism reported ram­ gently needed by this country in ,he equivalent ot a German ~­ 'Fo; World War III Alerts All Britain pant in the Hunaarian armies and :.:0 oy s mored division in two days-113 Belong to.U. S.. laying the groundwork for post­ also in the puppet troops build up war economic cooperation with New Zealanders tanks, 31 of which fell to gunners AMERtC~N 'COMMAND POST LONDON (AP)-Laden with By TBE ASSOCIATED palss by the once.mlghty Nazi legions, other nations." Hold 400 Yards and fiahter-bombers In tbe last IN GERMANY (AP)-Jrirst army Amel'ican military forces have several tons of high explosive a showdown was Imminent in the "I am counting on you to re­ Iowan .: 24 hours in a battle eddying ., \' , Balkans. lIround the American salient east corresportdents were shown for tbe beg1,ln a new week · of Pacific bombs, an American Uyin, Fort- main in lhe government in a high Of South Bank ress ' flew 600 miles without a The Red army, swingina west­ post of major importance," the of Metz and Nancy. !irilt U:ne ~esterday one of the fighting stronger by' possession of crew across the breadth. of Ene­ ward within 94 miles of Belirade, White House message said. ROME (AP) - Enemy tanks Nelson resl,na* * as *WPB head. The Britisb on the Dutch end most unusu,al orders of the entire three more islets in the Palau land and Eire yesterday, setting the Yuaoslav capital, In aid of Whether this eant the creation have driven the British Eighth of the long front beat back Ger- war. , grOup, 515 miles east of the south- off alerts which startled millions Marshal Tito's partisan forces, shortly of a new foreign economic FOR appoints Cap KlI'ug to mlln counterblows from east and Thi!; is the order directing all army froln a sr.lall bridgehead position. ern Philippines. on the eround, and then presum.. crossed the windinl Danube above agency in the government, with a c l' 0 ss t h e F'iumicino river west at their Nijmegen bridle po- German army officers-save ex­ With nine islands of the strate- ably fouhd its grave in the Atlan- and below the iron iate rapids on Nelson at its head, was not re­ northwest of Rimini, headquarters sltions. The enemy tossed 300 l' l'er;l~able junior officers-to save gic group under United States tic. , • a stretch between Orsova and vealed. Nelson, who met report­ Coffee will not be restored to fighters and fighter-bombers inlo ~h~r own lives in battle so that the disclosed yesterday but Americans rationing says OPA. control, Including Peleliu on which The flight of this ghost ship-­ Nelotln, the broadcast Soviet ers in his offJce shortly atter the Ildvancing to the west held li:rm1y the strugale and lost 33 without reich will have an oUicers corps to marines are in . the final stage of piloted only by "Georae," the' communique said. W hit e H 0 use announcement, to their r a i n-s w e p t mountain aeUing within strafln, distance, Iprepare for a thil,'d world war. Jtooney marries Miss Birmihg· wiping out enemy resistance, the automatic control after 'its crew The RUSSians drove six miles avoided that question. He would salient knifing into the German In the Nijmegen sector only one 1h~ .. capturelf docul'flent, . ad- drive across thc Pacific somewhat' had \)aUed ou~ver robot-con­ into YugoslaVia at Negotin, and say only that the president had ham after knowing her six small German, btidgehead ~In dresS¢ to all Gtrll1an'officers, Wm; lines despite ~ trong enemy at- days. bnlane.ed the scalelj -agllinst con- SCiOliD Britain constituted one ot TUo's spearheads, battling a mixed out1ined the job to him "in gen­ tll cks.
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