Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Towers Magazine 1926-1999 Archives & Special Collections 6-1937 Otterbein Towers June 1937 Otterbein Towers Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/archives_alumnitowers Part of the Digital Humanities Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Towers, "Otterbein Towers June 1937" (1937). Towers Magazine 1926-1999. 37. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/archives_alumnitowers/37 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives & Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Towers Magazine 1926-1999 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALUMNI NEWS OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Vol. X. JUNE 1937 No. 10. MICHAEL, ANDERSON OTTERBEIN OBSERVES JOIN FA CUL TY COMMENCEMENT Two new member have been add­ Sixty-nine graduates received d:plo­ ,ed to the fac11!ty cf Otterbe:n for the mas at the e:ghty-first annual com­ 11ew school year wh;ch will beg;n rn mencement of Otterbein Coilege. Dr. September. They are Dr. Lyle J. Albert \Al . Palmer, president of the Michael, head of the department of Ch;cago Theological Seminary, in ad­ ,chemistry; and Dr. Paul B. And crson, d, essing the cbss, stressed the fact head of the department of English. that "v\That the world needs today is Dr. Anderson received hi s A . B. a re~ove ;- y -of the realty and presence fr.om the University of Minnesota· of God". Besides the awarding of with cnm laud2 honors in 1925. He the 69 diplomas, Dr. W . G. Cl:pping• received bis ,Master's degree from er, president, awarded honorary d e­ H arvard University in 1927, and also grees to four men. his Doctor 's degree in 1931. During The honorary degree of Doctor of .the summer ,of 1935, Dr. Anderson D :v:nity was awarded to Rev. Blake visited L ondon and spent three S. Arnold, superintendent of the East mont hs at Oxford University. He Ohio Conference, Church of the l1as served as instructor in English at United Brethren ·in Christ, Barberton; Massachnsetts -state College, head of Rev. Paul S. Weaver, B:S., B.D., .the department of Engli sh at Parsons D.D., superintendent of the Erie Con­ Coll ege, and associate profess-or at ference, Church of the United Breth­ Tusculum College. ren in Christ, Jam es town, N Y.; and Dr. Michael is an Otterbein gradu­ Rev. Roy A. Burkhart, Ph.D., pastor :ate of the class of 1919. After gradu­ of the -First Community Church, Co­ ation he attended Ohio State Univer­ lumbus, 0. sity and received his Master of Sci­ The de'gree of Doctor -of Pedagogy ence degree. He worked as ceramic was g:ven to William H. Fouse, <Chemist in the research laboratories M .E<l. , principal Dunbar High School, .of the Norton Company, Massachu­ Lexington, K y. setts; taught at Indiana Central Col­ lege; studied at Ohio State, Harvard, During the year the following and Massachusetts Institute ,of Tech­ awards which were li sted in the nology, and in 1929 received his commenceme1it program were made: Ph. D. degree from Ohio State. L iterary Prizes : Barnes Short Story Contest, first award, Catherine Parch­ Guy E. McFarland, '12, who for 14 er, '37, Marion ; Second, Elizabeth years was superintendent of the Hamilton, '38, Dayton; Third, Evelyn school at Sunbury, has been advanced B'rehm, '37, Hatboro, Pa. Dr. Roy to the superintendency of all the Burkhart Essay Contest, First award, rural and village schools in Delaware Robert C. R yder, '37, D ayton; Sec- county. (Continued on page two.) Published bY Otterbein College. \,\iesterville. Ohio. in the interest of Alumni and Friends: Entered as second class matter at post office in Westerville, 0 .. under act of Aug. 24. 1912. Two ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI NEWS Three A :, L U M N I _N E W S bridge, Pa.; Lewis Carlock, '40, WEDDINGS 69 T AKE PLACES AMONG Greenville; Don Patte:·son, '40, Spring­ OTTERBEIN ALUMNI OTTERBEI N COLLEGE field. Interpretative Reading ·con­ News of many weddings of Otter­ WESTERVILLE. OHIO test, First award ((Men) Gerald Riley, bein alumni has ccme to the A.umni With the close of the Commence­ '38, lVIicldletown; ' Second award Secretary. ment exerc:ses, 69 young men and Published by the College in the 'Inter­ (We-men) Carol Beachle1-, '37, Wes­ women had joined the ranks of the est of her Alumni and friend:;. fl:s hop Ira D. Warner, '1 1, Port­ terville. Dramatic Interpretation a '. umni of Otterbein. These gradu­ land Ore., and Miss Ada May Visick. Contest,. First, (Men) G;;rald Riley, ates, with their d2grees, are: La Verne, California, were marrieJ '38, M:dclletown; Second, (Women} Bachelcr -of Arts : Bill Ander­ R. R. EHRHART, Editor on June 6 in Cal.fornia and then R. Jane Norr·is, '38, Dayton. son, Akron; Pauline G. B-arton, Suri­ crossed the country by automobile to Ohio State University Graduate bury; Carol S. Beachler, magna cum Westerviile where Bishop Warne: Issued m onthly except July and Scholarship: L. · \i\Tift:am Steck. '37, cleliver ecl the Baccalaureate sermon to laude, Westerville; Harold W . Bell, Brookville. Representative Men and A ugust. the graduating class. Lancaster; Pauline V . Bowman, Ger­ vVomen : Russell N . B·ro·.v n, Center­ mantown; Martha L. Bowser, Wes- ville; Dorothy J. Burdge, Canton; terville; Evelyn W. Brehm, cum OTTERBEIN .OBSERVES Edwin Gearhart, '28, Bucyrus, and COMMENCEMENT Virginia K . Hetz:er, Ge1'mantown; L. Ernestine Ho!tshouse, '33, N ew vVin­ laude, Hatbor-o, Pa.; Russell N. \Villiam Steck, Brookvill e. Norris­ chester, were married June 6 in N e,v Brown, Centervill e; William S. Bun­ Continued From Page One.) Ell"ott Cup Award: Donald Ray Mar­ Winchester. gard, Johnstown, Pa.; Dorothy J . tin, Westerville. Burdge, cum laude, Canton; Ruth J. one!, Arthur L. Duhl, '39, vVellston ; Cook, Dayton; Mary A. Cross, Wes­ Third, Kathleen Norris, '37, Wester­ A l.ic e Dick, '34, Westerville, and ALUMNI NEWS NOTES terville; Denton W. E lliott, Defiance; ville; Fourth, Pauline Stegman, '40, Donald D. K ick, L oudonville, were G,adys M . Forwood, cum laude, Dayton. Quiz and Quill Contest, married in the college U. B . Church Rev. Louis W. Norris, '28, has been Spr-ir1gfield, Ill.; Robert B. Hanson, P oetry, F :rst, \,Vilma Mosholder, '38, and will live in LoudonviLe. retained as professor of relig:on and vVestervill e; Virginia K. Hetzler, cum Somerset, Pa.; Second, Evelyn L. philosophy at Bald·w in-Wallace. He Another wedding held in the col­ laude, Germantown; Bevis A. Hill, Kintne1·, '40, Clyde; Prose, First, received his Ph.D. degree from Bos­ lege church was that of Florence M. Clarksburg, W. Va. Harriet Thrush, '40, Detroit, M ich.; ton U niversity this year. Lincoln, '30, Westerville, and Bev:s Second, Nancy Lght, '39, Dayton. Dorothy J . Hummell, Cleveland; Hill, '37, Clarksburg, W. Va. The Greek Prizes: Dr. Lawrence Keis­ Lola D . Jennings, Condit; Sara K. At the June Commencement exer­ couple will attend Bonebrake Semi­ ter Foundation, Classical Greek, Keiser, Westerville; B. Lorena Kun­ c:ses of Ohio State Univers:ty, Mer- nary in Dayton in the fall. dert, Dayton; Ronald E . Lane, ~ifid­ First, Evelyn L. Kintner, '40, Clyde; 1·:ss Cornell, '33, received the degree Second, Jean Sowers, '40, Bellville; dletown; George L. Loucks, Canal d m aster of arts in social administra­ The wedding of Dorothy PhilJ:ps, Third, Clar <:n ce H . Connor, '40, Winchester; Harry C. Lunsford, Jr., tion, and Jay B. Mitchelson, '36, mas­ '29, Portsmouth, and Mr. Hydron, Rockhi:t Furnace, Pa.; New Testa­ Monterey, Va.; Marjorie L. McEn­ ter of science. Los Angeles, CaEf., took place June ment Greek, Equal Awards, Con­ tire, magna cum laude, Buffalo, N . Y.; 25. Mr. and Mrs. Hydron will Eve R. F red McLaughlin, Lancaster; stance L. Thompson, '38, J ackson; Verda Evans, '28, is the d:rector of in Los Angeles. Donald R. Martin, Westerville; Mary and Arthu~ L. Duhl, '39, \i\T ells ton. the Interdenominational summer M. M-oomaw, Sugarcreek; Ruth A. Prizes m Speech: Dr. Howard H . youth camp at Ind:anola, near Lan- 1:Mrs. Margaret Carroll, '32, and Morrison, Pomeroy; Katherine G. Russe'.! Pr:z;; s, Declamat:on Con caster, Ohio, this summer. Dean Conklin, '31, both of Wester­ test, F:rst award, Meredith Rosen­ Newton, cum laude, Charleston, ville were married on June 16 and W. Va. steel, '39, Ambr.dge, Pa.; Second, Carol Beachler, '37, has been will live in the Wlesterville vicinity. Doris Ann Brinkman '39, vVestervill~; awarded an assistantship in F r ench Kathleen Norris, Westerv·ille; Cor­ Third, Don Patterson, '40, Spring­ schools for next year. After a two Dorothy Grabill, '35, Westerville, nelius H. O'Brien, Greenville; Cath­ field; Fourth, Ralph Ernsberger, '39, months' tour with her mother, Mrs. and J. Edwin McNeer, Jackson, have. erine F . Parcher, Marion; Robert E. Westerville. Oratorical Contest, Be:ichler, through· - England, France, announced their marriage and will Perry, Akron; O·dile' M. Peugeot, First, Gerald Riley, '38, Middletown; Holland, - Belgium, Germany, Switzer­ live in Jackson where Mrs. McNeer Mowrystown; Marjorie B. P hillips, Second, Louise Bowser, '37, Wester­ land, and Italy, Miss Beachler will h2s taught music -in the high school cum laude, Marengo; Margaret E. ville; Third, Robert Tinnerman, '38, remain in France for a year to study for the past two years. Roush, Parkersburg, W. Va.; Jerr-old Dayton; Fourth, Denton E lliott, '37, and assist in the English departments B. Rudner, Barberton; Dorothy M. Canal \i\Tinches ter. of the French schools.
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