The Roosevelt Borough V olume 28 Number 5 March 2004 BOROUGH COUNCIL NEWS Council Raises Certificate of Occupancy Fee; Zoning Amendments Introduced By Michael Ticktin At its February meeting, the Borough Council adopted an Development (PCD) designation from the former ordinance raising from $30.00 to $75.00 the fee for the Notterman tract between North Valley Road and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. A municipal certifi- cemetery, which is now owned by the New Jersey cate of occupancy, which is not to be confused with a Department of Environmental Protection, and transferring certificate of occupancy issued by the Construction Official the portion of the Light Industrial zoning district that when construction or alteration work is completed, is is located north of Oscar Drive to the Residential- required to be obtained by the seller or lessor of any house Agricultural district. The rezoning of the former or apartment that is sold or rented to a new occupant. It Notterman tract reflects the fact that the land is now is a certification by the housing inspector, currently Ed permanently preserved. And planning projections, notably Goetzmann, that the house or apartment is maintained in those by the the Monmouth County Planning Board, accordance with all applicable ordinances. Any seller or should not hold open any possibility of planned develop- lessor who allows a house or apartment to be occupied ment there. The rezoning of the land north of Oscar Drive without first obtaining a certificate of occupancy is subject reflects the intention of the Council that the entire block to a fine, unless the buyer, in the case of a sale, has agreed be retained as agricultural, as well as the fact that the land to accept responsibility for completing the repairs and is too wet for any industrial development. On the night obtaining the certificate. following the Council meeting, the Planning Board, which The Council also introduced, and passed on first had originated the proposal, reviewed the proposed ordi- reading, an ordinance removing the Planned Community Continued on Page 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Mayor 3 PTA News 12 From the Office of CSA, Dale Weinbach 4 Breaking Bread 15 Roosevelt Environmental Commission 5 W eather Almanac 16 Neighborhood Notes 5 Roosevelt Arts Project 17 T own Topics 6 Supporters and Contributors 18 Letters to the Editor 7 Business Sponsors 19 T wo Square Miles of Stories 9 Calendar 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Roosevelt Borough Bulletin is published monthly except August, September, and January by Roosevelt Borough Bulletin, Inc. Box 221, Roosevelt, NJ 08555 ROOSEVELT BLOOD DRIVE Roosevelt Borough Hall BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, March 11, 2004 Bob Clark, Susan Dermody, Hours: 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Michael Ticktin, Bess Tremper, Please call Liz Possiel for an appointment at 609-448-1485. Lillian Warren We need you! EDITOR Michael Ticktin MANAGING EDITOR Seniors: Notice that the Blood Pressure Checks starts at 12 noon instead Bess Tremper of at 12:30 p.m. from now on at the monthly meetings. TREASURER Lillian Warren Don’t forget about the Annual Winter Carnival at the school on Saturday, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. There will be something for everyone! Ann Baker Neil Marko Larisa Bondy Gladys Nadler David Brahinsky Wishka Radkiewicz Bob Clark Clare Sacharoff Linda DeNicola David Schwendeman Frances Duckett Michael Ticktin Remember to fill out and return the insert to help get the long awaited new Ginny Edwards Bess Tremper Roosevelt Phone Book finished. Ron Filepp Carol Watchler Michele Guye-Hillis Ginny Weber Ron Kostar Dale Weinbach BUSINESS Are you using our library at the school? It is open every Wednesday Lillian Warren evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. PRODUCTION Louise Baranowitz Gladys Nadler Ron Filepp Elinor Pedersen Lois Hunt Clare Sacharoff Cynthia Imbrie Bess Tremper PLEASE REMEMBER: Thoughtful neighbors pick up after their dogs. Florie & Herb Johnson Nancy Warnick Are you a thoughtful neighbor? Jane Kiersnowski Lillian Warren Diane Klein GRAPHIC DESIGN Karyn Grunwald ARTWORK Calendar Art & Breaking Bread by Shan Ellentuck Roosevelt Borough Bulletin,Inc. is a New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation 2 Bulletin • March 2004 FROM THE MAYOR By Neil Marko Greetings Roosevelt residents, regulations of the Postal Service. This eight weeks. Eric is planning a full friends and neighbors. This is my type of returned mail is preventable. slate of exciting activities. Now many first article for the Bulletin and I hope We all must make sure that when of the details are still being worked to be able to give you an overview we give out our address, it is written out, but you should all watch for about some of the goings on in the as an optional number and street, then future announcements about registra- Borough. Since January we have been post office box number and then city, tion and other details. I think quite busy over at the Borough Hall. state and zip. Summer Camp this year will be a won- Many things are happening. This arti- Another rumor floating around derful experience for our children. cle will focus on some of those items concerns our recent project installing In closing, I would like to remind and hopefully we can clear up some water meters. As most of you know, all of you that your Borough Council things for all of you. all residences and businesses that are and I would like to hear from you. We A short time ago, a letter was sent to getting water from the Borough now have meetings the first three Mondays residents about our PO Boxes. This have new water meters. This was not of each month. The first Monday is letter was somewhat scary since it something that we wanted to do. The a committee meeting at 7 p.m. fol- implied that any mail that was not State of New Jersey has forced us into lowed by an Agenda meeting at 8. The exactly addressed would not be deliv- installing them, and also to read them next Monday is our Action meeting ered. At Council meetings, we heard and use them as the basis for billing. at 7 p.m.. The third Monday is anoth- from a resident who runs a home- It does make some sense, since the er committee meeting at 7 p.m.. You based business complain that his State is interested in encouraging as are all welcome and encouraged to clients were wondering if they were much water conservation as possible. come to all. If you can’t make a meet- still around since mail from their Some residents, however, have shown ing, perhaps you want to email us. clients was returned with a bad concern that their water bill would My email is mayor@borough. address! To get to the bottom of this, be going up due to the meter. While or you can reach I spoke to our Postmaster - Ms. eventually some users will pay more, the Council by emailing council@ Lorraine Hirtelen - and got the correct that should only be those who use If you want, information. The Postal Service excessive amounts of water. We expect you can call me at the Borough Hall throughout the country is attempting that most will probably not see any (448-0539) and press 1. to increase its level of automation. appreciable change in the bills, and Tidbit of information: Ever forget At some of the big mail sorting facili- some may well see a reduction. when recycling is going to happen? ties around the country, the Postal Last, I would like to bring up the Or if the Building Inspector is going to Service actually has machinery that issue of our Summer Camp, which be in on a particular date? Well the reads the address on letters. That is run by our Recreation Director, Borough Hall phone has a frequently machinery expects to see a Post Office Mr. Eric Schubiger. This year we have updated schedule of events that you Box number on mail that is going to successfully negotiated with the Pine can check 24x7. Just call the Borough Roosevelt. Mail that does not have a Valley Swim Club to use their facilities Hall and press 7. And if you have an box number on it often will be for our Summer Camp. The twice item to add to it, call the Borough Hall returned. Once it arrives at our Post weekly swimming will be part of a and let us know. ■ Office, the staff will do their best to new program that will run daily from make sure it gets delivered but they 9 a.m. till 3 p.m.. In addition, we plan must work within the rules and on a Summer Camp that will be a full March 2004 • Bulletin 3 SCHOOL NEWS RCNS From the Office March of the CSA, Newsletter Dr. Dale Weinbach By Ginny Weber On February 11 we celebrated our Mrs. Marko; special education teacher, Spring is just around the corner when 100 days of school! This annual event Mrs. Goldfond; and technology coor- March arrives, and this year we will is organized by our kindergarten and dinator, Mr. Grayson, have all be especially happy to welcome first grade teachers, Ms Cvecich and contributed to make this a wonderful spring! We are really looking forward Ms Brindle. All of the students in the learning experience for everyone to warmer weather. Our class will school have an opportunity to partici- involved. In addition, our project was learn about changeable March pate in the activities that are run by the just recognized by the New Jersey weather and the meaning of the students of grades kindergarten and Association of School Administrators, expression, “In like a lion and out like first grade.
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