PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 7 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 7. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ctr9 Rtf1 Paf1 Cdc73 Leo1 Wdr61 Pex2 Ctr9 Rtf1 Paf1 Cdc73 CEM 1 (15 datasets) Leo1 Wdr61 Pex2 Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted585.SelectedDatasets:15.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]Cdc73/Paf1complex",Page1 Hsp90aa1 Trappc11 Fam221a Ccdc115 Pak1ip1 Slc30a6 Ctnnbl1 Cbfa2t2 Fbxo45 Zmym1 Morc2a Mettl14 Trmt13 Ppm1d Lemd3 Gtf3c4 Ythdf2 Wdr70 Wdr61 Adck5 Senp5 Cd320 Klhl12 Ddx42 Cdc73 Zc3h8 Tex30 Jade3 Aggf1 Abcf1 Taf1b Taf1a Prpf3 Actr6 Diexf Coa7 Phax Sde2 Tefm Pex2 Ints2 Leo1 Mtif2 Drg1 Clp1 Clpx Paf1 Taf7 Ctr9 Rtf1 0.0 1.0 GSE13692 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE26299 [108] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE11222 [42] GSE9247 [15] GSE11220 [44] GSE16679 [8] GSE17886 [16] GSE13235 [9] GSE3296 [16] GSE39458 [6] GSE21033 [12] GSE13753 [10] GSE51483 [45] GSE48790 [8] GSE35825 [9] GSE33308 [10] GSE13707 [20] GSE20696 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE20954 [14] GSE42601 [6] GSE13874 [14] GSE16266 [6] GSE26668 [6] GSE40296 [6] GSE21379 [10] GSE52220 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE14012 [24] GSE48204 [6] GSE24061 [88] GSE18308 [6] GSE4288 [36] GSE36513 [8] GSE12748 [7] GSE10989 [6] GSE17794 [44] GSE39770 [10] GSE30176 [12] GSE2527 [6] GSE54490 [12] GSE38031 [8] GSE55809 [8] GSE54207 [9] GSE8488 [15] GSE39082 [6] GSE15767 [6] GSE31792 [18] GSE21041 [6] GSE46443 [12] GSE7342 [12] GSE5976 [12] GSE26745 [24] GSE27708 [9] GSE17266 [59] GSE54349 [6] GSE7141 [6] GSE6903 [6] GSE19286 [6] GSE19204 [6] GSE26568 [6] GSE11148 [6] GSE31598 [12] GSE35543 [6] GSE13408 [14] GSE4308 [16] GSE21299 [12] GSE14243 [6] GSE34324 [12] GSE22527 [6] GSE15069 [15] GSE31313 [22] GSE14478 [7] GSE28830 [9] GSE10273 [9] GSE18993 [13] GSE24289 [6] GSE40685 [11] GSE42688 [8] GSE7069 [8] GSE11201 [18] GSE52101 [17] GSE35366 [78] GSE51108 [6] GSE40286 [10] GSE17817 [6] GSE38257 [14] GSE18660 [10] GSE32265 [6] GSE26023 [6] GSE32093 [6] GSE40284 [6] GSE8039 [32] GSE5497 [6] GSE38001 [12] GSE50865 [12] GSE11679 [25] GSE38335 [9] GSE15173 [6] GSE20372 [6] GSE8715 [6] GSE13805 [7] GSE30684 [6] GSE22381 [12] GSE5232 [6] GSE6837 [8] GSE45143 [6] GSE39034 [9] GSE53916 [6] GSE37676 [6] GSE53946 [6] GSE17553 [16] GSE27092 [6] GSE30192 [6] GSE14753 [6] GSE32598 [11] GSE32963 [6] GSE9044 [6] GSE21018 [6] GSE15541 [12] GSE13635 [6] GSE37431 [6] GSE6933 [15] GSE8091 [16] GSE9316 [12] GSE6813 [12] GSE7676 [10] GSE56345 [9] GSE11677 [8] GSE38304 [8] GSE4189 [14] GSE49237 [8] GSE9441 [36] GSE13547 [12] GSE22824 [24] GSE21054 [8] GSE36665 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE20325 [6] GSE7863 [16] GSE44025 [6] GSE19979 [6] GSE7683 [12] GSE14415 [31] GSE6210 [12] GSE36530 [6] GSE47719 [6] GSE13873 [27] GSE7705 [10] GSE6116 [70] GSE12499 [10] GSE35785 [10] GSE18135 [18] CEM+ CEM GSE48932 [12] GSE34618 [7] GSE4041 [6] GSE27114 [6] GSE13224 [6] GSE46723 [6] 0.0 GSE42238 [9] GSE32102 [49] GSE22371 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE10556 [6] GSE21716 [28] GSE19073 [6] GSE6867 [6] GSE51608 [6] GSE8156 [6] 0.2 GSE53299 [6] GSE10071 [10] GSE46869 [6] GSE53077 [8] GSE25768 [6] GSE39897 [36] GSE43197 [27] GSE23002 [8] GSE43419 [20] 0.4 GSE11149 [8] GSE21996 [14] GSE39375 [10] GSE2557 [6] GSE52075 [9] GSE55607 [18] GSE3463 [12] GSE11973 [6] GSE54581 [21] 0.6 GSE43145 [12] GSE33156 [18] GSE35219 [6] GSE12986 [10] GSE13259 [10] GSE4718 [6] GSE31972 [6] GSE21944 [6] GSE23908 [31] 0.8 GSE33942 [12] GSE27972 [6] GSE23600 [10] GSE36437 [6] Score 5.70 5.79 5.81 5.94 5.98 5.98 6.02 6.09 6.15 6.20 6.26 6.35 6.46 6.51 6.53 6.65 6.77 6.84 6.92 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.01 7.07 7.17 7.18 7.38 7.45 7.53 7.82 7.83 7.94 8.01 8.12 8.13 8.23 8.27 8.46 8.50 8.54 9.02 9.04 9.72 1.0 Notes 1110038F14Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted585.SelectedDatasets:15.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]Cdc73/Paf1complex",Page2 Smarcad1 Rnaseh1 Ankrd17 Ppp2r5e Smndc1 Smchd1 Sec24a Dnttip2 Htatsf1 Alkbh8 Rbm12 Trim44 Zfp408 Zfp566 Zfp868 Zfp568 Zfp869 Slc5a6 Tma16 Prpf4b Prdm2 Gtf2e1 Med19 Knop1 Sbno1 Ddx27 Ddx10 Ddx46 Ylpm1 Cep63 Tfb2m Tex10 Dyrk2 Bms1 Snip1 Riok2 Smc3 Fbxl6 Vwa9 Plrg1 Crls1 Noa1 Urb2 Sirt1 Taf2 Gtl3 Tfrc Zfx Ik 0.0 1.0 GSE13692 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE26299 [108] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE11222 [42] GSE9247 [15] GSE11220 [44] GSE16679 [8] GSE17886 [16] GSE13235 [9] GSE3296 [16] GSE39458 [6] GSE21033 [12] GSE13753 [10] GSE51483 [45] GSE48790 [8] GSE35825 [9] GSE33308 [10] GSE13707 [20] GSE20696 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE20954 [14] GSE42601 [6] GSE13874 [14] GSE16266 [6] GSE26668 [6] GSE40296 [6] GSE21379 [10] GSE52220 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE14012 [24] GSE48204 [6] GSE24061 [88] GSE18308 [6] GSE4288 [36] GSE36513 [8] GSE12748 [7] GSE10989 [6] GSE17794 [44] GSE39770 [10] GSE30176 [12] GSE2527 [6] GSE54490 [12] GSE38031 [8] GSE55809 [8] GSE54207 [9] GSE8488 [15] GSE39082 [6] GSE15767 [6] GSE31792 [18] GSE21041 [6] GSE46443 [12] GSE7342 [12] GSE5976 [12] GSE26745 [24] GSE27708 [9] GSE17266 [59] GSE54349 [6] GSE7141 [6] GSE6903 [6] GSE19286 [6] GSE19204 [6] GSE26568 [6] GSE11148 [6] GSE31598 [12] GSE35543 [6] GSE13408 [14] GSE4308 [16] GSE21299 [12] GSE14243 [6] GSE34324 [12] GSE22527 [6] GSE15069 [15] GSE31313 [22] GSE14478 [7] GSE28830 [9] GSE10273 [9] GSE18993 [13] GSE24289 [6] GSE40685 [11] GSE42688 [8] GSE7069 [8] GSE11201 [18] GSE52101 [17] GSE35366 [78] GSE51108 [6] GSE40286 [10] GSE17817 [6] GSE38257 [14] GSE18660 [10] GSE32265 [6] GSE26023 [6] GSE32093 [6] GSE40284 [6] GSE8039 [32] GSE5497 [6] GSE38001 [12] GSE50865 [12] GSE11679 [25] GSE38335 [9] GSE15173 [6] GSE20372 [6] GSE8715 [6] GSE13805 [7] GSE30684 [6] GSE22381 [12] GSE5232 [6] GSE6837 [8] GSE45143 [6] GSE39034 [9] GSE53916 [6] GSE37676 [6] GSE53946 [6] GSE17553 [16] GSE27092 [6] GSE30192 [6] GSE14753 [6] GSE32598 [11] GSE32963 [6] GSE9044 [6] GSE21018 [6] GSE15541 [12] GSE13635 [6] GSE37431 [6] GSE6933 [15] GSE8091 [16] GSE9316 [12] GSE6813 [12] GSE7676 [10] GSE56345 [9] GSE11677 [8] GSE38304 [8] GSE4189 [14] GSE49237 [8] GSE9441 [36] GSE13547 [12] GSE22824 [24] GSE21054 [8] GSE36665 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE20325 [6] GSE7863 [16] GSE44025 [6] GSE19979 [6] GSE7683 [12] GSE14415 [31] GSE6210 [12] GSE36530 [6] GSE47719 [6] GSE13873 [27] GSE7705 [10] GSE6116 [70] GSE12499 [10] GSE35785 [10] GSE18135 [18] CEM+ CEM GSE48932 [12] GSE34618 [7] GSE4041 [6] GSE27114 [6] GSE13224 [6] GSE46723 [6] 0.0 GSE42238 [9] GSE32102 [49] GSE22371 [6] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE10556 [6] GSE21716 [28] GSE19073 [6] GSE6867 [6] GSE51608 [6] GSE8156 [6] 0.2 GSE53299 [6] GSE10071 [10] GSE46869 [6] GSE53077 [8] GSE25768 [6] GSE39897 [36] GSE43197 [27] GSE23002 [8] GSE43419 [20] 0.4 GSE11149 [8] GSE21996 [14] GSE39375 [10] GSE2557 [6] GSE52075 [9] GSE55607 [18] GSE3463 [12] GSE11973 [6] GSE54581 [21] 0.6 GSE43145 [12] GSE33156 [18] GSE35219 [6] GSE12986 [10] GSE13259 [10] GSE4718 [6] GSE31972 [6] GSE21944 [6] GSE23908 [31] 0.8 GSE33942 [12] GSE27972 [6] GSE23600 [10] GSE36437 [6] Score 4.39 4.43 4.44 4.46 4.49 4.52 4.54 4.56 4.58 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 4.67 4.67 4.70 4.71 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.73 4.83 4.84 4.84 4.91 4.93 4.99 4.99 5.00 5.00 5.04 5.07 5.09 5.11 5.14 5.16 5.19 5.20 5.22 5.22 5.25 5.27 5.28 5.35 5.47 5.50 5.61 5.64 5.64 5.68 1.0 Notes 2410018M08Rik D15Ertd621e Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:7.Predicted585.SelectedDatasets:15.Strength:0.0 CEM 1,Geneset"[G]Cdc73/Paf1complex",Page3 Tomm70a Cdkn2aip Thumpd1 Dcun1d2 Zdhhc16 Zcchc11 Fastkd5 Slc19a2 Slc16a1 Ndufaf1 Map4k5 Cenpc1 Snapc1 Mrps22 Osgin2 Cnot11 Spata5 Zfp451 Zfp639 Cwc27 Polrmt Wdr73 Nop14 Eif2b3 Haus1 Ddx47 Chtop Cnot7 Hars2 Trmt6 Trmt5 Nif3l1 Mrpl2 Taf11 Rnmt Bdp1 Coq5 Pogz Drg2 Ofd1 Rnf8 Aptx Iws1 Pigg Elp5 Nifk Aqr Ivd 0.0 1.0 GSE13692 [8] GSE30160 [6] GSE26299 [108] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE11222 [42] GSE9247 [15] GSE11220 [44] GSE16679 [8] GSE17886 [16] GSE13235 [9] GSE3296 [16] GSE39458 [6] GSE21033 [12] GSE13753 [10] GSE51483 [45] GSE48790 [8] GSE35825 [9] GSE33308 [10] GSE13707 [20] GSE20696 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE20954 [14] GSE42601 [6] GSE13874 [14] GSE16266 [6] GSE26668 [6] GSE40296 [6] GSE21379 [10] GSE52220 [6] GSE38831 [7] GSE14012 [24] GSE48204 [6] GSE24061 [88] GSE18308 [6] GSE4288 [36] GSE36513 [8] GSE12748 [7] GSE10989 [6] GSE17794 [44] GSE39770 [10] GSE30176 [12] GSE2527 [6] GSE54490 [12]
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