pr'l-: ■t', \ w i'. R .\ > V -5 , FAQE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, APRIIi 16, 1954 'X manrlr^Btpr lEit^nlng l|Wal& Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather' For the Week Bmled The Savings Bank of Manches­ April IS, 1S54 / roreenst of U. S. Weather Baraan About Town ter yesterday mailed out tax club checks totaling 9120,559 to mem- i aearlB g tenight, fair after Brig- beia of the 1953 tax club. The 11,165 alght. 'Semewhst eealer fealght. Th« Or«c« Group of the center m^ney will be used by taxpayers Member of the Audit Snnday fair, eeeeeaahly eeol. Church. Mre. Newell Smith leader, to pay property taxes on the 1953 Bnrenn mt Clreatattons v1ll hold a eervlce meetin; Mon- list. Manchester— A City Qf Villafte Charm ^ d ty a t 9 P. m. in the church. The wlU roll bandasea for the Students from American Inter­ _ ah national College, Springfield, VOL. LXXIII, NO. 174 (Clasalfled Advertising on Page 12) PRICE nVE GENTS B Maas., now enjoying the Easter MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1954 (FOURTEEN PAGES) The April meeting of the Church vacation, at home are; Roger Pres­ Family Night aupper of the South ton, son of Mrs. Harold L. Preston, / Methodiat Church will not take 31 Lilley St., and Sherwood A. i j s. place this month, due to a conflict Treadwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. y o i L 3 >Jw nL Nothing (Quite) as Cuddly as an Easter Bunny in Bchedulea. However, it will be Cecil H. Treadwell, 411 ,Center St. Egg Hunt Delayed held at the uaual time in May, the «y «*v. Anlliony E. W ^ace of the Con­ third Wednesday of the mcmth, - “A- . - Until Tomorrow •/T May 19. necticut Light a ^ ,Power Co., will talk on development work in gen­ U. SrForces / The lAicy Spencer Group of the eral . and sM^fically about the The children’s egg hunt, Second Congregational Church is Oonnecticut/pevelopnient Corp. at planning to hold a rummage sale the m eeti^.of the Kiwanis Club scheduled for this morning, a t the church on Wednesday, April Monday n^n at 12:15 at the Man­ was postponed berituse of rain X 21, starring at 9 am . Members chester,^untry. CTub. to .1 p . m. tomorrow after­ ''of the committee will be at the noon, weather permitting, church Tuesday night to receive Mis . Allan Bourn, 129 Parker articles. Anyone having donations St„< is one of 32 delegsies from 28 ( James Herdic, superintendent to be picked up may contact Mrs. local Lieague of Women Voters of recreation, announced to­ Ralph Rockwell. groups in Connecticut who will at­ day. tend the national convention of The Mary Cheney. Whiten ,ahd the League of Women Voters of Children between the age West Side. Branch Libraries, are the United States in Denver, l>f 8 through first graders closed all day today in obselri’ance Colorado. April 20 to 30. All local will assemble at 3 p. m. at the A-Scientist Cut X-Ray Film, Water (Ailor Used to Create Easter Scene of the Good Friday holiday. / league delegates will attend an in­ Valley St. playground, Robert Off-Re cord struction session Tuesday at the Wellea-Tumer Memorial Library, Alley, who heads (he Junior Glastonbury. Chamber of Commerce por­ \ ' » tion of the affair, has asked Seen Loyal Views Aired Taylor U Booth, 1009 Main St., all Jaycees who can assist to has been initiated into the chapter PAINT of Tau Beta Pi, national engineer­ assemble at the Lincoln ing honor society, at the Univer­ School playground at 2:30 By Ike Aide After Leak sity of Connecticut.. COSTUME p. m. SPECIAL! Washingtoh, April 17 {JP)— Washington, April VI {JP)— A high-level member of the Vice President Nijton say* Easter Services - n',i>i siviiiijE American troops Blight be Gal. JEWELRY Eisenhower administration says he feels that atomic used in a last-ditch effort to At Zion Church save Indochint. The state­ .a All Colors scientist J. Robert Oppen- • Interior and Rxtorior FOR SPRING AND New S ta r heinler is a “loyal American,” ment brought prompt chal­ GARDEN SAUES Rev. Paul G. Prokopy of Zipn even though “the information lenges front both Republican 912 Oakland SL—MI-9-94M Lutheran Church announces an SUMMER WEAR in his file is voluminous and and Deniocratic lawmakers. Esister service for thoee who have Now Rising Tha Vice Pceaident said ha does found a new home in this free ) makes a . case of security not believe such action will be nec- country. This service will be at 8 risk.” caaary because he thinks^ Indochina o'clock Easter Sunday. Necklaces, earring^ bracsleta and This official gave his opinion to can be saved from the CbmmunlaU pins. New all white or pastel col- In Russia newsmen, but stipulated that hia by other means. But In the unlikSK Ihe 9 a.m. session of the church ors. Also simulated pearls in natu­ school will be omitted and an eve­ name not be disclosed. He has had ly event that French forces with­ ral or pink shades and sparkling contact with the Oppenhelmer case ning service for the school and Fins quality faille handbags In top handle, pouch or boxlq By THpM.\S P. WHltNEY draw, he said, this country would. rhinestone for that special evening. since 1948 when the pioneer physi­ congregation will be held a t 7:30, ■tyles. Alao genuine leather handbags and new Styles In New York, April 17 (fP)— haVe to send in troops. beadettf or fioral trim straw baskets. cist'—credited with a leading role Nixon expressed his viewa in aa with colored pictures, songs from Russia’s highest public honors i 1^1 development of the atomic bomb off-the-record address to the Amer­ the screen and awards for perfect and a rousing burst of praise i —was questioned by a congres­ ican Society on Newspaper Editors. attendance. The Silver Lane Sun­ in the Moscow press marked sional. committee. He later permitted newsmen to re-, day school bus will leave Brainard port hia remarks on condition they Place about 6 p.m., as all boys and ) the 60th birthday today of Oppenhelmer has been barred on to $ 5 . 9 8 Pratt a Whitney Photo President Elsenhower'a' orders not be attributed dlrecUy to him. girla should be present In good $ 7 - 9 8 Soviet Communist party chief Slaking friends with the Easter Bunny la Dttris UeUarli, 4-year- News atories reporting his re­ time. Parents may board the bus to from further access to U. S. atomic Nikita Sergeyevicji Khrush­ old daughter of Anthony DeC'arii, maehine repairman at Pratt .t seci-et.y pending a review of hia marks first identified him aa high Given On C.O.D. Deliveries with the children, y Plus TAX chev—the rising star in the Whitney Aircraft. East Hartford. DeOarli has more than 300 rab­ case. A special three-man Atomic administration official. The 10 a.m. service Easter Sun­ bits at his Rockville home. He sells many of them for pets, espe­ Energy Commission (AEC) panel Ideatlfted hi London day will be In the English lan­ Kremlin galaxy. Khruzhehev, white-thatrhed and i cially around Eaater. Mrs. DeCarll also works, at the Aircraft on has been sitting in the case. But he was connected wdth tha guage. The subject is “He Lives blunt-talking, ia the man to watch, j the third shift. A “blank wall" was ordered, statements from several sources. and I Shall Conquer Death.” His fortunea have risen steadily,! placed between Oppenhelmer and | The London Tim es included in ita Tonight at 7:10 a preparatory asperially aince the death of Stalin; government atomic data last De-1 story a statement that the only confessional service will precede a year ago. Hia worda are Carrying high administration source making cember aftei- the AEC said it had a speech here yesterday was Nixon. RANGE & FUEL OIL the final service in the Lenten increaaing weight tn the high Soviet received information that he was series. The junior choir will sing And the Niles I Mich.) DaUy Star councilB. I More Firings Seen a security risk. The scientist de­ and Miss Gerda Hoffman, a stu­ Rnthuslasttn Applause j said Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich), ex­ nied this and asked for a hearing. pressing oppoalUon to the state­ dent at Connecticut University, Moscow dispatches reported the t The administration official said will be vocalist. Pastor Prokopy NEW SPRING SHAd I's ment, had identified Nixon as its press accolSdea for Khrushchev i it la up to the panel, headed by | source. The BOLAND OIL CO. will apeak on the theme, “He Died were particularly enthuaiastic. I In Housing Scandal former Secretary of the Army j on Calvary as My Surety and For Nixon himself w ^ not immedi­ IN COLORFUL PRINT ) Soviet big-wiga always get special Gordon Gray, to decide whether ately available for comment on tha My Temporal and Eternal Delivery attention on their decade birthdays ! Oppenhelmer is a security risk. TEL Mltchdl 3-E320 and Security.’’ •'leaks.” , 90th, 60lh, 70th. Similar praise | Wa.shington, April 17 (/P)- -Housing Administrator Albert ; The official said he is -sure Dr. Tha- disclosure that Nixon was BURMEL ) greetedKSriKV" the 50th birthday of “ ' M. «rin.inal proMculi„„, ma.v dndop put of • i thq administration source in quei^ tioit jen t .added weight to the ax- Sweet Spring in 1952 when his star was just be- full administrative cleanup of the scanda’-.shocked federal , presents "an exireWly difficult / Herald Photo. By cpniblning water colors and pircea of X-ray film cut to shape.
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