Anl.ntroduction to 'I1ree MIsses 0' Jasquin. ••• Roger Wagner '. Apostles Incl.Martyrs in 'aschll/Iime. • DomErminVitry,O.5.B. VOLUME .85, NO. 1 FEBRUARY,. 1958 Sixth Annual Liturgical Music Workshop "THE CHOIRMASTER'S WORKSHOP" BOYS TOWN, NEBRASKA AUGUST 17th THROUGH THE 30th Flor Peeters Dom Ermin Vitry Roger Wagner Louise Cuyler James Welch THREE HOURS CREDIT, Creighton University Apply: Music Depaytment~ Boys Town, NebrdJka CAECILIA Published four times a year, February, May, August and December. Second-Class Mail Privileges authorized at Omaha, Nebraska. Subscription price-$3.00 per year; $5.00 for two years. All articles for publication must be in the hands of the editor, P. O. Box 1012, Omaha 1, Nebraska, 30 days before month of publication. Business Manager: Norbert Letter Chatlge of address should be sent to the circulation manager: Paul Sing, P. O. Box 1012, Omaha 1, Nebraska Postmaster: Form 3579 to Caecilia, P. O. Box 1012, Omaha 1, Nebr. To the Oathedral Ohoir oj 88. Pete". antlPau', P'I'OtJidBncI, R.l TURBA CHORUSES -For Passion according to Saint Matthew (Second Sunday of the Passion) For TTB·Voices by C. Alexander Peloquin CHRONISTA CHANT ~=:iJ~.~!~.3j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~b~~)~~)~~'~)~5E~~~3iI - il- aU iii ~ rn No - v(ssime autem venerunt duo fal - si tes - tee et di - xi- runt~ ,f1 1 -==::::: , f .=- ::>- - - - I eJ , I Hie di- xit: Pos-sum de - stru- e -re tern-plum De - i, , et post fli f-=' =- ::>- - II - ~ , I I I I I Hic di - xit: Pos-sum de - stru-e - re tern-plum De - i, et post f--=== :::=- ' ~l - , ... ...... .. b.9. 1- III , 1\ , IJI I II I II I I J I I I 1 I I I 1'(' I d I. ORGAN f~e uctzOJ~ ..,.::::::- ~ ~ ~ - ~..;. , Iv. l - >- :: " I --= - tJ I I tri'- du-um re - ae - di - fi - ea - re il - - lud.___ ,. I -= > I l =- -tJ I , I I """--"" trl.. du- urn re - ae - di - fi - eel - re il ------- - lud.__ - >- - - = I I , I , I ~... - iii II I I II I ~ I I I I I I y I 1-""'1 l'v. - '-'---- - Approved by Diocesan Music Commission, Boston,Mass. March 21, 1957 @ Copyright MCMLVIII by McLaughlin et Reilly Co., Boston, Mass. International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. Supplement to Caecilia Vol. 85, No.1 i.' . J; I lID At illi respondentes di xi funt: I Ii I Jj ma'rcat0 ~--;"" =-......._- • <::- tJ Re - us est ffmor - - - - tis. - " I - -- tJ I Re - us est mor - - tis. .If ;:>...- - ,y. -.= , --- Ii I I I J-:"" --J. J-: -..J V If I I~\ 1/2'. -. i.' II lID A lii autem palmas in faciem ejue dederunt, di oen tee: ft • f-==== :> - =- '> :> > :> > :> :> :>..---.... tJ --' I Pro-phe - t( - za no - bis Chri -ste, quis est qui te per - cns - sit?_·_ Ii. f-====. :> , --=== :::::::- ,:> :> :> :> :> :>>: :> eJ Pro-phe - ti' - za ~o - bis Chri I_ ste, quis est qui te per - c~ - 'sit?~ f~~ ::: L_ -~ :::=--, ,:> :> :> :> :> ~~> j\ ,:> 1'1. I I I I I -, I I ~ ~ :> :> ==, >r_ I , tJ ,- I ,~ I I I I l f. =;. ~. L -=::::. =- :> :> :> :> . :> :> - jl ) ), Ji it Jj 181 J1 U' II Et post pu - sfl '- lum ac - cesserunt qui stabant, et dixe - runt Pe - tro: , :;:=- ,Ii I ""f - : :. - - , , I. IJ Ve--re, et tu ex il-lis es: nam et 10 - que -1a tu-a ma-nt - fe-stum te fa-bit. , I I " • mr - -== - - :?=-= tJ I I I I I Ve-re, et tu ~x ii-lis es: nam et 10 - que-la tu- a ma-ni - fe-sturn te fa-cit. ~ '»ff~ .... l- , L._ - - 1.- : , 1\ , "j I ". I I II I J I 'i I - - tJ I I I I II ~ '11ift:. .,.. • , 11.\ L- - - - - To tAtJ me,1/l01°Y oJ1ny uncle, tAe Re. Rev. Magr. JosepA van HulstJ MASS OF THE FAITHFUL In honor of Mary, Refuge of Sinners (Without Credo) For Unison Voices and Organ CAMIL VAN HULSE Op.l0l KYRIE Andante p ~ Ky - ri - e e - . cresco ~e ~I~.~iL-~~e ~ Ii o'-'~ ~ ~ e son.__ son._ Ky - ri - e e - Ie ---r : :::::=- e lo~~ - i son._ Chri-ste Diocesan Music Commission rcndlO,ce~;e of Boston, Mass. © Copyright MCMLVII by McLaughlin & Reilly Co., Boston,Mass. International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. Supplement to Caecilia Vol. 85, No.1 ~ I 1£ ..... - ~ ... tJ - ~ e -Ie - i - son.-__ Chri-ste e - Ie - i - son. ___ ~ ~ J-~..---....._ I ,j J 1...-.... ~- -&- -0 -'-rr ~-.,~~• ., V I I I I I I r-:'-F~ 'J mj' ,.----, :::=:r-1_'1 I I J I~I J I~Jf ~0-e--- --- ~o -- I I I~~I .,--------- I ~I ~ I .,' ~ .. i.....--r. -- ~ I - I f a tempo p son. __ Ky- ri- e e- a tempo C1'esc fJ 'I I ~ - ~ ~ '-"~.. I - Ie - i - son._ Ky- - ri - e e - Ie - i - son._ 1\ I I~ ...... :...4 ..... >.:. ". 1"'11 - v '-" ~r tJ -e- r-'f-rr - ~ '""it -d- -e- "6- k:f t~frftr"r ff C1'esc, ---..r _ I I 1101 ~ I I --= -= '0 OJ _ : '-' v· l I I I I I C-' I I I I ,-".. I J h v c:; --O---p..e- b-zt - c:;~ d'2m, p 1\ f I 'Y'%-, (':\. I. '1ft I' - c:; CJ' .. ---- "-JI t) --....-/ '-" Ky-ri - e e - 1E~ - i - so'n, e - Ie - i - son. ~. 'Yit, (':\. 1\ I --f!'T ~ 1 I I I .-I -:J 'I tJ '-" I I 1'-0- -8- - I dim, I ==- b~ ~~~ .ft. ~ Ih~ @=-=- p (':\. { hn ~ -l9-:#.........,. ,. ..... ~ r- r- -. -:J r- - ...... - ~ III '-'" I I .-/" I I I (':\. '-'" u '-~ I -r:)--t!J-C-' - p-e- -0- 111.& R.Co, 2143 Supplement to CAECILIA 1 FebruarYI 1958 1 Issue CAECILIA INDEX-VOLUME 84 Articles A Modus Vivendi-Editorial . ._. .- ... .. __ . _ 79 A Plea for Twelfth Night-Editorial . ._ ... ._." .__ ._ .. .. _ 281 Aftermath of Assisi-Dom Ermin Vitry~ O.S.B.._._. __ .. ._ 29 Caecilia-Editorial __ _ .. .. ._ .. ._._._. __ 5' Caecilia and the CaeciJian School-Editorial -. .__ . .. _ 6 Chant Editions-Francis Schmitt . ._._. _ 64 Graduale Romanum-H. Dessain, Mechlin, Belgium, 195 L. ._. __ . _ 65 Graduale Roman--L. Schwann~ Dusseldorf, Germany, 1953. _ 65 Kyriale Romanum-Frederick Pustet, Ratisbon, Germany, 195'3 . __ 65 Liber Brevior-Gregorian Institute, Toledo, Ohio, 195 . ._. ... .. __ 66 Liber Cantus-H. Dessain, Mechlin, Belgium, 1950 _ 66 Vesperale Romanum-H. Dessain, Mechlin, Belgium, 1942 _ 65 Citation-Most Reverend Gerald T. Bergan, D.D. .. .__ . ._. ._. ~ __ 296 Classical Polyphony in Catholic Worship-Francis Brunner, C.Ss.R. _ 285 Ecce Venit-Sr. Chrysostom, O.S.B. - . .. _ 292 Encyclical Musicae Sacrae Disciplina-Richard Schuler ------------.------ .... .._ 90 Flor Peeters, A Profile-Heinrich Lemacher - . ..__ . 174 God Bless the Women-Editorial -- . .. ._. ._. ----.-.-.-.-.--.----.-- 172 Gregorian Rhythm in the Gregorian Centuries--Dom Gregory Murray .__ .. __ . 177 International Congress of Organists-John Lade -------------.-- ...----------------------.--.----.-.-- 290 Introduction to the Gregorian Melodies-Peter Wagner . _ 99 Introduction to the Gregorian Melodies-Peter Wagner ._. .. ._ .. _. .__ 201 Introduction to the Gregorian Melodies-Peter Wagner ._ .. .__ . ... _ 298 Letters to the Editor-Dom Francis de Meus, a.S.B. _. ._. ._. .. _ 275 Little Litany for the Marian Year-C. C. Gould ---.--.-- ...------.-.--.---- ....-.---.---.- __ ... _._. 55 Liturgical Music and the Liturgical Movement-Editorial --- . _ 6 Materials for the Restored Holy \Veek Ceremonies-Richard Schuler __ ._ .. _.. .. __ . 48 Modern Music: Let's Face It!-Fidelis Smith, O.F.M. --- . .__ " _ 32 Music at Grailville-Eleanor Walker --.-.--.---- .-----_.------.----.. --.--.-.--- ...-----.-------------- 51 Musical Instruments in Church-Fidelis Smith, O.F.M. -. .. _ 237 Musicology and Tradition-Editorial ---.-----------------.-----------------------.--------.-.-----., _ 80 Of Note·-Francis Brunner, C.Ss.R. -------_. .__ . .. -.-------- _ 284 Pentecost, The Epiphany of Easter-Edward Malone, a.S.B. .. .__ 82 Plainsong Rhythm-Dom Gregory Murray, O.S.B. - . ,__ .__ .. ._. __ .__ ._ ... _ 10 Policies Without Politics-Editorial -----.. ---.----.-.----.--------------.----------.....---.----.- 5 Ranmblings of a Church Organist--Paul Koch ------------.-.------.--.----------.-------------------- 44 Shepherd's Hey and Alleluya-Sheila Kaye Smith ---_ .. .. __ . .. ._. .. 5'4 Sing the Chant-Editorial .. -.. ------- ... -..-.. --.-- .....-.--- ..---.-----.- .. --- ...-.-- .. --------.-- ..----------.-.--.- 167 The American Premiere of a Perosi Oratorio--Paul Koch -- .. __ . .__ 143 The Argumentive Side-Editorial --.---- - ---------- ... --.-----.---------.------.----..---.- .. ---- ... ----- 79 170 4t; ~~~~l !!~~ E4~~~~ial J.R~b~~~·C~~~~l1- ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ 86 81 i~~ ~~~~~i~~:}od~:cha~~i~:~~l~~' ~~~~: ::::~~:::::~ :~::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~::::::: :::::: 345 Under the Big Top-Editorial -.. - - --.- -- ----.- --.- -. 8 Vatican Music Collections on Microfilm at St. Louis University-Ernst C. Krohn__ 95 Vidimus 'Stellam-Dom Ermin Vitry, O.S.B. _... _. __ ._. __ . .... _. ._. .. .__ 282 Reviews BOOKS Catholic Church Music-Paul Hume __ .__ __ ... __ .. __ .. _.. _. .. __ .. _._ .. _Francis Schmitt 155' Cours Elementaire Et Pratique De Plain Chant Gregorien- Baldwin Von Poppel, O.C.R. ._. ._. __ ... ... Theodore Marier 68 Little Grammar of Gregorian Chant-Joseph Cogniat._._. ._._ ... Richard Schuler 15'4 Plainsong for Musicians-J. H. Desrocquettes, O.S.B.. ,,_Dom Gregory Murray 67 The Psalter in the Temple and the Church- Mane Piernik . ._._. .. .." Francis Brunner, C.Ss.R. 15'7 MASSES Bruder Meinrad Messe-Oswald Jaeggi _.. .__ .._...._._. .. Louis Pisciotta 149 Five Polyphonic Masses-Heinrich Isaac .... ._Winifred T. Flanagan 62 Mass for Two Equal or Mixed Voices~·Bartolommeo Cordans Frank S~ynskie 61 Mass in Ancient Style-Jean Langlais Theodore lvfarier 56 Mass No.3-Russell Woollen _ ------ James Welch 60 Messe "0 Quam G1oriosum Est Regunm"-Tomas Luis de Vittoria Louis Pisciotta 257 l\1esse Solennele-Jean Langlais ___ Louis Pisciotta 57 Missa de Martyribus-Henrich Isaac _ __ Winifred T. Flanagan 255 Missa Flos Carmeli-Bruce Prince,Joseph Theodore Marier 256 Missa Gratia-J. G. Scheel Francis Schmitt 59 Missa Hemma-Max Jobst _ __ Winifred T.
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