Document of The World Bankea FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 3869b-BR STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT BRAZIL Public Disclosure Authorized AMAZONAS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized May 10, 1982 Projects Department Latin America and the Caribbean Region Office Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit Brazilian Cruzeiro (Cr$) US$1.00 = Cr$114.26 (November 1, 1981)1/ Cr$1.00 = US$.00875 Cr$1 million = US$8,750 Average Exchange Rates: 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 14.138 18.317 27.581 52.699 94.750 GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL FISCAL YEAR January 1 to December 31 PROJECT'S FISCAL YEAR April 1 to March 31 WEIGHT AND MEASURES The metric system is used throughout the report. / At time of appraisal. Exchange rate as of April 30, 1982 was Cr$ 154.84 = US$1. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BASA Banco da Amazonia, S.A. (Bank of Amazonia) BB Banco do Brasil (Bank of Brazil) BEA Banco do Estado de Amazonas (Amazonas State Bank) BNCC Banco Nacional de Credito Cooperativo (National Cooperative Credit Bank) CEASA-AM Centrais de Abastecimento de Amazonas, S.A. (Central Marketing Organization for Amazonas) CEPA-AM Comissao Estadual de Planejamento Agricola de Amazonas (State Commission for Agricultural Planning) CFP Comissao de Financiamento da Producao (Federal Commission for Financing of Produce, Minimum Price Program) CIBRAZEM Companhia Brasileira de Armazenamento (Brazilian Storage Company) CNPSD Centro Nacional de Pesquisas da Seringueira e Dende (National Center for Rubber and Oil Palm Research, part of EMBRAPA) COBAL Companhia Brasileira de Alimentos (Brazilian Food Company) CODEAGRO Companhia de Desenvolvimento Agropecuario (State Agricultural Development Company) CODEAMA Centro de Desenvolvimento, Pesquisa e Tecnologia do Estado de Amazonas (State Center for Development, Research and Technology) COSAMA Companhia de Saneamento de Amazonas (State Water Supply Company) CPATU Centro de Pesquisas Agropecuarias do Tropico Humido (Research Center for Agriculture in the Humid Tropics, part of EMBRAPA) DER-AM Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem de Amazonas (State Highway Department) EMADE Empresa Amazonense de Dende (Amazonas Oil Palm Company) EMATER-AM Empresa de Assistencia Tecnica e Extensao Rural do Estado de Amazonas (State Rural Extension Company) EMBRAPA Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuarias (Brazilian Agency for Agricultural Research) ffb Fresh Fruit Bunch This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. - ii - GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (Continued) FUNEDE Fundo Estadual de Desenvolvimento Economico (State Fund for Economic Development) FIBGE Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estadistica (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) FSESP Fundacao de Servico Especial de Saude Publica (Foundation for Special Public Health Services) IBDF Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (Brazilian Institute for Forestry Development) INCRA Instituto Nacional de Colonizacao e Reforma Agraria (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform) INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (National Institute for Amazon Research) ITERAM Instituto de Terras do Estado de Amazonas (State Land Institute) ORTN Obrigacoes Reajustaveis de Tesouro Nacional (National Treasury Bond Price Index) PDRI-AM Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado (Amazonas Agricultural Development Project) PIASS Programa de Interiorizacao das Acoes de Saude e Saneamento (Program for the Extension of Health and Sanitation Activities) POLAMAZONIA Programa dos Polos Agrominerais, Agropecuarios, e Florestais da Amazonia (Special Program for Development of the Amazon Region) PROBOR Programa de Incentivo a Producao de Borracha Natural (Incentive Program for the Production of Natural Rubber) PRORURAL State of Amazonas Rural Development Program SEDUC Secretaria de Educacao do Estado de Amazonas (State Secretariat for Education and Culture) SEMA Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente do Ministerio do Interior (Special Secretariat for the Environment of the Ministry of the Interior) SEPLAN-AM Secretaria de Planejamento do Estado de Amazonas (State Secretariat of Planning) SEPROR Secretaria de Producao Rural do Estado de Amazonas (State Secretariat of Rural Production) - iii - GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (Continued) SESAU Secretaria de Saude do Estado de Amazonas (State Secretariat for Health) SETRAN Secretaria de Transportes do Estado de Amazonas (State Secretariat for Transport) SIMA Servico de Informacao Agricola (Agricultural Market Information Service) SNLCS Servico Nacional de Levantamento e de Conservacao de Solos (National Soil Conservation Service, part of EMBRAPA) SUCAM Superintendencia de Campanhas de Saude Publica (National Superintendency of Health Campaigns) SUDAM Superintendencia de Desenvolvimento da Amazonia (Superintendency for the Development of the Amazon) SUDHEVEA Superintendencia da Borracha (Superintendency for Rubber, part of the Ministry for Industry and Trade) SUFRAMA Superintendencia da Zona Franca de Manaus (Superintendency for the Free Zone of Manaus) TELEAMAZON Telecommunication Company of the State of Amazonas UEPAE-AM Unidade Estadual de Pesquisas Agropecuarias no Estado de Amazonas (Agricultural Research Unit in the State of Amazonas, part of EMBRAPA) - iv - BRAZIL AMAZONAS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Table of Contents Page No. I. THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR A. Agriculture in the Economy ........ ................... 1 B. Government Agricultural Policies ..................... 2 C. Bank Involvement in the Agricultural Sector .... ...... 3 II. THE STATE OF AMAZONAS AND THE PROJECT AREA A. The State . ...........................................3 B. The Project Area ........ .............................7 III. THE EXECUTING AGENCIES A. State Framework for Coordinating Rural Development Programs ............................... 11 B. Institutions Engaged in Rural Development in the Project Area ................................ 11 IV. THE PROJECT A. General Description ....... ...........................12 Origin and Status ....... ...........................12 Design . .............................................12 Application of Lessons from Other Projects .... ..... 13 Objectives and Target Group ..... ....................14 Brief Description ....... ...........................14 B. Detailed Description ....... ..........................15 Agricultural Support Services ..... .................15 Studies of Natural Resources ..... ................15 Land Tenure Regularization ....................... 16 Adaptive Agricultural Research ..... ..............17 Rural Extension ....... ...........................18 Improved Seed Supply ............................. 19 Marketing Services ............................... 19 Transport .......... ..............................20 Telecommunications ............................... 22 The report is based on findings of an appraisal mission which visited Brazil during October 20, 1981 to November 11, 1981. The mission comprised Messrs. E. Los, J.P. Delsalle, J. Cellier, P. Ram and Ms. B. Insel (Bank) and Messrs. E. Velez-Koppel, F. Yepes, A. Garaud and A. Apodaca (Consultants). v Table of Contents (Continued) Page No. Small Holder Oil Palm Program ....... 23 Social Services ........... ........................ 25 Education ........................................ 25 Health, Sanitation and Water Supply .... .........26 Community Development Fund ..... .................27 Project Management ......... .......................27 Parallel Activities ........ .......................28 V. PROJECT COSTS AND FINANCING A. Cost Estimates .......... .............................28 B. Financing . ...........................................30 C. Procurement ............ .............................. 30 D. Disbursement ........... .............................. 31 E. Accounts and Auditing ................................ 32 VI. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION A. Organization and Management .......................... 32 B. Project Coordinating Unit ............................ 32 C. Operating Agreements and Procedures .................. 33 D. Monitoring and Evaluation ............................ 34 VII. PRODUCTION, DEMAND, MARKETING AND PRICES A. Production . ...........................................36 B. Demand, Marketing and Prices ......................... 37 C. Marketing Channels ................................... 38 VIII. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Illustrative Farm Types ........................... 39 On-farm Operation ........................................39 Oil Palm Cultivation Program ...... .......................40 Producer Income ..........................................40 Fiscal Impact and Cost Recovery ..... ......................41 IX. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATIONS Economic Rate of Return ...... ............................41 Employment ...............................................43 Environmental Impact ....... ...............................44 Project Risks ............................................44 X. SUMMARY OF AGREEMENTS REACHED AND RECOMMENDATION ..... ... 47 APPENDIX: List of Working Papers and Key Documents in Project File 50 MAP: Project Area IBRD 16251 - vi - BRAZIL
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