Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-25-1932 Bee Gee News October 25, 1932 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 25, 1932" (1932). BG News (Student Newspaper). 182. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/182 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. lilBRARY 5TATE COLLEGE BOWLING OREEN. O. HAVE A ON YOUR GOOD TIME BEE GEE NEWS VACATION VOL. XVII. BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE, OCTOBER 25, 1932 No. 7. HERBERT HOOVER ELECTED IN B. G. STRAW VOTE BY LARGE MAJORITY FRESHMAN WEEK English College Life NOT SO BAD Described by B. G. Prof. THOMAS NEXT WITH ROOSEVELT IN REAR Bowling Green State extended her athle- MUSIC INSTRUCTOR HERE tic and collegiate arm of welcome to a new TELLS OF DIFFERENCES "Keep Him on the Job" is the decision group of students not long ago. The fresh- BETWEEN BRITISH of the straw vote last Thursday. President men came in early three hundred and six- COLLEGIANS Hoover received 219 votes. Five hundred ty strong, all eager to know what came AND US students and faculty members voted. next, and how things were to be done. Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate, As a mere freshie myself, I can thor- ran second with 132 votes. While the New oughly appreciate the plight of the other By Manette Marble York governor, the genial Franklin D. newcomers on their first day and week After a year as a student in a foreign Roosevelt, came in third with 121 votes. here. It all seemed so strange, and beauti- country I have become convinced of the Other candidates for president received: ful, with its many buildings and beautiful fact that student life is much the same the Gen. Jacob Coxey, Farmer-Laborite, two campus, which we as high school students, world over. Students have something of the votes; Hon. Wm. David Upshaw, Prohib- aren't accustomed to. The faculty are very same interests, the same ambitions, the same ition candidate, two votes; Reynolds, Soc- accomodating, as a whole, and seem to have problems. ial-Laborite, one vote. B special interest in we students that are However, in England I found some exter- The race for governor was very inter- taking our first big step in this mighty nal evidences of life different from the esting. David S. Ingalls, young Republican, world. forms of our own country. For instance, defeated the present incumbent, George The social affairs that were planned for the daily curriculum of the higher school White, Democrat, 242 votes to 188. With the new students are what other smaller in England, whether it be Oxford, Cam- Dr. A. S. Watkins, prohibition candidate re- colleges don't seek to have. The dances were bridge, London University or Royal Aca- ceiving nine votes. greatly enjoyed by most of us lower class- demy, is a point of difference. Lectures are A close check-up by the managers of the men. held during the morning beginning at the election reveals no fraudulent voting. Five Of course, there are always some bad conventional hour of ten o'clock. They may hundred votes were cast. Four ballots, de- and good, which we will find in colleges as continue until lunch time. spite their simplicity, were marked wrong- well as other places. I think the most ar- After lunch comes exercise. Every stu- ly and therefore thrown out. This is a good dently talked about subject that we freshies dent in England considers this one of the sign, only four of the five hundred thought have encountered is the fact that the up- important periods of the day. If the uni- we have more than one president of these perclassmen, as a whole, are too snobbish versity offers opportunities for organized United States. toward us new beginners. They seem to sport, this is the time for team practice. If Five hundred votes may have some sig- group too much. Sororities and Fraternities the student is so unfortunate as to attend nificance. It represents fifty per cent of seem to run the social calendar most of the a school in the crowded city, he at least the students, which is practically the same time, and thus many people are left out of walks for an hour or so in one of the city percentage that we usually find voting in many social affairs. If there was more parks. I learned that the British university real elections. school spirit and friendliness on the part man or woman was actually ashamed to be The election may also prove the influence of the upperclassmen toward the newcomer.s caught indoors during this time of day. of parents on the decisions of youth. North- there would be more freshies stick to their At four o'clock comes tea time. And the western Ohio is in normal times decidedly Alma Mater, instead of thinking of the by- two hours after tea from five to seven Republican. Hence, the Republican victory, gone high school days back home. I enjoy are the two busiest hours of the day. One may be due to this conservative back-home B. G. very much, except for this social- studies or arranges appointments with tu- influence. ability that I have just mentioned. I hope tors, or writes papers, or engages in pre- BGN that this failure will be overcome, for the parations for the next day's work. Six Major Debate Question o'clock is a favorite hour for academic (Continued on page 2, col. 1) appointments. Intensive work is stimulat- Changed to War Debts * BGN ed by the cup of tea! I am wondering how Music Fraternity Holds such a curriculum would work in Bowling Pi Kappa Delta powers decided recently Green. that they would change the debate question Annual Spirited Banquet from the consideration of compulsory ar- BGN bitration to cancellation of war debts. Phi Sigma Mu, the honorary music fra- Johnny Moore had failed to pass a very The teams under Professor Carmichael ternity, entertained the entire Music depart- important exam. Wishing to break the news have duly changed their courses, but both ment and faculty at a formal reception on gently to his parents, he sent the following questions will be studied for a time. the evening of October twelfth at the Wo- wire to his elder brother: "Have failed to The reason for changing the question is men's Club banquet hall. The affair is held pass. Prepare father." said to be the fact that the above mention- annually mainly for the purpose of foster- Brother's reply: "Father prepared. Pre- ed powers found out that the early ques- ing a better spirit in the department. pare yourself." tion was unconstitutional. For a time it The customary atmosphere was prevalent • BGN was thought that the question would be de- throughout the evening. During the course Air Lieutenant: How would you like to bated in spite of the fact. of the banquet the group participated in take a hop in my plane. BGN the singing of familiar songs. Steward: No, suh. Ah stays on terrah Self-confidence is the first requisite to (Continued on page 4, col. 1) firmah, and de more firmah, de les terrah. great undertakings.—Samuel Johnson. PAGE 6 BEE GEE NEWS" _iij_ has the inside track however. It's useless rary system so polluted with triviality, red- ■ my jolly good fellows-phfft-phfft .... Bob tape, and poor service that to get a book Slyker seems to find it hard to settle down exhausts a student both physically and men- to training, wonder what the trouble is tally. ' We notice'Vivian O'Hara hanging dfesper- (doesn't hurt to wonder does it?) , Helen • On'the* other hand- the faculty has given • Thomas can be seen Duranting around the ately on the arm of Owen Callen (must be up trying to get the new books they order streets of Booling Growls with her pash, for the use of their classes on the shelves, some case) . .. Wonder why the youngest of Eddie Loomis, the famous cartoonist . because of the habit here of laying them the McMahon girls is seldom seen with Pee "We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye" is lead- away in their celophane wrappers in some Wee Murray on Sunday night? Beware of ing all of the popular songs as the favorite room somewhere with the thought that per- out of town competition, boys and girls . with Falcon Followers—Some of the suc- haps their flavor will be mellowed or per- Who is the femme Allan Myers is seen so cess is probably due to the lads whose girls haps with the hope that their ideas will often with? . Wonder why 'Berta Rae is live in the dorms. This is their theme song hatch. From one to ten years is the time seen so often in Fredy's? Could it be due .... The backs on the Orange and Brown perscribed. to the fact of a new addition to the force squad might adapt Harpo Marx's method of To get around this some of the members in the popular hangout? . Any students eluding tacklers when carrying the ball by of the faculty are using a library system desiring to STUDY in the library, (oh yes, using banana peels .
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