Vol 61. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, November 29, 1911. No. 48 navy: I). W. Taylor, L. S. Adam- lO l T. G. Rupert.- and William McKnio and Kriginecring (’hid ('. I . Me Allistor. The Merrill Trust Company Lewis Nixon spoke on 11: e . * IT* et - the Panama canai would have on A Safe .Way Keep?* constantly on hand for its customers American commerce and said that anything in a treaty concerning t to bond investments in $100, $500 and $1,000 canal t hat conflicted wit h t lie ri j t To In v e st denominations paying from 4 to 5 1-4 per cent. of American vessels to pass through 8 the canal free should he a broga-t ed. o a l 8 If you can be satisfied that your principal will be safe “ My earnest conviction." said Mr. R V would you not like to increase your income by investing Nixon, "is that we must return in Idle Money in this class of securities ? Only the SA FE ST and MOST our carlv policy of discriminat inn securities are ever recommended by this Company. duties and tom ace taxes if we are to revive our merchant marine m Baking Powder the foreign trade, and I am sorr\ that I cannot see the advantages a.- Absolutely Pure D rop us a lincST ife?!* all you about bond investments conditions now (exist of the Panama canal other t ban as a war measure and as an altruistic enterprise in Makes Home Baking Easy Our Aroostook Representative, Mr. L. McGown, will be at the Snell House, which charity begins abroad." President Taylor asserted in his be pleased to Houlton, Maine, Nov. 27th to Dec. 3rd, 1911, where he will annual report that the building of With minimum trouble and cost bis­ answer any question regarding above investments............................ the American merchant marine should ho made a political issue- cuit, cake and pastry are made fresh, He said : clean and greatly superior to the ready­ io e "I still believe that some time tin- made, dry, found-in-the-shop variety, many views now held by those who won.Id advance the prospects of our and danger of alum food is avoided. New Canadian Town’s the present heavy freight traffic. tho year and on that ground refuses merchant marine will he modified W hile the boat will nof. go on next to pay. Another typo is that kind in such a way that finally there will F o re sigh t week. It will nevertheless, be put on who accept a newspaper f-u1 a num­ l)e concentration on one idea, so in the near future. ber of years and when finally cor­ supported by public opinion, that Saskatoon, 046 miles west of Win The company is at present operat­ nered ffor settlement swear they the desired result will he obtained. class of cit izens and fovv 1 of anot her. ntpeg, in the centre of a vast wheat ing the steamship M illinocket which never ordered the paper. And then We have all sorts of tilings project­ Population of Towns. region, has a population of 18,000 makes one round trip per week. there'H the man who allows the pa­ ed in the projected in tin- political “Tin* grange, 1 think, will believe gained in eight years. New build­ per to come to his address for sever­ that there is no occasion for the u n -! Last week she carried 80 carloads of arena of this country of late, hut The population of cities, towns in gs la st year cost $2,817,771. The al yearn without paying for it, and j ,|,„ question of h necessary out lay of money which a paper from the Great Northern islation in favor and villages have been made public Government has had a Boston land- special session will force. Nothing Paper Go’s mills at M illinocket, four then moves away without m>tify-j()f t>uil<iin^ iptln merchant, marine hv the census department at Otta­ SQftpe architect planning a system ing the editor, thus cheating the lat­ wits doiu* at the regular session j oars of canned corn, a carload of should enter largely into our poli­ wa. The population of the princi­ of parks and twenty miles of boule­ ter out of several year’s labor and a about redistricting tho State or j sardines and several cars of pota­ tics and he made a paramount is­ pal places in New Brunswick is : vards and noth banks of the river considerable outlay of hard-earned changing the election laws, and we toes. There are 10,000 tons of paper sue.” Woodstock —8, SHI will be reserved for park purposes. cash. And there is another class, can get along without new election at Cape Jellison now awaiting ship­ St. Andrews—887 Among other things in this land of who get two or three years behind laws until next year. Wo have m ent ancl the potato shipm ent are at, St. George—1,629 great endeavor is an automobile on subscription, then pay up the lived with these laws through many their height. The new steamer will Unwarranted Expense, St. Stephen—2,880 drive of ninety miles along the south­ price of one year, and a year later, (-lections. They were honestly con­ be continued u n til the present Milltown—1,804 ern shore. With a foresight that is when asked to settle up their ac­ says C. S. Stetson, ducted us they were this year, and freight rush is over. Hampton—oF>i unusual among boomers of pioneer count, insist that they paid up all such faults as appeared are not of Head of Grange. Sussex—l,9H>* oities, the people of Saskatoon re­ arrearages the year previous. And such a character that they can be Bath ti rst—980 served 274 acres for playgrounds Objectionable Classes. just so long as country publishers remedied by the passage of new "Governor Plainted seems to he Richihurto- til2 and pleasure places in the heart of continue to run their papers on the aws. looking for something to quibble (Miateam —1,062 the community, while the land was old-style credit-to-ever.vone-f or-an- .‘Both tin* reasons, other than tin* Writing in the National Printer over, to hide what looks like his real Newcastle— 2,945 unoccupied and cheap, instead of indeflnite-period plan, will these liquor question, which the Governor Journalist, O. Byron Copper, editor motive in proposing to call a. special Dalhousie—0 ,050 waiting until the future great city several despicable classes continue urges, are not sufficient, when taken of the De Soto (W is.) Argus, says : session of tin* Legislature,” said (’ ampbellfon — 8,816 bad arrived. to make a noise lrke trouble around together, to warrant, the expense “There are several types of mortals State Master G\ S. Stetson of Greene Si. J oh n—42,409 the front office. The only way to that tin* State would hi* put to if an whom we editors mutually despise. "J do not believe,” went on the Andover—280 eliminate them is by adopting the extra session of tin* Legislature is New York Boot. The first I might mention is repre­ master of the Stab* Grange, "that if Edmundston —1.821 ideal cash-in-ad vance-stop-at-t ime- called, and in view of tin* vote of sented by that subscriber, who, the proposition were put to the mem­ Grand Falls — 1.580 of-expiration system .” last SeptemlcT. there certainly is no to p u t when dunned fora year’s subscrip­ bers of ttie Legislature themselves, St. Leonards—278 The Bull Steamship Co. is The cash-in-advance system is the reason why all this .expense should tion, declares he received only two they would approve of tin* Gover­ Fredericton - 7.208 on a second steamer between Se&rs- only one, considered from a busi­ be incurred simply that a license or three copies of the paper during nor’s idea of calling them again into Marysville—1.887 port and New York to accommodate ness standpoint. The change to this system can he adopted in the cities. i special session, for tiny of the rea- (hvgetowt. — 288 system may seem hard, if not im­ The State has voted in favor of pro­ j sotis which In* announces as his pur- Moncton —11,888 possible, but those who have made hibition; while there were many j pose to ge‘, them together. But if Seed iac —1.442 it have easily overcome the objec­ farmers who did not get out to vote [ tie does call them together, it docs Sack vilie - 1,880 ■ tions raised. because their business seemed to de­ PUT YOUR MONEY INTO ! not seem possible to me, that a 1 mand their attention upon their mmmmmmmmmammmmmammmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmrnr Once established on this basis you ! Maine Legislature will submit to the will wonder why you did not make arms, yet 1 have no question that 1 people a proposition to make a di­ GIVES QUICK ACTION. the change long ago. if this liquor issue were to .be sub­ vision in the citizenship of the State, Yosemite Power Co. 6’s mitted again to the people, these O. F. French & Son, Druggists having a part of the territory license farmers, a very large majority of report that A SINGLE DOSE of sim­ and another part under prohibition. ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as- —one of the strongest bond offerings, paying high wiiom are opposed to license, would The Panama Canal.
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