THB BEGISTER'8 VIATXOVO&, ,. AUVusVewmot Broaa Street to tho Blv»» BED BANK Bowers on Every Street And Sunonndlnc Town* A rubllo Comfort Statlort Fearlessly ana Without BIM. IER Moro I'arklnc Spttco U»u«d Wwllr. EnUr.d u Sacond-Clua MitUr at tin Pcit- VOLUME LIU, NO, 1.7. offle* «t Bel Sink. N. Jv asdu tfaa Act of March «, 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15,1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. lantic Highlands, who has had large CHARGED WITH FBACD. Doings of Ruinson New Middletown experience In this line. The mothers Brothers Drown Dispute Over a Ball Club Owner of the children who rnake use of tbe ,itUe Silver Man Put tnder Ball A Coming Banquet Borough Council Health Center health center and playground will When Boat Upsets Picture in Court For Grand Jury Action. Host to Firemen devote part ot their tlma to taking Charles G, Wllkins of Foxwood at New Monmouth care of tills new township acquisi- It WM Dedicated on Sutjirday Little Silver Man One of Drown- Hamilton Price Forcibly Re- 'ark, Llttlo Silver, was arrested Long Diteuinon Regarding Pro- tion, ft will be a co-operative ar- ThurBday night by Constable Harry Members of Independent Engine The Uehers' Union of the Baptist poied Improvement of Four Afternoon With Special Exer< rangement, whereby those who re- ing Victinu o£ Barnegat Sat- moved Lithograph from in Y. Smith on a charge of fraud, made Company Guests of John Cal- Church Will Celebrate Hi An- ceive the direct benefits will recipro- urday—Heavy Seat Capsized iy Julius Merran of Red Rank. Wil- Private Streets—Councilman ci»e»—Grandchildren of Rob-cate by service. Front of Carlton Theater,' De- andriello at Dinner Last Week niveraary October 24th—Ar- Power Skiff. claring It Was Indecent. klns had a hearing before Justice Richard Roger* Retigni. ert HarUhome Unveil Tablet. One purpose of the health center Edward Boughton of Llncroft and —Thirty-Five Present. thur Brisbane to Speak. will be to. act as a. clinic. Babies will The new MWdletown township pub- Two brothers lost their lives Sat- Hamilton Price, a Red Bank was put under bail of $500 to await About 35 persons attended a chlck- Mo»t of the time at last Thursday be tbe most numerous patients, but urday afternoon when the Bkiff on realtor, was walking on Monmouth Tho New Monmouth Baptist Ush- night's meeting of the Rumson com- lic health cqnter at Campbell's Junc- rand jury action.. >Major James S. n dinner given last Wednesday rs' Union will celebrate Its twentieth the health center will be open to the which they were making a week- Btreet Monday morning when his at- Prcsnell of Fort Monmouth was his mlmloners was taken up with a dls- tion was dedicated on Saturday after- of persons of all ages. Work of Ight at Dougherty's restaurant on innlversary Friday ovcnlng, October. noon with impressive ceremonies. end cruise capsized a mile and a tention was attracted by a large bondsman. Merran conducts a store hrewsbury avenuo by John Calan- euaslon regarding the proposed Im- this kind has been carried on for a crayon drawing advertising the mov- 24th, at Boven o'clock with a. banquet provement of ;Bay street, Holly Every part of the township was rep- half in tho ocean off Barnegat light. m Monmouth street for the sale of Irlello, owner of tho Red Bank baea- at the church annox. Dinner will bo number of years in Middletown It la- believed that the heavy seas ing picture show, "Monte Carlo." The men's clothing. Wllklns ?s a sales- tall club, to members of tho Inde- . street, Maple avenue and Cedar ave- resented at the gathering and ad- township, through the co-operation irovlricd by tho ladles' aid society, dresses, were made by some of the caused tho boat, which was twenty- picture was in tho lobby of tho the-man for Thomas Manaon & Son of lendcnt engine company. nue, private streets' on the former of the township authorities and the ater. Tho show was given at the jnder the direction of a committee ' Hlntelmann-Mears tract, north of the best known residents of the munici- two feet long, to tip over. Red Bank. Appreciative of tho generosity of consisting- of Mrs. Walter E. Walling, Monmouth county organization for The body of one of the brothers, theater Saturday and Monday nights. the fire company In allowing him the Maura greenhouses.' George K. Allen, pality. • .. , social service, but there has boon a Mrs. Martha V. Grant and Mrs. How- tha borough engineer, reported at a Th audience was seated in front or Earl C. Gasklll of Sllverwhite Gar- Mr, Price objected to the picture. UBO of tho flrehouso on Mechanic ard W. Roberts. After the dinner previous meeting that the cost of the lack of facilities of late. Mrs. Harts- dons, near Plnckney road, waa re- Ho said it was Indecent and he got street for his team for dressing quar- trie riew building, which Is an attrac- horne'B flno gift more than supplies Many Prizes For there will be an nddresa by Arthur entire Job, which would consist of tive brick structure of six rooms. It covered late Saturday night on the Into a discussion about it with Sam- ers, Mr. Calandrlcllo sometime ago Brisbane, tho famoua nowspaprr this need. It will serve 'the health uel Talerico, the Janitor at tho build- curbing, grading and graveling, was built at an expense of $15,000 by beach Just' below tho coast guard leclded to express his thunkg at •riter, and responses by members of would be about $B,B0O, A bprough ON needs oJ Middletown township for station at Lovelady's, five miles south ing. Mr. Price ordered Mr. Talerlrfo Furnace Company iome fitting' occasion at which the Mrs. Robert Hartshore, who lives many years to como.' 1 ho union. dlnmoe stipulates that this work near Highlands, as e. memorial to of the Barnegat station. The skiff take the picture down. Tho jan- lrcmen might assemble. Tbe health center waa designed by itor refused to do so and Mr. Price James E. Grlggs will be toaatmas- must be dona before the streets can Mr. Hartshorne, who for many yoais was found floating in the water by Red Bank Office Makes Clean Among those present wero Fire ter and tho responses will be by rep- ba taken over for publlo uoo end the Almufl P. Evano of tho firm of Ev- coast, guardsmen of Barnegat, who •etorted that If Mr. Talerico did not Chief Fred Dressier and former 1 was a member of the board of edu- ans, Moore & Woodbridge of New move the drawing he (Mr. Price) Sweep of Summer Sales Con- resentatives of "The Ushers Union- cost muBt be borne by the property cation of Mldmoiown township. With towed It ashore. Chiefs Joseph Asay and Louis J. Past, Present and Future." Wilbur owners on the streets to be Improved. York. Aside from being attractive would do so. The janitor, after some test—John O'Keefe Wins 'etlcy. Acting as toastmaster, Mr. the dedication, tho health center was in its exterior appearance, It is ar- Tho other victim of the tragedy further talk, removed the picture and W. Coddlngton will respond to "the The property owners on the streets turned over to the township of Mid- was Howard Gaskill, 43 years old, Cup for Sales in This District. 'etley called upon Mr. Asay for a past" by giving a brief history and ranged with every convenience and Mr. Price went on his way apparent- !ew remarks. The latter kept to the In question believe tho cost la too dletown as a publlo gift and hereaf- comfort for health work. Frank Scott of Barnegat. Neither ho nor his ly satisfied. sketch of tho union since It waa high. They are •willing to pay part ter it will,be under the management brother-were good swimmers. They The Red Bank branch of the Hol- letter of the request and the remarks formed in 1910. C. Wesloy Codding- of Hcadden'B Corner was the con- Later on John Reinhart, resident land furnace company, which em- were few enough. However, he w; and want the borough In general to of tho publlo health committee of tractor. Both Mr. Scott and Mr. Ed- had been. In tho habit of making ton, the president of the Ushers' pay tha balance. It was the opinion Middletown township,'which consists cruisos around Barnegat bay every manager of tho theater, was told braces tho territory from Port Mon- given a reusing acclamation. Union, will respond to "the present" wards received many compliments at about tho Incident by Mr. Talerico. mouth to Point Pleasant, distin- Friends of Mr. Colandrlello toi of Attorney General William A. Ste-of mombors of the townBhtp commit- the dedication exercises on the flno week. The body of the Barnegat vens, the borough attorney, that the tee, members of the. township board man has rfot yet been recovered. Mr. Reinhart ordered Mr. Talerico to guished itself in a national sales con- occasion to congratulate hini upon appearance and utilitarian features put the picture back In the lobby and his success as a ball club manager. above erdinancel designated new d«-of education and other citizens, Ca'pt. Earl Gasklll was born at Barne- test during June, July and August. , velopments and not tracts on whloli of tho new building. thlB order was complied with. Short- The branch won a silver cup for the Thia is tho first year he has managed William Dennis of Fort Monmouth is General supervision of the health gat 35 years ago and was the son of ly after this Mr.
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