5.2.1 List of students qualifying in state/national/international level examinations Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Adgaon, Nashik – 03. Alumni batch undergraduate 2019-2020 Sr. Name Qualifying Exam Passed Course Admitted in Name of Institute No 1 Kavish Chopda PG-NEET MD Medicine Dr DY Patil medical college and hospital, Pune 2 Bansari Tamboli PG-NEET MD Medicine Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Udaipur 3 Shikha Arora PGIMER,AIIMS 4 Karan Thakkar PG NEET 5 Raj Navkhare PG NEET 6 Harshita Moond PG NEET 7 Prachi Bang PG NEET 8 Madhur Gawali MD Yoga Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Banglore Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Adgaon, Nashik – 03. List of PG students qualifying in various examinations 2019-20 Due to Covid 19 Pandemic, the university examinations of post graduate students are post- poned and Hence data is presently not available. Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Adgaon, Nashik – 03. Alumni batch undergraduate 2018-2019 Serial Name Qualifying Exam Course Admitted in Name of Institute No Passed 1 Neha Mala Krishna PG-NEET MD-Pathology Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Calcutta 2 Akshata Shigwan PG-NEET MD- Pediatrics Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai 3 Priyanka Sharma DNB General Surgery Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad 4 Kanishk Ravankolkar PG-NEET MD-Radiology Dr.VPMCH&RC,Nashik 5 Nalini Singh PG-NEET MD-Anesthesia Sardar Patel Medical College,Bikaner 6 Shriya Umalkar PG-NEET MD-Pediatrics NKP Salve,Nagpur 7 Ajinkya Pandhare PG-NEET MD-Medicine BhartiVidyapeeth, Pune 8 Arpita Singh PG-NEET MD-Pathology MGM,Mumbai 9 Twinkle Pawar PG-NEET MD-Medicine Datta Meghe Medical College,Nagpur 10 Aditi Pandhare PG-NEET MS-ENT Topiwala Nair medical college,Mumbai 11 Prateek Vishwadia PG-NEET MS-Orthopedics Rural medical college, Pravara Loni. 12 Santosh Patil PGET M.D.Radiodiagnosis Khaja Bande Navaz Institute Of Medical Sciences,Gulbarga DR VASANTRAO PAWAR MEDICAL COLLEGE,HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE,NASHIK Data received through Google form link (UG Alumni 2018-19) Sr Entrance No exams Area of Specialization PG Name of institute of PG specialization with . Name of Candidate cleared (MD/MS/DNB/Fellowship/ Batch address(Also mention Govt./Pvt./Deemed) after Ph.D/Diploma/ Any other) MBBS 1 Priyanka Sharma NEET 2 Utpal NEET 3 Neha kushe MHCET M.D. 4 ABHIJIT RAVI NEET 5 Vaibhav Rathod Govt 6 ABHIJIT RAVI NEET 7 Priyanka Sharma NEET 8 Aditya jain NEET 9 Snehal Taterao shinde NEET 10 Pooja sapkale NEET 11 ABHIJIT RAVI NEET 12 Akshata shigwan 2020 NEET MD Seth GS medical college and KEM hospital Parel Mumbai 13 Neha mala krishna 2020 NEET MD Command hospital kolkata AFMAC 14 Dr.Mangesh Chaudhari NEET MD 15 Aditi Kamanna Pandhare 2020 NEET MS 16 Nalini Singh 2020 NEET MD Sardar patel medical college and PBM hospital , Bikaner , Rajasthan 17 Dr. Kanishka Kashinathrao 2020 NEET MD Dr.Vasantrao Pawar Medical College , Nashik Ravankolkar 18 Akshay Raundhal 2020 NEET MD NKP Salve Nagpur 19 Dr Soumya Tiwari NEET Preparing for NEET 20 Dr. Priyanka Sharma 2020 NEET DNB Asian Institute of Medical Sciences , Faridabad 21 Rahul R Shenoy NEET 22 Ajinkya Jayaji Pandhare NEET MD Bharati vidhyapeeth (DTU)) medical college, hospital and research centre, pune Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Adgaon, Nashik – 03. List of PG students qualifying in various examinations 2018-19 Sr.No Name of Alumni PG department Examination qualified Institute 1 DrMiloni Shah Ophthalmalogy Fellowship in VR LVPEI Bhubaneshwar 2 Dr.Mrunal Borse Ophthalmalogy 1.Glaucoma fellowship HV Desai Pune 2.Fellowship in SICS &Phaco, 3 Dr.Pranjali Pawar Ophthalmalogy Fellowship in IOL Miraj Lions Club. 4 Dr.Mayur Pekhale Ortho Fellowship Kakatkar hospital,Nashik 5 Dr Adit Maniyar Ortho Fellowship,DNB Lilavati Hospital,Mumbai 6 Dr Mayur Babras Medicine DNB Nephrology Medanta,The Medicity,Harayana 7 Dr Satish Kamathe Medicine NEET –DNB Nephrology Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 8 Dr Kritikrishna Medicine DNB Gastroenterology Asian institute of Koduri Gastroeneterolgy,Hyderabad 9 Dr. Esha Gupta Pediatrics Fellowship Pediatrics intensive B.J.Wadia,Parel,Mumbai care 10 Dr Apurva Mourya Obs/Gynae MRCOG 1 Royal college DNB DNB Delhi 11 Dr Akshay Fuse Orthopedics Fellowship in Spine Surgery Dr. Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research centre, Pune 12 Dr Shantanu Bhardwaj Orthopedics Fellowship in Foot and ankle Max smart superspecialty hospital,Saket,Delhi 13 Dr Mithi Mohammad Surgery Oncosurgery M.Ch B.J.Medical college,Ahmedabad 14 Dr Deepak Marakwad Pediatrics Fellowship Pediatrics MCICU B.J.Wadia,Parel,Mumbai Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Adgaon, Nashik – 03. Alumni batch undergraduate 2017-2018 Serial Name Qualifying Exam Course Name of Institute No Passed Admitted in 1. Dighavkar Meenakshidevi CPS CPS-Radiology P.D.M.M.C.,Amravati Vishwas 2. Gujrathi Mansi PG-NEET M.D.Medicine Dr. VasantraoPawar Medical College, Nashik. 3. Loharkar Sarvesh Vijay PG-NEET Qualified 4. Mankar Aniket Ambadas PG-NEET M. D. Paediatrics Government Medical College, Aurangabad. 5. Marathe Laxmikant Suresh PG-NEET M.D. Medicine G.S. Medical College, Mumbai. 6. Murkute Kishor Ganpat DNB,PG-NEET M.S. Ortho PCMC,PGIH,Pimpri 7. Patil Sumit Mahadev DNB Appeared 8. Raote Rupa Gajendra CPS Diploma in B.K.L.Walawalkar Hospital Diagnostic & Dermatology and Research Centre, Ratnagiri. Venereology 9. Sarode Jidnya Yuvraj CPS DMRE Precision Scan & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur. 10. Somani Nandan Rakesh PG-NEET M.S. Ophthalmology INHS Asvini. 11. Sulakshna PG-NEET M.D. Medicine School Of Medical sciences & Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida. 12. Sultan Moinuddin Saukatali P-NEET M.D.Radiology G.S. Medical College, Mumbai 13. TotalaYashowardhan PG-NEET M.D. PSM B.Y.L.NairCh.Hospital& T.N.M.C. Medical Vijaykumar College, Mumbai 14 Praveen Godara PG-NEET M.D.Psychiatry MGM,Aurangabad 15 Sayyad Azhar PG-NEET M.D.Radiology Dr Vasantrao Pawar medical college,Nashik 16 Deshpande Pavan Shridhar PG-NEET Anesthesia B.K.L.Walawalkar rural medical college,Chiplun 17 Patil Mansi Suresh PG-NEET Obs/Gynae District hospital,Amravati 18 Jadwani Ankit Mahesh PG-NEET MD Dermatology NMIMS and Research,Mullana 19 Dwivedi Shishir PG-NEET Pediatrics NKPSIMSRC,Nagpur Subhashchandra 20 Shah Parth DNB Sahyadri Superspeciality hospital,Pune. 21 Rahade Yashwant PG-NEET Surgery SMBT Institute of medical sciences and Balasaheb research centre,Nashik 22 Pulsekar Bhagyeshree MHCET Psychiatry Dr PDM medical college,Amravati Dipakrao 23 Badgujar Pooja Manoj PG-NEET Pathology Dr PDM medical college,Amravati 24 Gaikwad Suraj Anand CPS Respiratory medicine Ruby Hall Clinic,Pune 25 Kailuke Aishwarya PG NEET Anesthesia Lokmaya Tilak medical college,Mumbai Rameshao 26 Kanawade Tushar Shrikisan PG NEET Medicine MIMER Talegoan ,Pune. 27 Khanolkar Chaitanya PG NEET Orthopedics Rural Medical college and PIMS,Loni Deepak 28 Sachi Chauhan PG NEET Radiotherapy Kasturba medical college,Manipal 29 Pawar Paresh Popatrao PG NEET Orthopedics PDVVPF medical college,Ahmednagar 30 Algude Priyanka Vaijinath PG NEET Ophthalmology SGS medical college,Mumbai 31 Shekha Tufayl A.M. PG NEET Medicine Rajarajeswari medical college and hospital 32 Gharat Nikhil Ashok PG NEET Medicine Dr. D Y Patil medical college,Navi Mumbai 33 Yasatwar Arpita Padmakar PG NEET Otorhinolaryngology Dr.DYP,Deemed Uni.Kolhapur 34 Devdikar Shrutik PG NEET Surgery MGM,Navi Mumbai Nandkumar 35 Dipti Singh PG NEET 36 Saldanha Chrisann Micheal PG NEET 37 Pathan Reshma Mustafa PG NEET 38 Kinjal Chauhan PG NEET 39 Akshay Raut PG NEET 40 Garima Omprakash PG NEET 41 Khawse Mrudula U. PG NEET 42 Sanket Puroshottam Patil PG NEET 43 Aishwariya Rai PG NEET 44 Vyom Mishra PG NEET 45 Priyanka Tushar Parekh PG NEET 46 Magar Kirtee Anilrao PG NEET 47 Sarbik Subir De PG NEET DR VASANTRAO PAWAR MEDICAL COLLEGE,HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE,NASHIK Data received through Google form link(UG Alumni 2017-18) Entrance exams Area of Specialization Name of PG Name of institute of PG Name of Candidate PG Batch cleared after (MD/MS/DNB/Fellowship/Ph.D College specialization with address MBBS /Diploma/ Any other) All India Dr Harshal n chaudhari Entrance Ankit Jadwani 2019 NEET MD (Dermatology) MMIMSR MMIMSR Topiwala National Medical College Topiwala National and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Dr. Yashowardhan Medical College 2018 NEET Community Medicine Opp Maratha Mandir, Dr. AL Nair and BYL Nair Totala Road, Mumbai Central 400008, Charitable Hospital Owned by MCGM (BMC), Tata Memorial Radiation Medicine Centre c/o Tata Sarvesh Loharkar 2018 Centre (RMC- NEET MD Nuclear Medicine Memorial Centre(cancer hospital), BARC),Mumbai Parel,Mumabi Nitin yashvantarao GOVT .MEDICAL COLLAGE 2019 GMC, Aurangabad NEET MD RADIOLOGY devkate AURANGABAD GOVERNMENT ANIKET AMBADAS MEDICAL GOVERNMENT MEDICAL 2019 NEET MD pediatrics MANKAR COLLEGE COLLEGE AURANGABAD AURANGABAD Moinuddin Sultan 2018 KEM hosp NEET Radiology KEM hosp govt Seth GS Medical Laxmikant Suresh College & KEM Seth G.S. Medical College and 2019 NEET MD General Medicine Marathe Hospital, Parel, K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai Mumbai Nandan Somani 2019 INHS Asvini NEET MS Ophthalmology INHS Asvini, Mumbai Sahyadri hospital Parth shah 2018 NEET DNB sahyadri hospital Deccan pune pune Precision Scan and Precision Scan and RC, Dhantoli, Jidnya Sarode 2019 Diagnostic Centre, NEET Diploma Nagpur Dhantoli, Nagpur Mother and child Priya
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