Middle Ordovician conodonts from allochthonous limestones at Høyberget, southeastern Norwegian Caledonides JANAUDUN RASMUSSEN & SVEND STOUGE Rasmussen, J. A. & Stouge, S.: Middle Ordovician conodonts from allochthonous limestones at Høyberget, southeastern Norwegian Caledonides. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 69, pp. 103--110. Oslo 1989. ISSN 0029-196X. Middle Ordovician (Liandeilo-Early Caradoc) conodonts are recorded from the limestone at Høyberget, southernNorwegian Caledonides. The con odont fauna, including Pygodusanserinus Lamont & Lindstrom and Ba/toniodus variabilis (Bergstrom), corresponds to the upper part of the Pygodus anserinus and the lower part of the Amorphognatus tvaerensis conodont zones. On the basis of the stratigraphic position the overlying black shale unit is correlated with the upper Nemagraptus gracilis and the Diplograptus multidens graptolite zones. Jan Audun Rasmussen, Institute of Historica/ Geology and Palaeontology, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade JO, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; Svend Stouge, Geological Survey of Denmark, Thoravej 8, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark. Non-fossiliferous and fossiliferous limestones out­ stone at Høyberget is overlain by a fossiliferous crop sporadically within the Norwegian Cale­ black shale which was considered contempor­ donides (Spjeldnæs 1985; Bruton & Harper 1988). aneous with the 'Ogygiocaris Series' in the Oslo Some of the fossiliferous limestone units have Region, i.e. Llanvirn-EarlyLlandeilo (e.g. Bjør­ been correlated with the Arenig-Early Llanvim lykke 1905; Holtedahl 1920, 1921). 'Orthoceras Limestone' in the Oslo area and the Recently the nautiloid genus Ormoceras Stokes lateral equivalent Stein Limestone in the Rings­ has been recognized in material collected from aker area. This correlation has usually been the limestone at Høyberget, and a Late Arenig based on lithological and broad stratigraphical to Late Llanvim age was suggested (Spjeldnæs similarities and/or weak fossil evidence. 1985). As a consequence, the overlying unnamed During our work on Arenig-Llanvirn conodont black shale unit would correspond to the Hus­ faunas in the Oslo Region (Rasmussen & Stouge tedograptus teretiusculus graptolite Zone 1988; Rasmussen in prep.) the limestone at Høy­ (Llandeilo) (Spjeldnæs 1985). berget (formerly Høgberget) east of Snerta (Fig. The conodont data presented here show the age l) was also sampled. The conodonts however, of the limestone to be Llandeilo-Early Caradoc were much younger (Middle Ordovician rather (Middle Ordovician). The Høyberget conodont than Early Ordovician) than was expected from fauna is clearly younger than the Lower Ordo­ earlier interpretations. Here we present the data vician conodont successions known from the obtained from Høyberget and demonstrate for 'Orthoceras Limestone' and the Stein Limestone the first time the occurrence of Llandeilo-Early (Kohut 1972; Rasmussen & Stouge 1988; Ras­ Caradoc conodonts within the Norwegian Cale­ mussen in prep.). Consequently, it is likely that donides. the black shale overlying the limestone at Høy­ Actinoceroid cephalopods have been known berget covers the upper part of the Nemagraptus from the limestone at Høyberget since 1863 gracilis graptolite Zone and may extend into the (Kjerulf 1863), and on this evidence it was cor­ Diplograptus multidens graptolite Zone - that is, related with the 'Orthoceras Limestone' and the an early Caradoc rather than Llandeilo (Hus­ Stein Limestone (Schiøtz 1883; Bjørlykke 1905; tedograptus teretiusculus Zone) age . Holtedahl 1920, 1921; Skjeseth 196:2). The lime- 104 /. A. Rasmussen & S. Stouge NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 69 (1989) Locality -l l l- ' / ./ : \ Allochthonou ' \ strata � / l / l 1 \ ll-:= //\ \- Caledonian fl ' '-­\ \/ Front l l\\ ' l - ., '\ l\ l Ordovician autocht.- 1- parautocht. strata Precambrian basement /\ / " \ - '\// .// '' --/ '...-\ \\ --1 /{{/ - / ........ ' 'l - -- - / " / 1/ ,�, /-- \ \ \ \ / /' \ l ,-- 50km Skm Fig. l. Location map. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFr 69 (1989) Conodontsfrom Høyberget, Norwegian Caledonides 105 Location and geological setting emplacement has brought the Vendian Enger­ dalen Group into structural superposition on the The locality is situated at the western side of Ordovician sediments (Nystuen 1980, 1983). The Høyberget, approximately l km east of Snerta thrust plane between the Osen-Røa Nappe Com­ village within the map sheet Elvdal 2018 Ill (UTM plex and the Kvitvola Nappe is marked by a coordinates PP452441) (Fig. 1). conspicuous 6 m thick mylonite zone (Bjørlykke The limestone at Høyberget is about 5-10 m 1905). thick (Holtedahl 1921) and is overlain by a black shale unit. It is fossiliferous, impure, and has intercalations of argillaceous material. The bed­ Previous investigations ding planes of the limestone show a characteristic The first recorded fossils from the limestone at weathered, reticulate surface. Høyberget are those mentioned by Kjerulf These two Ordovician units overlie the Upper (1863), who documented the nautiloid cephalo­ Proterozoic sandstones and shales of the Hed­ pods which are most abundant in the lower mark Group (Vendian) (e.g. Schiøtz 1883; Bjør­ part of the unit. One species was identified as lykke 1905; Holtedahl 1920; Nystuen 1982). At Orthoceras crebriseptum Hall, or a closely related Høyberget, the Hedmark Group and the Ordo­ species. Recently, Spjeldnæs (1985) noted that vician limestone and the black shale units are some of the Høyberget nautiloids have annulate all incorporated in the Lower Allochthon of the siphuncles, and belong to the genus Ormoceras Osen-Røa Nappe Complex of the Norwegian Stokes. The Høyberget cephalopods were com­ Caledonides (Nystuen 1981; Bockelie & Nystuen pared with those known from the top of the 1985). The limestone and the black shale unit are 'Orthoceras Limestone' in the Oslo Region structurally overlain by the Middle Allochthon (Spjeldnæs 1985), and therefore the limestone at Kvitvola Nappe, which was thrust discordantly Høyberget was interpreted to span the interval upon the Osen-Røa Nappe Complex (Nystuen from the upper part of the 'Orthoceras Limestone' 1980, 1983; Bockelie & Nystuen 1985). The to well in to the 'Ogygiocaris Series', at or above BRITISH GRAPTOLITE CONODONT RANGES OF OSLO HØY BERGET SERIES ZONES ZONES AND SUBZONES SELECTED SPECIES ----1 r Boltoniodus Black Diplogropfus Lower gerdoe i Amorpho- shale Caradoc _ f!!.uJJ. f/!!Q..S_ Chasmops gnofhus -r- -r- unit Shale tvoerensis Baltoniodus r------ Nemogropfus variabilis - - gro ei/is - -- - Limestone Llandeilo Amorpho- at Pygodus gnothus Ampyx 14eyberget --- --- anserinus inoequalis Limes tone --- - -- .... ----- - Husfedo- Amor�thus .IQ lUn- grop fus � kielcensis classitiedl teretius- .$;! ------ y, �:o. eu/us .� � � - - Ogygiocaris IMissingl - -- � Pygodus serra t:i ·� Shale Didymo- � Llanvirn gropfus � murchisoni � Cl.. y J1 r Fig. 2. Correlation table. (Data from Bergstrllm 1971; Bergstrllm et al. 1987; Berry 1964; Hamar 1964, 1966.) 106 J. A. Rasmussen & S. Stouge NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFf 69 (1989) Table l. Distribution of conodonts from the limestone at Høyberget. Species Sample no. 1 2 Total ?A nse/la sp ..................................................................................................... 1 1 Baltoniodus variabi/is (Bergstroml ...................................................... 6 6 12 Drepanoistodus sp. ...................................................................................... 1 1 ."Oistodus" venus fus Stautter ............................................................... 1 5 6 Periodon aculeatus Hadding .................................................................. 2 31 33 Protopanderodus robustus (Haddingl ............................................... 6 1 7 Protopanderodus varicostatus (Sweet & Bergstroml ................ 1 1 Pygodus anserinus Lamont & Lindstrom .......................................... 11 11 Scabbardel/a a/tipes (Henningsmoen) ............................................... 12 15 27 Strachanognathus parvus Rhodes ............................. ..................... 1 1 Plattorm conodonts (tragmentaryl .................................................... 2 1 3 Unidentitiable elements ........................................................................... 7 9 16 Total 38 81 119 the top of the D. murchisoni Zone. Other fossil strom 1964). The limestone at Høyberget is partly groups known from the limestone include gastro­ covered in the road section l km east of Snerta pods (Kjerulf 1863; Schiøtz 1874; Holtedahl 1921) village (Fig. 1), but loose blocks are well dis­ trilobites (Schiøtz 1874), brachiopods, ostracodes tributed in the area. Sample l (0.7 kg) was col­ and echinoderms (Henningsmoen 1979). None of lected from a large erratic with cephalopods, these records, however, have biostratigraphical whereas sample 2 (1.4 kg) is from beds in situ. importance. One hundred and three reasonably well-pre­ The only fossils reported from the overlying served conodont elements have been identified black shale unit are biostratigraphically undiag­ (Table l; Fig. 3) and all have a CAI of 5-{i. This nostic. The poorly preserved fauna comprises shows that the rocks have been heated from a cephalopod fragments (Holtedahll921), echino­ minimum of 300°C to about 550°C (Epstein et al. derms (Schiøtz 1874; Bjørlykke 1905), asaphid 1977; Rejebian et al. 1987). trilobites (Holtedahl 1921), gastropods (Kjerulf The fauna is characterized by Pygodus anser­ 1863; Schiøtz 1874; Bjørlykke 1905; Holtedahl inus
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