Cambridge University Press 0521363950 - Early Christian Ireland - T. M. Charles-Edwards Index More information Index abbas (Irish ap), , on Colmán Elo, – abbot on Columba and the Picts, – controlled material assets of a church, on Columba and the Uí Néill, – derived high status from the rank of his on deaths of kings, – church, on Díarmait mac Cerbaill, extent of authority of some abbots, on early descendants of Níall, in Ireland wide sense of, on gens – relatively likely to be given a patronym in on Irish names, – the annals, – on kings of Tara, – title is associated with a church, – on magi, –, Abelenus,bishop of Geneva,kinsman of on prophecy and miracles of power, – Agrestius, presents different picture of Columba from Aberlemno churchyard,Pictish sculpture in, that in the Amra, – adoption, Achad Bó, see Aghaboe aduentus of a king, – acquired land, – Áed,bishop and subsequently anchorite of Adaloald,Lombard king, , Sleaty, –, – adbar ríg,‘material of a king’, date of Testament of, – Additamenta in the Book of Armagh, Áed Allán (Áed mac Fergaile),king of Tara, admonitio (tecosc), – , , Ado, aggressive policy towards Leinster, , Adomnán,ninth abbot of Iona, and the promulgation of the Law of Bede on, – Patrick, brings back the captives taken from Brega killed at the battle of Serethmag, to Northumbria, meets Cathal mac Finnguini at Terryglas, converted to the Roman Easter, , friend of Aldfrith,king of the victor at the battle of Áth Senaig, Northumbrians, , victories over Cenél Conaill and the Ulaid, friend of Ceolfrith,abbot of Wearmouth- Jarrow, , – Áed Bennán,early king of Munster from Law of (Cáin Adomnáin),‘the Law of the Éoganacht Locha Léin, Innocents’, see Cáin Adomnáin Áed Dub,bishop of Kildare, Adomnán,Life of St Columba,–, –, Áed Dub (Áed the Black),king of Dál nAraidi, –, killed Díarmait mac Cerbaill, , , and Wilfrid’s championship of the Rule of Áed Findlíath (Áed mac Néill),king of Tara, St Benedict, – audience of, – Áed mac Ainmirech,king of Cenél Conaill central aims of, , – and of Tara, , , , not propagandist for the Uí Néill, and the ‘conference of the kings’ at on Áed Sláne and Díarmait mac Cerbaill, Druimm Cete, –, – behind the foundation of Durrow, © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521363950 - Early Christian Ireland - T. M. Charles-Edwards Index More information Index may have commissioned the Amra Choluim agriculture in Ireland,mixed, Chille, – Agrippinus,bishop of Como, , Áed mac Bricc,bishop and saint, Ahlfled,Oswiu’s daughter,married Peada, became a general Uí Néill saint, Ahlfrith,probably king of Deira Life of,on the construction ofráith a , ; married Penda’s daughter, on kings and churches, – patron of Wilfrid, – Áed mac Colgen,king of Leinster, rebelled against his father Oswiu, Áed mac Díarmata, aicme,equivalent to parentela, Áed mac Echach,king of the Connachta, Aidan (Aídán,Áedán),bishop of the Áed Oirdnide (Áed mac Néill), , , , Northumbrians, , , – – attitude of the ‘middle party’ to, , Áed Sláne,Uí Néill joint-king of Tara,, , – , Bede’s portrait of, – aggressive policy towards Leinster, cult of, see also Síl nÁeda Sláne friendship with Oswine, Áedán mac Gabráin,king of Dál Ríata,, relationship with Oswald, – names sons by same first name (Echoid), succeeded by Fínán, royal inauguration of, – translation of his relics into the church of áes dána,‘people of craft’, , Lindisfarne, áes trebtha,‘farming people’, , used royal vills, Æthelberg,Kentish princess married to Aided Echach maic Maireda maic Cairedo, Edwin,king of the Northumbrians, Aidne,district of, Æthelberht,king of Kent, –, see also Uí F·iachrach Aidne Æthelfrith,king of Bernicia and Deira,, Ail Clúaide, see Dumbarton – Ailbe,patron saint of Emly,associated with a Æthelthryth,queen,founder of church of Ely provincial cáin, enshrinement of body of, Ailbe,patron saint of Senchue (Shancough), gave Hexham to Wilfrid, Æthelwulf, De Abbatibus, – Aildobur,abbot of Roscommon,promulgates Aetius,Roman general,appeal of Britons to, Law of Commán, Ailech,seat of kingship of Cenél nÉogain, Aghaboe (Achad Bó),monastery of St (Map ) Cainnech, –, – Ailerán, sapiens (ecnae), – Agilbert,bishop of West Saxons and later of Ailill Molt,supposed king of Tara,–, Paris, , ainmne,‘patience’,recommended by Scéla Cano and Columbanian monasticism, meic Gartnáin, buried at Jouarre, Ainmuire mac Sétnai,king of Tara,, , studied in Ireland in the s, Agilulf,king of the Lombards,an Arian, Aircol,king of Dyfed, religious standpoint of,as seen by aire ard,grade of noble, , – Columbanus, aire coisring,representative of a non-noble with his queen Theudelinda,grants Bobbio kindred, , to Columbanus, , aire désa,grade of noble, , –, Agrestius,former monk of Luxeuil, aire échta,category of noble, – asked Eustasius that he be allowed to preach aire forgaill,grade of noble, –, , to pagans, aire tuísea,grade of noble, , – attacked Eustasius at the Synod of Mâcon, airecht,assembly of nobles acting as a court of law, had joined the Aquileian schism, Airgíalla,group of northern dynasties precipitated crisis for Columbanian monas- and Cenél nÉogain, – ticism, – and Patrick, role in Jonas’s Life compared with that of and the Uí Néill, , – Brunhild, – as part of Dál Cuinn, – Agricola son of Severianus,British Pelagian, associated with the northern Uí Néill, – © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521363950 - Early Christian Ireland - T. M. Charles-Edwards Index More information Index military obligations of, , royal dynasties, , – originally not seen as descendants of Conn, Amand,saint,Jonas assists in his mission,, – , origin-legend of (‘The Three Collas’), – Ambrosius Aurelianus,parents of,wore the Poem on, –, purple, saw themselves as the army of the Uí Néill, Amlaíb (Óláfr),son of the king of Laithlind, – takes tribute from the Irish, airlise, , Ammianus Marcellinus,fourth-century Airmedach mac Conaill,may have been ally Roman historian, , , of Congal Cáech, Amolngid mac Conaing,killed at the battle of Airtech,Artech, , , Kells, Airther Maige, see Armoy Amolngid mac Éndai,king of Munster, Airthir,the (ind Airthir,Orientales, Amolngid mac Fíachrach,ancestor of Uí Anteriores), , , Amolngada,sons of, , , associated with Armagh, , see also Uí Amolngada aistreóir,‘doorkeeper’, Amra (Amrae) Choluim Chille (a lament for aithech,render-payer,base client,commoner, Columba), , , , –, earliest evidence for the Uí Néill, n. aithech ara-threba a deich, , , possibly commissioned by Áed mac aithechthúath,‘base-client people’, , , Ainmuirech, – and cáin, presents different picture of Columba from aitire,public surety or guarantor,and thecáin , that in Adomnán’s Life, – , – Anglo-Saxon missionaries in Germany, aitire chairdi,guarantor of a treaty, Anglo-Saxon royal centres, – Alamans,a federation of peoples,, Anmchad mac Con Cercae,king of Osraige, Alaric, attacked Leinster, –, Albanach,‘Briton’ and thus exile from overseas, Annals of Inisfallen,king-list in,–, Annegray,monastery founded by Alboin,king of the Lombards,, – Columbanus, , , rejected Catholicism in favour of Arianism, ánruth,grade of poet, Applecross,monastery of (Wester Ross), Alcuin, Aquileian schism (Three Chapters schism, Aldfrith,king of Northumbria Trecapitoline schism), attempts compromise settlement with history of, – Wilfrid, Aquileians,attitudes of,as perceived by friend of Adomnán,abbot of Iona,, Columbanus, – , , arae,‘charioteer’,the servant of the eirr sapiens, ‘chariot warrior’, sponsored in confirmation by Aldhelm, Araid, abbot of Malmesbury, Araid Clíach,‘charioteers of Clíu’,a Munster Wilfrid allowed back from exile after his people, death, archbishops Aldhelm,abbot of Malmesbury and subse- and the pallium, – quently bishop of Sherborne bishops of Armagh and Kildare claimed to on English in Ireland, , be, , – sponsored Aldfrith (later king of in Gregory the Great’s Registrum, – Northumbria) at confirmation, Justinian I and, – ale of Cúalu,as prerogative of the kingship of very rare in the West in the sixth and Leinster, seventh centuries, Alexandria,status of patriarchate of, Ard Cíannachtae, (Map ) alges, changing meaning of, , – Alhfrith,sub-king of Deira,supporter of Ard Éolarg, Wilfrid, – Ardagh,Co. Longford (Ardachad), (Map ), Allen (Almu),battle of,, , alternation in the kingship of Tara among linked with the cult of Brigit, © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521363950 - Early Christian Ireland - T. M. Charles-Edwards Index More information Index Ardbraccan (Ard Breccáin), (Map ) Áth Fithot,identified with Áth Fadat, episcopal, Áth Goan,battle of, originally the episcopal church of Dál Áth Truim, see Trim Conchobuir, – Athairne,legendary fili,as prophet of Christ, ardrí,‘high-king’, , Ardstraw,claimed Ráith Chungai, Athala,abbot of Bobbio, , Argaman,battle of, and Bertulf, Argyll,Irish settlements in, date of death, Arians, – Jonas acted as assistant to, Aridius,bishop of Lyons, – Athf·otla,Pictish province, and the expulsion of Desiderius of Vienne, Attila, Audacht Morainn, –, Armagh, Augustine,bishop of Canterbury, and Delbnae Assail, Augustine,bishop of Hippo and Emain Macha, and the salvation of people before Christ, and Mide, – De Doctrina Christiana, and Slane, – on the Fall, archiepiscopal status of, , –, , Auraicept na nÉces,‘The Primer of the Poets’, –, – – bishop of,in Cáin Adomnáin, aurgnamthi,‘labourers,substitute labourers’,
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