Who Atie Channels, and What Is It All About? 2/21/92 #l HATONN tion of a newsletter from one who again--I GIVE WHAT IS ALREADY ered-up issues. ” receives from some energy called ON YOUR PLACE AS PERTAINS This goes on for some two pages “This Awareness”. “This Aware- TO ACTIONS OF THE ELITE--SO so allow me to spare the space and I welcome your inquiries and most ness”??? Does this energy not have a THAT w time, please. Number one: if there is cer@inly. appreciate your sharing of name or identification? Why do you FIRMATION. Do you badger a Jour- already “awareness of events”, how information gleaned from another. not demand identification? This is nalist for reporting the news? The can more clarification possibly cause But, chelas, please u&your intelligent like using the term “unified” as a point is to integrate the “news” so CONFUSION? Next, even “Aware- discernment. Just as ones ask ME proper label. “Awareness” is not a that the sleeping masses can finally see ness” indicates the Truth of the pro- about such things as Ramtha, Lazai-us, “name” nor an identification. and hear it!!! Wherein the subject is jections of the MATERIAL--THEN and different “Channels”--1 do not I take no exception to the attention God and soul journey--YOU WILL GOES RIGHT ON TO STATE: have right to speak on those subjects given by this cjne in r&ponse.to many GET TRUTH AND NO FLOWERS “DON’T TAKE THE INFORMA- for I am not informed as to that which inquiries regarding the Phoenix mate- TO DISTRACT YOU FROM THE TION SERIOUSLY.....!!!” is their business. If their work fits rial--in fact, I am most happy to have GRAVE INTO WHICH THE I am denounced--actually my scribe within the LAWS OF GOD AND the ability to interact. Ones ask for WORLD IS READY TO ROLL. is denounced--and named, Doris THE CREATION--what pick can you response when they have only seen As with the taped message which Ekker. Well, I shall be happy to share have? If not--they are uninformed or one or two documents--at most--and doesallinthenameof“Jeius”(ALL), a bit furth5.r for the ones sending tlie misled. then turn to “Awareness” and ask and then says Truth: ‘ ‘. .who was information to this place removed all Example: I have been sent a por- judgment (yes, I said “judgment”). named by the Apostle Paul.. ..“, etc. evidence of source of “Awareness”’ The person and “Awareness” have Indeed? Wherein is your ‘CHRIST’? identity by sending only pertinent seen no more of the information or “Christ” is ‘tie point and not a man Phoenix reference. This is proper and Israel/Lebanon papers than has the inquirer but we get named by anoth?r man. You have fine, I just wish to make a point for 2121192 #1 HATONN two full pages of detailed credit and now focused on a PHY SICAL BEING clarity. I would suggest that I see that discredit all mixed in the same pot. and left out the one component part of these are ones, Avaton and Vikki. I Unlike the Eveready commercial For readers of the Phoenix ma- value--CHRIST, which is a state of make no comment on their capability where the rabbit will eventually run terial who have followed along and being in energy form--called spiritual. for it is not my business to share their down--the war continues to rev-up. read their homework--there is no con- Now, as with “Awareness”, the journey or purpose. However, if you Keep your eye open to other things fusion nor failure to measure intent. speaker goes along very well as he do not take the material SERIOUSLY going on and this will fit into its proper With over 12,000 pages of writing I quotes from a letter of inquirer: “Word hen you are going to have a very, very placement. Remember what I told think all of you can find something of from knowledgeable sources has stated .ough go of it. you about WATER in a writing some value in the pile of material. If you that this information iS only copied I repeat several things herein--I couple of months past. This is a major know the rules of discernment ac- from already existing materials and 3AVENOCONNECTIONTOANY L reason for such encounters as well as cording to laws we keep repeating and the government is actually behind this, U’IOWN “RELIGION”--1 SERVE forced building--to claim water.. The repeating unto you--you have no prob- adding mistruths to a percentage of the X’ILY GOD AND GOD’S PEOPLE aquifers which feed Israel are under lem with “belief’. information in order to confuse and 4s YOU MOVE TQWARD TRAN- the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: I get credit for telling Truth and mislead those who have a high amount ;ITION. THERE IS GROSS Israel plans to have all the land above then smacked because it is written of awareness concerning covered-up vlISPERCEPTION AS TOMY CON- these resources one way or another. “somewhere”. Do you not read? I issues. (“This Awareness” suggested qECTION WITH THE HIGHER nave stated over and over and over the last paragraph be reread.) “Word ZNERGf’ FORMS WHO HAVE km knowledgeable sources bus stated 3ROUGHT THEIR OWN MISSION rhat this information is only copied )F INFORMATION. THIS MISIN- kom already existing materials, and TORMATION AND MISUNDER- he government is actually behind this, ;TANDING CONCERNS EVEN MY * me using mistruths to a percentage of ! tELATIONSHIP WITH ONE, , . ,. w infonnution in order to co&se ASHTAR__ ___~~ COMMAND. I HAVE and mislead those who h&e a high SPOKEN AND CORRECTED SO amount of awareness concerning cov- Please see CHANNELS,next page Page 2 THE PHOENIX LIBERA TOR ClL4hWELS. cont. @om previous page UPON ANY WHO WISH TO RULES AND GUIDELINES OF TRAVEL A DIFFERENT JOUR- TRUTH-- WHATDOES THE WORD htroduction to MANY T1MES THAT1 REFUSE To my-1 JUST SUGGEST YOU BE MEAN TO you?.‘?! ‘l-‘HAT 1s ‘I’HE DoSoAGAIN HERE1N FoRoUR SURE WHERE YOUR PATH ONLY MEASURE OF l$H’OR- Hatonn I’IMEANDSPACEISMOREVALU- LEADS- _ - -AND THEN, PER- TANCE--YOUR PERCEPTION.’ 4BLE THAN ALL THE GoLD ON HAPS YOU WILL REJOICE IN WE ONLY GIVE YOU THE FACTS l/13/92 #1 HATONN ‘OUR PLACEMENT- THE REL1- THE T;T*D-B*TsOF PROOF AND OF “HOW IT 1s” AND you WILL S1oNS Am DoCTR1NES OF RE- CONFIRMATION WE SORT OUT DOT~D1SCE~NGAN-D JUDG- I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, LIG1oN AND THE NEW AGE OF THE BILLIONS OF PAGES OF ING FOR 1 JUDGE NO-l-+AND NEI- Z’ommanderin Chief, Earth Project MoVEMENT w1LL BE THE NONSENSE, TO PRESENT TO THER WILL GOD. YOU WILL b-ansition, Pleiades Sector Flight DEATH OF 'OUR 'OuL JoUR- yOURA'ITENJ'ION.HOW~GHT JC/DGE~ONGWIT~T&iTGOD yommand, Intergalactic Federation g;D1;DTRuTH AS ‘O” ARE IT BE THAT THIS SCRIBE HAS WITHIN--MY MISSION IS TO AL- ONLY CHOSEN THOSE TOPICS LOW YOU TRUTH WZ7HWHICH TO ?eet. You may call me Hatonn. I I note that even in the taping of lrn come in service unto the ONE WHICH PROVE TO BE TRUTH HAVE DISCLOSED KNOWLEDGE denouncement and “help for a lost EVENT0 THOSE YOU PETITION? BY WHICH TO FORM YOURJUDG- 30D of Lighted Creation, and as soul”, the names and places are to- ‘Host” unto His people who will WOULD YOU BE CAPABLE OF MENTS AND DIRECTZON--EX- tally incorrect--how can you say the SUCH SELECTIVITY--WITHOUT ACTLY ACCORDING TO THE Be brought into His places long ‘‘ Bible’ ’ has no errors when the spokes- Brepared for you. My own “Cap- ERROR OF CHOICE? WOULD PROMISE OF GOD--FOR YOUR men speak almost no valid facts as to YOU NOT, PERHAPS, CHOOSE JOURNEY THROUGH THE VEIL ain” is Sananda, the Christed dates or players?? being you have called by many EVEN ONE INCORRECT PRE- OF PHYSICAL MANIFESTA- lames--now one totally with Cre- MY ONLY INTENT AS FAR AS SEDATION? DHAmA 1s A fjo TION--OUT OF THE PITS AND rtor/Creation. [Sananda: simply WoRLD HISToRY AND HAPPEN- YEAR-OLD HUMAN WHO HAS INTOLIGHT! NO M()RJZAND NO INGS Is To ‘ONFIRM AND NEVER BEEN IN’-I’EwSTED IN L~$--THEREST~SSTRIC~YUP neaning of/with God]. We are VALIDIFY FACTS, FOR YOUR lot “mystical” nor even “myste- ANY OF THIS MATERIAL--THAT TO YOU. ENEMY IS CONTINUALLY IS ONE OF THE REASONS SHE Let us move on with our work. ious” aliens. We are the “Hosts” CHANGING HISTORY TO SUIT ;ent in preparation for His re- SERVES IN THIS CAPACITY--SO Following disclosures of the lies as HIS OWN NEEDS FOR YOUR EN- SHE DOES NOTTAINTTHE WORK impact you THIS DAY--we shall take :urn, bringers of Truth according SLAVEMENT. YOU ARETAUGHT .o His promise and to reveal the BY HER OPINIONS--FOR SHE time to move into these other areas of INCORRECTLY AND TO BLA- BORE NO PARTICULAR OPIN- discernment, but, frankly, I wish to ies foisted upon you to claim your TANTLY DISREGARD THE LAWS ;ouls for the physical evil Elite IONS REGARDINGTHESUBJECTS have my audience with me so that the :ontrollers. We come in total love OF GoD AND THE CREAT1oN--lT AT P(jIl+JT. 1 ASK THAT YOU mukit&sHEARWHAT I SAY AND md without intent of force, coer- Is F1NE IF ‘O” Do “--IT w1LL, READERS PONDER THIS INPUT RECOGNIZE WHO 1 AM AND 1 :ion or judging. “Judgi,ng” is a HoWEVER9 NoT GET ‘O” FORIAMADVANCINGBEYOND HAVEJUDGEDTHATTHISISTHE PROPER SEQUENCE TO ARRIVE ;tate of evaluation of self in the ABoARD SECURE PASSAGE OFF THIS TYPE OF DISSERTATION-- ‘OUR PRISoN* * wouLD ASK “l-HE~O~A~ONISF()RyOUR AT THAT PR~EN’ATION--AF- presence of Creator in which @ THESE TAPERS AND CHANNELS :ions in the physical experience USE AND GLEANING--I AM NOT TER YOU ONES HAVE ABILITY are evaluated.
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