THE CONGRESS OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL AUTHORITIES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE Russian Federation (18) San Marino (2) Serbia (7) Slovakia (5) Slovenia (3) Spain (12) Sweden (6) Switzerland (6) Turkey (18) Ukraine (12) United Kingdom (18) Bringing democracy to your doorstep at the heart of our cities and our regions FOR TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES 60 years of championing local democracy The Conference of Local Authorities, the predecessor of the Congress, held its first session in Strasbourg on 12 January 1957, under the presidency of Jacques Chaban-Delmas (France). Since then, the Congress has become a key player in building genuine grassroots democracy in Europe. n 1975, with the emergence I of a significant regional dimension in the member States, the remit of the Conference of Local Authorities was extended to include regions. It thus became the Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, bringing together all European territorial communities. A founding text Jacques Chaban-Delmas (France), first president of the Conference of Local Authorities, 12 January 1957. The strengthening of local democ- racy and the member States’ rec- of Local and Regional Authorities and underlined the Congress’ ognition of its increasing role led of the Council of Europe, which major role in carrying out this to the adoption of the European replaced the “Conference”. mission. Charter of Local Self-Government Recognition by Heads of Reinforcement of in 1985 (ECLSG). State Instruments A new stage after the At the 2005 Warsaw Summit, The Reference Framework Vienna Summit Council of Europe Heads of on Regional Democracy 1994 witnessed a new stage in State and Government reas- was developed in 2009. the advance of local and regional serted the importance of local The Committee of Ministers democracy, with the establish- and regional democracy for the of the Council of Europe ment of the present Congress democratic health of Europe encourages the govern- ments of member States to take into account this text in “As far as I know, this is the first time in the history connection to their policies and reforms. The Congress of democracies that the representatives of the local pursued its work to promote authorities have been invited to give their opinion the ECLSG, which now cov- ers the 47 member States of […], with the approval of the governments, on the the Council of Europe. possible terms of their participation in the institu- tions being set up.” Excerpt from the speech by Jacques Chaban-Delmas on 12 January 1957 2 FOR TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES Monitoring local democracy Assessing the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in each member State is at the heart of the Congress’ mission. his monitoring enables of the Charter. In addition, it situation of local and regional T constructive political dia- can carry out urgent fact-find- democracy in specific countries logue to be engaged with author- ing missions to look into cases and the application, in particular, ities in member states about of concern. The reports, recom- of the European Charter of Local local and regional democracy mendations and resolutions that Self-Government. Numerous leg- issues. The Congress undertakes it adopts provide information islative reforms have been set regular general country-by-coun- to governments, parliaments, in motion by member states on try monitoring exercises; it can associations, elected represent- the basis of the findings of these also examine a particular aspect atives and the media about the monitoring activities. The observation of local and regional elections and the monitoring the European Charter of Local Self-Government are two priorities of the Congress. Observing local and regional elections The Congress periodically observes local and regional elections, especially in Council of Europe member states. bservation activities, for Democratic Elections, but the Regions of the European O which cover both polling also with other internation- Union is also invited to partic- and election campaigns, allow al organisations such as the ipate in observation missions co-operation to be estab- OSCE Office for Democratic carried out by the Congress. lished at the highest level Institutions and Human with representatives of polit- Rights. The Committee of ical parties and groups, elec- toral commissions, the media Post-monitoring and post-observation and NGOs. Congress election observation exercises are con- Following the monitoring and the observation of elections, ducted in co-operation with the Congress puts in place a follow-up to ensure the imple- the Parliamentary Assembly mentation of its recommendations and, to this end, engag- of the Council of Europe and es a continued dialogue with member states. the Venice Commission, in particular through the Council 3 FOR TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES Cooperation and partnerships The Congress has reinforced co-operation and partnerships with mem- ber states and other institutions and European associations in order to consolidate territorial democracy. Activities in the field are proposed to further ensure the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self- Government and of the Congress’ recommendations. A close partner- ship with the European Union In 2005, the Congress and the Committee of the Regions signed a cooperation agreement aimed at “advancing local The Congress organised the participation of Albanian representatives in the NEXPO 2013 and regional democracy, International Municipal Fair in Croatia. devolution and self-gov- ernance in Europe and ased on its monitoring of participation; positive campaigning (guaranteeing) the respect B local and regional democra- (with a view to local and region- of established local and cy as well as on the observation al elections); consultation and regional competences by of elections, the Congress offers dialogue between central and national and European its expertise to member States, local authorities; promotion and authorities”. This agree- and through its members, offers exchange of experiences in the ment was extended in implementation of human rights a pool of practical and political 2009, formalising the at local level; the regionalisation experiences, in particular: fields and methods of process; cross-border co-operation. • Assessment of the legal and co-operation between institutional national framework Contribution to action plans the two institutions. • ­Contribution to the drafting of Projects designed by the Congress new legislation and policies are part of the democratic com- Networks and hubs • Exchange of good practices, ponent of Council of Europe The Congress has also promot- peer-to-peer exchanges and Action Plans for its member States. ed good governance and citi- interactive seminars Co-operation projects are current- zen participation by supporting ly under way in Armenia, Bosnia • Sessions on leadership for associations of local authori- and Herzegovina (with a specific ties in close collaboration with local and regional elected rep- focus on Mostar), the Republic of their European networks (AER, resentatives Moldova, Ukraine and Kosovo*. CEMR) and encouraging the cre- According to the specific situation A co-operation project has been ation of networks, namely: the of the countries concerned, as finalised in Albania. Network of Associations of Local well as needs of local authori- Moreover, the Congress is active Authorities of South-East Europe ties, activities can be organised in the neighbourhood policy of (NALAS), the Association of Local in the following fields: the role the Council of Europe, aimed at Democracy Agencies (ALDA), and responsibilities of local elect- supporting territorial and legislative and the European Network of ed representatives; ethics in poli- reforms in neighbouring countries, Training Organisations for Local tics and decision-making; citizen such as Morocco and Tunisia. and Regional Authorities (ENTO). * All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo. 4 A POLITICALRÔLE POLITIQUE ASSEMBLY The pan-European assembly of territorial authorities The Congress is the body representing local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe’s 47 member States. t is the only European body throughout Europe. As the voice dialogue between national gov- I tasked with monitoring the of Europe’s municipalities and ernments and local and regional state of local and regional democ- regions, it works to foster grass- authorities, through cooperation racy and the development of local roots democracy while encour- with the Council of Europe’s and regional self-government aging consultation and political Committee of Ministers. The Congress’s achievements Since its establishment, for Regional Democracy in 2009, The Convention on the in Utrecht, (The Netherlands). This Participation of Foreigners the Congress has con- in Public Life at Local Level (1992). tributed to drawing up text serves as a body of principles which the Congress relies on for The European Charter for a range of international monitoring regional democracy. Regional or Minority Languages treaties, including The Congress’ long term (1992). the European Charter of objective is to develop it into a The European Urban Charter Local Self-Government, more binding tool, which would (1992) and the European Urban which has become be the regional counterpart of the Charter II :, Manifesto
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