No. 49 VOLUME XXXIl •Ail The County N k v s For Everybody’ MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1950 “A« The County News For Everybody» Billy Benson, HERE & THERE HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF MOCKSVILLE County Oratorical Kick4>ff D inner Sets Off PRESENTED BY MISS MARY HEITMAN • CURTIS SMITIIDEAL Contest Winner ^ Curtis Smithdcal. prominent Billy Benson of Mocksville was Former Students real estate dealer of High Point, Greyhound’s New declared county winner in the Red Cross Campaigit Of Sunnyside Academy is curveatly being boosted for Ro­ annual American Legion Orator­ Rev. A. J. Cox Double-Decker tary governor of the 28Ist district ical Contest held in the local court Are Guests of Rotary Mr. Smilhdeal was born at Ad­ 'louse Monday afternoon. His MURRAY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Heads Fund Drive Bus Displayed Miss Mary J. Hoitman, eminent vance and received his early edu­ subject was “The Constitution In iThe annual kick-off dinner for ’ "'-.I Several citizcns of Mocksville historian of Davie county, gave cation in the Advance schools. A Changing World.” DAVIE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION the 1950 Red Cross fund campaign 'were among tho guests of the At- brief historical sketches of events Billy will represent Davie was held in the Masonic Hall on lanic Greyhound company on a in Mocksville during its early FIVE FATALrriES IN 1949 Directors Elected County in the state district con­ Monday night. trip on their “Sconicruiser” on days to the local Rotary club on During 1949, Davie county had Dr. R. D . W . Connor test to be held In Statesville, Fri­ At Annual Meeting Curtis Price, county chapter Tuesday. Tuesday. five fatalities in automobile ac­ day afternoon. .This district em­ M. H. Murray, prominent busi­ Rites Held Sunday chairman, presided over the meet­ G. H. C.' Shutt, D. J, Mando, T. Starting back with an undeter­ cidents, it was reported by the braces Iredell, Rowan and Davie ness and civic leader of Mocks­ Dr. R. D. W. Connor, one of ing, and presented John F. Mann, J. Caudell, J. R. Siler and Dr. W. mined date prior to the Revolu­ North Carolina Department of Counties. He is a member of the ville, was elected president of the North Carolina’s leading histor­ special field representative of the R. Wilkins took the trip on this tionary War, Miss Mary discussed Motor Vehicles. In 1948, Davie Junior Class of the local school. Davie Memorial association for ians, died at Watts hospital, Dur­ American Red Cross. Ultra-modern bus to Charlotte. the settlement that was then county also had five fatalities. Sue Wagner of the Cooleemee the coming year at the annual ham, February 25. Mr. Mann spoke of the work This "Scenicruiser” is being dis­ known as “Mock's Old Field.” She High School was awarded second meeting held Monday night In the Dr. Connor was the first ar­ the Red Cross carried on through­ played in connection with test reviewed the active churches pri­ 9HIITT CREW LEADER place. She spoke on "Our Fram­ courthouse. chivist of the United States. He out the world and of how this runs In order to determine public or to the Revolutionary period, George H, C. Shutt has been ing Fathers.” Murray succeeds G. H. C. Shutt, held the post for seven years and work was dependent solely upon^ acceptance ot it. The bus has a ca­ the most prominent being the Ea­ appointed crew leader for Davie This oratorical contest is spon­ retiring president, who was elect­ supervised the collection of great the contributions of the people. pacity of 43 passengers, 10 on the ton’s Baptist church, Fork Bap­ county for the 1950 census taking, sored annually on fa national ba­ ed to the board of directors. documents of American history Rev. A. J. Cox, finance chair­ driver's level and S3 upstairs. tist church, and the Joppa Pres­ it is announced this week by W. sis by the American Legion. G. N. Ward was elccted viceIn the big National Archives man for the 1950 campaign in Da­ There is a lounge at the rear byterian church. Lamont Brown, district supervi­ It is open to any high school president. Raymond Siler was re­ building. vie county, made a brief address of the second deck, with semi­ Mock’s 01« neM sor. Each crew leader will have boy and girl who may choose elected secretary and treasurer. He was the history in which he requested the coop* circular seats facing observation on faculty She stated that war records in from 15 to 20 enumerators work­ their subject on any phase of the eratlon of everyone In helping windows. A new type air condi­ p. J, Mando, C. G. Tomlinson pf the University of North Caro­ Washington mentioned a settle­ ing under his direct supervision. constitution of the .United States. Davie county meet its quota of VI tioning system changes the air in and G. H. C. Shutt were re-elect­ lina for many years and headed ment “Mock's Old Field in the G. O. Boose is serving as’ the $2,200. the coach every 40 seconds. The REVIVAL ed to serve on the board of di­ the department of history from forks of the Yadkin,” during the Oratorical Contest Director for Workers Ашишиеё bus also features washroom and rectors. 1930 through 1934. period of the Revolutionary War. The Rev. J. W. Groec is holding the local American Legion Posti Mr. Cox announced the follow­ toilet facilities, and a public ad­ R. S. McNeill was re-elected le­ Before joining the university That Lord Cornwallis marched in a revival at Bethlehem church, ing iiwrorkers ior the 1Ю0 cam­ dress system on which tape-re­ gal adviser to the association. faculty, he organized the North the vicinity of Mocksville on his on the Farmington circuit, this paign in their respective commu­ corded music is played. New Diieeton Elccted Carolina Historical commisison way to fight Greene at the Battle week. The public is cordially in­ nities: Mrs. Knox Johnstone, Tandem wheels in the rear in­ Three new members were elect­ and was Its secretary for 14 years. of Guilford Courthouse. The vited to attend these services. chairman of residential section ot stead of the usual dual type pro­ IT SEEMS TO ME: ed to the board of directors: Geo. In this job he began the collec­ spring atop Elisha Creek hiil from Mocksville; Ruftu Sanford, chair­ vide more traction to cut down Ry C. CU TOM LD fSON Hendricks, Woodrow Wilson and tion of North Carolina historical which it is said that Cornwallis INITIATION SERVICE man of business section of Mocks­ on skids, according to Greyhound Edward L. Short. records and documents at Raleigh. and his men drank. The Farmington Baptist Girls' MOCKSVILLR ACADEMY ville; Miss Opal Frye, Hanes officials. The Davie Memorial associa­ Waa 71 Teata O M The first postoffice was estab­ auxiliary is putting on an instal­ This week another of Mociu- Chair factory; Clarence Hartman, The “Scenicruiser is the next tion is dedicated to the building of Dr. Connor was stricken with lished in Mocksville in 1810, with lation and initiation service Sun­ ville’s old landmarks disappeared Heritage Furniture company, and type of bus to be manufactured a living memorial to the war vet­ a cerebral hemorrhage at his Basil Gaither as the first poirt- day night, March S, at 7:30. the old Mocksville academy other indiutries. for Greyhound. erans of Davie county in the form home at Chapel Hill Tuesday master. building, 1осаЫ behind the Char­ Mrs. ,G. V. GreeiM, Fork com­ snipv COV lie Woednitf on WUkeshoi« of ^..«rganiied athletic and .comW -PMtir-ft M iy" cal list at the hospital since. He munity; Mrs. Alpha Vogier, chair­ Mrs. Jessie Ames of Tryon, will street, was torn down . For mtmity recreation program. This Brock and Evans During the 1820’s Peter Stew­ was 71 years old. man of Shady Grove community, review the mission study book, many years this building had been group is charged with the direc­ art Ney was in the Mocksville vi­ Funeral services were held at assisted by J. D. Parker; Mrs. J. To Attend Meeting “Me the Peoples of the Enumen- used as a barn . .. 'This old build­ tion and maintenance of Rich cinity. This Ney, whom many be­ the Chapel Hill Episcopal church K. McCullough, Mrs. Ray Sow. Former Senator B. C. Brock and Ical Church,” by Wlnlfrled Wygal ing, now located on property be­ Park and the facilities therein. lieve to be the famed Marshal Sunday, and burial was in the ers, Cornatzer; Miss Caroline George Evans arc slated to be on March 9, In the Methodist longing to the Farmers Hardware Last year over $10,000 was Ney of Napoleonic France, was Chapel Hill cemetery. The Rev. Hartman, Advance; Miss Laura among those from Davie county church. The first session will be company, has been torn down and raised from public subscription to listed among the voters in Mocks­ David W. Yates, rector, conducted Shutt, Eibaville; Mrs. Travis Rob­ attending the meeting at Wilkes­ held from 4-6 o'clock, a covered the land will be leveled off into light and Improve the athletic ville in 1825. Although he taught the services. inson, and Mrs. Houston Crater, boro Thursday. dish supper will be served from lots . From Miss Mary Helt- field and commence the recrea­ school in the vicinity. Miss Mary Dr. Connor retired from active Bixby. At this meeting at the county 6-7, and the second session held man, recognized county historian, tion program. stated that it had never been prov­ teaching last spring but had con­ Mrs.
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