Past Performance of the Nominated Horses

Past Performance of the Nominated Horses

Past Performance of the Nominated Horses 2016 Sunday November 13th post time 15:40 Race 11 THE QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 CUP G1 KYOTO Racecourse 2200m Turf (right handed), 3-Year-Olds & Up, Fillies & Mares 54kg for 3-year-olds, 56kg for 4-year-olds & up Southern Hemisphere Bred Horses born in 2013 allowed 2kg Total Value JPY 200,480,000 *exclusive of Stakes Money, inclusive of Participation Incentive Money *Information as of November 2nd Please note: *1 Track conditions are described according to Japanese standard which consists of four levels and description may differ from that of the country where the race was run. Four levels: Turf - firm, good, yielding, soft Dirt - standard, good, muddy, sloppy *2 The colomn "Breeder" used to indicate "breeding farm" until Dec 2006, however, from Jan 2007 it indicates "broodmare's owner". Due to this modification in the database, NOT all of the Breeder data are available. *3 Margin is described in terms of time difference (seconds) for Japanese races. For most of the foreign races it is in terms of length, but in some cases the fractions may be adjusted (eg. 9 3/4 Lg ---> 10 Lg). *4 "Total Money Earned in JRA races" includes Stakes Money but does not include Participation Incentive Money. Asuka Biren(JPN) Bay F4 56 kg Black Tide-() Swept Regina Swept Overboard past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 15 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 10 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 80,562,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Koji Kanda Hidemasa Nakao Tomio Kanda Track Cond. of final strech Weight Position order Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/10/15 TOKYO THE FUCHU HIMBA STAKES OPN (G2) T1800 Firm - Daisaku Matsuda 54 7 9 7 (4) 4th 01:47.0 15.2 (7) 13 466kg Queens Ring(JPN) 0.4 Queens Ring 01:46.6 <1 1/2> Magic Time <1/2> Smart Layer 2016/8/14 KOKURA HAKATA STAKES ALW-16M T2000 Firm - Daisaku Matsuda 54 6 7 9 7 (1) 1st 02:00.4 5.9 (2) 11 470kg <Akaneiro(JPN)> -0.1 Asuka Biren 02:00.4 <3/4> Akaneiro <1 3/4> Red Ruler 2016/6/4 HANSHIN MIKI TOKUBETSU ALW-10M T1800 Firm - Daisaku Matsuda 55 3 4 (1) 1st 01:45.0 5.9 (3) 12 460kg <Baigaeshi(JPN)> -0.3 Asuka Biren 01:45.0 <1 3/4> Baigaeshi <1/2> Bravely 2016/5/15 KYOTO PEARL STAKES ALW-16M T1800 Firm - Daisaku Matsuda 55 3 3 (8) 8th 01:45.9 3.5 (2) 11 464kg Lilavati(JPN) 0.6 Lilavati 01:45.3 <NK> Red Olivia <1 3/4> Bonjour Kokoro 2016/3/13 HANSHIN UZUSHIO STAKES ALW-16M T1600 Firm - Kenichi Ikezoe 55 2 3 (4) 4th 01:35.4 4 (2) 14 470kg Andriette(JPN) 0.1 Andriette 01:35.3 <HD> Bella Voce <3/4> Admire Night *for Jump races running on Dirt in final strech Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 2001 m - 2200 m 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 2. at Kyoto RC 6 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 5 3. on wet* surface 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 *yielding or soft Chaleur(JPN) Chestnut F4 56 kg Zenno Rob Roy-() Great Fever Kaldoun past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 16 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 5 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 94,303,000 Owner Trainer Breeder U.Carrot Farm Mikio Matsunaga Shadai Corporation Inc. Track Cond. of final strech Weight Positionorder Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/10/15 TOKYO THE FUCHU HIMBA STAKES OPN (G2) T1800 Firm - Norihiro Yokoyama 54 1 1 1 (10) 10th 01:47.8 7 (4) 13 468kg Queens Ring(JPN) 1.2 Queens Ring 01:46.6 <1 1/2> Magic Time <1/2> Smart Layer 2016/7/31 SAPPORO THE HOKKAIDO SHIMBUN HAI QUEEN STAKES OPN (G3) T1800 Firm - Norihiro Yokoyama 55 2 2 2 2 (2) 2nd 01:47.74.2 (1) 13 464kg Makoto Brillar(JPN) 0.0 Makoto Brillar 01:47.7 <HD> Chaleur <2 1/2> Dantsu Cancer 2016/5/15 TOKYO THE VICTORIA MILE OPN (G1) T1600 Firm - Norihiro Yokoyama 55 3 4 (18) 18th 01:34.8 30.5 (9) 18 454kg Straight Girl(JPN) 3.3 Straight Girl 01:31.5 <2 1/2> Mikki Queen <NS> Shonan Pandora 2016/4/23 FUKUSHIMA THE FUKUSHIMA HIMBA STAKES OPN (G3) T1800 Firm - Norihiro Yokoyama 54 6 6 6 7 (2) 2nd 01:47.72.8 (1) 16 454kg Makoto Brillar(JPN) 0.2 Makoto Brillar 01:47.5 <1 1/4> Chaleur <NK> Otsu 2016/2/6 TOKYO HATSUNE STAKES ALW-16M T1800 Firm - Norihiro Yokoyama 54 3 3 4 (1) 1st 01:45.8 4.8 (2) 14 450kg <Lilavati(JPN)> -0.3 Chaleur 01:45.8 <2> Lilavati <1> Mallow Blue Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 2001 m - 2200 m 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 2. at Kyoto RC 3 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 3. on wet* surface 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 *yielding or soft Denko Ange(JPN) Dark Bay F3 54 kg Meisho Samson-() Denko Lucky Marienbard past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 9 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 7 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 45,525,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Yasuhiro Tanaka Yoshiyuki Arakawa Yasuhiro Tanaka Track Cond. of final strech Weight Position order Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to notePlacing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/10/16 KYOTO THE SHUKA SHO OPN (G1) T2000 Firm- Hiroyuki Uchida 55 17 17 16 16 (9) 9th 01:59.3 20.3 (6) 18 442kg Vivlos(JPN) 0.7 Vivlos 01:58.6 <1/2> Pearl Code <1/2> Kaiserball 2016/9/18 HANSHIN THE KANSAI TELECASTING CORP.SHO ROSE STAKES OPN (G2)T1800 Yielding - Hiroyuki Uchida54 8 8 (4) 4th 01:47.1 28.2 (8) 15 440kg Sinhalite(JPN) 0.4 Sinhalite 01:46.7 <NS> Crocosmia <1/2> Kaiserball 2016/5/22 TOKYO THE YUSHUN HIMBA (JAPANESE OAKS) OPN (G1) T2400 Firm- Yuga Kawada 55 12 11 10 11 (9) 9th 02:25.4 18.1 (6) 18 432kg Sinhalite(JPN) 0.4 Sinhalite 02:25.0 <NK> Cecchino <1/2> Biche 2016/4/10 HANSHIN THE OKA SHO (JAPANESE 1000 GUINEAS) OPN (G1) T1600 Firm- Yuga Kawada 55 16 15 (10) 10th 01:34.438.3 (7) 18 442kg Jeweler(JPN) 1.0 Jeweler 01:33.4 <NS> Sinhalite <1 3/4> At the Seaside 2016/3/5 HANSHIN THE TULIP SHO OPN (G3) T1600 Firm- Yuga Kawada 54 8 7 (5) 5th 01:33.1 14.9 (6) 16 450kg Sinhalite(JPN) 0.3 Sinhalite 01:32.8 <NS> Jeweler <1 1/2> Lavender Valley Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1. In distance between starts 1st 2nd 3rd unplcd 2001 m - 2200 m 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 2. at Kyoto RC 2 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 3. on wet* surface 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 *yielding or soft Hiruno Matera(JPN) Dark Bay M5 56 kg Manhattan Cafe -()Concern Nacca Concern past performance (starts-1st-2nd-3rd-unplaced): 24 - 5 - 5 - 2 - 12 Total Money Earned in JRA races : JPY 111,977,000 Owner Trainer Breeder Hiruno Co. Ltd. Mitsugu Kon Tsuji Bokujo Samani Kyoei Bokujo et al. Track Cond. of final strech Weight Positionorder Status Official Finish time Win Win Horse Winner Margin First three finishers and finishing time of winner Date Racecourse Race Distance Jockey Runners Condition in Jump races * (Kg) 1c 2c 3c 4c at WP to note Placing (1/10s) Odds Fav. Weight <2nd place> (seconds) < > margin between winner and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd respectively 2016/10/30 KYOTO CASSIOPEIA STAKES OPN T1800 Firm- Hirofumi Shii 54 10 10 (1) 1st 01:46.1 7.9 (5) 12 462kg <Clarity City(JPN)> -0.2 Hiruno Matera 01:46.1 <1 1/4> Clarity City <HD> Beruf 2016/6/12 HANSHIN THE MERMAID STAKES OPN (G3) T2000 Firm- Hirofumi Shii51 14 14 14 11 (2) 2nd 01:59.3 13.3 (7) 14 462kg Lilavati(JPN) 0.0 Lilavati 01:59.3 <NK> Hiruno Matera <NK> Kokorono Ai 2016/5/15 KYOTO PEARL STAKES ALW-16M T1800 Firm- Keisuke Dazai 55 10 10 (4) 4th 01:45.6 7.8 (4) 11 464kg Lilavati(JPN) 0.3 Lilavati 01:45.3 <NK> Red Olivia <1 3/4> Bonjour Kokoro 2016/5/1 KYOTO TADASUNOMORI TOKUBETSU ALW-10M T1800 Firm- Hirofumi Shii 55 2 2 (1) 1st 01:47.8 4.4 (3) 11 464kg <Working Pride(JPN)> -0.1 Hiruno Matera 01:47.8 <1/2> Working Pride <2 1/2> Nagara Flower 2016/3/26 HANSHIN ALW-10M T1600 Firm- Hirofumi Shii55 7 7 (3) 3rd 01:35.2 4.6 (3) 12 464kg Chevalier(JPN) 0.0 Chevalier 01:35.2 <HD> Top Art <HD> Hiruno Matera Past performance ..(*JRA Turf races only) 1.

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