5020 CONGRESSIONAL ·REGORD--SENATE· MARcH' 10 Harland N. Brown, :Mayfield. ' VERMONT Amideas J. Hinman, Mohawk. William M. Batchelder, Dorset. L. Belden Crane, Mount Kisco. Carrie E. Sturtevant, East Fairfield. Wilfred D. Cheney, Newton Falls. Charles F. Thurber, Fairlee. Leo F. Wixom, North Cohocton. Garvin R. Magoon, Gilman. Esther·L. Smith, North Lawrence. Ida H. Hr'-ton, Newbury. Deane Mitchell, Odessa. Walter A. Amsden, Proctorsville. Edward T. Sheffer, Shortsville. Arthur G. Folsom, Tunbridge. Clarence B. Dibble,· Sidney Center. Lilla S~ Hager, Wallingford. Carolyn E. Perkins, South Otselic. Mabe(E. Stanton, Wellsburg. VIRGIN ISLANDS George Hubbard, West Coxsackie. Bartholin R. Larsen, Christiansted. Ahava Rathbun, Williamstown. WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA Nicholas M. Field, Camas. Samuel B. Edwards, Tryon. Joseph W. Chatfield, Chelan. NORTH DAKOTA Theo Hall, Medical Lake. Olaf 0. Bjorke, Abercrombie. Wayne S. Kelsey, Opportunity. Estelle A. Kingery, Forbes. Julius 0. Byron, Selah. Alf J. Dunnum, Kensal. Laura P. Mcintyre, Skykomish. Anna E. Reimers, Max. Frank Hurst, Washtucna. John A. Halberg, Park .River. Marvin Broton, Petersburg. WEST VIRGINIA OHIO Calvin Shockey, McComas. Anderson C. Early, Mullens. Myrtle M. Feller, Brecksville. Carl Ledman, Byesville. Lilly Moser, Paw Paw. Charles E. Schindler, Coldwater. Melvin 0. Whiteman, Wallace. Allen G. Bogart, Columbus Grove. WISCONSIN Adda B. Henkle, La Rue. Glenn L. Schwandt, Curtiss. Earl R. Burfor{}, Minerva. Edwin E. Weinmann, lola. Ward B. Petty, Sycamore. Benjamin S. Dillehay; Waterford. OKLAHOMA SENATE Jesse M. Kimball, Davenport. MoNDAY, March 10, 1930 OREGON Ben Weathers, Enterprise. (Legislative day of Monday, January 6, 1930) Thomas Thompson, Pendleton. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the Ellis L. Morse, Spray. recess. Jesse E. Tulley, Wallowa. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a message William E. Tate, Wasco. from the Honse of Representatives. PENNSYLVANIA MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE--ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED · Eva E. Sechler, Cherry Tree. Harry B. Arnold, Clarion. A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Chaffee, Harry L. Koons, East Pittsburgh. one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker had affixed his William G. Childs, Grand Valley. signature to the enrolled joint resolution (S. J. Res. 109) ex­ Jefferson B. Hershey, McKeesport. tending for two years the time within which American claimants Wilberforce Schweyer, Miffiintown. may make application for payment, under the settlement of war Benjamin L. Ross, Monongahela. claims act of 1928, of a wards of the Mixed Claims Commission Isaac H. Snader, New Holland. and of the Tripartite Claims Commission, and for one year the Newton E. Palmer, Oxford. time within which claims may be filed with the Alien Property Boward 0. Boyer, Rural Valley. CustQdian, and it was signed by the Vice President. Albert E . Franklin, Sutersville. DEFICIENCY APPROPB.I.ATIONB Oscar Maul, Turbotville. Mr. JONES. From the Committee on Appropriations I re­ Dayton W. !tfills, Ulster. port back favorably with amendments the bill (H. R. 9979) Hettie C. Taylor, Westtown. making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain Jacob M. Aiken, Yeagertown. appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and SOUTH CAROLINA prior fiscal years, to provide urgent supplemental appropria­ William W. Thornton, Enoree. · tions for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1930, and June 30, Jasper E. Johnson, Gray Court. 1931, and for other purposes, and I submit a report (No. 262) William B. Daughtrey, Sumter. · thereon. Loring Terry, Yemassee. The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be placed on the Calendar. SOUTH DAKOTA TARIFF DUTY ON CEMENT Harry E. Mosher, Dupree. Mr. NYE. .Mr. President, to comply with the rule, I enter TENNESSEE a. motion to reconsider the vote whereby the Senate placed a duty on cement. Charles S. Harrison, Benton. Fred S. Pipkin, Lafayette. DEATH OF MR. JUSTICE SANFORD Lorenzo A. Large, Niota. Mr. BROCK. Mr. President, the sudde~ death of Justice Capp A. Richards, Saulsbury. Edward Terry Sanford, of the United States Supreme Court, TEXAS which occurred in this city on Saturday last, came as a shock to the people of the Nation. Mr. Justice Sanford was one of William C. Kenyon, Amarillo. Tennessee's distinguished sons and was loved and admired by James H. Carpenter, Brownfield. all. The Nation has lost one of its greatest jurists. I offer the Robert H. Stone, Canadian. following resolution, which I send to the desk, and ask that it George C. Young, Dallas. may be read and considered by the Senate. Delmont Greenstreet, Ennis. The resolution ( S. Res. 230) was read, considered by unani- Larkin B. Richardson, Groesbeck. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: · George W. L. Smith, Henderson. Sislie Curtis, Larue. Resolved, That the sudden death of -Justice Edward Terry Sanford, which occurred in this city at 12 o'clock and 20 minutes p. m., on UTAH Saturday last, causes profound sorrow and deep regret to the Mem­ John P. l\IcGuiJ.·e, Provo. bers of this body. '1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5021 DEATH OJ!' WILLIAM HOWARD TAFr art witk me. Tky rod and Tky staff, they comfort me. Thou Mr. WATSON. 1\Ir. President, it is not appropriate at this preparest a table before me in tke presence of mine enemies; time to enter upon any extended eulogy of the life, character, Thou anointest my kead witlt oil~· my CU1J runneth over. Surely and public services of William Howard Taft, but when so emi­ goodness (1-nd mercy shall tol"low me all th.e days· of 1r1111 life, ana nent a citizen passes from among us, one who has occupied I will awell in tne house of the Lora forever. Amen. the lofty position of President of the United States, as well The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, March 7, 1930, was as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, it is altogether fitting read and approved. and appropriate that some note of his passing should be made MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE by this body. To that end and for that purpose I offer the reso­ lutions which I send to the clerk's desk, for the immediate A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, consideration of which I ask unanimous consent. announced that the Senate had passed, with amendments, in The resolutions (S. Res. 231) were read, considered by unani­ which the concurrence of the House is requested, a joint resolu- mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows : tion of the House of the following title: · H. J. Res. 205. Joint resolution to provide for the expenses of Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sensibility and participation by the United States in the International Fur deep sorrow the announcement of the death of William Howard Taft, Trade Exhibition and Congress to be held in Germany in 1930. former President and Chief ·Justice of the United States. The message also announced that the Senate disagrees to the Resolved, That as a token of honor to the many virtues, public and amendments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. private, of the illustrious statesman, and as a mark of respect to one 3168) entitled "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to au­ who bas held such eminent public station, the President of the Senate thorize and direct the survey, construction, and maintenance of shall appoint a committee of 20 Senators to attend the funeral of Mr. a memorial highway to connect Mount Vernon, in the State of Taft on behalf of the Senate. Virginia, with the Arlington Memorial Bridge across the Poto­ Resolved, That such committee may join such committee as may mac River at Washington,' by adding thereto two new sections, be appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to consider to be numbered sections 8 and 9," requests a conference with the and report by what further token of respect and affection it may be House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and proper for the Congress of the United States to express the deep appoints 1\Ir. FEss, Mr. HowELL, and Mr. McKELLAR to be the sensibility of the Nation. conferees on the part of the Senate. Resolved, That the Secretary transmit these resolutions to the House The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the affiicted family amendments of the House to the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 109) of the illustrious dead. entitled " Joint resolution extending for two years the time Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate be authorized within which American claimants may make application for and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out payment, under the settlement of war claims act of 1928, of the provisions of these resolutions. awards of the Mixed Claims Commission and of the Tripartite The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the second resolution the Claims Commission." Chair appoints as the committee on behalf of the Senate the The message also announced that the Vice President had ap­ Senator from Indiana [Mr. WATSON], the Senator from Mon­ pointed Mr. MosEs and Mr. FLETCHER members of the Joint Se­ tana [Mr. WALSH], the Senator from Utah [Mr. SMooT], the lect Committee on the part of the Senate, as provided for in the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. OVERMAN], the Senator act of February 16, 1889, as amended by the act of March 2, from Idaho [Mr. BoRAH], the senior Senator from Florida [Mr. 1895, entitled "An act to authorize and provide for the disposi­ FLETCHER], the Senator from ·washington [Mr. JoNES], the tion of useless papers in the executive departments," for the junior Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAMMELL], the Senator disposition of useless papers in the Government Printing Office.
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